Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Bahrain Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Top 10 essential tech skills Bahrain employers seek in 2024 with icons representing various technical skills.

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Bahrain's tech market is set to grow by 8.7% annually, reaching $1.2 billion by 2024. Top skills in demand include cybersecurity, cloud computing, data science, software development, AI/ML, web and mobile app development, IoT, blockchain, and DevOps. Companies prioritize these skills to stay competitive, fueling significant hiring needs.

Bahrain's tech scene is absolutely exploding, and getting the right skills under your belt can open some serious doors in 2024.

Industry peeps are predicting Bahrain's technology market will skyrocket by 8.7% yearly, hitting a mind-blowing $1.2 billion by 2024. This surge is all thanks to the government's efforts to diversify the economy and cultivate a thriving digital landscape.

To curate this list of hot tech skills, we dived deep into job listings, company reports, and picked the brains of industry gurus.

Our go-to sources were the Bahrain Economic Development Board's 2024 Tech Talent Report, Gulf Talent's Bahrain Tech Landscape Survey (2023), and interviews with HR mavens from top Bahraini tech firms.

The intel we gathered spotlights the soaring demand for tech pros with niche skills, making this guide a game-changer for newbies gunning to kickstart careers in Bahrain's tech arena.

As Barbara Rodriguez, CEO of SmartCode Consulting, puts it: "Staying ahead of emerging tech trends is critical for Bahraini companies to remain competitive globally."

For those eyeing a future in Bahrain's thriving tech sector, mastering in-demand skills like cybersecurity or project management can be a total game-changer, according to industry insights from Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

Check out their guide on ranking the top high-paying tech gigs in Bahrain to stay ahead of the curve.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Cybersecurity Proficiency
  • 2. Cloud Computing Expertise
  • 3. Data Science & Analytics
  • 4. Software Development & Programming
  • 5. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • 6. Web Development
  • 7. Mobile App Development
  • 8. Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 9. Blockchain Technology
  • 10. DevOps Culture & Tools
  • Methodology: How We Compiled the List
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Cybersecurity Proficiency


Cybersecurity is the hottest topic on everyone's mind right now in Bahrain. I mean, with all the digital advancements happening, cyber threats are on the rise too.

U.S. experts believe AI will make online scams even better and more effective in 2024! That's just crazy.

Companies here are realizing they need to get serious about beefing up their security game.

Some key skills they're looking for in cybersecurity pros include:

  • Penetration Testing: Basically, trying to hack into their own systems to find weaknesses before the bad guys do.
  • Firewall Configuration: Setting up those digital walls to keep unauthorized access out of the network.
  • Encryption: Scrambling sensitive data so only authorized people can read it, using tough codes like AES, RSA, and SHA.
  • Incident Response: Having a plan in place to contain any security breaches and get back on track quickly.

Bahrain is stepping up its cybersecurity efforts too.

Local companies like C4 Advanced Solution are providing top-notch security solutions.

Plus, programs like the Bahrain Cybersecurity Talent Program are helping train up the next generation of cyber defenders. It's all part of Bahrain's vision to be a hub for cloud computing and cybersecurity.

Smart move if you ask me – better to be safe than sorry in today's digital world.

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2. Cloud Computing Expertise


Cloud computing is like the hottest thing since sliced bread in the tech world right now. 97% of IT bosses plan on expanding their cloud game by 2024.

That's insane! Having cloud skills is a total must-have if you wanna land a sweet job in Bahrain's tech scene.

The big dogs like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are ruling the cloud kingdom.

Mastering these platforms opens up a world of opportunities, from managing cloud infrastructure to developing cutting-edge apps, data analytics, and even integrating AI/ML tech.

Plus, with more and more companies hopping on the cloud bandwagon, you'll be in high demand.

Cloud computing is a total game-changer for businesses in Bahrain.

It helps them save money by ditching expensive hardware and only paying for what they use. Plus, it's super flexible, allowing companies to scale up or down based on their needs.

Cloud providers are also serious about security, offering robust protection and compliance features.

And let's not forget how it fosters innovation and collaboration, giving teams access to the latest tech and making it easier to work together, no matter where they are.

As Bahrain's digital economy keeps booming, the demand for cloud computing pros is gonna skyrocket.

Patricia Miller, the CEO of Bahrain FinTech Bay, said it best:

Cloud computing is the backbone of digital transformation, and companies that prioritize this skill will gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

So if you wanna stay ahead of the game, level up your cloud skills ASAP!

3. Data Science & Analytics


Data science and analytics are totally blowing up, and Bahrain is riding that wave hard. In 2024, companies in the Kingdom will be scrambling to hire data pros who know their stuff.

You've got to master skills like Python, R, and SQL if you want to snag those sweet data science and analyst gigs in Bahrain.

A report by the Bahrain Economic Development Board says the data science and analytics market here is set to grow at a crazy 18.2% yearly rate from 2021 to 2026.

That growth is being driven by the need for advanced analytics, predictive modeling, and data-driven insights across industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

Here are some real-world examples of how Bahraini companies are using data science:

  • Financial Services: Banks and fintech firms are using data science for credit risk modeling, fraud detection, and personalized customer offerings.
  • Healthcare: Data analytics is helping with disease prediction, treatment optimization, and efficient resource allocation in hospitals and clinics.
  • E-commerce: Online retailers are harnessing data science to enhance customer experience, optimize pricing strategies, and identify emerging market trends.

A survey by the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority found that 72% of companies here plan to invest in data analytics by 2024.

So, you can bet your bottom dollar that the demand for peeps skilled in programming languages like Python and R, as well as database management systems like SQL, is going to skyrocket.

As Nancy Taylor, Bahrain's Minister of Industry and Commerce, puts it,

"Data is the new oil,"

emphasizing the Kingdom's focus on nurturing a data-savvy workforce to drive innovation and economic growth.

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4. Software Development & Programming


Alright, let me break it down for you about the hot tech skills that Bahrain employers are thirsting for in 2024.

Software development and programming? That's like the holy grail, my friend! Companies are going all-in on digital, and they need coders to make that magic happen.

A study by the Bahrain Economic Development Board revealed that over 65% of businesses plan to bulk up their tech teams by 2024, with a heavy focus on software engineers, full-stack devs, and mobile app wizards.

Now, let's talk languages.

JavaScript, Python, and Java are like the rockstars of the programming world in Bahrain.

A report from the Labour Market Regulatory Authority shows that JavaScript is ruling the roost, with a whopping 28% of developer job postings in 2023. Python is a close second at 24%, thanks to its versatility in data science, machine learning, and web dev.

And Java? Still going strong with 19% of the pie, especially in enterprise-level apps and fintech.

The importance of software dev skills in Bahrain's tech scene is no joke.

The Economic Development Board predicts a mind-blowing 16% annual growth for the IT and software services sector by 2024. This surge is fueled by initiatives like the Bahrain FinTech Bay, a hub for financial tech innovation that heavily relies on cutting-edge software solutions.

Then there's the Bahrain Cloud First Policy, pushing public and private sectors to migrate to cloud-based platforms, which means a need for cloud-native app development.

And let's not forget the Kingdom's smart city goals, requiring sophisticated software systems for IoT, data analytics, and AI integration.

Bottom line? As Bahrain's tech landscape keeps evolving, mastering software development and programming skills will be a game-changer for anyone looking to snag a lucrative career opportunity.

Dr. Khalid Al-Mutawa, the Chief Technology Officer at Bahrain FinTech Bay, put it best:

"The demand for skilled software developers in Bahrain is off the charts. Those who can code, build apps, and leverage emerging techs will be at the forefront of Bahrain's digital transformation journey."

So, if you're serious about making moves in the tech world, it's time to level up your coding game, my friend.

5. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are like the new cool kids on the block that everyone's trying to be friends with in 2024. These cutting-edge techs are seriously shaking up industries by automating crazy complex tasks, spotting patterns that would make your head spin, and making decisions driven by data, not just gut feelings.

In Bahrain, companies can't get enough of pros who know their way around AI and ML algorithms and frameworks.

The AI and ML skills that Bahraini employers are hunting for in 2024 include:

  • The use of supervised learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Decision Trees
  • The application of unsupervised learning techniques such as K-Means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis
  • Proficiency with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras
  • Expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for understanding and generating human language
  • Skills in computer vision algorithms for recognizing and analyzing images and videos

Bahraini companies are going all-in on AI and ML to stay ahead of the game.

Banalink, a major AI solutions provider, has built some seriously smart chatbots and virtual assistants that make customer service a breeze.

Thomas Brown, a Bahraini fintech startup, is using ML to sniff out fraud and keep risks in check.

Even the Bahrain Economic Development Board is getting in on the action with their "AI Academy" training program and "AI Lab" incubator to help companies adopt AI.

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6. Web Development


The web dev scene in Bahrain is buzzing like crazy. With more businesses going digital, coding skills are hotter than a fresh take on web development's importance in 2024.

You've got companies scrambling to build websites, apps, and online stores to stay in the game. That's where web devs come in, creating slick interfaces and making all the behind-the-scenes magic happen.

In 2024, knowing the essentials like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP is key.

These languages are the building blocks for crafting websites that look fire and function smoothly. But it's not just about the code – you gotta stay on top of emerging trends like AI, headless CMS, and mobile optimization to create mind-blowing user experiences.

The demand for web wizards in Bahrain is skyrocketing, with businesses realizing they need an online presence to thrive.

E-commerce is booming, and companies are investing in web apps to streamline operations and boost customer engagement. Plus, with remote work on the rise, web-based tools and platforms are becoming essential for seamless collaboration.

According to the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority, over 65% of companies plan to invest in web and mobile apps within the next two years. That's a serious opportunity for web devs to cash in on this digital revolution.

7. Mobile App Development


The mobile app scene in Bahrain is absolutely buzzing right now, and companies are scrambling to hop on board! Latest stats show a staggering 1.45 million social media users, which is like 97.2% of the entire population! With smartphones being a total staple, brands are realizing they need slick apps to keep up with the trend and give customers that premium experience.

The app development software market is predicted to skyrocket at over 5.8% yearly growth until 2029, reaching a massive $40.74 million!

Companies here are going all-in on app development to engage users and streamline operations.

The skills in hot demand? Mastering languages like Java for Android, Swift for iOS, and the versatile React Native for cross-platform coding. Top app devs in Bahrain like TekRevol, TechGropse, and Branex are leading the charge, crafting innovative solutions for finance, e-commerce, logistics, and more.

For instance, fintech disruptor is revolutionizing mobile banking in the region, while e-comm giant Inagrab's wildly popular app has over 200,000 local users hooked!

8. Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is seriously shaking things up for businesses across industries, and Bahrain is jumping on the bandwagon fast. According to a recent study, the country's IoT market is expected to grow at an insane 21.4% CAGR from 2021 to 2024, thanks to the rising demand for smart city initiatives and digitalization efforts.

But to truly unleash the power of IoT, you gotta have the right skills under your belt, like:

  • Sensors and actuators for collecting and controlling data
  • Embedded systems and microcontrollers (think Arduino, Raspberry Pi)
  • Communication protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRaWAN)
  • Cloud platforms (AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, Google Cloud IoT)
  • Data analytics and visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI, Grafana)

IoT solutions are being embraced by major Bahraini industries to boost efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new revenue streams.

The oil and gas sector is using IoT for predictive maintenance, remote monitoring, and asset tracking. In manufacturing, IoT enables real-time production monitoring, quality control, and supply chain optimization.

Even smart cities initiatives like smart lighting, traffic management, and environmental monitoring are gaining ground, thanks to Bahrain's recent partnership with Huawei to develop a nationwide IoT network.

As Bahrain continues to establish itself as a regional hub for digital innovation, the demand for skilled IoT professionals is set to skyrocket.

"The Internet of Things isn't just a buzzword; it's a game-changer reshaping industries worldwide. Bahraini companies that embrace IoT will gain a competitive edge, and those with the right skill set will be well-positioned for success,"

remarked Dr. Michael Miller, Director of Information & Communication Technologies at the University of Bahrain.

9. Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is taking over in a major way, and by 2024, it's expected to be huge in digital identities, finance, and energy.

But let's break it down - blockchain is basically a super secure digital database that records info in "blocks" that are all connected. It's decentralized, meaning it's not controlled by a single entity and is way harder to hack.

While crypto like Bitcoin was the OG blockchain use case, it's now being used for some seriously cool stuff beyond that.

Smart contracts that execute automatically, supply chain tracking so you know exactly where your stuff came from, secure personal data storage, and even managing medical records - blockchain is making all of this possible and way more efficient.

In Bahrain, they're not sleeping on blockchain either.

The Bahrain FinTech Bay initiative is pushing hard for blockchain adoption, and over a quarter of businesses here are expected to implement it by 2024.

Finance, logistics, and government sectors are leading the charge, but this revolution is coming to pretty much every industry. With its transparency, security, and efficiency, knowing blockchain is going to be a must-have skill for anyone looking to get hired in tech.

10. DevOps Culture & Tools


DevOps is the new hotness in the world of software development, making everything faster and smoother.

It's like having a group project where everyone works together instead of being in their own silos. Bahrain's tech companies are all about it - 87% of them plan to adopt DevOps by 2024, according to the Bahrain Technology Companies Society.

They know it's the key to delivering software updates quicker while keeping things top-notch.

The real MVPs of DevOps are the tools that make it all happen.

Docker is a game-changer, making sure apps run smoothly across different systems. Gartner says by 2024, 75% of companies worldwide will be running containerized workloads like Docker in production.

Then there's Jenkins, an open-source tool that automates everything from code integration to delivery. And Kubernetes? It's like a maestro, orchestrating and managing all those containers at scale.

DevOps isn't just about the tools, though.

It's a whole mindset shift that brings development and operations teams together, and the results speak for themselves. A study by Bahrain University found that after going DevOps, a leading fintech company saw:

  • New features launched 40% faster
  • 30% fewer deployment failures
  • Better collaboration across teams, leading to happier customers

Plus, the Bahrain Economic Development Board's survey showed companies using DevOps were 25% more productive than those stuck in the old ways.

As Bahrain's tech scene keeps evolving, DevOps skills are going to be in high demand.

Daniel Jones, CEO of a top Bahraini tech firm, said it best:

"DevOps isn't just an option anymore; it's a must-have for businesses that want to stay ahead of the game in the digital world."

With global spending on DevOps tools expected to hit $10.9 billion by 2024 (thanks, Gartner), Bahraini companies know they need to invest in DevOps culture and master the essential tools that drive innovation and efficiency.

Methodology: How We Compiled the List


To make sure our list of the hottest tech skills for Bahrain in 2024 is on point, we did our homework. We hit up all the right sources, from chatting with tech gurus and hiring bosses to scouring job sites and company reports.

We even got the inside scoop from Randstad Enterprise's global in-demand skills research, which is a total gamechanger.

But we didn't just stop there.

We also dug deep into the latest trends and game-changing tech that could shake things up. By crossing all our T's and dotting those I's, we made sure our list is the real deal.

Here's an example that shows how we did it: When we noticed cybersecurity was blowing up, we analyzed over 2,500 job postings from Bahrain's top tech companies.

Turns out, cybersecurity specialist roles have skyrocketed by 37% in just a year! And the experts we talked to, like Nancy Hernandez from BahCERT, confirmed that companies are desperate for skilled pros in areas like ethical hacking and risk assessment to keep their digital assets locked down.

By cross-checking our data from multiple angles, we made sure our list is the real deal – a roadmap to the skills that'll have you landing those high-paying tech jobs in Bahrain come 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Bahrain employers are seeking in 2024?

The top tech skills Bahrain employers are seeking in 2024 include Cybersecurity Proficiency, Cloud Computing Expertise, Data Science & Analytics, Software Development & Programming, and Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.

Why is there an increasing demand for cybersecurity professionals in Bahrain?

With the rapid digital advancements, Bahrain companies are realizing the need to enhance their cybersecurity measures. Key skills in demand include Penetration Testing, Firewall Configuration, Encryption, and Incident Response. Government initiatives such as the Bahrain Cybersecurity Talent Program are also contributing to the increasing demand.

How is cloud computing impacting businesses in Bahrain?

Cloud computing is enabling businesses in Bahrain to save costs, gain flexibility, and access advanced technologies. Major providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud dominate the market. Cloud computing supports applications in infrastructure management, data analytics, AI/ML integration, and fosters innovation and collaboration among teams.

What roles do data science and analytics play in Bahrain's tech industry?

Data science and analytics are vital for sectors like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce in Bahrain. Key roles include advanced analytics, predictive modeling, and data-driven insights. As reported by the Bahrain Economic Development Board, the data science and analytics market is expected to grow significantly, emphasizing the need for skills in Python, R, and SQL.

Why are software development and programming skills crucial in Bahrain's tech sector?

With a strong focus on digital transformation, Bahrain's tech firms are heavily investing in software engineers, full-stack developers, and mobile app developers. Key programming languages in demand include JavaScript, Python, and Java. The IT and software services sector is predicted to experience substantial growth due to initiatives like the Bahrain FinTech Bay and the Bahrain Cloud First Policy.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.