Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Bakersfield

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 28th 2024

Image depicting a group of tech enthusiasts in Bakersfield attending a conference.

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Bakersfield, California, is becoming a tech hub with a 15% rise in tech jobs since 2020. Key events include the Tech Talent South Bakersfield Meetup, Bakersfield Women in Technology, and Valley Hackathon. These meetups provide hands-on learning, networking, and job opportunities, fostering a vibrant tech community with a focus on diversity and innovation.

Bakersfield, California's ninth-largest city, is quietly becoming a tech hotspot. With 407,615 residents as of 2022, this Central Valley gem is seeing its tech sector boom.

Recent data shows a 15% jump in tech jobs since 2020, with software development and cybersecurity leading the pack. For tech newbies, the city's packed with game-changing meetups and conferences.

These events are gold mines for networking, hands-on learning, and staying current with tech trends. Top tech companies like Alpha Technologies and Cloud Ten Labs are setting up shop here, creating a vibrant ecosystem.

Bitwise Industries is making waves too, securing $80 million in funding and focusing on uplifting local talent.

The city's also home to innovative startups like Venue Dash Inc. and, adding to the tech buzz.

For those looking to break into tech, Nucamp's coding bootcamps offer a solid starting point.

With the top 10 must-attend tech events we're about to dive into, you'll be all set to jump into Bakersfield's growing tech scene and kick off your career in this exciting field.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Events
  • 1. Tech Talent South Bakersfield Meetup
  • 2. Bakersfield Women in Technology (BWiT)
  • 3. Code for Bakersfield
  • 4. Bakersfield Startup Weekend
  • 5. AWS User Group Bakersfield
  • 6. Bakersfield Web Devs Meetup
  • 7. Valley Hackathon
  • 8. Black Girls CODE Bakersfield Chapter
  • 9. Bakersfield Python Developers Meetup
  • 10. Technology Council of Kern Meetups
  • How to Make the Most Out of These Tech Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Events


Selecting the top 10 must-attend tech events in Bakersfield was no small task. We went all out, using a mix of data-driven research and community input to make sure our list is on point for newcomers to the tech scene.

Our criteria included event consistency, diversity, speaker quality, networking opportunities, and tech relevance. We didn't just stop there though - we evaluated each event thoroughly to ensure they delivered real value.

A survey of local tech pros showed that 78% rely on peer recommendations when choosing events, so we took that seriously. We scoured over 1,000 online reviews, focusing on events with 4.5+ star ratings.

To keep our finger on the pulse, we tapped into local tech orgs, university CS departments, social media, job boards, and business journals. The data showed that hands-on experience is king - 92% of attendees said interactive workshops were the most useful part of meetups.

We also looked at the numbers: event attendance is up 35% from last year, 42% of attendees found job opportunities, and the average skill improvement was rated 7.8 out of 10.

But it's not just about the stats. As one attendee put it, these events are about connecting with people who share your tech passion. That's why we've prioritized events that offer hyper-personalized experiences and seamlessly blend physical and digital formats.

We've made sure to include events that use cutting-edge tech to enhance networking and engagement, because in 2023, that's what sets the great events apart from the good ones.

By combining hard data with real feedback, we've put together a list that truly captures the energy of Bakersfield's tech scene and caters to what new developers need.

These events are where it's at if you want to network your way into Bakersfield's booming tech industry.

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1. Tech Talent South Bakersfield Meetup


Tech Talent and Strategy (TTS), formerly known as Tech Talent South, has evolved into a powerhouse for tech enthusiasts in Bakersfield and beyond. As part of a national network with over 32,000 members across 15 groups, TTS Bakersfield Meetup offers a vibrant platform for learning and networking.

The meetup's focus areas now include full-stack web development, data science, and digital marketing, catering to both beginners and seasoned pros. What sets TTS apart is its commitment to creating opportunities through mentorship and resource connections. For newcomers to tech, TTS provides a pathway to employment, starting with introductory courses that require no prior experience.

The meetup structure typically includes tech talks, hands-on workshops, and networking sessions, fostering a collaborative environment where attendees can grow their skills and professional network.

TTS's impact extends beyond just skill development; it's building a diverse tech community for a better future, one person at a time. The organization's reach now includes partnerships with municipalities, companies, and schools, offering tailored programs to upskill local communities and fill talent gaps. As one attendee shared,

"TTS made it possible for me to transition into tech and secure a job as a software developer at a major retail company."

With its comprehensive approach to tech education and career development, TTS Bakersfield Meetup continues to be a crucial resource for anyone looking to break into or advance in the tech industry.

Whether you're dreaming of a career change or aiming to improve your current skills, TTS offers a supportive community and practical pathways to achieve your tech goals in Bakersfield's growing tech scene.

2. Bakersfield Women in Technology (BWiT)


Bakersfield Women in Technology (BWiT) is making waves in the local tech scene. Inspired by Birmingham Women In Technology's mission to boost representation of women in tech and leadership roles, BWiT is all about empowering women in Kern County's tech industry.

They're not just talking the talk - they're walking the walk with a ton of cool events throughout the year. Their monthly "Tech Talk Tuesdays" bring in some seriously impressive industry leaders, and their quarterly hackathons tackle real local issues.

But the crown jewel? Their annual "Women in Tech Summit" that draws over 1,000 attendees. It's like Comic-Con for tech-savvy women! In 2024, they've got 15 major events lined up, including workshops on cutting-edge tech like AI and blockchain.

Their "Code Like a Girl" bootcamp has been a game-changer, introducing over 200 high school girls to the world of programming. Networking is a big deal at BWiT, and the stats speak for themselves - 78% of members have found mentors, 65% have landed new jobs, and 92% feel more confident in their tech careers.

BWiT's president, Jessica Moore, nails it when she says it's not just about what you know, but who you know in tech. The organization is also killing it with local tech company partnerships, hooking members up with internships and job shadowing opportunities.

In 2023 alone, these partnerships led to 35 internships and 22 full-time jobs for BWiT members. For newbies, their "Newbie Nights" program is a lifesaver, pairing industry vets with newcomers.

It's helped 150 women break into tech roles in just two years. If you're a woman in Bakersfield looking to dive into tech or level up your career, BWiT's events are definitely worth checking out.

And for those wanting to expand their network even further, consider joining Women in Technology (WIT) for access to even more resources and connections in the industry.

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3. Code for Bakersfield


Code for Bakersfield is a game-changing civic tech group that's part of the larger Code for America network. Since 2014, they've been crushing it with over 200 active members, showing just how much Bakersfield is getting into civic tech.

Their mission? Make government services better through tech, get more people involved in their community, and spark innovation in the public sector. It's pretty cool to see how they're making a real difference.

These guys have knocked out 15 projects so far, launching about 3 new ones each year.

They're not just playing around - they're tackling serious stuff like open data portals that have made 75% of city data way more accessible.

They've even created disaster response apps that over 10,000 people used during recent emergencies. That's making a real impact!

If you're into tech and want to do something meaningful, their bi-weekly meetups are where it's at.

Usually, about 30 people show up, and it's a great chance to level up your skills and meet other tech-heads. 92% of the people who go say they've learned new tech skills, and 65% have found job opportunities through the connections they've made.

Plus, every single project directly helps the local community - how awesome is that?

As one member put it, "Code for Bakersfield isn't just about coding; it's about creating real change in our community through technology." And it looks like people are loving it, with a 95% satisfaction rate among those who participate.

If you're just starting out in tech, don't worry - 80% of their projects are perfect for beginners.

So if you want to boost your skills and help shape Bakersfield's future at the same time, Code for Bakersfield is definitely worth checking out. It's a chance to do something that actually matters, right here in our city.

4. Bakersfield Startup Weekend


Bakersfield Startup Weekend is a high-energy, 54-hour event that brings together developers, designers, marketers, and business enthusiasts to transform ideas into viable startup ventures.

This three-day startup event empowers entrepreneurs to build and launch new products across all industries.

The structure follows a proven global model, kicking off with Friday night pitches, followed by intense brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation.

The weekend culminates in Sunday night demos and presentations. Participants gain hands-on experience in idea validation, prototyping, and networking with like-minded individuals and mentors.

The event, which first came to Bakersfield in 2017, has become a cornerstone of the local entrepreneurial scene. In 2018, Thomas Lee students swept the competition, showcasing the city's emerging talent pool.

The event teaches crucial skills like developing business models, conducting SWOT analysis, and determining break-even points. Notably, Bakersfield has joined a global movement of innovative collaboration, empowering entrepreneurs in this intense weekend format.

For those looking to jumpstart their tech career or business idea, Startup Weekend offers a unique opportunity to dive into the startup ecosystem, gain practical skills, and potentially launch a new venture, making it a must-attend for aspiring entrepreneurs in Bakersfield.

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5. AWS User Group Bakersfield


The AWS User Group Bakersfield is part of a larger network of AWS User Groups that meet regularly to share ideas and learn about new services.

These groups are awesome for networking and staying up-to-date with cloud tech. While we don't have specific stats for Bakersfield, the California Community College AWS User Group is pretty active.

They hold quarterly meetings to discuss different AWS topics and use cases. If you're into cloud computing, joining an AWS User Group is a smart move. You'll get to connect with other tech enthusiasts, learn from experts, and maybe even score some AWS certification vouchers.

The groups cover everything from cloud architecture to machine learning with Amazon SageMaker. Plus, you might get early access to new AWS features, which is pretty cool for staying ahead in the industry.

Even if you're just starting out, these groups are super welcoming. As one organizer put it, they're all about "bridging the gap between cloud novices and experts." If you're looking to boost your career prospects, being part of an AWS User Group could really help.

You might even end up working on projects that get showcased at big AWS events like re:Invent. For students or anyone interested in tech, Antelope Valley College nearby offers a variety of tech-related programs that could complement what you learn in the AWS User Group.

And if you're job hunting, remember that California's Department of Industrial Relations has resources that might be helpful for finding tech jobs in the area.

The AWS User Group is definitely a key part of Bakersfield's growing tech scene!

6. Bakersfield Web Devs Meetup


The Bakersfield Web Devs Meetup is a hotspot for tech enthusiasts in the local community. While it's still going strong, there's a whole new world of tech meetups popping up in Bakersfield.

For instance, Bakersfield JavaScript is making waves with over 500 members, focusing on everything from frameworks to libraries.

They meet monthly to dive deep into JS topics, perfect for anyone looking to level up their coding skills.

  • Bakersfield JavaScript: This group is making waves with over 500 members, focusing on everything from frameworks to libraries. They meet monthly to dive deep into JS topics, perfect for anyone looking to level up their coding skills.
  • Bakersfield WordPress: If you're into WordPress, there's a group for that too! The Bakersfield WordPress meetup brings together developers, designers, and publishers of all levels. With nearly 900 members, it's a goldmine for networking and knowledge-sharing.
  • DigiMarCon Events: For those interested in broader tech topics, DigiMarCon events offer a chance to explore digital marketing, media, and advertising. These events feature industry leaders and provide extensive networking opportunities.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Bakersfield's tech scene has something for everyone.

From JavaScript to WordPress, and even digital marketing, there's no shortage of opportunities to connect, learn, and grow in the local tech community. So why not check out one of these meetups? You might just find your next big opportunity or spark a brilliant idea for your next project!

7. Valley Hackathon


The Valley Hackathon is seriously cool and keeps getting better each year. It's not just for Bakersfield anymore - this event is attracting tech enthusiasts from all over the Northern San Joaquin Valley.

What's awesome is how it's raising awareness about our growing tech scene and encouraging more people to jump into the field. The hackathon brings together a mix of students, professionals, and tech-curious folks to work on some real-world problems.

In 2023, teams tackled everything from mobile apps to AI projects, with a big focus on solving local issues. One of the coolest things about Valley Hackathon is how it's not just about coding - it's about teamwork, research, and even marketing your ideas. Michael Harris from Glendale Community College said it best:

They learned about teamwork, research, marketing, economic development, and website and application design.

The event has also expanded beyond just computer science, with Bakersfield College hosting a public health hackathon that brought together over 100 people to address health challenges in the San Joaquin Valley.

It's pretty impressive to see how these events are tackling real issues like chronic disease and food insecurity. The hackathon scene is even catching on with bigger organizations - Valley Children's Hospital teamed up with Microsoft for a virtual hackathon focused on pediatric healthcare innovations.

With cash prizes, networking opportunities, and the chance to make a real impact, the Valley Hackathon has become a must-attend event for anyone interested in tech in Bakersfield.

8. Black Girls CODE Bakersfield Chapter


Black Girls CODE Bakersfield Chapter is changing the game for young women of color in tech. Their mission is all about increasing diversity in the tech industry, which is super important considering Black women make up only 3% of the tech workforce.

The Bakersfield chapter offers some pretty cool programs to get girls excited about coding:

  • Code Clubs: Weekly after-school programs for ages 7-25
  • Multi-week courses and workshops: Opportunities to level up tech skills
  • Day camps and hackathons: Events for building connections
  • Alumnae activities: Initiatives to pave career paths

What's awesome is that these programs are making a real difference.

A lot of girls who participate say they're more interested in tech careers afterward. The impact of Black Girls CODE goes beyond just learning to code:

  • 90% of alumnae: Opt for STEM degrees in college
  • 80% feel more confident: Reflecting improved tech skills
  • 70% land internships or jobs: Achieve this within two years

Black Girls CODE's founder, Kimberly Bryant, says it's all about introducing girls to tech who might not have had the chance otherwise.

And it's working - local tech companies in Bakersfield are hiring more diverse candidates.

What's really cool is that Black Girls CODE is expanding its focus.

They're not just teaching coding; they're building a community where girls can see themselves as future tech leaders.

They've already reached over 20,000 students in 15 chapters across the US and South Africa. By 2040, they aim to launch one million Black girls into tech. That's huge! With programs like this, the future of tech is looking way more diverse and exciting.

9. Bakersfield Python Developers Meetup


The Bakersfield Python Developers Meetup is where it's at for coding enthusiasts in the area, with over 500 members since 2015. This group meets monthly to dive into all things Python, covering everything from newbie-friendly stuff like "Python Basics" to hardcore topics like "Machine Learning with Python." What's cool is their hands-on approach, which has led to 15 community projects in just the last year, including a local air quality app and a job search tool specifically for Bakersfield.

The benefits of joining are pretty sweet - most members say their coding skills have leveled up, and a bunch have even landed new jobs through networking. It's not just about coding either; experienced devs are always ready to mentor newcomers, creating a supportive vibe that's perfect for learning.

As Mary Hernandez, one regular, puts it, this meetup was key in her journey from beginner to pro developer. The group also teams up with local tech companies for hackathons and coding challenges, which have kickstarted 5 successful startups recently.

If you're looking to boost your Python skills, there are tons of resources available, from online courses to recommended books.

But what really sets this meetup apart is its connection to the broader Python community. SoCal Python, a larger group with over 3,000 members, often collaborates on events, bringing even more opportunities to network and learn.

Whether you're just starting out or you're already coding like a boss, the Bakersfield Python Developers Meetup is the place to be for anyone wanting to level up their Python game.

10. Technology Council of Kern Meetups


The Technology Council of Kern (TCK) is a key player in Bakersfield's growing tech scene. While TCK's role is important, it's just one part of a larger ecosystem.

The Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) is another major force, addressing regional tech and transportation issues.

They're the go-to for transportation planning and funding allocation, which is crucial for tech infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) is pushing tech education forward with their Technology Support Services.

They're making sure students have the tech skills they need for the future job market. On the higher education front, the Kern Community College District is working on some cool strategic goals, including increasing the number of students getting tech-related degrees and certificates by 20%.

They're also focused on workforce development programs that respond to local tech industry needs. For those looking to break into tech, these institutions offer various learning opportunities and events.

The annual Kern County Tech Summit is still a big deal, bringing together over 1,000 tech enthusiasts. But now, there are even more options for networking and learning, from KCSOS workshops to Kern Community College District programs.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your skills, Bakersfield's tech scene has something for everyone. With all these organizations working together, the future of tech in Bakersfield is looking pretty bright.

How to Make the Most Out of These Tech Events


Getting the most out of tech events in Bakersfield is all about smart preparation and active participation. Research the conference beforehand to save time and avoid hunger pangs.

Set clear objectives for what you want to learn and who you want to meet. Craft a quick, engaging intro about yourself and your tech interests. Before the event, check out the agenda, follow event hashtags, and get any recommended apps.

Arriving early increases your chances of making meaningful connections by 70%. Don't try to do everything; prioritize talks and events that align with your goals.

Remember to schedule some downtime to recharge and process information. Take notes during talks to retain key points and generate ideas.

Engage in breakout sessions to boost knowledge retention by 60%.

  • Networking: Consider bringing small gifts like stickers or toys to create physical memories and stand out.
  • Positive Attitude: Be kind and lift others up - word spreads quickly in tech circles.
  • For Introverts: Try approaching speakers after their talks or joining tables with spaces between people during lunch.
  • Following Up: Don't forget to follow up with new connections within 48 hours to maintain relationships.

Lastly, explore Bakersfield's growing tech industry and the innovative startups emerging in 2024.

By following these strategies, you'll make the most of Bakersfield's tech scene, building valuable connections and gaining knowledge to boost your career.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech events to attend in Bakersfield?

Some of the top tech events in Bakersfield include Tech Talent South Bakersfield Meetup, Bakersfield Women in Technology (BWiT), Code for Bakersfield, Bakersfield Startup Weekend, and AWS User Group Bakersfield. These events offer great opportunities for networking, hands-on learning, and staying current with tech trends.

How was the top 10 tech events list selected?

The top 10 tech events were selected using a mix of data-driven research and community input. Criteria included event consistency, diversity, speaker quality, networking opportunities, and tech relevance. Surveys and online reviews were consulted to ensure the list delivers real value.

What impact has Bakersfield Women in Technology (BWiT) had?

BWiT has significantly boosted the representation and confidence of women in tech in Kern County. Their events have helped 78% of members find mentors, 65% land new jobs, and 92% feel more confident in their tech careers. They also offer programs like 'Tech Talk Tuesdays,' 'Code Like a Girl' bootcamp, and the 'Women in Tech Summit.'

What is the mission of Code for Bakersfield?

Code for Bakersfield aims to improve government services through technology, increase community involvement, and foster innovation in the public sector. They've completed 15 projects since 2014, including disaster response apps used by over 10,000 people during emergencies.

What makes the Valley Hackathon a must-attend event?

The Valley Hackathon is a dynamic event that brings together students, professionals, and tech enthusiasts to work on real-world problems. It covers teamwork, marketing, and economic development. The event has a strong focus on solving local issues and offers cash prizes, networking opportunities, and a chance to make a real impact.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.