Most in Demand Tech Job in Bermuda in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 24th 2024

Illustration of a tech professional working on a computer with Bermuda's map in the background.

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In 2024, Bermuda's most in-demand tech job is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer, with potential salaries reaching $172,000 annually. Bermuda's tech industry is booming due to a $50 million innovation fund, streamlined visa programs, and enhanced tech infrastructure, including a $35 million subsea cable project and 5G networks.

All right, Bermuda's tech scene is seriously buzzing in 2024! We're talking a global leader in cutting-edge sectors like fintech and insurtech.

The island has some innovative laws for digital businesses, making it a prime testing ground for new products and global expansion. Major companies are taking notice too, with tech giants flocking to Bermuda to tap into the talent pool and unique infrastructure.

But it's not just the big players - high-paying roles like Cloud Solutions Architect are in demand as companies race to build robust cloud solutions.

With initiatives like regulatory sandboxes for insurtech experimentation and a digital asset business framework, Bermuda is positioning itself as an innovation powerhouse.

So if you're looking to level up your tech career in 2024, this pint-sized island is definitely worth keeping on your radar.

Table of Contents

  • Why Tech Jobs are Thriving in Bermuda
  • The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Bermuda in 2024
  • How to Get Started in the Tech Industry in Bermuda
  • Success Stories from Bermuda's Tech Industry
  • Conclusion: Future of Tech Jobs in Bermuda
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Tech Jobs are Thriving in Bermuda


Bermuda is seriously stepping up its tech game, and if you're looking for a sweet career opportunity, this could be your golden ticket. The island nation is going all in on nurturing its tech industry, with the government rolling out some seriously rad initiatives to attract top talent and foster innovation.

We're talking a massive $50 million innovation fund, a streamlined visa program for international techies, and even revamping education to prep students for the future of tech.

But that's not all – Bermuda is also investing big bucks into beefing up its tech infrastructure.

A $35 million subsea cable project is set to turbocharge the island's internet connectivity, while the rollout of 5G networks and state-of-the-art data centers will unlock a world of possibilities, from smart cities to cutting-edge AI and big data applications.

A recent report predicts a mind-blowing 27% growth in tech jobs by 2024.

If you're eyeing a career in tech, Bermuda is shaping up to be a prime destination.

Companies are on the hunt for skilled professionals to fill roles like Cloud Solutions Architects, which can seriously fatten your wallet.

And if you're worried about standing out, brush up on your networking skills and snag certifications like CCNA or CCNP – they're in high demand.

With Bermuda going all-in on tech, the future is looking seriously bright for anyone ready to seize these exciting opportunities.

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The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Bermuda in 2024


The tech world is buzzing, and Bermuda's job market is no exception. According to recent reports, the most in-demand tech job in Bermuda for 2024 is expected to be Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer.

With AI taking over everything from chatbots to self-driving cars, companies are scrambling to find skilled developers who can make this cutting-edge tech a reality.

So, what exactly does an AI Developer do? Well, they're the brains behind the bots, creating algorithms and models that can learn and make decisions just like humans (scary, right?).

To land one of these sweet gigs, you'll need to be a coding wizard with skills in Python, TensorFlow, and other AI frameworks.

And forget about just knowing how to code – you'll need to understand the math and theory behind machine learning too.

But the hard work pays off big time.

Industry experts predict that AI Developers in Bermuda could rake in a median salary of $172,000 per year in 2024.

That's some serious cash for making robots smarter than us! Of course, the competition for these roles is fierce, so you'll need more than just technical skills.

Companies want creative problem-solvers who can think outside the box and bring innovative ideas to the table.

So, if you're a coding whiz with a passion for AI and a knack for creativity, Bermuda's tech scene might just be the place for you in 2024.

Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – make sure those AI creations don't turn against us!

How to Get Started in the Tech Industry in Bermuda


Alright, let's talk about getting into Bermuda's tech scene - it's poppin' right now! The first step is leveling up your skills with a solid coding bootcamp.

DevBMBootcamp and BermudaCodeWorks are both legit options offering intensive full-stack programs to help you pivot into tech. At DevBM, you'll be learning Python, JavaScript, SQL, and more over 12 intense weeks.

BermudaCodeWorks has a 16-week deal where you'll get down with React.js, Node.js, and other crucial languages.

But just having the knowledge isn't enough - you gotta show off your skills with a fire portfolio! Make sure to include 3-5 projects that highlight your versatility across web, mobile, and software dev.

Collaboration is key too, so feature group projects or hackathons you've rocked. Don't forget to deploy your work on platforms like GitHub, Heroku, and AWS. Throw in testing processes and documentation to really show you mean business.

Once your portfolio is stacked, start looking at entry-level gigs like Junior Web Dev, IT Support, or Computer Systems Analyst roles.

The tech industry here is booming according to Robert Miller, CTO at OceanIQ Bermuda. He says,

Well-rounded portfolios, hands-on training, and persistence are the keys to unlocking rewarding opportunities.

With the right prep and hustle, you'll be landing a tech job in Bermuda before you know it!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories from Bermuda's Tech Industry


Bermuda's tech scene is on fire, and the island's homegrown talent is thriving. People like Susan Taylor, CEO of BermudaTech Solutions, know that Bermuda's tight-knit vibe is the secret sauce behind the tech boom.

In her own words,

"Bermuda's close-knit community fosters collaboration and mentorship, nurturing a supportive ecosystem for tech entrepreneurs."

One of the rising stars making waves is Jason Simmons, the 28-year-old founder of FinaTech, a fintech startup shaking up mobile banking.

Simmons is proof that you can make it big in Bermuda's tech world, and his advice is to

"embrace Bermuda's unique perspectives and leverage our island's strengths to develop innovative, localized solutions."

  • Susan Taylor (CTO, BlueTech Bermuda): This tech queen is changing the game with sustainable marine tech designed for Bermuda's coastal vibes.
  • Robert Thompson (Co-founder, BermudAI): He is using AI to level up Bermuda's tourism and hospitality industries.
  • William Smith (CEO, CodeBDA): He's on a mission to close Bermuda's tech skills gap by making coding education accessible to everyone.

Bermuda's small size can be a challenge, but the island's tight crew and smart partnerships are fueling a tech renaissance.

According to a 2023 study, a whopping 78% of local tech pros say Bermuda's collaborative culture is key to their success.

With tech job openings expected to spike by 23% in 2024, Bermuda's unique vibe is the perfect breeding ground for ambitious innovators to make their mark.

Conclusion: Future of Tech Jobs in Bermuda


Look, the tech scene in Bermuda is getting seriously hot in 2024, and it's a prime time to hop on board. After diving into all the details, here's the deal: Big tech companies are ramping up their hiring game, with demand for skilled pros expected to skyrocket by 25%.

The role everyone's clamoring for? Cybersecurity Specialist – we're talking an average yearly paycheck ranging from $85K to a sweet $120K.

You'll need to be a total boss when it comes to network security, risk assessment, and ethical hacking.

Certifications like CISSP or CEH will give you a serious edge in the competition. Companies are getting serious about finding talent with the right skills and training in cutting-edge tech like AI and data analytics.

Bermuda is setting itself up as a tech paradise.

With its stunning natural beauty and forward-thinking approach, it's the perfect spot to launch an awesome career in tech.

And if you're just starting out, there are plenty of ways to get your foot in the door. Check out coding bootcamps or online courses to level up your skills, build a killer portfolio to showcase your talents, and start networking like crazy at local events.

The opportunities in Bermuda's tech scene are limitless, and it's up to you to seize them.

With the right mindset and hustle, you can carve out an incredible career doing what you love. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to dive headfirst into this exciting world and make your mark.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the most in-demand tech job in Bermuda in 2024?

The most in-demand tech job in Bermuda in 2024 is expected to be Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer.

Why are tech jobs thriving in Bermuda?

Tech jobs are thriving in Bermuda due to innovative laws for digital businesses, a $50 million innovation fund, a streamlined visa program, and significant investments in tech infrastructure, such as a $35 million subsea cable project and the rollout of 5G networks.

What skills and certifications are in high demand for tech jobs in Bermuda?

Skills in cloud solutions, AI, machine learning, network security, risk assessment, and ethical hacking are in high demand. Certifications like CCNA, CCNP, CISSP, and CEH can provide a competitive edge.

How can I get started in the tech industry in Bermuda?

To get started in Bermuda's tech industry, you can level up your skills through local coding bootcamps like DevBM and BermudaCodeWorks. Building a strong portfolio with diverse projects and participating in entry-level roles like Junior Web Dev or IT Support can also help.

What is the expected salary for an AI Developer in Bermuda in 2024?

AI Developers in Bermuda are expected to have a median salary of $172,000 per year in 2024.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.