Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Baltimore city skyline, symbolizing the city's thriving tech industry

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Baltimore's tech industry is on the rise with high-paying jobs. The city's tech workforce is expected to grow, offering 178,000 net new jobs nationally. Baltimore's tech workers earn wages 125% higher than the national average, making it a hotspot for tech career advancement.

Baltimore's tech game is about to blow up, and it's gonna be lit! According to the tech experts at CompTIA, our city's tech workforce is set to grow like crazy, despite last year's setbacks.

They're predicting that Baltimore's tech industry, which is already killing it at 10% of the local economy, will be a major player in creating 178,000 new tech jobs across the US in 2022.

Right now, we've got 105,355 tech workers in B-more, and they're raking in the dough with median wages that are 125% higher than the national average.

Not only that, but our region has been recognized as a federal tech hub, which could unlock a whopping $4.2 billion in economic impact and create 52,000 jobs by 2030.

We're talking about cutting-edge stuff like AI and biotech!

With the support of organizations like the Greater Baltimore Committee and BMore Tech Connect, our city is quickly becoming a major player in the tech game.

And if you're wondering what kind of high-paying tech jobs are up for grabs, Nucamp has the inside scoop on the top high-paying tech roles and the most in-demand tech jobs in our city's innovative ecosystem.

Baltimore's tech scene is blowing up, and it's the perfect time to get in on the action and level up your career game!

Table of Contents

  • The Tech Scene in Baltimore
  • Top High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore
  • Skills Needed for High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore
  • Education and Training for Tech Jobs in Baltimore
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Tech Scene in Baltimore


The tech scene in Baltimore is straight-up lit right now! It's become a real hotspot for all the cool and innovative stuff. There are around 105,355 tech workers in the city, and the numbers keep rising despite some recent setbacks.

Big shots like Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin have a massive presence here, and fresh startups like CraniUS and ReBokeh are killing it with their dope ideas.

According to CompTIA, the tech industry is projected to create a whopping 8.9 million jobs across the US in 2022, with 178,000 brand-new gigs – that's some serious growth potential for cities like Baltimore.

Baltimore's tech scene is crazy diverse, covering everything from cybersecurity to bioelectronics and environmental tech.

And it's all supported by a network of incubators and accelerators like the Emerging Technology Centers and Betamore. These places are essential for nurturing fresh talent and fostering innovation.

The city's startups are raking in some serious cash, scoring major funding rounds in 2023. As Baltimore's tech industry keeps expanding, the whole community benefits, cementing Maryland's reputation as a prime destination for tech pros.

With initiatives like Baltimore Tracks promoting diversity and investors pouring money into all kinds of tech startups, Baltimore's tech sector is on the fast track to growth.

It's become the place to be for tech heads looking to make their mark and cash in on some high-paying gigs. This boom is bringing economic stability and development to the region, signaling a bright future for Baltimore's tech scene.

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Top High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore


The tech scene in Bmore is lit! There's mad money to be made in this town if you got the skills. For real, Software Engineers here rake in an average of $105,548 per year! And if cybersecurity is your jam, you could be looking at around $117,000 annually.

That's some serious cash!

Data Scientists are killing it too, with an average salary of $120,000. Baltimore is all about that data analytics and machine learning hype, so those skills are in high demand.

And let's not forget the IT Project Managers running the show – they're pulling in around $115,000 on average. Tech management skills are worth their weight in gold!

Baltimore has all kinds of sick tech jobs up for grabs, from big-name companies to fresh startups.

Healthcare tech roles are where it's at, though. Anesthesiologists here make a mind-blowing $389,336 on average! If you wanna combine tech and healthcare, Baltimore is the place to be.

The job market here is fire, and it's only gonna keep growing in 2023 and beyond. So, if you're trying to ball out in the tech game, Baltimore should be on your radar!

Skills Needed for High-Paying Tech Jobs in Baltimore


The tech scene in Baltimore is lit! But you gotta have the right skills to make it big. The data shows that peeps are looking for coders who know their way around Python, Java, and JavaScript.

And if you can handle databases like SQL and NoSQL, you're golden.

Cloud computing is where it's at, too. Mastering platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud could be your ticket to a sick job.

And with all the cyber threats out there, cybersecurity skills are a must-have. It's all about keeping those networks locked down.

The city's got your back, though.

The Mayor's Office of Employment Development offers training to hook you up with the skills needed for the hottest industries.

And don't sleep on the IT Basic Skills certificate at Baltimore City Community College.

It'll teach you all about IT support and troubleshooting, which is clutch.

But it's not just about the technical skills. Employers want problem-solvers who can work as a team, communicate effectively, and adapt to changes.

One tech boss even said the best pros never stop learning and leveling up their skills. So, if you're down to grind and stay ahead of the game, the tech scene in Baltimore could be your playground, with fat stacks and innovative vibes.

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Education and Training for Tech Jobs in Baltimore


In the fast-paced world of Baltimore's tech scene, keeping your skills sharp is the key to unlocking those fat stacks in the hottest tech jobs around.

A recent study showed that tech pros who never stop learning are 37% more likely to score those high-paying gigs than their stagnant homies. That's where places like Howard Community College come in clutch, offering dope certifications in cybersecurity and networking – the skills that employers are thirsty for.

  • Level Up Your Game: Regional tech conferences and workshops have seen a 48% spike in attendance over the past couple of years, proving that everyone's trying to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Opportunities Galore: Local businesses and schools have teamed up for programs like the Metallica Scholars Initiative at Aiken Technical College, giving you a leg up in the career game.
  • Show Me the Money: Over 50% of tech job openings in Baltimore now offer to foot the bill for relevant courses, so you can keep leveling up without breaking the bank. The Maryland Higher Education Commission also has your back with financial aid programs for tech studies.

The Baltimore Technology Council's survey says it all: "Employees who keep learning aren't just better at their jobs, but they're also happier and more loyal." Tech pros who never stop studying get promoted at a rate that's 26% higher than those who stagnate.

Plus, 64% of tech talents these days prioritize professional development opportunities when choosing an employer, so it's a major selling point.

Leading the charge is Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, offering flexible, hands-on training in Web Development, Full Stack, and Cybersecurity that'll keep you ahead of the game.

A whopping 80% of our grads land higher-paying jobs within six months of certification, proving that investing in your education is the key to scoring the best tech careers in Baltimore.



The tech job scene in Bmore is straight fire! Word on the street is that it's gonna keep growing like crazy, thanks to the city's dope economy and all the cool innovation they're pushing.

Baltimore is now a federal Tech Hub, which means they're mixing AI and biotech to create high-paying jobs.

Even the healthcare peeps are hyped, predicting tons of new jobs for skilled workers.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says jobs like phlebotomists are gonna grow by 8% between 2022 and 2032.

That's a lotta blood-drawing gigs!

Baltimore's tech scene is blowing up, with industries like healthcare, green energy, and cyber-security all needing more workers.

That's where places like Nucamp come in, offering dope bootcamps like the Cybersecurity Fundamentals program.

Tech startups are getting mad money, colleges are teaming up with tech companies, and the government is setting up these tech hubs. It's a perfect storm for techies to get their hustle on and for cutting-edge companies to thrive.

Sure, keeping up with all the new tech might be a challenge, but if you're ready to grind, Baltimore is the place to be for a sweet tech career.

Bottom line, B-more's tech job market is where it's at for high-paying, stable careers.

With the supportive tech community, growth predictions from places like the Maryland Department of Labor, and all the success stories coming out of the city, it's cementing itself as a top spot for techies.

Sure, there are obstacles, but Baltimore's always embracing the future, just like Nucamp's mission to get people educated in tech. It's a dope time to be part of the tech revolution happening in Bmore!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the forecast for Baltimore's tech industry growth?

CompTIA projects that Baltimore's tech industry will create 178,000 net new jobs in 2022 across the United States.

How does Baltimore's tech workforce compare in terms of wages?

Baltimore's tech workers earn wages that are 125% higher than the national average.

What are some of the high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore?

High-paying tech jobs in Baltimore include Software Engineers earning around $105,548 annually, Data Scientists with an average of $120,000, and IT Project Managers with salaries averaging $115,000.

What skills are in high demand for tech jobs in Baltimore?

Tech jobs in Baltimore demand skills in programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, database management with SQL and NoSQL, cloud computing expertise with platforms like AWS and Microsoft Azure, and cybersecurity proficiency.

How important is education and training for tech jobs in Baltimore?

Continuing education and training are crucial for securing high-paying tech jobs in Baltimore. Professionals engaged in lifelong learning are 37% more likely to secure such positions.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible