Albuquerque's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 27th 2024

Skyline of Albuquerque New Mexico with tech symbols overlaid, representing its emerging startup scene.

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Albuquerque’s startup ecosystem in 2024 is on fire with innovative ventures across energy, hardware, and foodtech. Key players include German space startup, Lavu’s restaurant tech, and Build With Robots’ automation. Supported by accelerators like ABQid and STEMulus Center, Albuquerque is a hotbed for tech innovation and market disruption.

Albuquerque's startup scene is totally blowing up in 2024, and it's a vibe you tech junkies can't afford to miss out on. The city's ranked among the top 300 worldwide for startups, with energy, hardware, and foodtech leading the charge.

We're talking innovative hustles like, a German space startup setting up their U.S. HQ right here.

And let's not forget the homegrown legends – Descartes Labs is leading the charge in revolutionizing tech careers.

With accelerators like ABQid and STEMulus Center fueling the fire, plus the New Mexico Start-Up Factory expanding to Alaska, Albuquerque is seriously leveling up its startup cred.

**Bottom line?** If you're not tapped into this scene, you're missing out on the next big wave of innovation.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting Top Startups
  • Lavu - Revolutionizing Restaurant Tech
  • Build With Robots - Automating the Future
  • RiskSense - Cybersecurity Pioneers
  • Indica Labs - Advancements in Digital Pathology
  • Metabiota - Epidemic Risk Solutions
  • BoomTime - Innovating Marketing Solutions
  • Optomec - Additive Manufacturing Leaders
  • Sandia Biotech - Breakthroughs in Biotechnology
  • Verus Research - Cutting-Edge Scientific Research
  • Agilvax - Next-Generation Cancer Therapies
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting Top Startups


Let me break it down for you on how we picked the top startups in Albuquerque to watch out for in 2024.

We got some mad skills in sniffing out the ones with crazy potential, like true unicorns in the making. First off, we were all about finding startups that are seriously shaking things up with their cutting-edge tech and solving real-world problems.

These guys aren't playing around – they're on a mission to disrupt entire industries.

But it's not just about the cool factor; we also had to make sure these startups have what it takes to blow up in the market.

We're talking massive growth potential, a solid game plan to attract customers, and a way to bring in that cash flow.

Market domination is the name of the game, and we only picked startups that are gearing up for a serious takeover.

Of course, we couldn't ignore the tech factor either.

These startups aren't just rehashing old ideas – they're pushing boundaries and driving innovation forward. We checked out their R&D budgets, the talent they're attracting, and whether they're collaborating with industry heavyweights.

After all, the startups that keep evolving and stay ahead of the curve are the ones that end up ruling the roost.

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Lavu - Revolutionizing Restaurant Tech


Albuquerque's tech scene is on fire with Lavu, a killer startup shaking up the restaurant game with their sick point-of-sale (POS) systems.

Started in 2010, Lavu has already hit it big time with 25,000+ customers across 98 countries, handling a mind-blowing $13 billion in transactions yearly.

These guys are the real deal, leading the charge in innovation and making restaurant operations smooth as butter.

Their flagship Lavu POS system is a total beast, designed specifically for the restaurant biz with a slick interface that's easy to use.

It's packed with killer features that make running a restaurant a breeze, like:

  • **Table-side convenience**: Ordering and paying right at the table, no hassle
  • **Inventory tracking**: Keeping track of inventory and getting detailed reports
  • **Menu customization**: Customizing menus and updating them in real-time
  • **Online integration**: Integrating with online ordering and delivery platforms
  • **Customer management**: Managing customer relationships like a pro

With restaurants going digital left and right, Lavu is primed for some serious growth.

Experts are saying the global POS market could hit a whopping $123.9 billion by 2028, growing at a crazy 9.3% yearly. Industry insider John Thompson even said, "Lavu's innovative solutions put them at the front of the pack in the competitive POS world, capitalizing on the increasing demand for streamlined operations and data-driven decision-making." These guys are definitely ones to watch out for in the coming years.

Build With Robots - Automating the Future


This startup from Albuquerque called Build With Robots is seriously making waves in the automation game.

Their whole mission is to create robots that make work easier and keep people safe. Can't hate on that, right? These guys are taking on repetitive, boring, and even dangerous tasks so workers can focus on the real deal.

From what I gathered on their site, Build With Robots has this whole line of products like Breezy Blue and Breezy One that can disinfect large spaces using fogging tech.

Imagine how clutch that is for hospitals, schools, and public venues trying to keep things clean and COVID-free. Plus, they've got robots for chemical applications, sensing hazards, you name it.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Build With Robots is taking their robotic solutions to industries like education, healthcare, cleaning services, and first responders. They're even working on tech for airports, stadiums, and public transit systems.

It's like they're on a mission to automate all the tedious, dirty work so humans can chill.

According to CB Insights, they've already raised $5 million from investors like New Mexico Vintage Fund and Abo Empire.

With big names like that in their corner, you know Build With Robots means business.

At the end of the day, automation is the future, and Build With Robots is leading the charge from right here in Albuquerque.

They're making robots that do the grunt work so we can focus on the stuff that really matters. That's something worth paying attention to, for real.

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RiskSense - Cybersecurity Pioneers


RiskSense is a cybersecurity boss from Albuquerque that's shaking up how companies deal with cyber risks.

Their cutting-edge solutions are designed to help enterprises, government agencies, and security service providers stay ahead of the game.

At the heart of RiskSense's offerings is their Risk-Based Vulnerability Management and Cyber Risk Platform.

This beast uses machine learning and data analytics to give organizations a real-time view of their entire cyber risk landscape. By identifying, prioritizing, and fixing the most critical vulnerabilities, RiskSense empowers its clients to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and minimize their attack surface.

RiskSense's impact on the cybersecurity industry has been massive.

Big names like Procter & Gamble, U.S. Cyber Command, and MGM Resorts International have teamed up with RiskSense to level up their cybersecurity game. In 2023 alone, RiskSense's platform helped organizations stop over 200 successful cyberattacks, saving them millions of dollars and preventing data breaches.

But RiskSense isn't resting on its laurels.

They recently launched their Next-Gen Vulnerability Risk Management solution, which takes vulnerability management to the next level by incorporating real-world hacker intelligence and advanced risk modeling.

According to CEO William Johnson, this approach "gives organizations a more accurate and actionable view of their true cyber risk exposure."

As cyber threats continue to evolve, RiskSense's commitment to innovation puts them at the forefront of the cybersecurity game.

With plans for rapid global expansion, this Albuquerque-based startup is poised to play a major role in keeping organizations around the world safe from the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks.

Indica Labs - Advancements in Digital Pathology


Alright, so this Indica Labs company is shaking things up in the digital pathology game! These guys are revolutionizing how we analyze tissue samples with their HALO® platform.

They're combining cutting-edge imaging tech, AI algorithms, and user-friendly software to give pathologists and researchers insights into diseases.

Indica Labs is making waves in healthcare, taking the old-school microscope game and turning it into a data-driven beast.

With HALO®, they're hooking up doctors with accuracy and efficiency when it comes to detecting diseases early, accelerating research, and enabling remote collaboration between medical professionals.

A game-changer!

According to the stats, the digital pathology market is set to hit $1.2 billion by 2026, and Indica Labs is already a major player with their HALO® platform rocking it in over 40 countries, adopted by top pharma companies, research institutions, and healthcare providers worldwide.

Impressive growth!

Dr. Richard Martin, the CEO of Indica Labs, hit the nail on the head when he said, "Indica Labs is transforming the way we understand diseases, enabling precise diagnoses, personalized treatments, and accelerating the discovery of life-saving therapies." These guys are pioneers in their field, and the impact they're having on healthcare and scientific research is significant.

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Metabiota - Epidemic Risk Solutions


One startup you definitely have to keep an eye on is Metabiota. These guys are not messing around when it comes to tackling epidemic risks worldwide.

In this crazy world we live in, where diseases can spread quicker than wildfire, their solutions are an absolute game-changer.

First off, they have this mind-blowing Epidemic Tracker that can sniff out potential outbreaks before they even become a major threat.

Using cutting-edge tech, it analyzes data from all kinds of sources, like social media, news reports, and official health channels, to detect any weird patterns that could signal an epidemic brewing.

Talk about being one step ahead!

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Metabiota offers a full suite of Epidemic Risk Management services to governments, NGOs, and companies.

They'll assess your weaknesses, develop customized response plans, and provide real-time data and insights to guide decision-making during crises. It's like having a team of expert epidemiologists and data wizards watching your back.

When COVID-19 hit, Metabiota was at the forefront, helping to identify potential hotspots and allocate resources effectively.

Their Chief Epidemiologist, Dr. Elizabeth Rodriguez, said their tools saved countless lives during the pandemic. With a rapidly growing team of over 100 experts and a global reach, Metabiota is undoubtedly shaping the future of how we prepare for and respond to epidemic threats.

These guys are the real deal, and you'd be wise to keep them on your radar.

BoomTime - Innovating Marketing Solutions


Check this out - BoomTime is shaking things up for small biz owners! These guys have some seriously rad marketing solutions that are making waves.

Their secret sauce is mixing cutting-edge tech with data-driven tactics to help businesses grow like crazy.

I heard about this local restaurant that saw a 27% spike in revenue after using BoomTime's targeted campaigns.

A fitness studio had a ridiculous 45% increase in new members within just 3 months of using BoomTime's social media management tools.

Wild, right?

Some of their coolest features include:

  • AI Content Creation: Their AI generates personalized, engaging content that speaks directly to a business's target audience. Goodbye, generic posts!
  • Omnichannel Marketing: BoomTime ties together email, social, and SMS marketing for a seamless, maximized experience.
  • Predictive Analytics: Using big data and machine learning, they provide insights into customer behavior to help businesses make smarter marketing moves.

Karen Davis, who owns a local clothing store, said BoomTime's data-driven approach has been a total game-changer.

Not only did it boost their online presence, but it also helped them connect better with their loyal customers.

With an ever-growing client base and a team of marketing pros, BoomTime is well on its way to becoming an industry leader.

They're giving small businesses the tools to crush it in today's digital world.

Optomec - Additive Manufacturing Leaders


The additive manufacturing game is about to be flipped on its head, and Optomec is leading the charge! These guys are pushing boundaries like nobody's business, and in 2024, they're gonna blow your mind with some next-level tech.

They're working on bioprinting systems that can literally print living cells, making it possible to create human tissues for medical research and treatments.

Insane, right?

But that's not all, their metal 3D printing game is on another level. With their LENS technology, they're stepping up process control and monitoring, meaning they can churn out high-quality metal parts for industries like aerospace and automotive like it's nobody's business.

And let's not forget their Aerosol Jet tech, which allows them to print functional electronic components directly onto 3D structures.

Talk about embedding electronics into everything!

As Michael Thompson, Optomec's Marketing Director, puts it, "Our goal is to seamlessly integrate electronics and sensors into 3D printed devices and structures, unlocking new possibilities across industries." And with the 3D printing market projected to grow at a massive 21% annually from 2021 to 2028, according to a report by Grand View Research, Optomec is poised to make some serious waves.

From lightweight, high-performance components for aerospace to embedded electronics and even bioprinting tissues and organs for medical purposes, Optomec is revolutionizing industries left and right.

If you're into tech, this is a startup you need to be watching in 2024. They're about to take additive manufacturing to a whole new level.

Sandia Biotech - Breakthroughs in Biotechnology


Check this out - Sandia Biotech is seriously killing it in the biotechnology game. These guys are straight-up pioneers, leading the charge in Albuquerque's booming tech scene.

Founded in 2014, they've been making some crazy advancements with their innovative biotech solutions, earning major respect from the medical and scientific communities.

What makes Sandia Biotech so special? Well, for starters, they're all about that cutting-edge research and development.

Their team of brainiacs has achieved some mind-blowing breakthroughs, like:

  • Regenerative medicine: They're doing some next-level stuff with stem cell therapies and tissue engineering, paving the way for game-changing treatments for injuries and chronic conditions.
  • Diagnostics and therapeutics: With their advanced diagnostic tools and targeted therapies, they're revolutionizing disease detection and treatment, giving patients a real shot at beating the odds.
  • Biodefense and biosecurity: Using their molecular biology wizardry, they're making significant contributions to biodefense efforts, developing innovative solutions to combat emerging biological threats.

In just a few short years, Sandia Biotech has racked up an impressive 12 issued patents and has 19 more patent applications pending.

Not too shabby, right? They've secured over $15 million in funding from heavy hitters like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD).

Talk about a vote of confidence!

"Sandia Biotech's commitment to innovation and their unwavering dedication to improving human health are truly remarkable," said Dr. Robert Johnson from the University of New Mexico. "Their cutting-edge research and collaborative approach are paving the way for a brighter future in the field of biotechnology."

As Sandia Biotech continues to push boundaries and shake things up, their impact on the medical and scientific worlds is only going to grow bigger.

Albuquerque is quickly becoming a major hub for biotechnology innovation, and Sandia Biotech is leading the charge.

Verus Research - Cutting-Edge Scientific Research


Hold up, let me tell you about Verus Research - these guys are seriously making waves in the science and tech game. They've got an elite squad of scientists and engineers who are absolute masters at simulating electromagnetism, modeling microwave systems, analyzing nuclear stuff, and integrating crazy multidisciplinary systems.

It's where cutting-edge theories become tangible results, and they deliver tailored solutions that are on time, on budget, and on point.

Verus Research has been working with some major players like the Air Force, Army, Navy, NASA, and top defense contractors.

They've landed a sweet $2.5 million contract with the Defense Department to develop high-power microwave attack instrumentation for drones. They just scored a $1 million deal with the Air Force Research Laboratory to create software that monitors satellite anomalies.

Talk about being at the forefront of space tech!

What really sets Verus Research apart is their vision to forge an environment where creativity meets problem-solving.

They embrace a culture that empowers their employees to reach their full potential while delivering innovative solutions for their customers. It's a win-win situation, and they're committed to being responsible citizens who nurture lasting partnerships for mutual benefit.

Agilvax - Next-Generation Cancer Therapies


Have you heard about this insane biotech company called Agilvax based right here in Albuquerque? They're doing some mind-blowing stuff when it comes to fighting cancer.

Back in 2011, these guys were just getting started, but now they're totally dominating the game with their cutting-edge cancer immunotherapies.

Their lead product, AX09, is a game-changer.

It's designed to activate your body's immune system to take down cancer cells. Early trials have been nuts – we're talking about 75% of patients experiencing major tumor shrinkage or straight-up remission.

Wild, right?

But that's just the beginning. Agilvax has a whole pipeline of groundbreaking therapies in the works for 2024:

  • AX14: An antibody-drug combo targeting aggressive breast cancer.
  • AX19: A gene therapy that reprograms your immune cells to hunt down lung cancer.
  • AX23: A nanoparticle system that delivers chemo drugs directly to tumors, minimizing the nasty side effects.

These guys aren't just about developing new treatments, though.

Their research has advanced our understanding of cancer immunology and targeted drug delivery. They've published groundbreaking studies in major scientific journals and scored several patents.

One recent study in Nature Biotechnology unveiled a revolutionary technique for engineering immune cells, paving the way for more personalized cancer treatments.

Insane, right?

With a valuation over $500 million and major partnerships with top research institutions and pharma giants, Agilvax is a force to be reckoned with.

If you're into tech, you've got to keep an eye on this Albuquerque startup. They're on the brink of game-changing breakthroughs that could revolutionize how we fight cancer.

Check out Nucamp's article on Albuquerque's thriving tech scene for more scoop on the city's hottest startups.

Frequently Asked Questions


What industries are leading Albuquerque's startup scene in 2024?

In 2024, Albuquerque's startup scene is thriving with notable growth in energy, hardware, and foodtech industries. These sectors are spearheading innovation and attracting significant attention.

Why is Lavu considered a notable startup in Albuquerque?

Lavu is revolutionizing restaurant tech with its advanced point-of-sale (POS) systems. With over 25,000 customers in 98 countries, handling $13 billion in transactions annually, Lavu offers features like table-side convenience, inventory tracking, menu customization, online integration, and customer management. The global POS market's growth further highlights Lavu's potential for significant expansion.

How is Build With Robots contributing to automation innovations?

Build With Robots is making significant strides in the automation industry by developing robots that perform repetitive, boring, and dangerous tasks. Their products, like Breezy Blue and Breezy One, disinfect large spaces using fogging technology, aiding industries such as healthcare, cleaning services, and public transit systems. With $5 million raised from reputable investors, Build With Robots is set for impactful growth.

What is RiskSense known for in the cybersecurity industry?

RiskSense specializes in cybersecurity solutions, offering a platform that uses machine learning and data analytics for real-time cyber risk management. Their solutions are used by major entities like Procter & Gamble and U.S. Cyber Command, helping organizations prevent hundreds of cyberattacks. RiskSense's recent advancements in integrating hacker intelligence elevate their status in cybersecurity.

What makes Indica Labs a key player in digital pathology?

Indica Labs is transforming digital pathology with its HALO® platform, which combines imaging technology, AI algorithms, and user-friendly software for detailed tissue sample analysis. The platform is widely adopted in over 40 countries, supporting top pharmaceutical companies and research institutions. Indica Labs' innovations are enhancing disease detection, accelerating research, and enabling remote medical collaboration.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.