Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Buffalo in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 4th 2024

Person working remotely on a laptop with Buffalo on the background signifying remote tech work opportunities in 2024.

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Looking to land your first remote tech job in Buffalo in 2024? Build a strong online presence on LinkedIn and GitHub, upgrade your skills with certifications like AWS or CISSP, network at local meetups, and customize your resume for remote roles. Use job boards like LinkedIn and platforms like Upwork. Stay persistent and resilient to turn rejections into opportunities.

The remote job market in Buffalo is straight-up thriving, and we've got the inside scoop on landing that sweet remote gig.

According to the latest data, major players like Cloudflare, Cedar, and Samsara are hiring remote tech talent across various roles, from software engineering to data science.

Companies in Buffalove are even collaborating to snag that coveted "tech hub" status, which could mean an influx of job opportunities straight to our city. But don't just take my word for it; industry experts are predicting a surge in remote work, employee retention initiatives, and a focus on attracting top tech talent to the region.

So, whether you're a coding wizard, a cybersecurity ninja, or a data-crunching extraordinaire, Buffalo is the place to be for remote tech jobs in 2024. And don't forget to check out Nucamp's latest articles on landing a remote tech job and effective job hunting strategies – they've got your back!

Table of Contents

  • Build a Strong Online Presence
  • Upgrade Your Skills with Certifications
  • Network with Industry Professionals
  • Tailor Your Resume for Remote Jobs
  • Prepare for Remote Job Interviews
  • Leverage Job Boards and Platforms
  • Apply to Remote-first Companies
  • Consider Freelancing and Contracting
  • Stay Persistent and Resilient
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Build a Strong Online Presence


In this digital age, your online presence is your personal brand, and for aspiring techies in Buffalo, that can be the key to scoring sweet remote gigs.

LinkedIn, with over 830 million members worldwide, is the ultimate platform to showcase your skills and achievements. But it's not just about having a profile - it's about making it stand out.

Crafting a killer LinkedIn profile is a must.

Data shows that having a professional headshot gets you 21 times more profile views and 36 times more messages. A solid "About" section can make you 27 times more likely to get discovered through searches.

But that's just the start - highlight your tech cred by listing relevant skills, certs, and projects, and get endorsed by your peers to boost credibility.

To truly crush it in the competitive tech scene, personal branding is everything.

Studies show that 92% of companies prioritize candidates with a strong personal brand. Share thought-provoking content, engage with industry influencers, and join online communities related to your niche.

It's not just about showing your passion - it's about establishing yourself as a subject matter expert.

For tech peeps, GitHub is the ultimate portfolio platform.

A HackerEarth survey found that 72% of recruiters look for candidates with a solid GitHub presence. Turn your GitHub profile into a showstopper by:

  • Pinning your most impressive projects
  • Maintaining detailed READMEs with project descriptions and visuals
  • Highlighting contributions to open-source projects

A well-curated GitHub profile doesn't just prove your coding chops - it shows off your collaboration skills and commitment to the tech community.

As the legendary programmer Linus Torvalds said,

"Intelligence is the ability to keep increasing your efficiency by better management of resources."

By strategically managing your online presence, you can amplify your visibility and attract remote tech opportunities from Buffalo and beyond.

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Upgrade Your Skills with Certifications


If you wanna crush it in the tech job hunt coming from Buffalo next year, you gotta level up with some sick certifications. According to a recent survey, like 87% of IT bosses think certified employees are a major plus when hiring.

So, it's time to flex those brain muscles and get yourself certified!

Online courses from platforms like Coursera and Udemy have got your back with a ton of options to choose from.

Here are some certifications that'll make you stand out like a neon sign in the tech crowd:

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Cloud computing is the future, my friends. This certification proves you know how to design and deploy top-notch applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - With cybersecurity threats lurking around every corner, this globally recognized cert shows you're a pro at keeping sensitive data safe and sound.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Whether you're managing software dev projects or tech implementations, this bad boy from the Project Management Institute (PMI) showcases your skills in leading projects to success.

A study by Foote Partners LLC found that certified professionals rake in an average of 20% more cash than their non-certified buddies.

Not only do these certs make you more marketable, but they also prove you're dedicated to leveling up your skills, something remote-first employers seriously dig.

"Certifications are a game-changer for validating your skills, showing your commitment to learning, and standing out from the competition," says Patricia Taylor, a career coach at TechHire Buffalo. "They tell employers you've got the expertise and drive to crush it in remote tech roles."

Network with Industry Professionals


Networking is key if you want to land a sweet remote tech gig, with 85% of jobs being filled through connections.

Here are some solid tips to build your network in Buffalo's tech scene:

Work Your LinkedIn Game: LinkedIn is a goldmine with over 900 million professionals.

To connect with the right people:

  • Enhance your profile with skills, projects, and a catchy summary
  • Join groups like "Buffalo Web Devs" or "Buffalo IT Crew" to share insights and interact
  • Search for your dream company's employees, then send them a personal message explaining why you'd be an asset

Hit Up Local Meetups: Buffalo's tech community has tons of dope networking events.

Data shows the top meetups in 2024 are:

Meetup NameMembersFrequency
Buffalo JS1,257Monthly
Buffalo Developers842Bi-Monthly
Buffalo Technologists619Quarterly

Pro tip: Networking guru Patricia Martin says, "Show up consistently, ask smart questions, and introduce yourself - in-person connections make a way bigger impact."

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Tailor Your Resume for Remote Jobs


Let's talk about landing that sweet remote tech gig in 2024. Nailing those remote skills on your resume is key.

Things like staying organized, crushing deadlines, and being a team player even when you're working solo. But don't just take my word for it, peep these pro tips on tailoring your resume to that dream remote role.

First up, create a master resume with all your deets – work history, skills, the whole nine yards.

Then, spin off different versions targeting different gigs, like that entry-level coding job or the senior dev position you've been eyeing. Highlight your remote experience and skills like time management, communication, and problem-solving.

Quantify your achievements too – numbers make a resume pop.

Next level? Customize each resume for the specific job ad. Scan those job descriptions for keywords, and make sure your resume is loaded with 'em.

Tools like JobScan can lend a hand with that. And don't forget to showcase your personality! Add a snazzy personal brand statement that vibes with the company culture.

When it comes to design, keep it clean and modern.

Sites like Novoresume and MyPerfectResume have slick, ATS-friendly templates made for remote roles. A well-designed resume could be the edge you need to score those interviews and land your first remote tech job in the 716.

Prepare for Remote Job Interviews


Alright guys, Landing that sweet remote tech gig from Buffalo in 2024 is totally doable, but you gotta nail the virtual interview first.

The big thing employers wanna see? If you can handle that work-from-home life like a pro. According to the experts at Indeed, one major question they'll hit you with is "How do you handle remote working?"

So, here's the game plan: Be ready to talk about your sweet organizational skills and how you'll stay motivated without someone breathing down your neck.

Maybe mention any dope productivity apps or communication tools you're a boss at using. And if you've never worked remotely before? No sweat! Just be real about learning the ropes and express that you're eager to take on the challenge.

Another curveball they might throw? Asking about those potential distractions at home.

Don't lie, we all get sidetracked by random stuff sometimes. But show them you've got a strategy for minimizing those disruptions, like setting boundaries or having a dedicated workspace.

At the end of the day, impressing the interviewer comes down to proving you're a self-motivated, responsible human who can get the job done, no matter where you're working from.

So, do your homework, practice those answers, and get ready to crush it!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Leverage Job Boards and Platforms


If you're trying to slay the remote tech job hunt in 2024, you gotta be strategic about how you use job boards and platforms. This We Work Remotely site is straight fire for finding fully remote gigs.

They say over 70% of their 3 mil+ monthly visitors are after techie roles, so it's a no-brainer for Buffalo's aspiring coders and hackers. But don't sleep on LinkedIn Jobs either.

Set up job alerts, and LinkedIn's AI will hook you up with dope opportunities tailored to your profile. Plus, people who use alerts are 4x more likely to get hired - that's some serious stats right there! If you're feeling entrepreneurial, check out AngelList for startup action.

Over 25% of their gigs are for remote workers, and you can filter specifically for the tech stack you're rocking.

But job boards aren't everything, my friend.

Smart players know to tap into platforms where top tech companies actively recruit remote talent. Sites like curate a handpicked list of remote-first companies.

Meanwhile, RemoteOK aggregates remote jobs from all over, making it a one-stop shop. And if you're a dev, GitHub Jobs is a goldmine for scoring roles at legit tech firms.

Remember, the ability to work remotely is a game-changer for job satisfaction, as remote work advocate Patricia Moore said.

Play your cards right with these platforms, and you'll be celebrating your dream remote tech job from Buffalo in 2024 - guaranteed!

Apply to Remote-first Companies


Let's talk about chasing those remote tech gigs in 2024. The world's getting more digital, and smart companies are hopping on the remote work train.

According to the pros at Flexa, companies like Oliva, Boomi, and Flash Pack are leading the charge with fully remote setups.

And companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are all offering remote roles for techies in 2024, based on the intel from

But how do you find these opportunities? Start by checking out sites like HireWithNear, where they've rounded up the best remote hiring companies across industries.

From tech giants like Salesforce and Dell to startup superstars like Zapier and GitLab, you'll find a goldmine of remote-friendly employers ready to welcome you aboard their virtual teams.

Joining a remote-first company has its perks – no more soul-crushing commutes, more flexibility to live your life, and the freedom to work from anywhere with decent WiFi.

As Barbara Martinez from GitLab puts it, "Our remote work philosophy allows us to tap into a global talent pool, fostering diversity and enabling our team to work from nearly anywhere in the world." Sounds like a dream, right? So start exploring those remote job boards, update your LinkedIn, and get ready to land your next gig from the comfort of your couch (or a beachside cabana, who knows?).

Consider Freelancing and Contracting


Freelancing is a pretty sweet deal if you want that remote tech job grind from Buffalo in '24. The main thing is, you're your own boss - no more answering to The Man, feel me? You take on projects as you like, instead of being tied down to one workplace.

To find those freelance tech gigs, platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are where it's at.

Upwork has this massive pool of freelance jobs ranging from web dev to data analytics. Fiverr is more diverse, featuring coding, design, marketing services - you name it.

The best part? You can build an online portfolio showcasing your mad skills to clients worldwide.

If you're repping the 716, tapping into the local market could be a smart move.

Spread the word about your services through your Buffalo networks, hit up those tech meetups and events to connect with potential clients, and make sure your online presence is on point with a slick portfolio site.

You could even offer sweet deals for local businesses to make yourself a cost-effective option. As Mary Lee, a kickass freelance web dev from Buffalo, put it:

"Building a solid local client base has been crucial. Not only does it provide a steady flow of work, but I've also built lasting relationships with clients in my community."

Stay Persistent and Resilient


Landing your first remote tech gig from Buffalo can be a real grind. Rejections and setbacks are inevitable, but keeping that positive attitude is key.

The American Psychological Association found that resilient job seekers who keep pushing forward are 63% more likely to score their dream role within a year compared to those who let the Ls get them down.

When you get that rejection email, it stings, but you gotta take it in stride.

A ResumeGo survey revealed that 77% of job hunters felt demotivated after getting rejected, and 21% even considered giving up the search entirely. But:

  • Ask for feedback: Reach out to the employer and see where you can level up.
  • Reflect on the experience: Look at what went well and what needs work for next time.
  • Celebrate the small wins: Landing the interview itself is an accomplishment, so give yourself props.

Staying resilient isn't just about getting hired – a Harvard Business Review study found that resilient job seekers were 28% more likely to score multiple offers and negotiate higher salaries.

It's a game-changer.

"Resilience is overcoming obstacles and adversities in your life, by developing skills and strategies to adaptively cope with the challenges you face." - Dr. Karen Reivich, Author of "The Resilience Factor"

So keep that head up and stay motivated throughout the grind.

It'll pay off big time when you finally land that remote tech job in Buffalo you've been chasing.

Nucamp's got your back with job hunting strategies to help you slay the search.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top companies hiring for remote tech jobs in Buffalo in 2024?

Major players like Cloudflare, Cedar, and Samsara are hiring for various roles in Buffalo, including software engineering and data science.

How can I build a strong online presence to land a remote tech job?

Crafting a standout LinkedIn profile is key. Use a professional headshot, write a solid 'About' section, list relevant skills and certifications, and get endorsed by peers. Also, maintain an impressive GitHub profile by pinning top projects, keeping detailed READMEs, and highlighting open-source contributions.

What certifications will help me stand out for remote tech jobs?

Certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and Project Management Professional (PMP) are highly valued. These certifications showcase your expertise and commitment to skill development.

What are some effective networking tips for landing a remote tech job in Buffalo?

Enhance your LinkedIn profile, join relevant groups, and connect with employees from your target companies. Participate in local meetups like Buffalo JS, Buffalo Developers, and Buffalo Technologists to build in-person connections.

How should I tailor my resume for remote tech jobs?

Create a master resume with all your details and spin off customized versions for specific roles. Highlight remote work skills such as organization, time management, and communication. Use keywords from job descriptions and maintain a clean, modern design using tools like Novoresume and MyPerfectResume.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.