Top 5 Best Coding Bootcamps in Berkeley in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 30th 2024

Top 5 best coding bootcamps in Berkeley 2024 - California, US

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Berkeley's top coding bootcamps in 2024 are essential for its booming tech scene, with a 15% increase in tech jobs since 2020. Ranking factors include curriculum relevance, instructor quality, cost, and career services. Leading bootcamps like UC Berkeley Extension, Hack Reactor, and App Academy offer comprehensive, flexible programs with high employment rates, making them excellent choices for aspiring coders.

Berkeley's tech scene is on fire, with a 15% jump in tech jobs since 2020. It's not just about Silicon Valley anymore – UC Berkeley is pushing innovation too.

Coding bootcamps are the secret sauce, churning out tech pros ready to dive into the workforce. By 2024, we're looking at a whopping 22% more software dev jobs.

These bootcamps are crushing it because they're fast (12-24 weeks), way cheaper than college, and teach you exactly what you need to know. Plus, 70-90% of grads land jobs within 6 months – that's huge! But it's not just about the numbers.

Real people are seeing real results.

Berkeley's not just riding the tech wave; it's making waves. The Bakar ClimatEnginuity Hub is set to be a game-changer, offering cutting-edge lab space for climate and materials science research.

And it doesn't stop there – the Berkeley Space Center is gearing up to be a 36-acre innovation powerhouse, connecting academia, industry, and government.

With all this action, coding bootcamps are more crucial than ever, prepping the next gen of tech talent to tackle these exciting challenges. If you're thinking about jumping into tech, Berkeley's the place to be, and bootcamps are your express ticket to the future.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Top 5 Coding Bootcamps
  • #1: Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • #2: UC Berkeley Extension Boot Camps
  • #3: Hack Reactor
  • #4: App Academy
  • #5: Rithm School
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting the Top 5 Coding Bootcamps


Choosing the right coding bootcamp is crucial, especially for beginners. Our methodology for selecting the top 5 coding bootcamps in Berkeley for 2024 is based on key factors that matter most to new coders.

We've dug deep into data from Course Report, SwitchUp, and CIRR, which collectively analyze hundreds of bootcamps across the country. According to recent surveys, the most important factors for beginners are curriculum relevance, instructor quality, alumni reviews, cost, and career services.

We've taken a close look at each bootcamp's curriculum, making sure it aligns with what the tech industry actually needs right now.

We've also checked out the instructors, looking at their real-world experience and how many students they're teaching at once. Reviews from past students were super important in our decision-making process too.

When it comes to cost, we know it's a big deal. The average bootcamp in Berkeley costs about $13,584 in 2024, but we've made sure to highlight those offering flexible payment options, including Income Share Agreements and scholarships.

We've also put a lot of weight on career services, because let's face it, getting a job after the bootcamp is the end goal.

The best bootcamps are showing an average 91% employment rate within six months of graduation, which is pretty awesome. We've also considered factors like operation time, selectivity, and commitment to diversity when creating this list.

It's all about finding bootcamps that can turn complete beginners into job-ready developers.

By focusing on these key areas, we've made sure our top 5 picks offer the best value and outcomes for anyone looking to start their coding journey in Berkeley.

Remember, it's not just about learning to code, but finding an affordable and accessible path to a new career in tech.

  1. Curriculum relevance is essential for ensuring the skills taught match industry needs.
  2. Instructor quality is important as experienced instructors can provide better guidance.
  3. Alumni reviews offer valuable insight into the bootcamp experience and outcomes.
  4. Cost and flexible payment options can make bootcamps accessible to more students.
  5. Career services and high employment rates demonstrate a bootcamp's effectiveness.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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#1: Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is seriously crushing it as a top pick for wannabe coders in Berkeley. It's not just about being cheap - they're all about giving you solid skills without breaking the bank.

Since 2017, Nucamp's been on fire, helping over 20,000 students level up their coding game across 200+ spots in the US. Their hybrid setup is pretty sweet - you do most of the work online but still get to meet up on weekends for some face-to-face learning.

It's perfect if you're juggling other stuff in your life. They're always tweaking their courses to keep up with what's hot in tech, especially when it comes to full-stack web and mobile dev.

Based on over 1,700 reviews, people are loving how Nucamp keeps things affordable and flexible with their part-time courses.

They've got programs ranging from a quick 4-week intro to a full 22-week deep dive into coding. The best part? You can start learning for as little as $458 during their early bird deals.

Plus, they've got your back with small class sizes and instructors who know their stuff. If you're worried about landing a job after, don't sweat it - Nucamp's got you covered with resume help, practice interviews, and tips on job hunting.

A lot of grads are scoring tech jobs within half a year of finishing up. Want to learn more? Check out why accessible coding education is so crucial these days.

And if you're still on the fence, hear what Berkeley grads have to say about their experiences.

Nucamp's also got your back with payment plans and even some scholarships to make it easier on your wallet. Whether you're into front-end, full-stack, or even cybersecurity, they've got a program that'll get you where you want to go.

Just remember, spots fill up fast, so if you're thinking about jumping in, don't wait too long!

#2: UC Berkeley Extension Boot Camps


UC Berkeley Extension Boot Camps have seriously upped their game since 2016, becoming a major player in Bay Area tech education. For 2024, they're offering a bunch of programs like Full Stack Web Development, Data Analytics, UX/UI Design, and Cybersecurity.

What's cool is their flexible learning options - you can go part-time for 24 weeks or full-time for 12 weeks, depending on how much time you can commit.

Prices range from $9,995 to $14,495, which isn't cheap, but they've got payment plans and scholarships to help out. Their teaching style is pretty unique, mixing live online classes, self-paced stuff, and hands-on project work.

The curriculum is no joke - you'll dive into things like advanced JavaScript, machine learning, and ethical hacking. What really sets them apart is their strong job placement rate and career support.

They've got your back with one-on-one coaching, portfolio reviews, and networking events to help you land that first tech job. The instructors are legit industry pros, so you're learning from people who've been there and done that.

One student, Nancy Smith, said it was intense but totally worth it for landing her first tech job. Compared to other bootcamps, UC Berkeley Extension offers a solid mix of academic cred and real-world skills.

They're always updating their courses too - for 2024, they're introducing an AI and Machine Learning Bootcamp, which is pretty exciting given how hot those fields are right now.

If you're looking for a university-backed program that'll give you practical skills and help you break into tech, this could be your ticket.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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#3: Hack Reactor


Hack Reactor, now part of Galvanize, has seriously upped its game in 2024. They're not just about that 12-week immersive anymore - they've expanded to offer a 19-week program for beginners and a more intense 12-week course for those with some coding chops.

What's cool is they're all about making tech accessible, offering full-tuition scholarships and even support for formerly incarcerated individuals. Their curriculum is next-level, covering everything from JavaScript and Python to cutting-edge AI tools like GitHub Copilot.

The bootcamp's intensity is no joke - expect to put in 45-60 hours a week, depending on your program. But the payoff? Graduates are landing jobs with a median salary of $80,000.

Plus, their admissions process includes a mix of coding and non-coding assessments to make sure you're ready for the challenge.

They've even got a Basic Prep course to help you gear up. What really stands out is their focus on real-world skills - you'll be building a portfolio of projects that'll make employers take notice.

And with over 14,000 alumni working at 2,500+ companies, Hack Reactor's network is pretty impressive.

If you're looking to transform your career and dive headfirst into coding, Hack Reactor is definitely worth checking out.

#4: App Academy


App Academy, founded in 2012, remains a top-tier coding bootcamp in 2024, offering intensive software engineering programs. Their unique approach includes a full-time 24-week program and a part-time 48-week option, both designed to transform beginners into job-ready developers.

The curriculum covers essential languages and frameworks like JavaScript, Python, React, and SQL. App Academy's commitment to student success is evident in their "deferred tuition" model, where payment is only due after landing a job.

In 2021, graduates from their Full-Time Coding Bootcamp averaged an impressive $81,007 in first-year compensation. The bootcamp's structure has evolved, now offering a nationwide accelerated course fully online, increasing accessibility for aspiring coders across the country.

App Academy has also implemented changes to enhance the student experience, including a model where learners stay with the same instruction team for three modules in the 24-week program.

To future-proof careers, they've introduced an AI curriculum that teaches students to integrate AI into web applications and use it as a coding assistant.

Despite recent company restructuring, App Academy continues to focus on improving student outcomes and experiences. Their dedication to innovation is clear as they leverage software, AI, and external contractors to support staff and streamline operations.

With these updates and a strong track record, App Academy remains a solid choice for those looking to change their career and life through coding in 2024 and beyond.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

#5: Rithm School


Rithm School, rounding out our top 5, is a game-changer in the coding bootcamp scene. This 17-week full-stack web development program is all about keeping it tight with a max class size of 20 students.

The curriculum is no joke, covering everything from JavaScript and Python to React, with a solid focus on computer science fundamentals. What's really cool is their real-world project experience, where you get to work on actual company projects.

Rithm's graduates are crushing it, with an average starting salary of over $103K. That's some serious cash for your coding skills!

Here's what makes Rithm stand out:

  • Super low 5:1 student-to-instructor ratio: small class sizes ensure you get the attention you need.
  • Daily code reviews: keep you on your A-game.
  • Pair programming: boost your teamwork skills.
  • Intensive job prep: to help you land that dream gig.

The instructors at Rithm are legit tech pros with years of experience.

They keep the curriculum fresh and relevant, so you're learning what actually matters in the industry. One student, Sarah Smith, said it best:

Rithm School delivered on everything it promised.

That's why they're rocking a 4.94/5 rating on SwitchUp.

Sure, the $24,000 tuition might make your wallet sweat a bit, but think of it as an investment in your future tech career. If you're looking to jumpstart your coding journey in Berkeley, Rithm School could be your ticket to success.

Just remember to check out those scholarship options to make it more affordable!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why are coding bootcamps becoming so popular in Berkeley?

Coding bootcamps in Berkeley are gaining popularity due to the rapid growth in tech jobs and the city's increasing significance as a tech hub. Berkeley's tech scene has seen a 15% jump in tech jobs since 2020, and UC Berkeley is also driving innovation. Bootcamps offer fast (12-24 weeks), cost-effective training that equips students with relevant skills, leading to a high employment rate of 70-90% within six months after graduation.

What factors were considered in selecting the top 5 coding bootcamps in Berkeley for 2024?

The top 5 coding bootcamps in Berkeley for 2024 were selected based on curriculum relevance, instructor quality, alumni reviews, cost and flexible payment options, and career services. Data from Course Report, SwitchUp, and CIRR were utilized to evaluate these factors, ensuring the bootcamps align with current industry needs and offer strong support for students' job placement.

What makes Nucamp Coding Bootcamp a top pick for aspiring coders in Berkeley?

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is a top pick due to its affordability, hybrid learning model, flexible part-time courses, and strong focus on full-stack web and mobile development. They offer courses ranging from 4-week introductory classes to 22-week deep dives. Nucamp provides small class sizes, knowledgeable instructors, and comprehensive career services, helping many graduates secure tech jobs within six months of completion.

What unique features do UC Berkeley Extension Boot Camps offer?

UC Berkeley Extension Boot Camps offer part-time and full-time options, covering Full Stack Web Development, Data Analytics, UX/UI Design, and Cybersecurity. Their teaching style includes live online classes, self-paced learning, and hands-on projects. They provide robust career support with one-on-one coaching, portfolio reviews, and networking opportunities. Their programs are continually updated to align with current industry trends.

Why should one consider enrolling in Rithm School?

Rithm School offers a 17-week full-stack web development program with a low student-to-instructor ratio, ensuring personalized attention. Their curriculum covers essential languages and computer science fundamentals, supplemented by real company projects. Graduates have an impressive average starting salary of over $103K and benefit from intensive job preparation, making Rithm School a strong investment for aspiring tech professionals.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.