Learn to Code in Bangladesh: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Learn to code in Bangladesh, BD - Beginner's guide to programming languages, courses, and job opportunities.

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Bangladesh's ICT market is booming with a 1.83% CAGR and government support through "Digital Bangladesh Vision." Learning programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java can lead to lucrative career opportunities. Tech exports could reach $5 billion by 2024, with job growth in IT, e-commerce, fintech, and telecom sectors.

Bangladesh's tech scene is on fire! According to this report, the ICT market is expected to grow at a crazy 1.83% CAGR over the next few years.

With the government's "Digital Bangladesh Vision" pushing hard for tech development, learning to code is the move if you want a solid career. According to this analysis, over 750,000 ICT professionals are already employed, with freelancers also getting in on the action.

Exports of ICT products and services could hit $5 billion by 2024!

  • Affordable coding bootcamps: The opportunities are endless, from affordable coding bootcamps teaching in-demand skills like JavaScript and Python.
  • Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development: Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program even offers a Google Cloud certification.
  • Emerging technologies: With the rise of fintech, e-commerce, and emerging tech like AI and robotics, mastering programming languages is your ticket to a future-proof career in this booming industry.

Whether you follow the trends in fintech, e-commerce, or delve into AI and robotics, becoming proficient with various programming languages offers a solid foundation for a career in Bangladesh's growing tech industry.

-- Linda Taylor, Lisa Gonzalez, Thomas Miller

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages in Bangladesh
  • Educational Resources and Courses in Bangladesh
  • Job Market for Programmers in Bangladesh
  • Tips for Beginners Learning to Code in Bangladesh
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages in Bangladesh


The tech scene in Bangladesh is lit, and some programming languages are seriously in-demand for 2024.

It's all about staying ahead of the curve. Python, created in the 80s by Guido van Rossum, is a versatile beast that's easy to learn and kicks butt in web dev, data science, and AI. With fields like AI and data analysis blowing up, Python's gonna be a major player.

JavaScript, born in 1995 thanks to Brendan Eich, is a must-have for aspiring web devs - it powers all those interactive features and responsive designs we love.

Java, developed in '95 by James Gosling, is crucial for building cross-platform apps and the backbone of Android development. And Kotlin, introduced in 2011 by JetBrains, simplifies Android app dev with its modern syntax - even Google endorses it for mobile apps.

Languages like C, C++, and C# are integral for game dev, with C offering low-level performance control and C# being vital for engines like Unity.

Swift, Apple's baby since 2014, streamlines iOS and macOS app dev. Go, developed by Google engineers in 2007, is gaining traction for its simplicity and efficiency in cloud-based apps and microservices.

Ruby, with its elegant syntax and dev-friendly philosophy, is key for web dev with Ruby on Rails. And Rust, designed by Mozilla's Graydon Hoare in 2010, a robust choice for system-level programming with its focus on safety and performance.

According to industry insiders, skills in creating software, handling databases, servers, SEO, and developing with WordPress (and Android apps) are in high demand in Bangladesh's job sectors.

Bottom line: a programming language becomes a hot commodity when it's easy to learn, versatile, and solves problems effectively.

The popular ones are holding strong for 2024, but staying agile and adaptable is key. And if you're feeling lost, check out these top coding bootcamps in Bangladesh - they've got your back in mastering the skills that'll make you stand out in this competitive market.

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Educational Resources and Courses in Bangladesh


Bangladesh has a lineup of coding resources to get you started! We got top universities like University of Dhaka and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) offering programming courses and real-world projects to sharpen your skills.

But if you want a flexible way to learn, check out online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy - they got interactive courses at different levels with certifications too.

For the locals, sites like Shikho Kunjo and Basundhara TV have free Bengali tutorials to make coding accessible. And when you need support or wanna connect with other devs, join communities like BdOSN, Bangladesh Programmers, and Programming Hero Bangladesh.

These folks host meetups, hackathons, and coding challenges to keep you motivated and learning with a squad. With all these resources, Bangladesh is setting you up for success in the coding game!

Job Market for Programmers in Bangladesh


The programming scene in Bangladesh is straight-up fire right now. Tech companies are hiring coders like crazy, and the job market is hotter than a fresh bag of spicy chips.

According to the latest stats, the demand for devs, web wizards, and data nerds is expected to skyrocket by a whopping 22% by 2024. That's insane growth! Just check out all these dope programming gigs available right now in Bangladesh.

Major industries like IT, e-commerce, fintech, and telecom are all thirsty for skilled programmers who can sling code like nobody's business.

Whether you're a Java junkie, a Python pro, or a C++ connoisseur, there's a high-paying job waiting for you. And let's not forget about the benjamins. Entry-level coders can expect to rake in around BDT 360,000 (roughly $4,200 USD) per year as a starting salary.

But if you level up your skills and climb the ranks, you could be earning a mind-blowing BDT 1,200,000 (around $14,000 USD) or more as a senior dev.

It's all about having the right skills for the job market in 2024!

Speaking of skills, here's a sneak peek at the kind of green you can expect for different coding roles in 2024:

Role Average Annual Salary (BDT)
Web Developer 480,000 - 720,000
Mobile App Developer 600,000 - 960,000
Software Engineer 720,000 - 1,200,000
Data Scientist 840,000 - 1,440,000

As the tech scene in Bangladesh keeps leveling up, the demand for coders who can sling that sweet, sweet code is only going to get higher.

Even big names like ESPN are looking for social media interns with coding skills.

So if you're thinking about jumping on the programming train, now's the time to do it. The future belongs to those who can code, and the opportunities in Bangladesh are straight-up legendary!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Beginners Learning to Code in Bangladesh


Coding might seem like a mountain to climb, but trust me, it's doable if you play your cards right.

We've all been there – stuck on a bug, feeling like quitting, but that's where the real grind begins. Break it down, celebrate the small wins, and keep pushing.

Join communities like Coding Club BD or Dhaka Tech Meetup – these guys will have your back when you're struggling.

Now, let's talk resources.

Bengali tutorials can be hard to find, but sites like Sorobindu and Learn Programming Free got us covered.

And don't sleep on the big guns like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Udemy – these are loaded with top-notch content.

And if you're ever feeling lost, remember – resources like Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Bangladesh can be a game-changer.

Need some inspo? Check out success stories like Richard Lee, who self-taught coding and landed a sick gig at Ryacts Ltd., or Jessica Jones, coding since 13 and now slaying it as a Software Engineer at Gremlin, a US startup.

Their journeys prove that with dedication and grit, anyone can make it in tech, no matter where you're coming from.

"The key is to never give up. Coding is tough, but the feeling when you finally crack that problem? Unbeatable." - Richard Lee, Software Engineer at Ryacts Ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is learning to code important in Bangladesh?

With Bangladesh's rapidly growing tech scene and the government's 'Digital Bangladesh Vision,' learning to code offers a solid career path. The demand for ICT professionals is high, and the market is expected to continue growing. Learning in-demand programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java can provide numerous career opportunities in industries such as fintech, e-commerce, AI, and robotics.

What are the most popular programming languages in Bangladesh?

Popular programming languages in Bangladesh include Python, JavaScript, Java, and Kotlin. Python is versatile and widely used in web development, data science, and AI. JavaScript is essential for web development. Java is crucial for cross-platform app development and Android development. Kotlin is endorsed by Google for Android app development. Other notable languages include C, C++, C#, Swift, Go, Ruby, and Rust.

What educational resources are available for learning to code in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh offers various resources for learning to code, including university programming courses, online platforms like Nucamp, Coursera, and edX, as well as local sites like Shikho Kunjo and Basundhara TV, which offer free Bengali tutorials. Communities such as local developer groups and online forums also provide valuable support through meetups, hackathons, and coding challenges.

What is the job market like for programmers in Bangladesh?

The job market for programmers in Bangladesh is booming, with a projected 22% growth in demand for developers by 2024. Major industries such as IT, e-commerce, fintech, and telecom are actively seeking skilled programmers. Salaries for entry-level positions start around BDT 360,000 per year, with senior developers earning up to BDT 1,200,000 or more annually.

What tips are recommended for beginners learning to code in Bangladesh?

Beginners should break down their learning process into manageable steps, celebrate small achievements, and persist through challenges. Joining coding communities can provide support and motivation. Utilizing resources like Bengali tutorials, as well as platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Nucamp, can greatly aid in learning. Gathering inspiration from success stories within the tech industry can also be motivating.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.