PostgreSQL vs MySQL: A Detailed Comparison

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Database icons representing PostgreSQL vs MySQL

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PostgreSQL vs MySQL: PostgreSQL, embraced in 1996, boasts 33% developer adoption, advanced data types, ACID compliance, and extensive features. MySQL, originating in 1995, is renowned for simplicity, serving internet giants. PostgreSQL excels in standards compliance, security, and complex tasks; MySQL offers speed and scalability.

Let me break it down for you about these two database systems that have been around for a hot minute.

PostgreSQL, or Postgres for short, has been on the scene since the 80s when it started as a project at UC Berkeley.

In 1996, they gave it the name PostgreSQL to show that it was all about SQL. This open-source database is a total powerhouse, with a ton of advanced features and data types.

It's also ACID compliant, which means it's reliable for handling complex data management needs.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2020, around 33% of developers were using PostgreSQL as their main database.

That's a pretty solid chunk of the dev community!

On the other hand, we have MySQL, which came out in 1995 and was later acquired by Oracle in 2010. This bad boy is known for being super straightforward and efficient.

It's a key part of the LAMP stack, which is like the foundation for internet giants like Facebook and YouTube.

If you check out, MySQL is ranked as the second most popular database system, while PostgreSQL comes in at number four as of 2022.

One of the big players in PostgreSQL's growth has been Bruce Momjian, who has helped steer its development along with a solid community of supporters.

The history and evolution of PostgreSQL have set the stage for contrasting its enterprise-level capabilities with MySQL's web-optimized efficiency, which we'll dive into more in Nucamp's guides on Advanced SQL Techniques and SQL Queries in PostgreSQL.

Table of Contents

  • What makes PostgreSQL stand out?
  • What makes MySQL stand out?
  • Standards Compliance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
  • Performance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
  • Data Security: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
  • The conclusion: Choosing between PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Join us as we delve into the PostgreSQL vs MySQL debate and compare these SQL giants head-to-head.

What makes PostgreSQL stand out?


PostgreSQL is like the OG of open-source databases, with over 35 years of development under its belt. The latest version is legit, following like 170 out of 179 SQL standards, so it's mad official.

But what sets PostgreSQL apart is its ability to handle complex data types like arrays, JSON, and stuff like that straight up in the database, no messing around.

And when it comes to searching and handling multiple operations at once, PostgreSQL's got your back with its MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC) system, keeping your data on point without any read locks slowing you down.

Plus, if you're into mapping and location-based stuff, the PostGIS extension turns PostgreSQL into a geospatial data powerhouse, which is pretty dope.

PostgreSQL is constantly evolving with the times, thanks to its dedicated community.

They're pushing the boundaries with cloud services, data science, and all sorts of cutting-edge tech, so you can be sure PostgreSQL will keep up with your modern data needs.

It's been one of the top five databases in the DB-Engines Ranking since 2018.

Whether you're in finance, telecoms, web services, or e-commerce, PostgreSQL has got your back with its versatility and reliability.

As one analyst put it,

"PostgreSQL isn't just a relational database; it's a data platform for many types of data workloads, making it uniquely versatile."

So, if you're looking for a database that can handle pretty much anything you throw at it, PostgreSQL is definitely worth checking out in the SQL database game.

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What makes MySQL stand out?


Let me hit you up with some dope info about MySQL, the illest open-source database out there. This bad boy is straight fire when it comes to speed and handling massive data loads.

It's recognized for its performance, with its B-tree disk tables and optimized nested-loop join algorithm making queries fly like a rocket. Perfect for all those web apps that need to read data like it's nobody's business.

It supports full atomic, consistent, isolated, durable operations, so you know your data is safe and sound. Plus, it's got this storage engine framework that lets you control input/output activity and memory caching like a boss.

MySQL is like a chameleon, adapting to all sorts of development stacks, especially the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) ecosystem that powers so many dope websites and apps.

Its replication, partitioning, and advanced indexing techniques let developers achieve high availability and horizontal scaling like it's nothing.

And with features like robust Index Caching, Data Compression capabilities, and Advanced Query Optimization tools, MySQL is all about giving you total control over your workflow, keeping your server performance and uptime on point.

But let's talk real-world applications.

MySQL is a straight-up rockstar in the online retail game, handling those crazy transaction volumes like a champ while keeping your data integrity locked down tight, which is crucial for e-commerce platforms.

And when it comes to data protection, MySQL is like a fortress, making it a go-to choice for web giants like Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress. Even tech gurus like Robert Brown from Bootcamp can't stop raving about MySQL's unbeatable transactional support, solidifying its status as a reliable and secure choice for content management systems with complex data relationships.

MySQL is just straight-up killing it, day after day, proving why it's a must-have in this tech-driven world.

Standards Compliance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL


When it comes to SQL standards, PostgreSQL and MySQL are like two peas in a different pod. PostgreSQL is like the straight-A student, following all the rules to the letter.

It's a stickler for conforming to the SQL:2011 standard, which is no easy feat with its 179 features. This future-proofs your database apps and gives PostgreSQL some serious firepower, like full-text search capabilities, multi-index queries, and killer support for geospatial data through PostGIS.

On the other hand, MySQL has been more about speed and reliability than being a rules conformist.

It's like the rebel kid who cuts corners to get things done fast. But it's been shaping up lately, improving its SQL compliance game with better replication features and horizontal scaling that align with current standards.

MySQL's secret weapon is its lightning-fast processing, especially for read-only queries.

But it's been called out for lacking in functionality and slower development due to corporate takeovers.

Still, if you're running a web app that needs to scale quickly, MySQL could be your ride-or-die.

PostgreSQL, though, is the real deal when it comes to ACID compliance and handling concurrent transactions like a boss.

It's got a massive arsenal of SQL compliance functions, including support for NoSQL formats and spatial databases, even if it's a bit of a memory hog.

At the end of the day, SQL standards affect data integrity, portability, and interoperability between systems.

In a 2021 showdown, PostgreSQL scored a whopping 95% compliance, while MySQL lagged behind at 65%. So if you're looking for a database that can handle complex operations and apps that need to stay consistent and reliable for the long haul, PostgreSQL might be your new best friend.

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Performance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL


Let's talk about this PostgreSQL vs. MySQL debate that's been raging on. Both of these databases are baller in their own ways, but as time goes on, the performance gap between them has been narrowing.

Back in the day, MySQL was the king when it came to read-heavy scenarios with its lightweight architecture.

It could retrieve data quick as hell, which was clutch for stuff like WordPress sites where fast data access is crucial. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, was more built for complex queries and write-heavy workloads thanks to its fancy optimizer.

When it comes to scalability, which is super important for apps that are blowing up, PostgreSQL is a boss with its multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) feature that handles multiple transactions like a champ.

MySQL isn't a slouch either with its replication capabilities, but you might need to tweak it a bit more to get it to scale as well as PostgreSQL. Nowadays, the performance difference between the two for typical workloads is usually within a 30% range, so it's not a huge gap.

Reliability is a big deal for large-scale apps, and PostgreSQL has cemented itself as the OG when it comes to data integrity, offering ACID compliance and fancy recovery features.

MySQL's reliability has improved with the InnoDB engine, but it's had some hiccups with data corruption in the past. That said, MySQL has been catching up and can handle a wide range of performance needs now, so choosing between PostgreSQL and MySQL really comes down to what your project specifically needs.

At the end of the day, it's all about picking the right tool for the job.

An analyst might put it like this: "Choosing between PostgreSQL and MySQL isn't about which one is better overall, but about which one meets your app's specific performance needs." Both databases are legit contenders these days, so it's all about finding the one that fits your project's vibe the best.

Data Security: PostgreSQL vs MySQL


When it comes to data security, PostgreSQL seriously brings the heat. With its granular access controls and column-level security, you can lock that down tight.

And let's not forget about its beastly data encryption, both at rest and in transit, keeping your data safe from peeping Toms. PostgreSQL's security game is on point with SSL support and that SE-PostgreSQL extension that integrates with SELinux for mandatory access control.

It's like having a bouncer at the door, but for your data. And if you're into encryption types, PostgreSQL has got you covered with a whole range of options, meeting those strict security and compliance standards like a boss.

Now, MySQL ain't no slouch either.

It's got SSL encrypted connections and data-at-rest encryption for the InnoDB storage engine. But sometimes it's preferred for its high-speed read operations and stability in read-only scenarios.

However, PostgreSQL's ACID compliance and concurrent transaction handling make it the OG when it comes to data integrity.

When disaster strikes, PostgreSQL has your back with its point-in-time recovery and continuous archiving and replication features.

It's like having a time machine for your data. MySQL has decent replication, but it's been playing catch-up with point-in-time recovery options, though it's been stepping up its game with recent evolutions, especially on cloud platforms like Azure SQL.

And let's talk about vulnerabilities, cuz that's a big deal.

Studies show that PostgreSQL has had fewer reported vulnerabilities on average compared to MySQL. It's like PostgreSQL has been hitting the gym and building muscle to minimize those attack vectors.

So, while both databases pack a punch when it comes to data security, if you need that next-level security and integrity, PostgreSQL is your ride or die.

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The conclusion: Choosing between PostgreSQL and MySQL


Let's talk about these two database titans, PostgreSQL and MySQL, and which one you should rock for your next project. It's all about priorities and what you need to get done, ya dig? Make an informed choice, that's the key!

If you're a startup or a business looking for a cost-effective way to scale and some serious community support, MySQL is a beast! It powers countless web apps out there and plays nicely with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

In 2022, around 39.5% of devs chose MySQL, so you know it's popular!

On the other hand, if you're an enterprise that needs advanced features, better support for concurrent operations, and ACID compliance for complex queries, geographical data processing, and JSON operations, PostgreSQL might be your jam.

It's known for being standards-compliant and highly extensible, which means it packs some serious functionality for modern, data-driven apps.

To help you decide, consider these factors:

  • Standards Compliance: PostgreSQL is super SQL-compliant, so it's a good choice if your app needs to follow SQL standards strictly.
  • Performance: MySQL might be better for simple, read-heavy workflows, while PostgreSQL is designed for complex operations and analytical tasks, as this comparison shows.
  • Data Security: If you need robust data integrity and fancy role-based security mechanisms, PostgreSQL might be the way to go.
  • Customizability: PostgreSQL's extensibility lets you create custom data types and advanced index types.

A 2022 Stack Overflow survey showed PostgreSQL as the most wanted database, so its versatility and power are definitely trendy right now.

At the end of the day, your choice depends on your specific use case. "MySQL might be the go-to for web-based apps," while "PostgreSQL rocks for systems using geospatial data and needing concurrent data write operations," according to industry experts.

Pick the one that fits your project's data handling needs, performance requirements, scalability expectations, and long-term data management vision. For a deeper dive into these SQL beasts, check out our Nucamp articles on PostgreSQL vs MySQL.

Frequently Asked Questions


What makes PostgreSQL stand out?

PostgreSQL stands out for its advanced data types, extensive feature set, compliance with ACID transactions, support for complex tasks, and robust community contributing to new technologies like cloud services and data science.

What makes MySQL stand out?

MySQL distinguishes itself with remarkable speed, efficiency in managing large data loads, transactional support, scalability features like replication and partitioning, and reliability evidenced in supporting high-demand web platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress.

Standards Compliance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

PostgreSQL excels in SQL standards compliance, adhering to 95% compliance compared to MySQL's 65%, supporting complex operations and applications requiring long-term consistency and reliability. MySQL, focusing on speed, has been enhancing its SQL compliance features, bridging the gap with PostgreSQL.

Performance: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

In terms of performance, while PostgreSQL is tailored for complex queries and write-heavy workloads, MySQL traditionally shines in read-heavy scenarios with its lightweight architecture. The choice between the two now hinges more on specific project requirements than overarching superiority.

Data Security: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Data security is robust in both PostgreSQL and MySQL, with PostgreSQL offering granular access controls, powerful encryption capabilities, and comprehensive security features. MySQL, known for its SSL support and data-at-rest encryption, is preferred for read-only scenarios. However, PostgreSQL's ACID compliance and advanced security mechanisms make it suitable for environments demanding stringent data security.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.