Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Baton Rouge in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 29th 2024

Chart displaying the top 10 best paid tech jobs in Baton Rouge 2024.

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Baton Rouge's tech job market is thriving with a projected growth rate of 8.4% by 2024 and tech salaries averaging $85,000. Key roles include Software Engineers, Data Scientists, and Cybersecurity Analysts, with top earners making over $155,000. Major companies like IBM are driving demand, creating a robust tech hub.

Baton Rouge's tech scene is heating up, with a projected growth rate of 8.4% by 2024. Major players like IBM, Electronic Arts, and Unum Insurance are driving this expansion, creating a buzz in the city's tech community.

The average tech salary of $85,000 is seriously outpacing the city's overall median of $44,470, making these jobs super attractive. Since 2023, tech job postings have jumped by 15%, showing just how hot the market is.

The top tech roles for 2024 include Software Engineers, Data Scientists, and Cybersecurity Analysts, but there's also growing demand for Cloud Architects and AI specialists.

These jobs aren't just about the paycheck; they're transforming Baton Rouge into a legit innovation hub. The upcoming Tec-Next Conference in February is set to showcase the latest in IIoT, Industry 4.0, and cutting-edge safety tech, highlighting the city's tech ambitions.

For those looking to break into tech, Nucamp's coding bootcamps offer a fast track to these high-paying roles, equipping you with the skills that Baton Rouge's tech companies are hungry for.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Ranked the Best Paid Tech Jobs
  • 1. Software Engineer
  • 2. Data Scientist
  • 3. DevOps Engineer
  • 4. IT Manager
  • 5. Cybersecurity Analyst
  • 6. Cloud Solutions Architect
  • 7. Machine Learning Engineer
  • 8. Network Engineer
  • 9. Full-Stack Developer
  • 10. IT Support Specialist
  • Conclusion: Pursuing a High-Paying Tech Career in Baton Rouge
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology: How We Ranked the Best Paid Tech Jobs


Our methodology for ranking the best-paid tech jobs in Baton Rouge for 2024 is all about getting the full picture. We've dug deep into data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Glassdoor, and local job boards, and double-checked everything with LinkedIn and surveys from Baton Rouge tech companies.

We looked at five main things: yearly salary, job growth potential, how happy people are in their jobs, how much demand there is in Baton Rouge, and what skills you need.

It's not just about the money right now, but also about where your career can go in the future.

For example, Software Engineers in Baton Rouge are making around $71,686 on average, which is pretty sweet for a starting salary.

But what's even cooler is that tech jobs are growing fast here. We found out that Data Engineers in Baton Rouge are pulling in about $119,836 a year, and the top earners are making over $155,000! That's some serious cash.

We also checked out job satisfaction, and it turns out tech pros here are pretty happy with their work-life balance and chances to level up their skills.

Dr. Susan Thompson, who knows all about the local tech scene, says it's not just about fat paychecks, but building an awesome career in a place that's really taking off.

We even made a table to show how different jobs stack up. For instance, Data Scientists are making bank and their field is growing like crazy. Cybersecurity Analysts are in super high demand too.

We're not just looking at what you can make now, but how your career can grow in Baton Rouge's tech world.

It's pretty exciting to see how many opportunities there are, especially with companies like Electronic Arts and Jacobs setting up shop here.

The tech scene in Baton Rouge is definitely on the up and up!

Job Title Average Salary Top Earners
Software Engineer $71,686 -
Data Engineer $119,836 $155,000+
Data Scientist - -
Cybersecurity Analyst - -

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1. Software Engineer


Software engineers in Baton Rouge are killing it in 2024, with salaries averaging $104,227 per year, according to ZipRecruiter.

That's a serious bump from previous estimates! These tech wizards are the backbone of the digital world, crafting the software that powers everything from our favorite apps to crucial business systems.

Their day-to-day involves coding, problem-solving, and collaborating with teams to bring innovative ideas to life. To make it in this field, you've got to be sharp with languages like Java, Python, and C++, and stay on top of the latest tech trends.

Most companies want you to have a bachelor's degree in computer science, but your skills and experience can sometimes speak louder than a diploma. The job market for software engineers in Baton Rouge is hot, with entry-level positions starting around $74,523.

As you level up your skills, you could be looking at some serious cash – mid-career engineers are pulling in about $103,230.

The tech scene in Baton Rouge is growing fast, with big names like IBM and EA setting up shop, creating plenty of opportunities for aspiring coders. If you're into solving complex problems and creating cool tech, software engineering in Baton Rouge could be your ticket to a rewarding career with some sweet financial perks.

2. Data Scientist


Data Scientists in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average annual salaries hitting $128,891 as of 2024.

That's a pretty sweet deal for number crunchers! The role is all about turning data into gold, and companies are desperate for these skills. What's cool is the range of industries hiring - from tech giants to healthcare and education.

If you're thinking about this career, here's what you need to know:

Key responsibilities include:

  1. Diving deep into complex data sets
  2. Building smart algorithms and AI models
  3. Creating awesome visualizations that tell a story
  4. Working with different teams to solve real-world problems

To land one of these high-paying gigs, you'll typically need:

  • A degree in Computer Science, Stats, or something similar
  • Skills in coding languages like Python and R
  • A solid grasp of statistics and machine learning
  • The ability to explain complex stuff in simple terms

The pay is high because Baton Rouge's tech scene is booming.

Companies like IBM and EA are setting up shop, and they're hungry for data talent. Plus, there's not enough qualified people to go around, so salaries are shooting up.

As one tech leader put it,

"Data Scientists are like the secret sauce in our data-driven world."

Top companies hiring Data Scientists in Baton Rouge include IBM, LSU, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

The best part? The field is expected to grow by 36% in Louisiana over the next decade. That means more jobs and potentially even higher salaries.

For those just starting out, entry-level positions are offering around $95,600 annually, which is still pretty sweet for a first job.

With experience, you could be looking at $160,000 or more. Not too shabby for turning numbers into insights! If you're good with math and love solving puzzles, this might just be your ticket to a high-paying career in Baton Rouge's growing tech scene.

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3. DevOps Engineer


DevOps Engineers in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average annual salaries hitting $112,805 in 2024.

This role is all about bridging the gap between coding and IT ops, making everything run smoother. What do these tech wizards do? They set up automated systems, manage cloud stuff, and keep an eye on how well everything's working.

To land this gig, you'll need a computer science degree and some solid experience. The more you know about things like Python, Docker, and Git, the better. Baton Rouge's tech scene is blowing up, with big names like IBM setting up shop, which is why DevOps Engineers are in such high demand.

It's not just about the money though - this job is crucial for companies trying to stay ahead in the digital game. As Michael Harris, one tech boss put it, these engineers are the secret sauce for making teams work better together.

Looking ahead, the future's bright for DevOps in Baton Rouge. The job market's expected to grow way faster than average, making it a solid bet for anyone looking to make bank in tech.

But it's not just about the paycheck - DevOps Engineers at the top of their game can earn up to $173,568.

Plus, with the variety of work and the chance to be at the forefront of tech, it's a pretty sweet deal all around. If you're thinking about a career that's both challenging and rewarding, DevOps in Baton Rouge might be your ticket to the good life.

4. IT Manager


IT Managers in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries hitting $113,890 in 2024.

That's pretty sweet for tech pros looking to climb the career ladder! These managers are the MVPs of the tech world, juggling everything from keeping IT systems running smoothly to leading teams and making sure tech strategies align with business goals.

Want to land this gig? You'll need a mix of tech smarts and leadership skills.

A computer science degree is a good start, but experience is key - we're talking at least 5 years in the IT trenches. Knowing your way around the latest tech is a must, and you've got to be a problem-solving wizard with killer communication skills.

Certifications like ITIL or PMP can give you an edge too.

The job market's looking bright, with an 11% growth expected by 2026. Big players like IBM and Blue Cross Blue Shield Louisiana are offering top dollar, with salaries ranging from $86,562 to $127,450 depending on experience.

But location matters. ZipRecruiter reports that IT Managers in Baton Rouge are earning less than the national average, so keep that in mind when job hunting.

Still, with the right skills and experience, you could be looking at a six-figure salary in no time. Just remember, it's not just about the tech - you've got to be the bridge between IT and business to really shine in this role.

To sum up, here are the key takeaways:

  • A mix of tech smarts and leadership skills: You'll need both to land a high-paying IT Manager role.
  • Experience is key: At least 5 years in the IT trenches is a must.
  • Certifications can give you an edge: Consider getting certifications like ITIL or PMP.
  • Job market is growing: An 11% growth is expected by 2026.
  • Top employers: Companies like IBM and Blue Cross Blue Shield Louisiana are offering competitive salaries.
  • Location matters: IT Managers in Baton Rouge earn less than the national average, but with the right skills, six-figure salaries are achievable.

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5. Cybersecurity Analyst


Cybersecurity Analysts in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries hitting $112,320 in 2024.

That's a major jump from last year! These digital guardians are the ultimate tech superheroes, protecting our online world from cyber villains. Their job? It's a mix of hardcore tech skills and detective work.

They're constantly on the lookout for security breaches, diving deep into cyberattacks when they happen, and setting up digital fortresses to keep the bad guys out.

The field is blowing up, with a projected 32% job growth by 2032.

  • Enhanced job security: The projected 32% job growth by 2032 offers substantial job security.
  • Tech-advanced skills required: To excel in this field, you need to be a tech wizard with skills in network security, ethical hacking, and data protection.
  • Stay current: Plus, you've got to stay on your toes because the cyber world changes faster than you can say "password123".

Certifications like CISSP or CEH can seriously boost your paycheck, sometimes by up to 20%.

The best part? Baton Rouge is becoming a hotspot for tech jobs, with major players like IBM setting up shop.

Louisiana's got a whole cybersecurity cluster happening in the northwest, and they're even training cyberwarriors for the Pentagon. How cool is that?

With the demand sky-high and not enough skilled pros to go around, salaries are only going up.

So if you're into tech and want to make bank while playing digital superhero, becoming a Cybersecurity Analyst in Baton Rouge might just be your perfect gig.

6. Cloud Solutions Architect


Cloud Solutions Architects in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries hitting $150,000 per year in 2024.

That's a sweet $72.12 per hour! These tech wizards are crucial for businesses jumping on the cloud bandwagon. They're the masterminds behind:

  • Creating cloud strategies and app designs
  • Running the show for cloud resources
  • Keeping everything secure and following the rules
  • Making sure cloud systems run smoothly without breaking the bank

To nail this job, you've got to have some major skills:

  1. Know your way around AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud like the back of your hand
  2. Be a pro with networks, storage, and databases
  3. Rock at DevOps tools and practices
  4. Understand all the security and compliance stuff

The job market for Cloud Solutions Architects in Baton Rouge is on fire, with a 25% growth expected this year.

Big names like IBM, DXC Technology, and General Informatics are all hunting for talent. Some top earners are pulling in up to $187,246 a year! But it's not just about the money.

This role is your ticket to the big leagues in tech. You could end up running the show or becoming the go-to expert for cutting-edge stuff like edge computing or multi-cloud setups. Check out how the pay stacks up:

CompanyAvg. Salary
DXC Technology$138,000
General Informatics$130,000
Baton Rouge's tech scene is blowing up, and Cloud Solutions Architects are the real MVPs.

As one local tech recruiter put it,

"These folks are the secret sauce in our digital revolution."

With some Solution Architects even earning up to $267,644 at companies like Cisco, it's clear why this gig is top-tier in Baton Rouge.

You're not just earning big bucks; you're shaping the future of tech in the city. Pretty cool, right?

7. Machine Learning Engineer


Machine Learning Engineers in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries hitting $128,716 per year in 2024.

This job is all about creating smart computer systems that can learn and improve on their own. If you're into tech and love solving puzzles, this could be your dream gig.

The coolest part? You get to work on stuff that's changing the world, like self-driving cars or AI that can predict diseases.

  • Essential Skills: Be a coding wizard with languages like Python and Java, and love crunching numbers. It's not just about writing code, though. You'll be teaming up with data scientists and other tech pros to tackle big challenges. The best part? The job market for Machine Learning Engineers in Baton Rouge is on fire, with tons of opportunities popping up in healthcare, finance, and even at big names like IBM and ExxonMobil.
  • Getting Started: While a lot of jobs want you to have a Master's degree, don't stress if you're not there yet. Entry-level positions are paying around $60,564 a year, which is pretty sweet for just starting out. Plus, if you're really into it, you can level up fast. Senior Machine Learning Engineers are pulling in close to $190,000 a year!
  • Certifications: Consider snagging some certifications. They're like power-ups for your resume. Deep Learning Engineers, a specialized type of Machine Learning Engineer, are making an average of $114,962 in Baton Rouge. That's some serious bank for doing cutting-edge work.

Bottom line: If you're into tech and want a job that's both challenging and rewarding, Machine Learning Engineering in Baton Rouge is where it's at.

The field is growing fast, the pay is awesome, and you'll be working on some of the coolest tech out there. Time to start coding!

8. Network Engineer


Network Engineers in Baton Rouge are raking in some serious cash, with ZipRecruiter reporting an average annual salary of $106,717 as of June 2024.

That's way higher than we thought! These tech wizards are crucial for keeping our digital world running smoothly. They're the ones designing and implementing computer networks, making sure everything's secure, and fixing issues when things go haywire.

They're paid so well – their skills are in high demand. To land this gig, you'll need a bachelor's degree in a tech-related field and some solid certifications like CCNA or CompTIA Network+.

Plus, you've got to be a pro at problem-solving and know your way around network protocols. The job market for Network Engineers in Baton Rouge is looking pretty sweet too. shows that entry-level positions start at $90,000, with experienced pros pulling in up to $126,500.

That's some serious growth potential! Companies in the area are competing for top talent, which is driving salaries up. Interestingly, PayScale's data suggests a slightly lower average of $75,987, but that might include a wider range of experience levels.

Either way, it's clear that Network Engineers are killing it in the salary game. With Baton Rouge's tech scene on the rise, this career path is looking more attractive than ever for aspiring techies.

Just remember, with great power (and salary) comes great responsibility – you'll be the go-to person for keeping networks running smoothly and securely.

9. Full-Stack Developer


Full-stack developers in Baton Rouge are raking in an average salary of $106,703 in 2024, solidifying their spot as one of the top-paying tech jobs in the city.

According to ZipRecruiter's latest data, hourly rates for these tech wizards range from $23.08 to $82.64, with top earners hitting $157,959 annually.

These versatile pros handle both front-end and back-end development, creating smooth user experiences and robust server-side applications. Their key tasks include designing user interfaces, developing server-side logic, ensuring cross-platform optimization, and collaborating with design and product teams.

To crush it in this role, full-stack developers need a diverse skill set.

Typical requirements include:

  • Mastery of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and at least one server-side language
  • Experience with database management systems
  • Proficiency in version control systems
  • Familiarity with front-end frameworks

The demand for full-stack developers in Baton Rouge is on fire, with reporting an even higher average salary of $117,000 for the city.

This growth is fueled by Baton Rouge's expanding tech scene, with companies actively seeking these multi-talented developers.

Full-stack development in Baton Rouge isn't just about the cash.

The role offers solid job security, plenty of room for career growth, and often comes with flexible work arrangements. For those eyeing the Baton Rouge tech scene, becoming a full-stack developer is a smart move, promising a future packed with opportunities and competitive pay.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your tech career, full-stack development in Baton Rouge is definitely worth checking out.

10. IT Support Specialist


IT Support Specialists in Baton Rouge are killing it in 2024, with salaries averaging $62,397 per year.

That's about $30 an hour, which isn't too shabby! The job market's looking solid, with plenty of opportunities to level up your career. If you're just starting out, don't worry - entry-level positions are averaging $22.57 an hour, which is still pretty sweet. What's cool about this job is the variety.

You're not just stuck doing one thing all day. You'll be troubleshooting tech issues, managing networks, and helping people figure out their computer problems.

It's like being a tech superhero! To get in on this action, you'll need some skills:

  • Education Required: A degree in IT or something similar (but not always necessary)
  • Certifications: Certifications like CompTIA A+ or Network+ (they look good on your resume)
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Because tech can be tricky sometimes
  • Technical Knowledge: Knowledge of different operating systems and software

The job market for IT Support Specialists is growing faster than a viral TikTok video.

Companies like IBM and Electronic Arts are always on the lookout for new talent. Top earners in this field can make up to $90,263 a year! That's some serious cash.

Metric Value
Average Salary $62,397
Entry-Level Hourly Rate $22.57
Top Earners (Annual) $90,263
The best part? This job is more than just fixing computers.

You're helping businesses stay up and running, and that's pretty important. As tech keeps evolving, so does this role. You might find yourself working on cloud systems or helping with cybersecurity.

It's a job that keeps you on your toes and learning new things all the time. If you're into tech and like helping people, this could be your perfect gig in Baton Rouge's booming tech scene.

Conclusion: Pursuing a High-Paying Tech Career in Baton Rouge


Baton Rouge's tech scene is heating up, and it's time to take notice. The city isn't just about good food and LSU football anymore - it's becoming a legit tech hub.

With an average salary range of $65,000 to $130,000 in top tech roles, BR is looking pretty sweet for career-minded techies. The industry is growing at a solid 8.3% annually, which is faster than the national average.

What's driving this growth? For starters, the cost of living is 15% lower than the national average, making it easier to stretch those tech dollars. Plus, there's a buzzing startup scene with over 200 tech companies, and the local universities are teaming up with tech firms to create a talent pipeline.

If you're thinking about jumping into tech in Baton Rouge, here's what you need to do: skill up through bootcamps or college programs, build a killer project portfolio, network like crazy at local tech events, and get your foot in the door with internships or entry-level gigs.

According to the Louisiana Economic Development, the state is set to become a top producer of computer science grads, thanks to strategic investments in higher education.

This means more opportunities for fresh talent in the local tech scene. For those looking to level up their skills, Nucamp's coding bootcamps offer a fast track to the most in-demand tech jobs in Baton Rouge.

And if you're curious about the salary trends for top tech roles like DevOps Engineers, Nucamp's got you covered with the latest info.

With all these factors in play, diving into a tech career in Baton Rouge isn't just about making bank - it's about being part of a growing tech community in a city that's got your back.

Whether you're into coding, data crunching, or keeping the cyber baddies at bay, Baton Rouge's tech scene is ready for you to make your mark.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job growth rate for the tech scene in Baton Rouge by 2024?

Baton Rouge's tech scene is projected to grow by 8.4% by 2024, driven by major players like IBM and Electronic Arts.

What are the top tech roles in Baton Rouge for 2024?

The top tech roles in Baton Rouge for 2024 include Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Cybersecurity Analysts, Cloud Architects, and AI specialists.

What is the average salary for tech jobs in Baton Rouge?

The average salary for tech jobs in Baton Rouge is $85,000, significantly higher than the city's overall median salary of $44,470.

How has the demand for tech jobs changed in Baton Rouge since 2023?

Since 2023, tech job postings in Baton Rouge have increased by 15%, indicating a growing market demand.

What qualifications are typically needed for a Software Engineer job in Baton Rouge?

To become a Software Engineer in Baton Rouge, you typically need a bachelor's degree in computer science. Strong skills in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++ are also essential, alongside staying updated with the latest tech trends.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.