Is a Career Change into Tech Feasible in Austin?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Skyline of Austin, a city known for its thriving tech industry

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Pivot to Austin's thriving tech industry! Salaries average $150,026, a 28.7% growth in tech jobs over five years, with 19% increase post-pandemic. Exciting roles like software development and data science await. Tech bootcamps offer a fast track, with 80% job placement and a 51% salary boost post-graduation.

If you're thinking about taking the tech plunge, Austin is where it's at. This place, affectionately called "Silicon Hills," is a goldmine for anyone looking to switch gears and dive into the world of bits and bytes.

A whopping 16.7% of jobs in Austin are in the tech sector, blowing past the national average by a mile.

And that's not all – tech employment in this city has skyrocketed by a staggering 28.7% over the past five years. Talk about a massive boom!

After the pandemic hit, remote work became the new norm, and Austin's tech scene embraced it wholeheartedly.

Major players like Apple and Google have planted their flags here, leading to a 19% surge in tech job openings since COVID struck.

But the real kicker – the average tech salary in Austin is a mind-blowing $150,026, leaving the overall average in the dust.

And if you're worried about not having a fancy computer science degree, don't sweat it! Austin has a thriving learning culture with places like Nucamp that can help you level up your skills and make the transition easier.

Not only is Austin a tech powerhouse, but the cost of living here is way more chill than in Silicon Valley.

This place is the perfect blend of opportunity and affordability, making it an ideal spot to kickstart your tech career or take it to new heights. If you're looking for a game-changing move, Austin is where you want to be!

Table of Contents

  • Demand for Tech Jobs in Austin
  • Tech Bootcamps in Austin
  • Success Stories
  • Making the Change
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Demand for Tech Jobs in Austin


Austin's tech scene is poppin' off like crazy and it's the place to be if you're tryna break into that world. The number of tech jobs in this city has skyrocketed by a whopping 34.5% in just the last five years! Austin's tech job market is outgrowing the national average, with a 9.8% increase in tech gigs from last year alone.

That's insane!

The hottest jobs right now are for software devs, data scientists, cybersecurity experts, and UX/UI designers. Companies can't get enough of these roles, and the job postings for software developers in particular are through the roof.

It's a full-on tech takeover in ATX!

Big dogs like Dell, IBM, and Oracle are still hiring like crazy, and even newer players like Indeed and Dropbox are getting in on the action.

The skills that are in high demand range from advanced programming languages like Python and JavaScript to data management and analytics expertise. You'll also need to be a pro at cloud computing with platforms like AWS and Azure, and have a solid grasp of security protocols and frameworks.

In January 2023 alone, there were over 5,000 tech job postings in Austin! That's next level.

This city is a straight-up magnet for tech growth, and the environment here promotes continuous learning and skill development. With remote work becoming increasingly common, Austin is the perfect spot to kickstart or level up your tech career, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro.

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Tech Bootcamps in Austin


Austin's tech scene is lit af, and there are tons of coding bootcamps that'll get you ready for a dope tech job in no time.

We're talkin' about places like Nucamp, General Assembly, and Galvanize, where they'll teach you the skills to be a full-stack developer, and they've got killer job placement rates.

Like, over 80% of Nucamp grads end up with mad coding skills.

  • At Nucamp, you can take anything from a 4-week Web Development Fundamentals course to a 22-week Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program, and the tuition starts at just $458 for early bird registration. Crazy cheap, right?
  • General Assembly has a bunch of immersive programs in software engineering, data science, and more, ranging from 12 to 24 weeks long, with prices from $3,950 to $15,950. But they've got career coaching and a solid alumni network to help you out.
  • Galvanize is all about intensive training in web dev and data science, with hiring days to connect you with potential employers. Their tuition is around $17,980, but it's an investment in your future, right?

When you're looking at these bootcamps, you gotta weigh the cost and how long it'll take against how much you could make after.

But the numbers don't lie – Nucamp grads saw an average salary increase of 51% after finishing the program. These bootcamps are designed to teach you the skills that employers in Austin are actually looking for.

Even ACC has a Software Developer bootcamp that focuses on hands-on projects and job search training.

Around 96% of employed bootcamp grads in Austin end up landing tech jobs right here in the city.

So, while the tuition might seem steep, you'll likely make that back and more with the salary bump you'll get from your new tech career in this booming city.

Success Stories


Check this out! Austin is where it's at for folks looking to switch careers and get into the tech game. This city's got a killer vibe that'll help you make that transition happen.

Just look at the Tech Elevator coding bootcamp in Austin - they've got a 93% graduation rate and their grads are pulling in a median starting salary of $65K straight out the gate! They'll hook you up with all the industry-relevant education and career support you need.

But don't just take my word for it.

There are tons of people out there who've made the career switch successfully, like the ones at Midlands Technical College and Job Corps.

They'll tell you all about the incredible opportunities and community support that helped them crush it.

It's not always a walk in the park. You'll have to grind through some tough learning curves and networking like crazy.

But once you wrap your head around things like data structures and algorithms, the payoff is insane. We're talking a median tech worker salary in Austin that's like 85% higher than the average job in the city, according to Payscale.

And with tech jobs growing twice as fast as the national average here, you'll have plenty of options.

Just take a look at the 250,000+ success stories from LHH.

These people have totally turned their careers around and leveled up in Austin's booming tech scene. Even big shots from Silicon Valley are flocking here, as The New Yorker's article "The Astonishing Transformation of Austin" points out.

If you put in the work and take advantage of the awesome community support and hands-on learning opportunities in Austin, you can make that career switch happen.

Just ask the folks at Tech Elevator or that former teacher who's now crushing it in software development. It's tough at first, but the sense of accomplishment, community love, and fat paychecks make it all worth it in the end.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Making the Change


If you're tryna get into the tech scene in Austin, you gotta play your cards right. Here's the lowdown:

First up, you gotta network like crazy.

Like, 85% of tech jobs here are scored through connections. Get out there and hit up those meetups and events – get your face known.

  1. Find Your Niche: Austin's tech job market is poppin' off at 15% growth every year. Figure out what's hot – coding, cybersecurity, data stuff – and get focused. Big dogs like Dell, Amazon, and Oracle are hiring.
  2. Level Up: Check out these sick bootcamps like Nucamp – they've got a 90% job placement rate within 6 months of graduating. Or peep the Tesla START program for some training.
  3. Build a Portfolio: Put together a dope portfolio of projects to show off your skills. Data says you're twice as likely to get hired if you've got that hands-on experience.
  4. Get Certified: Snag some industry certs – LinkedIn found they can boost your hiring chances by 50%.
  5. Network Like a Boss: Keep hitting those meetups and conferences. Companies in Austin's tech bubble love to hire people who hustle and connect.

Austin's got mad resources for career changers too.

Sites like Austin Texas Gov can walk you through starting a biz, and groups like Austin Digital Jobs on FB can hook you up with advice and job leads.

"In Austin, guidance and persistence are key. Embrace the challenge with passion and dedication, and you'll crush it," says Nancy Thompson.

Bottom line, stay hungry to learn – tech moves fast.

With the right plan and hustle, breaking into Austin's booming tech scene is totally doable.



Austin's the spot if you're trying to get into the tech game. The industry there is booming, outpacing the rest of the nation with a 9.8% jump in high-tech jobs in just one year.

And it's not a one-hit-wonder – we're talking a 63.6% increase over the last decade. That's some serious growth!

But it gets better. Oxford Economics says Austin's tech scene is set to keep killing it, avoiding the layoffs that have hit other places hard.

And the average tech salary? A cool $151,873. That's not pocket change. With an employment rate double the national average, Austin's a prime spot for techies to rake in the dough.

Austin's tech renaissance is spreading its wings across the whole local economy, contributing nearly $30 billion in payrolls and leading job growth in non-manufacturing tech industries like software publishing.

Sure, there are challenges like balancing work and learning, but Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has got you covered with insights on tackling them.

But here's the real flex: career changers are flocking to Austin for its booming startup scene, dope quality of life, and a tech community that's got your back.

Bootcamp grads are landing jobs at an 89% rate within six months of finishing up. One alum even said,

"The support and opportunities in Austin's tech community are unparalleled—it's where dreams become tangible realities"


That's some inspiring stuff.

Bottom line? If you're thinking of switching careers and diving into the tech world, Austin's the place to be. The data and real-life stories prove it's not just possible but downright lucrative.

Austin's tech sphere is resilient, rewarding, and future-proof – a perfect fit for your ambitions.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average tech salary in Austin?

The average tech salary in Austin is $150,026, surpassing the national average significantly.

What is the job growth rate in the tech sector in Austin?

Austin's tech employment has shown a robust 28.7% growth over five years, with a 19% increase in tech vacancies post-pandemic.

What are the sought-after tech roles in Austin?

Noteworthy tech roles in Austin include software developers, data scientists, cybersecurity experts, and UX/UI designers, with a surge in software development job postings.

How effective are tech bootcamps in Austin for career changers?

Tech bootcamps in Austin, like Nucamp, General Assembly, and Galvanize, boast high job placement rates, with Nucamp reporting over 80% job placement and a 51% salary boost post-graduation.

What steps can individuals take to transition into tech careers in Austin?

Individuals looking to transition into tech careers in Austin should identify their niche, enhance skills through bootcamps, build a portfolio, get certified, and network relentlessly to increase their chances of success.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.