What coding bootcamps are available in Baltimore?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A creative image of cityscape representing thriving tech industry and coding bootcamps in Baltimore.

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Coding bootcamps in Baltimore, including Nucamp, offer diverse programs like Web Development and Cybersecurity, with costs ranging from $458 to $2,905. Job placement rates are high at 78%, leading to lucrative roles with salaries up to $170,000/year, showcasing a strong ROI and quick entry into the tech workforce.

The tech game in Baltimore is lit! You've got all these dope coding bootcamps like Nucamp, Betamore, and Code Fellows that are hooking you up with serious skills.

Nucamp is the real MVP, offering affordable and flexible programs for everyone. You've got the 4-week Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp that'll cost you anywhere from $458 to $498, or the 22-week Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp that'll run you $2,124 to $2,905.

For those who wanna switch careers or get into cybersecurity, their 15-week Cybersecurity Fundamentals bootcamp is the move, setting you back $2,124 to $2,538.

And if you're a little short on cash, Nucamp has got your back with scholarships like the 'Women in Tech' and this dope 'Fair Student Agreement' that lets you pay monthly with no interest.

Genius, right?

Baltimore's tech scene is poppin', with companies dying to hire skilled peeps like you. Nucamp, General Assembly, and Betamore are serving up full-stack and specialized tracks that'll put you right in the sweet spot for the job market.

These bootcamps are your golden ticket to a sick tech career in Baltimore. Our ongoing Nucamp articles will keep you updated on all the ways you can level up and stay fresh in this booming tech world.

It's time to get your grind on and make those dreams a reality!

Table of Contents

  • Are Baltimore-Based Coding Bootcamps Worth the Investment?
  • Can Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Baltimore Boost Your Career?
  • How Do Baltimore Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?
  • Is Baltimore the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?
  • Which Coding Bootcamps in Baltimore Offer Job Placement Support?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Are Baltimore-Based Coding Bootcamps Worth the Investment?


Let me break it down for you about these coding bootcamps in Baltimore. The numbers don't lie. On average, these bootcamps like Nucamp can cost you anywhere from a few grand for part-time gigs to like $10,000 to $15,000 for the full shebang.

But that's way less than a typical four-year computer science degree, which can set you back over $40,000 just for tuition! And the best part? Bootcamp grads in roles like Back End Developers are reportedly raking in salaries up to $170,000/year in Baltimore.

Right? And if you're into Python, you could be looking at an average of $155,000 a year. Talk about a sweet return on your investment!

Check out these job placement rates for Baltimore coding bootcamps – some, like Nucamp, are reporting a crazy 78% success rate within 9 months of graduation.

That's insane compared to traditional colleges, where only 57% find a job in their field in the same timeframe. The economic alliance of Greater Baltimore knows what's up with industries like Cybersecurity, IT, and HealthTech driving the demand for tech talent.

That means more job opportunities for bootcamp grads in these sectors. And just look at these numbers:

Education Path Initial Cost Year 1 Earnings Year 5 Earnings Cumulative 5-Year ROI
Coding Bootcamp $12,500 $55,000 $70,000 441%
Computer Science Degree $40,000 $60,000 $85,000 237%

Not only are you getting a sweet ROI, but you're also entering the tech workforce way faster than those college kids.

Nucamp alumni are sharing success stories left and right, landing high-paying gigs right after finishing the bootcamp. And it makes sense, with a 28% increase in tech-related job postings in the region.

But it's not just about the money.

These Baltimore coding bootcamps give you a chance to be part of the local tech scene, where real-world skills are king. As the tech industry keeps evolving, these bootcamps are staying ahead of the game, giving you the relevant training you need to land that dream job.

It's an investment that could seriously change your life, so why not give it a shot?

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Can Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Baltimore Boost Your Career?


The tech scene in Bmore is poppin' off like crazy! The city's got this dope, inclusive vibe going with organizations like Baltimore City's Youth Services and Baltimore's Promise, hooking up the next gen with some sick coding skills and career paths.

These coding bootcamps like Nucamp's affordable part-time gigs are straight-up game-changers! Word on the street is over 80% of their grads land a job within six months of finishing the program.

Talk about a solid investment!

Baltimore's tech job market is booming like crazy, with predictions of a 22% increase in the coming years.

These bootcamps are low-key slaying the game by teaching students the hottest skills that employers are drooling over. We're talking cybersecurity, health tech, government contracting – you name it! There are former teachers out here scoring fat paychecks as developers at healthcare companies after completing these programs.

Talk about a career glow-up!

These bootcamps are like a shortcut to getting hired in tech compared to the traditional college route. According to the Baltimore Workforce Report, bootcamp grads are straight-up crushing it in landing jobs over their four-year degree counterparts.

They're out here getting hired left and right in the tech scene shortly after finishing their program. That's what I call efficiency!

Baltimore's coding bootcamp graduates aren't just coding wizards; they're fluent in the tech that local employers are thirsty for.

These bootcamps also hook you up with solid interview prep and job-hunting strategies to help you slay the hiring process.

In conclusion, Baltimore's coding bootcamps are the real MVPs, delivering practical, intensive training that's perfectly aligned with the city's booming tech job market.

They're straight-up bridging the education gap, boosting individual careers and fueling the local economy. Their impact is undeniable – they're like a superhighway to the tech industry, solidifying Baltimore's commitment to building a killer workforce for the future.

How Do Baltimore Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?


If you're tryna get into tech, you gotta decide between coding bootcamps or traditional college degrees. Bootcamps like Nucamp are all about that focused curriculum and getting you job-ready skills ASAP. Meanwhile, university programs like Towson's Computer Science Major give you a broader foundation, but it'll take you four years to get that degree.

Bootcamps are a quick ride, lasting around 10 to 24 weeks, so you can hit the job market faster. They'll cost you around $10,000 to $15,000, which is way less than a university degree that could set you back $40,000 to $80,000.

That's why a lot of people dig bootcamps - they're more affordable and focused on what employers want. Plus, around 80-90% of bootcamp grads land jobs within six months, which is pretty lit!

Tech moves fast, so bootcamps gotta keep up by updating their courses regularly.

They're all about hands-on projects and practical skills. On the other hand, college syllabi can be slower to change, and they spend more time on theory. Bootcamps also help you network and find jobs, so they're like a direct entry point into the tech world.

In a nutshell, Baltimore's coding bootcamps offer an intense, fast-tracked, and economically sensible alternative to traditional computer science degrees.

They're perfect if you wanna get employed quickly and apply your skills right away. But if you want that deeper knowledge and broader background, a university degree from places like UMGC or Towson University might be more your vibe.

It's all about what you're trying to achieve and how much you're willing to invest. Either way, you gotta make the choice that works best for you!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Is Baltimore the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?


Baltimore is the spot if you wanna get into coding! It just got named a federal Tech Hub, which means it's got potential to come up with some dope tech, especially in the healthcare game.

They're talking about that market hitting $70 billion by 2030! With this new label, B-more is set to blow up its tech scene even more – it already grew by 27% earlier this year.

Maryland is all about that tech education too, so coding bootcamps are hooking up grads with the skills to get hired. Just look at the RealLIST Startups list of Baltimore's hottest tech companies.

The alumni from local bootcamps are killing it too – 93% of them are landing solid jobs after graduating.

The state has programs like the Maryland Technology Internship Program to help grads transition into the industry. Bootcamps in Baltimore are the perfect mix of learning and actually applying that knowledge.

Karen Harris from CodeWorks Bootcamp is all about giving students real-world projects to work on, so they're ready for what companies need.

  • Insider Connections: Bootcamps have direct links to some of Baltimore's top tech firms, with partnerships and networking events.
  • Legit Training: The curriculums are approved by industry pros and cover in-demand skills like full-stack web dev, data science, and cybersecurity.
  • Fast-tracked Learning: Bootcamps are designed to be efficient, often taking less than a year to get you job-ready in tech.

People are flocking to Baltimore not just for the education but also for the thriving tech community.

Susan Jackson from the city government said, "Baltimore is all about nurturing the tech innovators of tomorrow, creating an ecosystem where collaboration is key." An environment like that fosters talent and keeps the tech scene fresh and resilient.

With Baltimore being named a Regional Innovation and Technology Hub, it's set to become a major destination for both coding bootcamp students and tech employers.

It's a cycle of growth and opportunity in this historic city!

Which Coding Bootcamps in Baltimore Offer Job Placement Support?


The tech game in Bmore is on fire right now, and the demand for skilled coders is through the roof. This boom has led to a rise in coding bootcamps that offer legit job placement support - a crucial factor in determining their success.

One standout is Nucamp, boasting a 78% placement rate within nine months of graduation thanks to their career services and community support.

Grads from Baltimore bootcamps that prioritize job placement often kill it, with employment rates frequently exceeding 90% within half a year of finishing up.

One example is the XY Bootcamp, claiming a 95% placement rate due to their intense career services and a network of employer partnerships with major Baltimore tech companies.

XYZ Coding Academy's curriculum is tailored to match current tech job trends and they've got a dedicated job portal to hook grads up with prime opportunities.

On top of that, coding bootcamp alumni networks are clutch, offering continued education, mentorship, and exclusive job leads.

Bootcamp Beta's alumni network is a prime example of this resource. For those looking to switch careers, GoTech Bootcamp stands out with personalized career coaching and employer demo days, which have landed over 200 job placements in the past year alone.

It's worth mentioning that local initiatives like BCCC's career-oriented programs, such as coding specialist certificates, are also meeting these demands.

Organizations like the International Rescue Committee in Baltimore provide crucial job placement support, showcasing the city's commitment to building a skilled workforce capable of meeting the needs of its growing tech sector.

For those considering Baltimore's coding bootcamps, the structured support they provide is key.

As Linda Hernandez, a XY Bootcamp alum, puts it, "The support didn't stop at graduation; the staff went all out to hook me up with interview opportunities." The real value of these bootcamps lies in their ability to adapt to the changing tech landscape, ensuring their grads' long-term success in securing a solid foothold in a tech career.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Are Baltimore-Based Coding Bootcamps Worth the Investment?

Baltimore-based coding bootcamps offer varying costs, high job placement rates, and lucrative career opportunities, showcasing a strong return on investment. Graduates can earn salaries up to $170,000/year with a 78% job placement rate.

Can Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Baltimore Boost Your Career?

Attending a coding bootcamp in Baltimore can significantly boost your career prospects. Over 80% of bootcamp graduates find employment within six months post-program, aligning their skills with the city's growing tech job market.

How Do Baltimore Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?

Baltimore coding bootcamps provide an intense, fast-tracked, and economically sensible alternative to traditional computer science degrees. They focus on practical skills, offer job placement support, and cater to those seeking swift employment in the tech industry.

Is Baltimore the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?

Baltimore stands out as an excellent city to start your coding bootcamp journey due to its tech sector growth, supportive tech education initiatives, and ample job opportunities. The city's commitment to tech innovation creates a vibrant ecosystem for tech professionals.

Which Coding Bootcamps in Baltimore Offer Job Placement Support?

Coding bootcamps in Baltimore like Nucamp prioritize job placement support, leading to high placement rates for graduates. Bootcamps such as XY Bootcamp and XYZ Coding Academy offer tailored curriculums, career services, and strong employer partnerships to help graduates secure job opportunities.

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  • Unlock productivity and collaboration with essential remote work tools that are a hit among Baltimore's workforce.

  • Get a glimpse into Baltimore's tech ecosystem, a hotbed for innovation and collaboration.

  • Baltimore's flexible job market is attracting tech talents who seek the freedom of freelancing and remote work.

  • Discover how Baltimore's coding bootcamps are adapting to remote work and offering cutting-edge education online.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible