Campfire #49 Overview: Unlock Your Potential With Career Coaching

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: February 9th 2023

Career coaching for coding bootcamp developers

Nucamp Instructor and Career Coach Ghani Zahid answers your questions about Nucamp's career coaching

In this episode of Campfire, Nucamp's CEO, Ludo Fourrage, was joined by Nucamp Instructor and Career Coach Ghani Zahid to answer your questions about Nucamp's career coaching and the best tips and tricks to land a job in tech.

There were great questions answered and just as great advice shared to boost your chances of landing your first job.

Ghani first explained the differences between Nucamp’s instructors and career coaches.

Then he was asked about the process for Nucamp students to connect with a career coach.

Once students graduate, they are asked to complete a final survey and then are able to schedule a meeting with a career coach.

From there graduates have access to 4 sessions with their coach that will provide 1:1 personalized advice and actionable steps toward their job search.

Some key advice Ghani imparted to viewers was to maintain daily coding practice, to keep your LinkedIn and resume up to date, and to track all job applications.

Nucamp career coaches provide their graduates with a spreadsheet specially designed to help with tracking job applications.

One viewer wrote in to ask, “I’ve applied and it’s not working… do you have advice?”

Ludo and Ghani agreed that they should make sure their resume and LinkedIn explicitly highlight what their skills are.

Include projects that show the detailed progress you made along the way that is linked to your GitHub.

(Getting eyes on your GitHub is a great way to show your daily coding progress from the earlier advice.)

They also spoke to the quality of job applications vs the quantity applied.

Another view asked, “What would you suggest to someone looking to land their first dev job? I’m changing careers with no professional experience, but I did take Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp and now I am taking the Full Stack bootcamp. Is it too early to apply now?”

Ludo and Ghani’s advice was they should wait until learning React to begin applying.

The Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp is only an introductory course and does not cover enough for someone to apply for a job.

Whereas the Full Stack Bootcamp does teach enough to prepare someone to apply to entry-level positions.

They specified waiting until learning React within the course since more employers want to see that you know how to work with API’s.

Something to consider is if you land a job interview way too early, it may hinder you mentally if you enter an interview with technical questions about topics you haven’t heard of before.

What they suggested the viewer do is begin researching local companies and look into common technical questions.

It’s never too early to prepare!

Ludo and Ghani also did a few live portfolio, resume, and LinkedIn reviews that included tips most people could apply to their own.

This episode is packed with job search advice that you will need to watch for yourself.

Watch the video:


Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.