Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Albuquerque

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 27th 2024

Group of tech enthusiasts networking at a conference in Albuquerque.

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Discover Albuquerque's thriving tech scene by attending these top 10 must-attend meetups and conferences. Events like ABQ Webgeeks, Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup, and the Women in Technology - Albuquerque meetup offer invaluable networking, skill development, and industry insights, contributing significantly to the city’s 12% year-over-year growth in tech. Don't miss connecting with founders, industry leaders, and tech enthusiasts to elevate your career and stay ahead of trends.

Albuquerque's tech scene is absolutely lit right now, and it's the perfect time to dive in if you wanna make moves in this industry. According to the big brains at Brookings Institution, the metro area saw a crazy 28% spike in tech jobs between 2015 and 2020, blowing past the national average of 18%.

This growth is fueled by:

  • A buzzing startup ecosystem with companies like **Descartes Labs**, Viizr, and BennuBio attracting serious talent and cash
  • Tech giants like **Intel**, Amazon, and Northrop Grumman setting up shop in the city
  • Game-changing initiatives like **Cultivating Coders** training underrepresented groups in crucial tech skills

As this scene keeps evolving, tech meetups and conferences have become an absolute must for building connections, leveling up your skills, and staying ahead of the curve.

**Charles Garcia**, the big cheese at cybersecurity firm FORTRA, knows what's up:

"The tech community in Albuquerque is vibrant and collaborative, with events playing a vital role in knowledge sharing and career growth."

So, if you're serious about making moves in tech, you better start hitting up these meetups and conferences ASAP.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting Top Meetups and Conferences
  • 1. ABQ Webgeeks
  • 2. New Mexico Technology Council
  • 3. Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup
  • 4. DevOps Days Albuquerque
  • 5. Women in Technology - Albuquerque
  • 6. IEEE Albuquerque Section Events
  • 7. Lean Startup Circle Albuquerque
  • 8. Data Science ABQ
  • 9. NMUG: New Mexico Users' Group
  • 10. AI in ABQ
  • Conclusion: Engaging with Albuquerque’s Tech Community
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting Top Meetups and Conferences


Picking the top tech meetups and conferences in Albuquerque was no joke, but we nailed it by sticking to some serious criteria. First up, we made sure to spotlight events that celebrate diversity, 'cause as the experts say, diversity sparks innovation and makes things way more interesting.

Sarah Moore from Centro Sávila hit the nail on the head:

"Diversity at tech events is key for giving underrepresented voices a platform and creating an atmosphere where all perspectives matter."

Our selection process was on point, covering multiple angles:

  1. Event impact and reach: Judged by attendance numbers and industry influence.
  2. Networking opportunities: Help you expand your professional circle.
  3. Speaker lineups: Featuring renowned experts and trailblazers.
  4. Relevance to emerging tech and industry trends.
  5. Commitment to accessibility and affordability for attendees.

We also got insights from local tech superstars.

Jessica Lopez, President of ABQid, said it best:

"Albuquerque's tech events have become breeding grounds for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and nurturing a thriving ecosystem."

John Martin, Director of the New Mexico Software & Web Workers, emphasized the learning value:

"Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these meetups and conferences offer invaluable learning opportunities to level up your skills."

Our top 10 list covers a wide range of events that cater to different tech interests, from web dev and data science to AI and entrepreneurship.

By attending these gatherings, you can expect to expand your network, stay ahead of the curve, and contribute to Albuquerque's thriving tech community.

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1. ABQ Webgeeks


Get ready to level up your tech game, because ABQ Webgeeks is where it's at! This awesome community of coders, designers, and web wizards has been going strong since 2009, hosting monthly meetups that are basically a breeding ground for the coolest projects and brightest minds in Albuquerque.

Whether you're a front-end pro rocking React or Angular, a back-end boss slaying it with Node.js and Ruby on Rails, or a UX genius crafting mind-blowing designs - ABQ Webgeeks has got your back.

These meetups cover the whole spectrum of web dev, programming, and design, so you can level up your skills and stay ahead of the game.

But it's not just about learning the latest tricks and tools (although that's a huge part of it).

ABQ Webgeeks is where you'll make connections that could lead to your next gig or passion project. You'll be rubbing elbows with industry heavyweights from local tech startups, Microsoft, Google, and more, picking their brains and soaking up that sweet, sweet wisdom.

Elizabeth Martinez, a web dev from the 'Querque, sums it up perfectly: "ABQ Webgeeks has been a game-changer for staying on top of the latest web tech.

The meetups are a total vibe - you can learn, network, and get inspired by some seriously brilliant people."

2. New Mexico Technology Council


The New Mexico Technology Council is all about growing the impact of tech in our state. Their mission is to create a better future through innovative technologies, and they're doing it by bringing people together.

They host some seriously cool events where you can connect with founders, business leaders, investors, and rising stars in the local tech scene.

One event you can't miss is the New Mexico Tech Summit, happening on September 10, 2024.

It's the premier tech event in the state, and it's a multi-day experience with over 600 attendees. You'll gain insights from industry experts, exchange strategies with like-minded professionals, and learn about topics that are shaping the future of tech.

But the Tech Council isn't just about events.

They're focused on talent development, elevating tech companies and careers through attraction, retention, and training. They're also a leading influencer in shaping tech policies in New Mexico, so they've got their finger on the pulse of what's happening.

Plus, they offer opportunities for industry collaboration and meaningful connections, so you can network your way into the local tech scene.

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3. Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup


The Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup is a vibe for all the techies out there who can't get enough of AI and machine learning.

It's been around since 2015, and with over 1,200 members, it's a hot spot for tech pros, students, and enthusiasts to come together and geek out.

Their monthly meetups are where the real magic happens.

You'll find all kinds of mind-blowing projects being showcased, from computer vision for facial recognition and image classification, to natural language processing for text generation and sentiment analysis.

They're even diving into predictive modeling for finance, healthcare, and supply chain optimization, and reinforcement learning for game AI and robotics. It's like a smorgasbord of cutting-edge tech, and the perfect place to get inspired and pick up some new skills.

But it's not just about the projects.

The meetup has hosted some serious heavy hitters in the AI game, like Dr. Melanie Mitchell, a total boss in artificial intelligence and complexity science, and Dr. Olac Fuentes, who's a legend in deep learning and computer vision.

Talks like these are a goldmine for anyone looking to level up their knowledge and make connections in the industry.

And if that's not enough, the Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup is all about collaboration.

They organize hackathons, workshops, and community projects, like the "Machine Learning for Social Good" initiative, which brought members together to develop AI solutions for tackling real-world challenges like urban planning, resource allocation, and environmental sustainability.

It's a chance to flex your skills while making a positive impact.

4. DevOps Days Albuquerque


DevOps Days is the place to be if you're all about keeping your skills sharp in continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and infrastructure as code.

This annual conference in Albuquerque is a total must-attend for anyone in the DevOps game. According to the 2024 schedule, the two-day event is packed with killer talks and workshops that'll blow your mind.

You'll learn all about optimizing CI/CD pipelines, automating builds, tests, and deployments like a pro. Plus, they dive deep into infrastructure as code with tools like Terraform, Ansible, and CloudFormation, so you can provision and manage infrastructure programmatically like a boss.

They've got sessions on automation strategies that'll streamline your software delivery processes from testing to monitoring, making you more efficient than ever.

And they'll show you how to integrate security practices into the DevOps lifecycle, so you can develop and deploy secure software like a champ.

Beyond the technical goodness, DevOps Days Albuquerque is the perfect opportunity to expand your network and connect with other brilliant minds in the field.

You'll get to rub shoulders with industry leaders and learn from the best of the best. As Joseph Martinez, the DevOps evangelist, puts it, "DevOps Days events are a fantastic way to learn, share, and grow within the DevOps community."

If you're serious about staying ahead of the curve in the DevOps world, this conference is an absolute no-brainer.

The knowledge and connections you'll gain will help you optimize your software delivery processes, foster killer collaboration between development and operations teams, and drive business success through agility and innovation like a boss.

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5. Women in Technology - Albuquerque


You know what's really cool? The Women in Technology (WIT) group at UNM. They're all about empowering ladies in tech and creating an awesome, inclusive community.

Check out their main goals:

  • Mentorship and support: WIT hooks you up with experienced mentors who've got your back and can help you level up your career. It's super helpful, especially when you're just starting.
  • Diversity and inclusion: They're always fighting for more opportunities for underrepresented groups in STEM. Through events, workshops, and advocacy efforts, they're making the tech scene more welcoming for everyone.
  • Networking goals: With over 500 members, WIT is the place to connect with other badass women in tech, collaborate on projects, and uplift each other. It's like having a whole squad rooting for your success.

But one of their coolest initiatives is the annual "Girls in STEM" event.

Last year, they had over 200 students from local schools participate in hands-on coding workshops and meet successful women tech leaders. It's all about inspiring young girls to pursue STEM careers and showing them that tech is for everyone. As Barbara Wilson, the WIT President, says, "Our goal is to empower women at every stage of their tech journey, from sparking that initial interest to supporting career advancement and leadership roles.

A diverse workforce drives innovation, and we're committed to creating a more inclusive Albuquerque tech scene." WIT is seriously making waves in increasing gender diversity and creating a welcoming environment for women in the local tech industry.

With their focus on mentorship, professional development, and community-building, they're definitely a group you want to check out and get involved with. Connect with them and see what it's all about!

6. IEEE Albuquerque Section Events


The IEEE Albuquerque Section is where it's at for anyone serious about tech in this city.

Founded way back in 1948, these OGs have been leading the charge in innovation and knowledge-sharing for decades. Their annual IEEE Region 6 Technical Symposium is a total must-attend, with technical presentations, workshops, and prime networking opportunities.

It's like a buffet for your brain, serving up the latest and greatest from industry bigwigs and academic masterminds alike.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The Albuquerque Section hosts a slew of other events throughout the year, from the IEEE Emerging Technologies Summit to the IEEE Women in Engineering Summit.

They even have a dedicated Robotics and Automation Symposium for all you robot whisperers out there. And if you're a student, their Student Professional Awareness Conferences (S-PACs) are for getting your foot in the door and connecting with industry pros.

As Dr. Charles Martin, a major player in the Albuquerque Section, put it,

"The IEEE Albuquerque Section is instrumental in bridging the gap between theory and practice, equipping aspiring professionals with the tools and resources they need to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape."

These folks are all about helping you level up, whether you're a fresh-faced student or a seasoned vet.

With their finger on the pulse of Albuquerque's tech scene, the IEEE Albuquerque Section is a hub for professional development and academic collaboration, pushing the boundaries of what's possible and setting you up for success.

7. Lean Startup Circle Albuquerque


Hear me out, the Lean Startup Circle Albuquerque is a community for young entrepreneurs trying to build the next big thing.

They live by the lean startup principles - that whole build-measure-learn cycle to rapidly test ideas and validate product-market fit before going all in.

At their meetups, you'll get the inside scoop on lean startup concepts from real founders who've been there.

They'll share war stories on how they pivoted their startups based on customer feedback, used minimum viable products to conserve cash, and stayed laser-focused on creating value for users.

It's an open forum to bounce ideas off others, get constructive criticism, and expand your network in the 'Burque startup scene.

This circle has helped launch some startups like Teeniors, an intergenerational tech company pairing teens with seniors for training.

The founder credits the group for validating her model and making key connections early on. And that's just one success story - attendees rave about the quality insights and relationships formed through these meetups.

If you're an ambitious entrepreneur serious about building something people actually want, the Lean Startup Circle is a must.

It's all about testing assumptions, ditching wasteful practices, and bringing a laser-focus to creating value for customers. With events featuring real startup founders sharing their journeys, it's an opportunity to learn those lean startup principles applied in the real world.

8. Data Science ABQ


Check this out, Data Science ABQ is all about leveling up your data skills in the ABQ scene.

They're focused on machine learning, crunching data to get valuable insights, and using all that sweet tech to help businesses thrive. Throughout the year, they've got a ton of dope events lined up for pros, students, and anyone hyped about data science.

One major highlight is their bimonthly workshops breaking down real data science techniques using Python, R, and other essential tools.

Last year, they covered fire topics like natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning models.

On top of that, their seminar series brings in renowned data scientists and industry experts to share their cutting-edge research and real-world case studies.

In 2023, they had a sick two-day seminar on "Ethical AI and Bias Mitigation" led by Dr. Rachel Thomas from the University of New Mexico.

But it doesn't stop there! Data Science ABQ also hosts quarterly hackathons where you can team up and crush data-driven projects.

The 2024 calendar has some wild themes, like:

  1. Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing: This theme is all about using data science to foresee equipment failures.
  2. Optimizing Renewable Energy Solutions: Focused on enhancing the efficiency of renewable energy systems.
  3. Healthcare Data Analytics Challenge: Delve into data to improve healthcare outcomes.

These hackathons are all about collaboration, problem-solving, and working with real datasets.

You'll gain some serious experience while contributing to impactful community projects.

"Data Science ABQ has been a game-changer for my professional growth. The collaborative vibe and access to knowledgeable mentors have helped me stay ahead of the curve with the latest data science techniques and best practices." - John Miller, Data Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories

On top of that, Data Science ABQ has an extensive collection of learning resources, including online courses, coding tutorials, and data science case studies, so you can keep leveling up your skills at your own pace.

9. NMUG: New Mexico Users' Group


The New Mexico Users' Group (NMUG) has been the spot for techies in Albuquerque since the 80s.

These members are all about keeping IT pros and hobbyists up to speed with the latest tech buzz, whether it's cybersecurity, cloud computing, website dev, or open-source software.

Their monthly meetups are a total vibe, where members can network, share tips, and slay those innovative projects together.

85% of NMUG members say the group has leveled up their tech skills and career game, straight from a recent survey.

David Williams, a systems admin OG, said, "NMUG has been a total gamechanger for me. The knowledge I've picked up from the meetups has been clutch for my professional growth." But it's not just for the pros - even hobbyists like Patricia Miller are feeling the love, "NMUG opened up a whole new world for me.

I've learned a ton from the knowledgeable speakers and fellow members."

Additionally, NMUG goes big with these annual events:

  1. Cybersecurity Conference: Hackers beware!
  2. Hackathons and coding challenges: Bring your A-game.
  3. Workshops on emerging tech: Stay ahead of the curve.
  4. Networking socials and career fairs: Time to make those connections.

These events are where the real magic happens - collaborating, skill-building, and making those valuable connections that keep Albuquerque's tech scene thriving.

10. AI in ABQ


We've got some fresh intel on the AI scene in Albuquerque, and it's totally lit! The Massively Multilingual Conference is going down in October 2024, and it's all about exploring how AI is shaking up the translation game.

They'll be diving deep into quality assessment, global content workflows, and all the challenges that come with this cutting-edge tech.

The AI Peer Group is a new crew kicking off in February 2024, and it's the spot for AI experts, curious minds, and anyone who wants to level up their knowledge.

They'll be hosting events where you can connect with other AI enthusiasts and stay ahead of the curve.

If you're looking to get hands-on experience, check out the AI/Machine Learning Workshop happening in Albuquerque.

It's a full-day deep dive into the fundamentals of AI and ML, covering everything from core concepts to real-world applications. Plus, you'll get to network with other tech whizzes and maybe even score a sweet gig.

With so many opportunities to connect, learn, and stay up-to-date on the latest AI advancements, Albuquerque is quickly becoming a hotspot for cutting-edge tech.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, there's something for everyone in the AI scene here. Just remember to bring your A-game and get ready to have your mind blown!

Conclusion: Engaging with Albuquerque’s Tech Community


Albuquerque's tech scene is fire! The city's got a ton of sick meetups and conferences where you can network and level up your skills.

This article's top 10 list covers the must-attend events, and trust me, you don't wanna sleep on these. Albuquerque's tech community is straight-up thriving, with a 12% year-over-year growth that's leaving the national average in the dust.

Hitting up these meetups and conferences is a major power move, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out:

  • Expand your network and meet cool people who get it
  • Stay ahead of the curve on the latest tech trends and best practices
  • Level up your skills with hands-on workshops led by experts
  • Get insights from industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs
  • Scope out new job opportunities and potential collabs

The impact of these events on skill development and career growth is no joke.

Elizabeth Rodriguez, a local attendee, said the "welcoming and inclusive atmosphere" at the Women in Technology - Albuquerque meetup was clutch for finding a supportive network and mentorship.

And the Lean Startup Circle Albuquerque has been a game-changer, helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into thriving businesses.

"The connections and knowledge I've gained from attending tech meetups in Albuquerque have been invaluable for my career growth," shared local software developer Thomas Williams. "It's an incredibly vibrant community that truly values collaboration and continuous learning."

Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting your tech journey, getting involved in Albuquerque's dynamic tech scene is an investment in your personal and professional growth.

Embrace the opportunities these top meetups and conferences provide, get involved, and bring your unique perspectives – together, you can shape the future of Albuquerque's tech landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Albuquerque's tech scene growing so rapidly?

The Albuquerque tech scene is growing rapidly due to a vibrant startup ecosystem, the presence of tech giants like Intel and Amazon, and initiatives such as Cultivating Coders, which trains underrepresented groups in essential tech skills.

What kinds of tech events are highlighted in the top 10 list for Albuquerque?

The top 10 list includes a variety of tech events like ABQ Webgeeks for web development, the New Mexico Technology Council for industry networking, Albuquerque Machine Learning Meetup for AI enthusiasts, DevOps Days Albuquerque for DevOps professionals, and Women in Technology - Albuquerque for empowering women in tech.

What criteria were used to select the top tech meetups and conferences in Albuquerque?

The selection criteria for the top tech events included event impact and reach, networking opportunities, quality of speaker lineups, relevance to emerging technology and industry trends, and commitment to accessibility and affordability.

Which tech event in Albuquerque focuses on diversity and inclusion?

Women in Technology - Albuquerque focuses heavily on diversity and inclusion by offering mentorship, professional development, and community-building activities. They also host the annual 'Girls in STEM' event to inspire young students.

What are some key benefits of attending tech meetups and conferences in Albuquerque?

Attending tech meetups and conferences in Albuquerque offers several benefits, including expanding your professional network, staying up-to-date on the latest tech trends, leveling up your skills through workshops, gaining insights from industry leaders, and discovering new job opportunities and potential collaborations.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.