Is Austin the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Overview of Austin skyline with the focus on the tech hub it has become for coding bootcamps.

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Austin is a booming tech hub with a 25.5% job growth rate, high tech salaries of $157,612, and over 195,000 tech jobs. Coding bootcamps equip students with essential tech skills to thrive in Austin's vibrant tech scene. Graduates secure jobs with a 49% salary increase.

Austin's tech scene is lit AF, with a massive 25% jump in tech jobs since 2020. Check it out.

This city is the place to be for anyone looking to make moves in the tech world. Big names like Apple and Dell are already here, but there's also a ton of dope startups popping up, thanks to the low cost of living and fat paychecks averaging $157,612 for tech roles.

Coding bootcamps in Austin are the real MVPs, hooking people up with the skills they need for web dev, data science, and more. Powerhouses like AlertMedia and Atlassian are just a couple of the innovative companies killing it here.

The numbers don't lie - Austin has nearly three times more tech jobs than the national average, and the bootcamps here are on point, prepping the workforce to keep this city's economic engine running strong.

If you're thinking about a career switch, Austin is the spot. Nucamp has some dope programs, as you can see in "What coding bootcamps are available in Austin?".

With the industry booming and all these educational opportunities, Austin is the perfect place to launch your tech career.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding The Coding Scene in Austin
  • Why Consider a Coding Bootcamp in Austin?
  • Success Stories From Austin's Bootcamp Graduates
  • Choosing Your Austin Coding Bootcamp
  • Conclusion: Is Austin Right for Your Coding Journey?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding The Coding Scene in Austin


Check this out! Austin's been killin' it as the new tech capital. It's like the perfect storm of economic trends, innovation vibes, and community support all coming together.

The Austin Chamber of Commerce just dropped a dope report showing how the tech industry here has seen some insane job growth, like 8.5% overall, and even during the pandemic in 2020, they still managed to spike up 3.5% in high-tech jobs.

With over 195,000 tech peeps employed, giants like Apple, Google, and Facebook are setting up shop here.

The city's got a sweet package deal going on – no state income taxes, lower cost of living than Silicon Valley, and a killer culture that attracts top talent from all over.

And with the population boom and established tech firms, Austin's got a diverse talent pool that's perfect for both newbies and veterans.

The startup scene is poppin' too, with over 3,380 fast-growing companies according to Dealroom.

Venture capital funding doubled in 2021 compared to the previous year, and there are 117 VC firms right here in Austin, making it a breeding ground for the next big thing.

But it's not just about the startups.

Austin's got this innovative vibe going on with incubators, events like SXSW, and a strong community that empowers everyone, from coding bootcamp grads to women in tech.

And speaking of bootcamps, Austin's got some killer programs to keep you sharp and ahead of the game. This city is buzzing with energy, and it's the perfect spot for creators and innovators to thrive.

Austin's the real deal – a beacon of opportunity in the tech world.

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Why Consider a Coding Bootcamp in Austin?


Austin is the place to be! It's not just about the dope music scene and wild culture, but it's also a major tech hub that they call "Silicon Hills." Companies and talented folks flock here like crazy, and tech jobs have grown by like 25.5% since 2016, according to the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

This makes Austin the perfect spot for coding bootcamps like Nucamp and others to thrive and meet the high demand for skilled techies.

  • Cutting-edge Knowledge: Bootcamp students get to learn about the latest tech trends and innovations, thanks to the University of Texas at Austin's top-notch high-tech research game.
  • Community and Diversity: Austin's diversity is on the rise, as The New Yorker mentioned, and this diversity extends to bootcamps, giving you a chance to network and learn from people with different backgrounds and perspectives.

The city is all about promoting education and workforce development, with the Austin Technology Incubator having launched over 300 companies, solidifying Austin's rep as a hotbed for tech innovation.

Plus, the cost of living here is lower than other tech hubs like San Francisco or New York City, so you won't have to worry about breaking the bank while pursuing your coding dreams.

With the city's unique vibe and the collaborative efforts between the government, private sector, community groups, and universities, Austin is the perfect place for aspiring coders and tech enthusiasts to level up their skills and get in on the action.

Austin's got the complete package, making it a no-brainer for anyone looking to start their coding journey while soaking up the "live music capital of the world" atmosphere.

Success Stories From Austin's Bootcamp Graduates


Austin's been poppin' off as a tech hub, and the coding bootcamp grads have been killin' it with their success stories. 91% of them landed full-time tech gigs after graduation, with a dope 49% average salary boost.

These stories are straight fire:

  • This one dude went from slingin' coffee to coding for a sick startup, levelin' up his income in just 6 months – just like a Deep Dive Coding grad who used their new skills to crush it.
  • A former teacher switched lanes and joined a Fortune 500 company as a junior dev, kinda like that r/webdev peep who said havin' a degree helped with resume screenings.
  • Then there's Sarah Jones – she leveled up to a Senior Engineer role in 2 years after the bootcamp, bankin' over $120,000. Sounds like the trend in Austin's tech scene where unique portfolios and tailored apps make you stand out.

These individual glow-ups reflect the bigger picture too – 75% of local tech companies have hired bootcamp grads, recognizing their up-to-date skills.

Major players like Google, Dell, and fintech startups are all scoutin' these grads, makin' Austin's job market one of the hottest nationwide. Companies don't just hire them but fast-track 'em to senior roles, acknowledging their intense, hands-on training.

"The real-world experience bootcamp grads have is invaluable and often outshines traditional education paths,"

says a tech hiring manager.

Austin's bootcamps are a legit launchpad for tech careers, matchin' grads' ambitions with the industry's needs.

Austin's economic forecast is lookin' hella bright too, with projections showin' a 16% growth in tech jobs over the next 5 years.

That data screams that Austin's the place to be for tech innovation and bootcamp grads' career growth.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Choosing Your Austin Coding Bootcamp


Picking the right coding bootcamp in Austin can be a total game-changer for your future tech career. With so many options out there in 2023, it's crucial to do your homework and consider a few key factors before taking the plunge.

First up, check out the curriculum.

Make sure it's legit and covers all the latest industry trends and skills that employers are thirsty for. Austin bootcamps usually offer a solid lineup of languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails.

You can go for UT Austin's extensive web dev program or Nucamp's affordable courses in web and mobile dev – there's something for everyone in this booming tech hub.

When you're weighing your options, keep an eye out for:

  • The bootcamp's job placement rate after you graduate
  • Flexibility in schedule – part-time, full-time, or even online options to fit your lifestyle
  • Instructors with real-world experience who can share the inside scoop
  • A solid support system with peers and mentors to keep you motivated
  • Student reviews and testimonials for the honest truth

These bootcamps can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, so you can pick your pace.

Former students rave about the chance to work on real-life projects, like at the Flatiron School and General Assembly.

One recent grad summed it up perfectly:

"What made my bootcamp experience lit was the direct connection to Austin's tech community. Events, hackathons, and meetups were a regular part of the deal."

This kind of industry integration and networking can be a total game-changer for your career growth.

Brace yourself for a challenging but rewarding ride that's way more hands-on than traditional education.

Do your research, weigh the bootcamps against your goals and lifestyle, and you'll be set to crush it in Austin's epic tech scene.

Conclusion: Is Austin Right for Your Coding Journey?


As we wrap up why Austin is the place to be for aspiring coders, let's get real about why it's a total sweet spot. The tech job market here is straight-up booming, with tech job postings skyrocketing like crazy.

Plus, having tech giants like Dell around means the support and opportunities for bootcamp grads are off the charts.

Not to mention, Austin's got your back if you're a veteran or transitioning service member looking to hop on the tech train, with programs like those at Galvanize's Hack Reactor Bootcamps.

But it's not just talk.

Real-life success stories prove that the coding bootcamps in this city are legit. Let's break it down:

  1. Networking: Tons of chances to connect with local startups and big-name companies.
  2. Mentorship: Invaluable access to seasoned pros who've navigated Austin's tech scene.
  3. Professional development: Being close to major events like SXSW means non-stop learning.

Specifically, the Coding Boot Camp at UT Austin hooks you up with a solid curriculum covering all the latest tech, plus you get a Certificate of Completion from UT Austin itself, which looks dope to future employers.

The average salary for software engineers in Austin is straight fire, outshining other tech hubs while still being affordable to live here. Bottom line, choosing Austin for your coding bootcamp means you're set up for a solid education, a promising career path, and a lifestyle that's hard to beat.

Austin is where culture, tech, and ambition collide – the perfect spot for those ready to start their game-changing tech journey.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the tech job growth rate in Austin?

Austin has a tech job growth rate of 25.5% from 2016 to 2021.

What are the high tech salaries in Austin?

Austin boasts high average tech salaries of $157,612.

Are coding bootcamps important in Austin's tech scene?

Yes, coding bootcamps in Austin equip students with essential tech skills to thrive in the vibrant tech scene, contributing to the city's economic growth.

What is the average salary increase for bootcamp graduates in Austin?

Bootcamp graduates in Austin secure jobs with a 49% average salary increase.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.