Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Anchorage

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 27th 2024

A collage of tech community gatherings, coding sessions, and networking events in Anchorage.

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Anchorage's tech scene is thriving with a projected 12% job growth by 2024. Key events include the Alaska Developers Alliance Annual Conference, Anchorage Tech Meetup, CoderDojo Anchorage, and Startup Weekend Anchorage. These events focus on cybersecurity, AI, entrepreneurship, networking, and coding, offering essential skills and career growth opportunities.

Anchorage's tech scene is on fire, with a projected 12% growth in tech jobs by 2024. This surge makes it prime time for newcomers to jump into the local tech community.

The INTERFACE Anchorage 2024 event at the Dena'ina Convention Center is a perfect example of the high-caliber tech gatherings happening here.

It's packed with sessions on cybersecurity, AI, and networking - essential knowledge for any aspiring tech pro. For those interested in startups, Anchorage is home to innovative companies like BiP Referrals Inc and Kartorium, showcasing the city's entrepreneurial spirit.

The thriving tech hub in Anchorage offers numerous opportunities for networking, learning, and career growth.

From coding workshops to entrepreneurship events, there's something for everyone. Remember, 78% of junior developers credit local tech events for boosting their careers.

So whether you're into data science, web development, or cloud computing, Anchorage's tech scene has got you covered. This guide will walk you through the top 10 must-attend tech events in Anchorage, helping you level up in the local tech world.

Table of Contents

  • Alaska Developers Alliance Annual Conference
  • Anchorage Tech Meetup
  • CoderDojo Anchorage
  • Startup Weekend Anchorage
  • Anchorage AWS User Group
  • SheTech Explorer Day Anchorage
  • Anchorage JS
  • Google Developer Group (GDG) Anchorage
  • Anchorage Data Science Meetups
  • Python Anchorage
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Alaska Developers Alliance Annual Conference


Alaska Developers Alliance (ADA) Annual Conference is the ultimate tech gathering in Anchorage, drawing hundreds of attendees each year.

This event is a must for anyone looking to dive into Alaska's tech world. The Alaska Developers Alliance, founded in 2017, has grown to over 400 members across the state, making it the go-to community for software pros.

The conference covers everything from cutting-edge topics like AI and cloud computing to more Alaska-specific themes like cybersecurity in the Arctic. Their mission to build an inclusive ecosystem of developers focused on Alaska's future is impressive.

They're all about creating opportunities and helping the next generation of businesses thrive.

  • Networking Opportunities: The event isn't just about listening to talks - it's hands-on. You'll get to network with people from Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks, and maybe even land your next gig.
  • Focused Execution: The ADA is super focused on execution, with a diverse board and steering committee making sure everything runs smoothly. They've got partnerships with all sorts of organizations, from local tribes to national associations.
  • Inclusive Vision: The ADA's vision is all about helping Alaska's economy grow beyond just resources, and they see software pros as a key part of that future.
  • Versatile Content: Whether you're a seasoned coder or just starting out, the conference has something for everyone. Plus, with Alaska's amazing scenery as a backdrop, it's a chance to mix tech talk with some serious outdoor vibes.

The Meet Alaska event, while more focused on energy, shows how these conferences can bring together hundreds of people and create awesome networking opportunities.

Mary Taylor, who attended last year, said, "The ADA Annual Conference is where the future of Alaska's tech scene is being shaped!"

So if you're serious about tech in Alaska, mark your calendar for the ADA Annual Conference.

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Anchorage Tech Meetup


The Anchorage Tech Meetup is the go-to spot for tech lovers in Alaska's biggest city. Since 2012, this community has been growing strong, now boasting over 1,500 members who get together about 24 times a year.

It's all about bringing people together to share ideas, learn new skills, and push the tech scene forward. Tech groups in Anchorage are thriving, with a mix of events that cater to both seasoned pros and total newbies.

The usual setup includes time to mingle, a main presentation or workshop, and a chance to ask questions and chat afterward. Topics range from coding and AI to cybersecurity, so there's always something interesting on the agenda.

Last year saw a big jump in people showing up, with lots of first-timers getting into the mix.

It's pretty cool to see how welcoming everyone is to newcomers. One regular attendee, Sarah Thompson, said it's like finding a second family in the tech world.

Beyond just meetups, people team up on open-source projects and take part in hackathons. It's not just about learning; about 15% of folks have landed jobs through connections they made here.

For those just starting out, there are mentorship programs, beginner-friendly workshops, and code review sessions to help you level up your skills.

Anchorage Small Business & Tech Meetup is another great option for entrepreneurs and developers looking to network.

Coming up, there's a JavaScript workshop, a talk about women in tech, and a hackathon focused on local issues. With most people rating the events nearly 5 out of 5, it's clear that the Anchorage Tech Meetup is a big deal in the city's tech scene.

If you're into computer programming in Anchorage, this is definitely the place to be for learning, networking, and coming up with cool new ideas in the Last Frontier.

CoderDojo Anchorage


CoderDojo Anchorage is part of a global movement of free coding clubs for kids and teens. They're making coding accessible to everyone, especially young people aged 7-17.

They meet up twice a month at the Loussac Library, creating this awesome space where kids (they call them "ninjas") can dive into different programming languages and tech stuff.

What's really great is that you don't need any coding experience to join in—it's all about learning and having fun. The sessions are run by volunteers who are super passionate about helping kids learn.

They cover everything from HTML and CSS to more advanced stuff like JavaScript and Python. It's not just about sitting in front of a computer either—they encourage creativity and problem-solving through hands-on projects.

One of the best things about CoderDojo is how they're helping to diversify the tech world. They've got a pretty impressive 40% female participation rate, which is helping to break down those old stereotypes about who can code. Plus, with a 1:5 mentor-to-student ratio, everyone gets the help they need.

Since they started in 2015, they've helped over 500 young coders get their start in tech.

It's not just about learning to code either—participants say they've improved their problem-solving skills, teamwork, and creativity too.

  • CodeDay Anchorage: If you're looking to get into coding or know someone who is, CodeDay Anchorage is another great event to check out. It's a 24-hour coding marathon where students build apps and games from scratch.
  • Online Coding Classes: For those who want to take their skills further, there are also online coding classes available in Anchorage, starting from just $60 a month.

Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to level up your skills, Anchorage has some pretty sweet options for learning to code.

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Startup Weekend Anchorage


Startup Weekend Anchorage is an intense 54-hour event that turns wild ideas into actual startup concepts. It's part of the global Techstars Startup Weekend initiative, bringing together dreamers, doers, and tech enthusiasts.

The event follows a packed schedule: Friday kicks off with quick-fire pitches and team formation, Saturday's all about validating your business model and getting real customer feedback, and Sunday wraps up with final presentations and judging.

It's a crash course in entrepreneurship that'll make your head spin - in the best way possible!

What's cool is that you don't need to be a seasoned pro to join.

In fact, about 40% of participants are first-timers, so you won't be the only newbie there. Throughout the weekend, you'll have access to over 20 mentors who've been there, done that, and are ready to share their wisdom.

They'll help you navigate challenges like market research, prototyping, and creating a killer pitch deck.

The best part? It's a low-pressure environment to test out your ideas.

1 in 4 teams actually keep working on their projects after the event! Some have even gone on to do big things, like Alaska Startup Week, which grew out of connections made during these weekends.

Networking is huge here.

You might just meet your future co-founder or first employee. Plus, the skills you gain are seriously valuable. After attending, 90% of participants feel more confident about their entrepreneurial abilities.

That's huge!

If you're into tech and have been itching to dip your toes into the startup world, Startup Weekend Anchorage is where it's at.

It's fast-paced, challenging, and honestly, a total blast. With a 98% recommendation rate from past participants, it's pretty much guaranteed to be worth your time.

So why not give it a shot? You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish in a single weekend!

Anchorage AWS User Group


The Anchorage AWS User Group is the go-to spot for Amazon Web Services fans in Alaska's biggest city. With over 500 members, this community gets together monthly to dive into all things AWS. Whether you're just starting or you're a pro, there's something for everyone here.

AWS User Groups are all about sharing ideas, answering questions, and staying up-to-date with the latest in cloud tech.

A typical meetup looks like this:

  1. Catch up and network (30 minutes) - Members get to know each other.
  2. Main talk or hands-on session (60-90 minutes) - Focuses on key AWS topics.
  3. Q&A time (30 minutes) - Attendees ask questions and discuss solutions.
  4. Hang out and grab some snacks (30 minutes) - Informal networking over refreshments.

Recently, they've covered cool stuff like:

  • AWS Lambda and serverless architecture
  • Amazon S3 for storing things in the cloud
  • EC2 instances for flexible computing
  • CloudFormation for setting up infrastructure with code

If you're new to AWS, this group is a goldmine:

  • Get your hands dirty in workshops led by AWS experts
  • Learn the basics through beginner-friendly talks
  • Access tons of AWS learning materials
  • Meet and learn from AWS pros

A recent survey showed that 87% of newbies seriously upped their AWS game within just three months of joining.

One new member said, "This group has been a game-changer for my cloud computing journey. The support and real-world tips have helped me learn so much faster." They've also got a buzzing Slack channel with over 300 people, perfect for asking questions, sharing cool resources, and staying in the loop on AWS news.

User groups like this make it way easier to manage permissions and learn together.

Plus, you get to be part of Anchorage's growing tech scene. It's not just about learning AWS – it's about connecting with other tech enthusiasts and building a solid network.

If you're looking to level up your cloud skills and be part of an awesome AWS community, this is definitely the place to be!

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SheTech Explorer Day Anchorage


SheTech Explorer Day Anchorage is a game-changer for young women interested in tech. This free, hands-on tech conference for high school girls in grades 9-12 is all about exposing them to the exciting world of STEM. The day is packed with interactive workshops covering everything from programming and robotics to aerospace and biomedicine.

It's not just about learning; it's about experiencing, innovating, and creating. Participants get to dive into real-world tech challenges, working with industry mentors to brainstorm, solve problems, and pitch their ideas.

The best part? Girls walk away with access to internships, a SheTech certificate, and a network of like-minded peers and professionals. According to the organizers, a whopping 95% of girls say they're more likely to pursue STEM after attending.

The SheTech program doesn't stop at the Explorer Day either. It offers year-round opportunities like STEM mentor connections, tech community events, and even a student leadership board.

For those looking to level up their skills, there's even a summer internship program where girls can explore careers in programming, data science, engineering, and more.

SheTech is seriously changing the game, showing girls that no matter what they're passionate about, technology is part of it. As one participant put it,

"SheTech expanded my mind and showed me I can totally get involved in tech!"

With the tech industry evolving at lightning speed, events like SheTech Explorer Day are crucial in ensuring diverse voices shape our digital future.

Anchorage JS


Anchorage JS is the go-to spot for JavaScript fans in Alaska's biggest city. This Code for Anchorage Meetup group hosts regular get-togethers, pulling in 30-40 people each time, with a cool 20% bump in attendance over the last year.

They mix it up with monthly coding workshops, quarterly tech talks from industry pros, and twice-yearly hackathons. It's perfect for leveling up your JavaScript skills and meeting other coders.

A recent survey showed that 73% of members seriously upped their coding game within six months of joining. The community is super welcoming to newbies too, with 40% of events designed for JavaScript beginners.

David Lee, who runs Anchorage JS, says it's all about making JavaScript accessible to everyone, from total rookies to seasoned devs. The group's impact goes beyond just meetups.

They've teamed up with local tech companies to offer internships, which has led to a 15% increase in members landing JavaScript jobs. They've also started a mentorship program, matching experienced coders with newcomers.

It's been a hit, with 85% of mentees feeling more confident in their coding skills. Events cover everything from front-end frameworks like React and Vue to back-end stuff with Node.js and Express.

They also dive into full-stack development, testing, debugging, and making websites run faster. If you're looking to boost your JavaScript skills and network with other tech enthusiasts, Anchorage Makerspace is another great spot to check out.

They've got a 5,000 sqft workshop with all sorts of cool tech gear. For those interested in the broader tech scene, Anchorage's official tourism site has info on other tech events happening in the city.

Getting involved with Anchorage JS is a smart move for any aspiring developer looking to level up their skills and connect with other JavaScript fans.

Google Developer Group (GDG) Anchorage


The Google Developer Group (GDG) Anchorage is a buzzing hub for tech lovers and pros keen on Google tech. Since 2015, it's grown big time, now boasting over 500 members and hosting around 12 events each year.

These meetups are gold for newbies wanting to jump into Google's tech world. GDGs worldwide are all about sharing knowledge and building skills together.

In Anchorage, the group's got a solid lineup:

  • Monthly Meetups: Talks on hot topics like Android dev, Google Cloud, and AI.
  • Codelabs: Hands-on coding where you can actually try out Google tech.
  • Study Jams: Deep dives to prep for Google certifications.
  • Annual DevFest: A full day of the latest Google innovations.

For anyone new to coding, GDG Anchorage is the place to be.

A recent survey showed 72% of beginners leveled up their skills after just three events - that's huge! The group's all about making learning accessible:

Event Type Beginner-Friendly Rating Frequency
Intro to Google Tech 95% Bi-monthly
Hands-on Workshops 90% Monthly
Q&A Sessions 100% Weekly

GDG Anchorage isn't just about events; they're hooking up with local businesses and schools too.

About 15% of active newbies score internships each year - talk about a career boost! As one beginner put it,

"GDG Anchorage totally changed my coding game. The awesome community and real-world workshops gave me the push to go after a tech career."

What's cool is that GDG events worldwide offer a mix of learning styles, from tech talks to hands-on workshops.

In Anchorage, they're nailing it with beginner-friendly sessions. If you're into Google tech or want to kickstart your coding journey, joining GDG Anchorage is a no-brainer.

It's the perfect spot to learn, connect, and maybe even land that first tech gig!

Anchorage Data Science Meetups


The Anchorage Data Science Meetups are leveling up the game for data enthusiasts and professionals in Alaska. These gatherings are part of the Alaska Data Science and Business Analytics Community, which is all about bringing together people who are passionate about using data to drive business decisions and create insights.

Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, these meetups are the place to be. They're typically held monthly and draw in a diverse crowd of 50-75 attendees.

What's cool about these meetups is the mix of activities.

You've got networking time to chat with other data nerds, presentations from guest speakers who are killing it in the field, and Q&A sessions where you can pick their brains.

Recent speakers have included local tech gurus, university professors, and even some big names from companies like Google and Amazon.

For those new to the data science scene, these meetups are seriously helpful.

They offer beginner-friendly workshops on tools like Python, R, and SQL, and there's even a mentorship program to help you level up your skills. Plus, you get the chance to showcase your own projects and get feedback from people who've been there, done that.

The community is super supportive, with 68% of newbies saying the meetups have been "extremely helpful" in boosting their data science skills.

It's not just about learning either - these meetups are a goldmine for job opportunities. About 22% of attendees have landed data-related jobs through connections made at these events.

Looking ahead, the Data Science Speakers Club is another cool resource to check out.

It's all about helping data scientists improve their public speaking skills, which is super important in this field. They meet every couple of weeks and mix prepared speeches with impromptu speaking challenges.

With the data science field in Anchorage growing fast, these meetups are playing a huge role in building up the local tech scene.

They're not just events; they're like launching pads for the next generation of data pros.

So if you're into data and want to connect with like-minded people, definitely give these meetups a shot!

Python Anchorage


Python Anchorage is the go-to spot for coding enthusiasts in Alaska's biggest city. With a thriving community of over 500 members, it's become a key player in Anchorage's growing tech scene.

The group hosts 24 events yearly, giving newcomers plenty of chances to jump into Python programming. The group offers a whole world of coding opportunities in Anchorage! For instance, Code for Anchorage meets biweekly to work on software projects that benefit the city.

They're all about civic tech and open government data, which is pretty cool if you ask me. If you're looking to level up your Python skills, there are some awesome options.

CertStaff offers Python training classes in Anchorage, including a 4-day intro course and a 3-day advanced course. For the self-paced learners out there, they've got eLearning bundles covering everything from basic Python to machine learning. Speaking of learning, Nucamp's coding bootcamps are a great way to dive deep into web development and other tech skills.

They offer flexible online courses that fit around your schedule, perfect for busy students or working professionals. And if you're wondering about job prospects, the tech scene in Anchorage is on the up and up.

The average salary for computer software engineers in Anchorage is a sweet $124,239. To stay in the loop with all things tech in Anchorage, make sure to check out the Anchorage Tech Slack Group.

It's a great place to connect with local pros and get the latest industry news. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your coding game, Anchorage has got you covered with a ton of resources and a supportive community to help you grow.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Alaska Developers Alliance Annual Conference?

The Alaska Developers Alliance (ADA) Annual Conference is a premier tech event in Anchorage, attracting hundreds of attendees each year. Founded in 2017, the ADA has grown to over 400 members and covers a wide range of topics from AI to cybersecurity in the Arctic. The conference is known for its networking opportunities and inclusive vision, aiming to grow Alaska's tech ecosystem.

What can participants expect from the Anchorage Tech Meetup?

The Anchorage Tech Meetup is a thriving community for tech enthusiasts, with over 1,500 members who meet about 24 times a year. The events include time to network, main presentations or workshops, and Q&A sessions. Topics covered range from coding and AI to cybersecurity. The meetup also offers mentorship programs and code review sessions, making it a valuable resource for newcomers and seasoned professionals alike.

Who can join CoderDojo Anchorage and what do they offer?

CoderDojo Anchorage is part of a global network that makes coding accessible to everyone, especially young people aged 7-17. They meet twice a month at the Loussac Library, offering sessions on programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. The initiative is inclusive, with a 40% female participation rate and a strong mentor-to-student ratio to ensure personalized guidance.

What is Startup Weekend Anchorage, and what do participants gain from it?

Startup Weekend Anchorage is a 54-hour event focused on turning ideas into startup concepts. Participants pitch ideas, form teams, validate business models, and present final projects for judging. It's an excellent opportunity for networking, and around 40% of participants are first-timers. The event provides mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs and has a high rate of project continuation post-event.

What opportunities does the Anchorage AWS User Group provide?

The Anchorage AWS User Group is a community for Amazon Web Services enthusiasts with over 500 members. They host monthly meetups that include networking, main talks or hands-on sessions, and Q&A time. Recent topics include AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and EC2 instances. The group is beginner-friendly and offers workshops and learning materials led by AWS experts, significantly boosting members' AWS skills.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.