Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Athens in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 27th 2024

Skyline of Athens, Georgia with tech icons representing high-paying jobs.

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Athens, Georgia is emerging as a tech hub in 2024, with a 15% increase in tech jobs and an average tech salary of $85,000. The city offers roles like Software Engineer, Data Scientist, and Cybersecurity Analyst, with salaries up to $218,798. Factors like a low cost of living and proximity to Atlanta's tech ecosystem make it an attractive destination for tech careers.

Athens, Georgia, is leveling up as a tech powerhouse in 2024. The city's tech scene is on fire, with a 15% jump in tech jobs year-over-year. Both startups and big names are flocking here, drawn by the University of Georgia's top-notch computer science program churning out over 500 tech grads annually.

What makes Athens so appealing? Try a cost of living that's 30% below the national average, a killer cultural vibe, and easy access to Atlanta's tech ecosystem.

The average tech salary here has hit $85,000, up 10% from last year. But that's just the beginning. The Emerging Technologies program at Athens Technical College is prepping students for cutting-edge careers in robotics, gaming, and mobile programming.

Plus, the city's hosting tech conferences like the Georgia Technology Summit, bringing together innovators and leaders.

The state's commitment to fostering talent has made Georgia the "Tech Capital of the South." Whether you're eyeing roles in software engineering, data science, or cybersecurity, Athens is the place to be for tech in 2024.

Ready to supercharge your tech career? Check out Nucamp's strategies for landing your first remote tech job from right here in Athens!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Ranked the Best Paid Tech Jobs in Athens
  • 1. Software Engineer
  • 2. Data Scientist
  • 3. Cybersecurity Analyst
  • 4. DevOps Engineer
  • 5. Cloud Architect
  • 6. AI/Machine Learning Engineer
  • 7. Full Stack Developer
  • 8. IT Manager
  • 9. UX/UI Designer
  • 10. Product Manager
  • Conclusion: Thriving in Athens’ Tech Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology: How We Ranked the Best Paid Tech Jobs in Athens


In ranking the best-paid tech jobs in Athens for 2024, we used a solid approach that looked at multiple factors. We focused on median annual salary, job growth projections, and local market demand.

To get the most accurate info, we pulled data from trusted sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Georgia Department of Labor, and popular job sites such as Indeed and Glassdoor.

These sources gave us the latest salary info specific to Athens and Georgia. We also reached out to local tech companies and recruiters to get the real scoop on current job market trends.

The tech job scene in Athens is looking pretty sweet, with a projected 12% increase in tech jobs by 2024.

This growth is happening because of existing tech companies expanding, new startups coming to town, and more businesses needing tech help. Our research showed that the highest-paying tech jobs in Athens typically have high employer demand, need specialized skills, and make a big impact on how businesses run.

We found that some of the top-paying tech jobs include Cloud Solutions Architect, Data Scientist, and Cybersecurity Engineer.

These roles are not only well-paid but also have strong growth potential. For example, Information Security Analysts are looking at a massive 32% job growth from 2022 to 2032.

It's clear that skills in cloud computing, data analysis, and cybersecurity are super valuable right now.

A local tech recruiter told us,

"The Athens tech scene is booming. We're seeing crazy demand for skilled pros, especially in new fields like AI and cybersecurity."

This matches up with what we found, showing that tech careers in Athens, Georgia are set to keep growing.

If you're thinking about a tech career, now's a great time to skill up in areas like software development, cloud architecture, or data science.

These fields are not only paying well but also offer some serious job security and growth opportunities.

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1. Software Engineer


Software Engineers in Athens, Georgia are looking at some seriously sweet paychecks in 2024. According to recent data, the average salary ranges from $70,246 to $182,571, depending on experience and skills.

That's a pretty big jump from last year! The job involves designing and developing software applications, coding, debugging, and troubleshooting. The work is super challenging and keeps you on your toes. To crush it in this field, you need to be solid in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++.

But don't stop there - knowing your way around databases, version control, and agile methods is going to give you a major edge. The best part? The job market in Athens is on fire, with tons of opportunities in startups, big companies, and even at the University of Georgia. ZipRecruiter reports that Computer Engineers (which includes Software Engineers) in Athens make an average of $114,252 per year.

That's not too shabby for a smaller city! If you're thinking about specializing, computer vision software engineering is where it's at, with potential earnings of $132,135. For the senior devs out there, shows that Senior Software Engineers in Athens are pulling in an average of $122,500 annually.

Entry-level positions start around $121,375, while experienced pros can make up to $218,798. Pretty sweet deal, right? Remember, it's not just about the coding skills.

Problem-solving, communication, and teamwork are huge. The tech scene in Athens is growing fast, and Software Engineers are right at the center of it all. If you're into tech and want a career that's both challenging and rewarding, Software Engineering in Athens is definitely worth checking out.

2. Data Scientist


Data Scientists in Athens, Georgia are riding a wave of opportunity, with salaries averaging $110,808 per year in 2024.

That's some serious cash for number-crunching wizards! These tech pros are the MVPs of the data world, turning complex info into gold for companies. Their job? Basically being data detectives - they build smart computer models, crunch numbers like pros, and create cool visuals that make sense of it all.

They're the bridge between tech geeks and business folks, making sure everyone's on the same page. To get in on this action, you need to level up your skills.

Most Data Scientists rock advanced degrees in Computer Science or something similar. You've got to be fluent in coding languages like Python and R, and know your way around big data tools like Hadoop.

It's not just about being a tech whiz, though - you need to be able to solve puzzles and think outside the box. The future's looking bright for Data Scientists in Athens.

The field is expected to grow by 22% through 2024, which is pretty sweet. Why? Because Athens is becoming a mini tech hub, with startups and big companies all wanting a piece of the data pie.

In fact, 68% of local businesses are planning to hire Data Scientists soon. Check out these top players in the Athens data scene:

CompanyAvg. SalaryOpen Positions
Athens Tech Hub$118,0005
Georgia Analytics$115,0003
UGA Research Center$105,0002

Joseph Thompson from Athens Tech Hub says it best: "Everyone from healthcare to finance is scrambling to get Data Scientists on board. It's all about innovation and growth."

So if you're into tech and love solving puzzles, becoming a Data Scientist in Athens could be your ticket to an awesome career.

It's where the cool kids in tech are heading!

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3. Cybersecurity Analyst


In Athens, Georgia, Cybersecurity Analysts are hot property in the tech world, with salaries reaching new heights. According to recent data, the average salary for Cybersecurity Analysts in Athens has jumped to an impressive $110,240 per year.

That's some serious cash for keeping digital assets safe! These tech guardians have a ton of responsibilities, from watching networks like hawks to setting up digital fortresses against cyber threats.

To make it in this field, you'll need a solid education, typically a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity or something similar. Skills-wise, it's all about staying ahead of the bad guys.

You've got to be sharp with network security, encryption, and even ethical hacking. Certifications are a big deal too - Security+, CISSP, and CEH are like gold stars on your resume.

The job market in Athens is looking pretty sweet for cybersecurity pros, with growth outpacing a lot of other fields. If you're just starting out, don't worry - entry-level positions in Athens are offering around $89,031 annually, which isn't too shabby.

The work can be intense, with some analysts on call outside regular hours, but that's part of the thrill. As you level up, you could be looking at roles like CISO or Security Architect.

With Athens' tech scene blowing up and cybersecurity becoming more crucial by the day, this career path is looking solid for anyone ready to tackle digital threats head-on.

Just remember, in this field, you've got to stay curious and keep learning to stay on top of your game.

4. DevOps Engineer


DevOps Engineers in Athens, Georgia are set for a sweet career in 2024, with salaries looking pretty solid. According to recent data, entry-level DevOps Engineers (0-2 years experience) can expect to earn around $76,247 annually.

As you level up your skills, so does your paycheck. The average salary for a DevOps Engineer in Athens is actually closer to $117,225 per year, with some senior positions reaching up to $185,000.

That's some serious cash! Key responsibilities haven't changed much, but the tools and tech are always evolving. You'll still be working on CI/CD pipelines, managing cloud stuff (mostly AWS and Azure), and automating all the things.

But now, there's a bigger focus on security and monitoring too. To crush it in this role, you need to stay on top of your game. A Computer Science degree is still preferred, but what really counts is your skills and experience.

Proficiency in Python, Bash, and Git is a must. And if you know your way around Docker and Kubernetes, you're golden. The job market for DevOps Engineers in Athens is on fire! ZipRecruiter reports that some Cloud DevOps Engineers are making up to $164,149 annually.

That's way above the national average, making Athens a hot spot for tech talent. Career growth is looking bright too. You can start as a Junior DevOps Engineer and work your way up to Senior or even DevOps Architect roles.

Each step up comes with a nice bump in salary and responsibilities. Plus, with Athens' tech scene blowing up, there are tons of opportunities to switch between startups and bigger companies, giving you a chance to find your perfect fit.

  • A Computer Science degree is still preferred for aspiring DevOps Engineers.
  • Proficiency in Python, Bash, and Git is essential.
  • Experience with Docker and Kubernetes will make you a top candidate.
  • Security and monitoring are becoming increasingly important in DevOps roles.
  • Salary progression is significant, from Junior to DevOps Architect roles.

Career growth is looking bright too.

You can start as a Junior DevOps Engineer and work your way up to Senior or even DevOps Architect roles. Each step up comes with a nice bump in salary and responsibilities.

Plus, with Athens' tech scene blowing up, there are tons of opportunities to switch between startups and bigger companies, giving you a chance to find your perfect fit.

Bottom line: if you're into problem-solving, automation, and making systems run smoother, DevOps Engineering in Athens is where it's at for 2024 and beyond. The pay is great, the work is challenging, and the future looks bright. Time to level up your skills and get in on this action!

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5. Cloud Architect


Cloud Architects in Athens, Georgia are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries hitting $156,894 in 2024.

That's a pretty sweet deal, considering it's not far off from the national average. These tech wizards are in high demand, and for good reason. They're the masterminds behind cloud infrastructure, making sure everything runs smoothly in the digital sky.

Their job isn't just about building castles in the clouds; it's about creating rock-solid strategies for cloud adoption, keeping data safe from cyber baddies, and making sure companies aren't burning through cash on unnecessary cloud resources.

To make it in this field, you've got to be a jack-of-all-trades. Employers in Athens are looking for people who can juggle multiple cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

They also want pros who know their way around cloud security, can wrangle containers with Docker and Kubernetes, and can write infrastructure code like a boss.

Education-wise, a bachelor's degree in Computer Science is usually the ticket in, but more than half of the jobs out there prefer a master's degree.

And let's talk certifications - they're like power-ups in the tech world. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect is the golden ticket, with Azure and Google Cloud certs following close behind.

The best part? The job market for Cloud Architects in Athens is on fire, with a growth rate that'll make your head spin. Top companies are always on the hunt for cloud talent, offering competitive salaries that can go up to $175,000 for experienced pros.

It's clear that Cloud Architects are the real MVPs in Athens' tech scene, shaping the digital future one cloud at a time.

6. AI/Machine Learning Engineer


AI/Machine Learning Engineers in Athens, Georgia are looking at a seriously cool career path in 2024. The average salary is hitting $95,288 per year, according to recent ZipRecruiter data, which is pretty sweet for a smaller city.

If you level up to an AI Engineer IV, you could be pulling in around $152,272 annually.

That's some serious cash! The job market is hot, with a 25% growth rate expected by 2024. You'll be doing cool stuff like:

  • Creating and tweaking machine learning algorithms
  • Making AI models work better and faster
  • Teaming up with data wizards and coding pros
  • Crunching numbers and figuring out what they mean

To crush it in this field, you'll need some skills:

  1. A Master's or Ph.D. in Computer Science, AI, or something similar
  2. Coding skills in Python, R, and Java
  3. Experience with machine learning tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch
  4. A solid grasp of stats and math

Athens is becoming a legit tech hub, with companies like Docebo and ADP on the hunt for talent.

The University of Georgia's AI Institute is also doing some next-level stuff. As one expert put it, Barbara Jackson is turning into a hotspot for AI innovation. The AI scene in Georgia is changing fast, with a focus on:

Natural Language ProcessingHigh demand
Computer VisionGrowing sector
Ethical AIEmerging field
If you're looking to level up your skills, consider getting tech certifications to stand out.

With Athens' tech scene blowing up and Georgia going all-in on innovation, AI/Machine Learning Engineers are set for an epic career ride in this vibrant city.

7. Full Stack Developer


Full Stack Developers in Athens, Georgia are in high demand, with salaries averaging $132,204 per year in 2024.

These tech wizards handle both front-end and back-end development, making them super valuable in the industry. Their main tasks include creating scalable software, writing clean code, and fixing bugs.

To rock this role, you need skills in multiple languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and back-end stuff like Java or Python. The job market for Full Stack Developers in Athens is growing fast.

Big companies are on the hunt for talent, offering sweet deals. If you're thinking about this career, here's what you need to know:

  • Design and build software from start to finish
  • Work on both client-side and server-side parts
  • Create and manage databases
  • Make sure everything works smoothly on mobile too

Education-wise, most jobs ask for a Computer Science degree, but experience and skills matter just as much.

If you want to level up, Athens has tons of options:

Learn HowHow LongWhat You'll Get
Coding Bootcamps3-6 monthsHands-on skills, fast
University Programs2-4 yearsDeep dive into theory and practice
Online CoursesYour paceLearn specific tech on your schedule
The tech scene in Athens is booming, with startups and established companies always on the lookout for fresh talent.

It's not just about the money though - the city's got a cool vibe that's perfect for techies. Plus, with the University of Georgia nearby, there's always new ideas and people to connect with. Web Developers in Athens (which includes Full Stack) are seeing salaries range from $78,638 to $104,013, showing there's room to grow as you gain experience.

Whether you're just starting or looking to switch careers, Full Stack Development in Athens is definitely worth checking out. It's challenging, always changing, and seriously rewarding.

Get ready to dive into a career that's all about solving puzzles and building cool stuff!

8. IT Manager


In Athens, Georgia, IT Managers are seeing a serious uptick in demand, with salaries ranging from $90,318 to $112,669 per year in 2024.

This role is like the swiss army knife of tech jobs, blending tech smarts with leadership skills. IT Managers are the MVPs of the tech world, handling everything from keeping systems running smoothly to leading teams and projects.

They're also the guardians of cybersecurity and the wizards behind aligning tech strategies with business goals. To crush it in this role, you need a mix of hard and soft skills.

Most companies are looking for:

  1. A bachelor's degree in Computer Science or something similar
  2. At least 5 years of IT experience
  3. Leadership skills that could rival a TED Talk speaker
  4. Knowledge of IT frameworks like ITIL or COBIT
  5. Project management certs like PMP or PRINCE2

The future's looking bright for IT Managers in Athens, with jobs expected to grow by 11% through 2029.

This growth is fueled by Athens' expanding tech scene and the increasing complexity of IT systems. Companies like Cogent Solutions, Symbiote, and Docebo are on the hunt for top-notch IT Managers. What's really cool is the variety of roles within IT management.

You could be an IT Vendor Relationship Senior Manager pulling in up to $211,467, or an IT Systems Analysis Senior Manager making up to $183,621.

There's even room to grow into roles like IT Operations Senior Manager with salaries reaching $187,210. As businesses in Athens keep leveling up their digital game, IT Managers are becoming the rockstars of the corporate world.

They're the bridge between tech and business strategy, making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. With competitive pay and the chance to shape Athens' digital future, more tech pros are eyeing this career path.

If you're into tech and dream of leading the charge, becoming an IT Manager in Athens could be your next big move.

9. UX/UI Designer


UX/UI Designers in Athens, Georgia are set for an exciting career in 2024, with salaries ranging from $70,206 to $105,052 per year, depending on experience and specialization.

Entry-level UI/Usability Designers can expect around $79,369 annually, while Game UX Designers can earn up to $105,052.

This role blends creativity and tech skills to elevate user experiences across digital platforms. Key responsibilities include:

  • Conducting user research and creating personas
  • Developing wireframes and prototypes
  • Designing intuitive user interfaces
  • Collaborating with developers and stakeholders
  • Analyzing user feedback and implementing improvements

To crush it in this field, UX/UI Designers need a mix of technical and soft skills:

  1. Mastery of design tools (e.g., Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD)
  2. Deep understanding of user-centered design principles
  3. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript
  4. Strong communication and teamwork abilities
  5. Sharp analytical thinking and problem-solving skills

The job market for UX/UI Designers in Athens is looking good, with opportunities across various industries.

As Athens continues to grow as a tech hub, companies are actively seeking talented UX/UI professionals. Junior UX/UI Designers can expect to start around $51,498 per year, with plenty of room for growth. Hot trends for 2024 include AI-driven design tools for smoother workflows, voice user interfaces presenting new design challenges, and augmented reality experiences expanding skill requirements.

With the right skills and a passion for creating awesome user experiences, UX/UI Designers can look forward to a rewarding career in Athens' growing tech scene.

10. Product Manager


Product Managers in Athens, Georgia are crushing it in 2024, with salaries hitting an average of $142,070 annually.

This puts Athens on the map as a serious contender in the tech world. The role's importance is clear, with a projected 13% job growth in Georgia's tech sector by 2026.

These pros are all about:

  • Crafting killer product strategies – Developing effective product strategies to gain market share.
  • Digging into market trends and competition – Analyzing market trends and monitoring competitor activities.
  • Overseeing products from idea to launch – Managing the product lifecycle from concept to release.
  • Working with different teams to make magic happen – Collaborating across various departments to ensure product success.

To rock this role, you'll need a mix of tech smarts and people skills:

  1. Sharp analytical thinking – Applying deep analytical skills to solve complex problems.
  2. Top-notch communication – Excelling in both verbal and written communication to effectively convey ideas.
  3. Project management tool wizardry – Proficiency in using project management tools to streamline workflows.
  4. Getting user experience – Understanding and optimizing user experience to enhance product satisfaction.

Most gigs want a bachelor's degree in Business, Computer Science, or something similar.

An MBA can give you an edge, but it's not always a must-have. Athens is buzzing with opportunities, from cool startups to big players like ADP and Foundry45. As one local tech boss puts it,

"Product Managers are our secret weapon for innovation."

The job market's on fire, with a 15% jump in postings compared to last year.

Entry-level Product Managers can expect to start around $119,100, while top earners are pulling in up to $166,344 annually.

It's not just about the cash, though. This role can take you places, from specializing in niche products to scoring executive titles like Chief Product Officer.

For those eyeing the big leagues, Product Manager V positions in Athens are raking in an average of $178,090, with the potential to hit $213,469 at the top end.

These roles typically need 10+ years of experience and a track record of crushing it in product development.

As Athens keeps leveling up its tech game, Product Managers are set to be the MVPs shaping the city's digital future.

It's an exciting time to jump into this field and make your mark on the Athens tech scene.

Conclusion: Thriving in Athens’ Tech Market


Athens, Georgia, is quickly becoming a tech hotspot, offering awesome opportunities across various roles. The top tech jobs in Athens for 2024 are looking pretty sweet, with Software Engineers pulling in around $140,000 annually, followed by Data Scientists at $124,000, and Cybersecurity Engineers at $149,985. The tech scene in Athens is set to grow by 15% in 2024, which is faster than the national average.

This growth is powered by a bunch of factors, including more startups, UGA's solid computer science program, and living costs that won't break the bank. Athens is super affordable with median home prices about 22% below the national average, making it a great spot for young tech pros.

Plus, the city's got a killer music scene and tons of great food options. To get your foot in the door, check out the Athens Tech Meetup, Georgia Tech's local campus, and the Four Season Ventures accelerator program.

These resources can help you land your first remote tech job from Athens.

The Athens tech ecosystem is thriving, with companies looking for skills in cloud engineering, AI, and blockchain.

To boost your chances, consider getting some relevant tech certifications. With its growing opportunities, affordable living, and cool vibe, Athens is shaping up to be an exciting place for tech professionals looking to make their mark in 2024 and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Athens, Georgia becoming a tech powerhouse in 2024?

Athens, Georgia is experiencing a significant tech boom in 2024 due to a combination of factors, including its low cost of living (30% below the national average), proximity to Atlanta's tech ecosystem, and a strong talent pipeline from the University of Georgia, which graduates over 500 tech students annually. The city has also seen a 15% increase in tech jobs year-over-year and hosts numerous tech conferences and events.

What is the average salary for tech jobs in Athens, Georgia?

The average tech salary in Athens has reached $85,000 in 2024, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. However, salaries for specific roles can be significantly higher; for instance, Software Engineers can earn between $70,246 and $182,571 annually, depending on experience and skills.

What are some of the highest-paying tech jobs in Athens, Georgia for 2024?

Some of the highest-paying tech jobs in Athens, Georgia for 2024 include roles like Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Analyst, DevOps Engineer, and Cloud Architect. For example, Senior Software Engineers can earn up to $218,798 annually, and Cloud Architects can make as much as $175,000 per year.

What skills are in demand for tech jobs in Athens, Georgia?

The most in-demand skills for tech jobs in Athens include programming languages like Python, Java, and C++, proficiency in tools like Docker and Kubernetes, cloud computing, data analysis, cybersecurity, and machine learning. Certifications like Security+, CISSP, and AWS are also highly valued.

How is the job market for tech professionals evolving in Athens, Georgia?

The job market for tech professionals in Athens is rapidly expanding, with a projected 12% increase in tech jobs by 2024. This growth is driven by the expansion of existing tech companies, the arrival of new startups, and increasing demand for tech services across various sectors. Local companies and recruiters report high demand for professionals in areas like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.