What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Baltimore?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image featuring the skyline of Baltimore with various tech companies logos.

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Baltimore offers diverse tech internships ranging from cybersecurity to software development. The Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) funds local tech talent through paid internships. Ravens and local companies like Stanley Black & Decker, and startups provide unique opportunities. Baltimore's tech scene prioritizes diversity and inclusion. Potential interns should explore remote internship options for global experiences.

Baltimore's tech scene is straight fire! It's been called an emerging booming tech city by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, and there are internship opportunities waiting for you.

From cybersecurity to software development, you have options.

Check out the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) run by UMBC and funded by the state.

They provide you with paid internships to enhance your tech skills. And if you're a sports fan, even the Baltimore Ravens offer IT intern positions, combining tech and athletics.

Baltimore is all about innovation, too.

The Baltimore Tech Hub is pushing predictive healthcare tech, and companies like Northrop Grumman are excelling in defense and aerospace.

Additionally, startups and local businesses are always looking for interns to gain hands-on experience in the entrepreneurial environment.

Nucamp is all about internship success, too, and they support Baltimore's focus on diversity and inclusion.

The goal is to build a tech workforce that represents the city's diverse community. Baltimore is more than just healthcare and biotech – it's an emerging tech hub where you can pursue your ambitions.

Table of Contents

  • Local Companies Offering Tech Internships
  • Startups and Tech Internships
  • University and Student Opportunities
  • Remote Tech Internships
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Local Companies Offering Tech Internships


Baltimore's tech scene is lit, and a bunch of dope companies are stepping up to the plate with internships for the young'uns. These programs ain't just fueling the industry's growth, but giving aspiring tech heads the chance to get that real-world experience they need.

A survey dropped in 2023 shouted out Fearless, SmartLogic, and Northrop Grumman as the real MVPs when it comes to offering internship spots.

SmartLogic has been especially clutch, organizing the Baltimore Tracks summer internship program for high school students, keeping it inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

Check out this lineup of internship opportunities at some of Baltimore's most fire tech firms:

  • Stanley Black & Decker - They got a Technology Leadership Program that'll shape you into the next cybersecurity or AI boss.
  • McCormick & Company - Snag a tech internship and get hands-on with flavor innovation and sensory tech.
  • Lockheed Martin - Intern on their legendary space systems and global defense projects.
  • Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab - Immerse yourself in cutting-edge research and development.

Baltimore's internship scene is stacked with opportunities across different sectors.

Startups in cybersecurity, health tech, and bioinformatics are offering internships where you'll get to work on real projects and learn from mentors. According to the Baltimore City High School Tech Internship initiative, these startups saw a 32% increase in internship applications for the 2022-2023 school year, so you know there's a ton of talent ready to go.

One local tech CEO summed it up perfectly:

"Our mission is to create a collaborative environment where interns not only learn but also contribute meaningfully to our tech ecosystem."

Plus, the Maryland Technology Internship Program run by UMBC is helping businesses bring on even more interns by providing financial support.

These internships ain't just about getting work experience – they're a platform for up-and-coming professionals to shine and drive innovation in Baltimore's booming tech scene.

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Startups and Tech Internships


Baltimore's tech scene is poppin' off! It's a real hotbed of innovation and startup hustle, with plenty of sick internship opportunities for you young guns to get your feet wet.

The city's tech sector is on the up-and-up, and they're all about nurturing the next generation of talent. Places like the Baltimore Innovation Center are hooking it up with dope internship programs, and surveys show over 60% of Baltimore's tech startups are down to hire interns year-round.

You could be getting real-world experience in anything from coding to data crunching.

Events like the Baltimore Startup Job Fair are the perfect way to link up with companies thirsting for fresh talent.

Hotshots like ZeroFox and Mindgrub are always on the hunt for interns to bring on board. Even up-and-coming tech companies like Catalyte and Lotame are trying to scoop up innovative interns – Catalyte bumped up their intern hiring by 25%, so you know the industry is booming in B-more.

Internships are your golden ticket to fields like AI, big data, and cybersecurity.

Baltimore's startup ecosystem is blowing up, thanks to organizations like UpSurge Baltimore and the arrival of fresh companies like Galen Robotics.

The city is low-key becoming a tech paradise. ZeroFox's CEO even said that mentoring interns is a win-win – it helps them level up their careers while giving the startups new perspectives.

There's a real supportive vibe in Baltimore's tech scene, where they're all about nurturing talent and giving interns hands-on experiences to kickstart their careers in the industry.

University and Student Opportunities


Baltimore's got some dope universities that are hooking students up with sick tech internships. They're blending classroom learning with real-world experience.

Take the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) run by UMBC, for instance. The state is bankrolling this program, and it's incentivizing local tech companies to hire promising students as interns.

It's a win-win situation, and the MTIP has been crushing it, helping more students land paid tech internships and keeping Maryland's top talent in the state.

UMBC's Career Center has this sick portal called 'UMBCworks' that connects students with internship opportunities.

In 2019 alone, they hooked up over 1,200 students with tech internships. Johns Hopkins University is also killing it, using their massive network to secure around 500 tech internships for students every year.

These universities are all about showing how internships can make you job-ready.

Baltimore students can score internships in all kinds of tech fields, from software development and data analysis to cybersecurity, biotech, and IT. There's even a University's Information Systems Program nearby that helps students tap into the DC-Baltimore tech corridor, which is loaded with internship and job openings.

Participating in programs like MTIP has some serious perks, showcasing the breadth of opportunities in Baltimore's tech scene.

According to the Technology Council of Maryland, 70% of tech interns in the area land full-time jobs after their internships. Scoring a tech internship in Baltimore isn't just a resume booster; it's a launchpad for your career, proving that these hands-on experiences are game-changers.

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Remote Tech Internships


The world's going remote, and you've got a sweet opportunity to score some dope tech internships right from your crib in 2023. Believe it or not, around half of tech companies are down to offer virtual internships, and that number's only going up.

This is your chance to level up your skills with companies all over the country, or even across the globe, without leaving Bmore.

So, where do you find these virtual gigs? Start by checking out sites like Handshake and LinkedIn – they've got over 10,000 remote internships listed across different industries.

Your local universities like Johns Hopkins and UMBC are also getting in on the action, partnering with tech firms to hook you up with remote internships that align with your career goals.

According to CollegeTransitions.com, UMBC is even funding a remote internship program.

Here's a quick rundown of how Bmore residents are landing these remote internships:

  • Online Job Portals: Websites with a ton of remote internship listings across different tech fields.
  • University Career Centers: They've got resources and networking events tailored to your needs, plus structured programs to connect you directly with internships.
  • Networking Events: Virtual job fairs and tech meetups are clutch for making connections that could lead to internship offers and mentors.
  • Alumni Networks: Your school's alumni can hook you up with referrals and introductions to companies offering remote positions, including ones listed on university job boards.

According to a study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, remote internships offer benefits comparable to in-person gigs, especially in the tech world where remote work is already common.

"Remote internships open up a world of possibilities and set you up for future work-from-home roles," says Jennifer Gonzalez, a Baltimore internship coordinator.

With the right tools and internet access, aspiring tech professionals in Bmore can gain hands-on experience and thrive in their careers without leaving the city.



Let's talk about the sizzling tech scene in B-more and how it's opening doors for young guns like you. Real talk, the data is looking promising with all these juicy internship opportunities popping up left and right.

Check out this Michael White's story about "Interning While Black" at a Baltimore tech company, where he had to battle some serious imposter syndrome vibes.

But that's just part of the gig. It's all about growing as a person and finding a workplace that's got your back.

The facts don't lie. Studies show that these internships are pipelines to full-time gigs.

The University of Maryland are hooking interns up with skills in tech management and hands-on experience.

That's what it's all about!

With Baltimore's tech hub blowing up like crazy, thanks to all these fresh startups and remote workers flooding in, the demand for interns is about to go through the roof.

Even the state is getting in on the action with paid internships like MDOT SHA, bringing in serious cash to the local economy.

We're talking millions!

And let's not forget about the universities stepping up their game. Morgan State's National Transportation Center is offering some interdisciplinary internships that are about to blow up.

One recent grad even said their tech internship was a game-changer, like a level-up in their career. That's what I'm talking about! Baltimore is killing it when it comes to nurturing tech talents, and these internships are the key to keeping the city at the forefront of innovation.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What kind of tech internships are available in Baltimore?

Baltimore offers diverse tech internships ranging from cybersecurity to software development. Internship programs funded by the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) provide paid opportunities. Local companies like Stanley Black & Decker, McCormick & Company, and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab offer internships in various tech fields, including cybersecurity, AI, and research.

What role does the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) play in Baltimore's tech internships?

The MTIP, administered by UMBC and funded by the State of Maryland, plays a pivotal role in bolstering the local tech talent pool through paid internships. It supports technology-based businesses by providing financial assistance to facilitate more intern positions, contributing to the growth of tech talent in Baltimore.

How do startups contribute to tech internships in Baltimore?

Startups in Baltimore offer hands-on experiences in cybersecurity, health tech, and bioinformatics, providing interns with opportunities to work on real projects and receive mentorship. Organizations like UpSurge Baltimore and innovative companies like Galen Robotics play a significant role in nurturing tech talent through internship programs.

Are there opportunities for remote tech internships in Baltimore?

Baltimore residents have access to remote tech internships, enabling them to work with companies globally. Platforms like Handshake and LinkedIn list thousands of remote internship opportunities. Institutions like Johns Hopkins University and UMBC partner with tech firms to offer remote internships, providing students with cross-cultural collaborations and diverse experiences.

How do universities in Baltimore support tech internships?

Universities in Baltimore, such as UMBC and Johns Hopkins, facilitate tech internships by connecting students with local tech companies and offering financial incentives through programs like MTIP. These internships span various sectors like software development, cybersecurity, and biotechnology, preparing students for careers in the tech industry.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible