Chris Was Ready To Become A Full Stack Developer. Are you?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: March 28th 2023

How do I become a full stack developer

How Chris overcame the obstacles to reach his dream job.

Carrying around the heavy burden of a job you dread is exhausting.

Imagine setting down that weight and feeling the relief wash over you, knowing that on Monday morning you'll get to do something enjoyable.

This is exactly what happened to Chris Scott.

After working in the fitness industry for a decade, he lost the passion he once had for it.

With Covid impacting the industry and one too many people not following through had Chris mulling over the idea of a new career that fit his personality.

Chris’ past experiences with programming came to mind; computers are precise, right?

Getting back to something he loved doing would resolve a lot of tension.

Plus, tech is a growing industry–it sounded like a great option to Chris.

As Chris delved deeper into what it takes to become a software developer, he became intrigued by the idea of providing solutions to problems and the ability to create something.

Now he had to decide how to take the first step.

Did he want to take the time to learn on his own for free or fast-track his learning by paying for school?

Chris landed on what he thought was a great compromise: a coding bootcamp.

He found that Nucamp's coding bootcamps offered a structured curriculum with convenient scheduling that helped him work towards his goals while maintaining his full-time job.

Not to mention, the bootcamps were affordable.

Chris completed both the Back End and Front End bootcamps, finding both spectrums of development exciting.

During the bootcamps, Chris developed a full stack fitness app as his portfolio project.

He used this app with his clients while he was still working as a personal trainer to track measurements, workouts, photos.

Chris especially enjoyed knowing that he had created something people can use.

The experiences Chris had at Nucamp allowed him to meet peers in the industry, forging a new network for himself in the tech industry.

He also overcame some doubts and difficulties along the way.

Learning to code was challenging, but Chris reminded himself to ask for help when he needed it and that he would have to continue to work for what he wanted.

After graduating from Nucamp, he applied to jobs anywhere he could but Indeed ending up being the best resource for him.

Although it was disappointing to invest so much time into applications that did not get him a job, it was worth it at the end when Chris’ offer letter arrived.

He is now working as a Full Stack Developer on an internal React website and a Mobile React Native app, integrating custom software with Amazon’s API.

This journey completely transformed Chris’ perspective; he really enjoys coding and looks forward to M-F almost more than the weekends.

Chris enjoys working from home doing something he loves, which makes it not feel like work.

His advice for those thinking about attending a coding bootcamp is to do their research and find one that fits their schedule and budget.

For those who have committed to a bootcamp, Chris recommends building a portfolio during the program and seek advice from friends and instructors when needed.

Chris faced difficulties and doubts, but he persevered and found a job he loves.

If you're considering a career in coding, take Chris' advice and do your research, find a bootcamp that fits your needs, and don't be afraid to seek advice and ask questions.

Who knows?

You could be the next success story!


Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.