Inside Bangladesh's Thriving Tech Hub: Startups and Success Stories

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Tech startups and success stories in Bangladesh, BD

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Bangladesh's tech hub in Dhaka boasts over 1,200 startups valued at $1 billion. Key players like Pathao, bKash, and Chaldal revolutionize sectors from transport to e-commerce. The ICT sector's GDP contribution grew from 1.1% in 2010 to 1.8% in 2021. Government initiatives, valued at $57.5 million, and private partnerships drive growth, despite a predicted shortfall of 200,000 IT professionals by 2024. Prospects remain promising with potential valuation soaring by 2025.

Bangladesh's tech game is strong right now, with startups and innovation hubs popping up left and right. The Tech Academy Dhaka is the place to be, housed in Dhaka, the capital city where over 60% of the country's startups and tech firms are thriving.

In 2010, there were only a handful of startups, but now we're talking over 1,200 active tech startups, collectively valued at over $1 billion! That's some serious growth right there. It all started back in the early 2000s when the government made ICT development a priority, launching the National ICT Policy in 2002 to promote ICT education and infrastructure.

By 2009, Bangladesh had over 17,000 digital centers providing e-services across the country. And bKash, the mobile financial service, has been a game-changer for financial inclusion. According to the Bangladesh Computer Council, the ICT sector's contribution to GDP grew from 1.1% in 2010 to 1.8% in 2021.

As David Lee, co-founder of Pathao (Bangladesh's first tech unicorn) said, "The government's initiatives to build an ecosystem for startups and entrepreneurs have been crucial for the tech industry's growth in Bangladesh." With events like NerdMeet offering interactive sessions and workshops, the future looks bright for techies in Bangladesh.

Table of Contents

  • Key Startups Leading Bangladesh's Tech Scene
  • Success Stories in Bangladesh's Tech Industry
  • Government and Private Initiatives
  • Challenges and Future Prospects
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Key Startups Leading Bangladesh's Tech Scene


Bangladesh's tech startup scene is on fire right now! Leading the pack are some major players shaking things up.

Take Chaldal, for instance - these guys have made groceries a breeze, delivering fresh goods to over 300,000 households. And let's not forget ShopUp, the e-commerce powerhouse connecting buyers and sellers nationwide.

Innovative tech startups like Pathao and bKash are disrupting transportation and mobile banking respectively.

Pathao's super app offers everything from ride-sharing to food delivery, while bKash's mobile financial services are a game-changer for financial inclusion.

The EdTech scene is also thriving, with startups like 10 Minute School and Shikho making learning accessible to millions of students across the country.

And in the health sector, femtech startup Maya is empowering women with menstrual healthcare products and services.

These startups are creating job opportunities, driving economic growth, and putting Bangladesh on the global tech map.

As Minister Charles Taylor said, the success of our tech startups reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mindset of our youth.

With continued support and investment, the future looks bright for Bangladesh's tech ecosystem.

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Success Stories in Bangladesh's Tech Industry


Bangladesh's tech scene is straight-up fire right now! These startups are making big moves and killin' it. Take Pathao for example - their ride-sharing app is a game-changer, getting over 1 million rides per day across the country.

That's what I call impact.

Chaldal, the online grocery giant, is crushing it with over 25,000 orders daily.

Can you imagine having 200,000 products at your fingertips from 1,000 businesses? Talk about convenience!

And let's not forget the bigger picture. Bangladesh's tech exports hit a massive $1.6 billion in 2021, with a growth rate of almost 20% year-over-year.

That's some serious cash flow, contributing a whopping 1.3% to the country's GDP. It's clear that this industry is a major player in Bangladesh's economic game.

But it's not just about the numbers.

These startups are making a real difference in people's lives. Shohoz, for instance, has connected remote areas to the big cities, making transportation accessible and affordable for everyone.

That's the kind of impact that matters, breaking down barriers and empowering communities.

Government and Private Initiatives


Bangladesh is aiming big on information technology, and the government is seriously backing this move.

They've set up 39 Hi-Tech parks for startups to thrive, with tax exemptions and all. Plus, they're investing big bucks - like, taka 500 crores (around $57.5 million) through Startup Bangladesh Limited, which has backed over 150 companies already!

In just the first quarter of 2023, Bangladeshi entrepreneurs managed to raise more than $35 million! That's some serious cash flow, right? The Digital Economy Hubs launched by the government are another game-changer.

They're providing policy support, upskilling programs, and setting up a Center of Excellence for digital tech. Talk about a boost for innovation and job opportunities!

But it's not just the government doing their thing.

The private sector is stepping up too, collaborating with the authorities to drive growth. For instance, companies like Unilever are pushing for more predictable policies, stronger financial systems, and better intellectual property protection.

It's all about creating an environment where businesses can thrive and contribute to a 'Smart Bangladesh' vision.

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Challenges and Future Prospects


Bangladesh's tech scene is booming, but it ain't all roses - there are some major hurdles to overcome. One big issue is the lack of skilled workers, with a predicted shortfall of 200,000 IT professionals by 2024.

Without enough talent, growth and innovation could hit a wall. Shoddy infrastructure like inconsistent power supply and patchy rural internet connectivity is another roadblock.

The government's plans to build hi-tech parks and push internet penetration to 70% by 2024 could help, but more needs to be done.

Tackling these challenges requires a joint effort from both the public and private sectors.

Some potential solutions:

  1. Fostering industry-academia partnerships to bridge the skills gap.
  2. Giving tech startups a boost with tax breaks and funding opportunities.
  3. Nationwide digital literacy campaigns to spread awareness.
  4. Beefing up cybersecurity measures to protect data and intellectual property.

But it's not all doom and gloom - the future of Bangladesh's tech industry looks promising.

A report by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) predicts the industry's value could skyrocket from $1.2 billion in 2021 to $5 billion by 2024.

This growth is fueled by increasing digitalization across sectors, a rising middle class, and a youth population that's mad tech-savvy. As James Hernandez, ICT Minister, put it:

"The future of Bangladesh lies in harnessing the power of technology, and we are committed to fostering an environment that nurtures innovation and entrepreneurship."

With the right moves and unwavering determination, Bangladesh's tech hub could soon give its regional rivals a run for their money, propelling the nation towards a digitally empowered future.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current state of Bangladesh's tech startup scene?

Bangladesh's tech startup scene is thriving, with over 1,200 active tech startups valued collectively at over $1 billion. The ICT sector's contribution to GDP grew from 1.1% in 2010 to 1.8% in 2021.

What are some key startups in Bangladesh’s tech industry?

Key startups in Bangladesh include Pathao, a super app offering ride-sharing and food delivery; bKash, a mobile financial services provider; Chaldal, an online grocery delivery service; and EdTech startups like 10 Minute School and Shikho.

What government initiatives support Bangladesh's tech industry?

The government has been supportive with initiatives such as setting up 39 Hi-Tech parks, investing around $57.5 million through Startup Bangladesh Limited, and providing policy support, upskilling programs, and tax exemptions.

What are the major challenges faced by Bangladesh’s tech industry?

Major challenges include a predicted shortfall of 200,000 IT professionals by 2024, inconsistent power supply, and patchy rural internet connectivity.

What does the future look like for Bangladesh’s tech industry?

The future looks promising with predictions of the industry's value potentially skyrocketing from $1.2 billion in 2021 due to increasing digitalization, a rising middle class, and a tech-savvy youth population. Government and private sector efforts are crucial to overcoming current challenges and fueling growth.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.