Campfire #52 Overview: How A Coding Bootcamp Changed His Life
Last Updated: March 23rd 2023

David shares how he gained the skills and confidence to pursue his dream job.
Nucamp Graduate and now Web Developer, David Repasky, joined Nucamp’s CEO Ludo Fourrage for episode #52 of Campfire.
Ludo and David’s conversation started by covering David’s story breaking into web development.
David Graduated from Nucamp’s Full Stack Bootcamp in June 2022.
David did not discover tech late by any means.
He has always been close to it, but in his mind, he was not close enough to be satisfied with his career.
After graduating with a degree in information systems technology, he was unable to bridge the gap between his career goals and the jobs he held.
He customized Wordpress sites in his free time with the goal to become a full-time web developer, but learning everything on his own around miscellaneous day jobs wasn’t an easy task.
David turned to Nucamp to guide the way to his web development career.
“It was really hard to break into tech but if I'd had a coding bootcamp like Nucamp back when I first started it probably would have been a lot a lot quicker of a path than the one I went on.”
David's biggest obstacle was not having instructors to turn to for help when he got stuck.
This often led to unproductive time spent spinning his wheels.
Fortunately, Nucamp provided the support he needed to make consistent progress.
“Learning from Nucamp was absolutely transformative because Nucamp took all the skills that I've acquired from all these different places and put together how everything works and is supposed to go together.”
To read more about how David fulfilled his career goals after graduating from Nucamp check out his recent Student Spotlight feature.
Ludo and David also talked about David’s experience freelancing, how he optimized his LinkedIn for recruiters, his thoughts on the future of AI and coding, and more.
To listen to all the details like how David explained how his freelance journey forced him to learn new skills and accumulate a lot of skills quickly, watch the full episode:
Samantha Anderson
Marketing Manager
Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.