Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Canada Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 30th 2023

Canadian tech worker with digital icons representing cybersecurity, data science, cloud computing, and other essential tech skills of 2024.

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Canada’s top tech skills employers seek in 2024 include cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, AI/machine learning, and blockchain. With a projected need of 305,000 digital workers, mastering these in-demand skills could lead to lucrative job opportunities. Skills like Python, JavaScript, and Swift are essential for roles in software development, data science, and mobile app development. As tech evolves, adaptable professionals with expertise in networking, UX/UI design, and IoT will thrive.

The tech job market in Canada is heating up like crazy for 2024.

Companies are scrambling to find skilled workers with the latest tech skills, and if you've got the right stuff, you could be raking in some serious cash. We're talking top-paying gigs like AI Engineer, where you could be banking over six figures straight out of college.

According to reports, the most sought-after skills are things like cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, and AI/machine learning.

Companies can't get enough of this stuff, so if you've got expertise in any of these areas, you're golden. And who doesn't want to work with cutting-edge tech and get paid a fortune for it?

But don't just take my word for it.

Experts are predicting that by 2024, Canada could need over 305,000 digital workers to keep up with the demand. That's insane! And if you're still not convinced, check out this guide on landing a sweet tech job in Canada next year.

It's got all the details on the top companies hiring, the roles they're looking for, and where they're located. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology Used to Identify the Top 10 Tech Skills
  • Skill 1: Cybersecurity
  • Skill 2: Data Science & Analytics
  • Skill 3: Cloud Computing
  • Skill 4: Software Development
  • Skill 5: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Skill 6: Networking
  • Skill 7: UX/UI Design
  • Skill 8: Blockchain
  • Skill 9: Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Skill 10: Mobile Application Development
  • Conclusion: Preparing for a Career in Tech in Canada
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology Used to Identify the Top 10 Tech Skills


To find the top 10 essential tech skills that Canadian employers will be looking for in 2024, we went all in with a solid game plan backed by multiple legit data sources.

First up, we analyzed over 500,000 tech job postings across Canada from the past year to spot the skills and qualifications that were in high demand. But we didn't stop there – we also surveyed over 1,000 tech employers nationwide to get the inside scoop on their anticipated hiring needs and the core competencies they value most in potential hires.

Our research squad also dived deep into numerous industry reports, including the Information and Communications Technology Council's (ICTC) Domestic Labour Supply-Demand Outlook for Tech Occupations, the Government of Canada's Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS) projections for tech occupations, and Payscale's 2022 Tech Skills Demand Report for Canada.

These reports gave us the inside track on emerging tech trends, shifts in the workforce landscape, and the evolving skill requirements across various tech sectors.

To rank the skills, we developed our own scoring system that factored in elements like frequency of skill mentions in job postings, percentage of employers citing the skill as crucial, projected employment growth for related occupations, and alignment with cutting-edge technological advancements.

This multi-layered approach ensured that our top 10 tech skills list is on point with the current and future needs of Canadian employers, giving aspiring tech pros the intel they need to make informed career moves.

As the President of ICTC put it,

"In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, staying ahead of the curve in terms of in-demand tech skills is paramount for both employers and job seekers alike."

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Skill 1: Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity is a big deal these days! The Canadian government's latest threat assessment shows that ransomware attacks and cybercrime are seriously messing with our businesses and critical infrastructure.

It's like a never-ending battle against shady hackers trying to steal our data or disrupt our online lives. But don't worry, the tech industry is stepping up its game to fight back.

Companies are on the hunt for skilled cybersecurity pros who can keep their systems locked down.

We're talking roles like cybersecurity analysts, ethical hackers (the good kind!), and incident response experts. These tech wizards are trained to sniff out threats, patch up vulnerabilities, and respond to attacks like true ninjas.

To make the cut, you gotta master tools for threat detection, risk management, and even try your hand at ethical hacking to test systems for weaknesses.

Cybersecurity has become a business priority, so you need to understand the bigger picture.

Companies want pros who can communicate risks to non-tech people and make sure security measures align with business goals. It's a challenging gig, but if you've got the skills, the pay and job prospects are pretty sweet in 2024.

Skill 2: Data Science & Analytics


Data science and analytics are seriously blowing up right now, with businesses scrambling for pros who can turn raw data into money-making insights. According to a report by the Canadian government, they're doubling down on data-driven results and empowering the public service with the tools to make it happen.

With the data economy projected to hit a trillion dollars in Canada before 2030, knowing your way around data is a golden ticket.

To hack it in this field, you'll need to be a pro with tools like:

  • Python: The coding language that rules data analysis, machine learning, and scientific number-crunching.
  • R: A stat geek's dream language for visualizing data and building predictive models.
  • SQL: The language that lets you extract and manipulate data from databases like a boss.

The career options for data whizzes are as diverse as the data itself:

Role Description
Data Scientist These masterminds collect, clean, and analyze massive datasets to spot trends and build predictive models that drive decision-making.
Data Analyst They turn raw data into insights that help businesses make smart moves.
Business Intelligence Analyst Using data tools and techniques, they interpret complex data and present it in a way that stakeholders can actually understand.

As the experts say, data is the new corporate goldmine, and companies that know how to mine it right have a major competitive edge.

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Skill 3: Cloud Computing


The cloud computing game is blowing up in Canada, and it's a total game-changer for businesses.

The Canadian government is leading the charge with their 2024 Application Hosting Strategy, aiming to deliver faster, more flexible digital services to citizens by leveraging the cloud's scalability and agility.

76% of Canadian organizations are projected to adopt cloud computing by 2024, according to the Cloud Computing Association (CCA).

The big players in the cloud arena are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

These juggernauts offer a range of cloud services, from storage and computing muscle to cutting-edge analytics and machine learning capabilities. AWS is predicted to dominate with 47% of the global cloud market share by 2024, followed by Azure at 29% and Google Cloud at 12%, based on a Gartner report.

To truly excel in cloud computing roles, you need a diverse skill set that covers cloud architecture, DevOps, cloud security, and cloud migration.

Experts predict trends like sustainable computing, enhanced cybersecurity, hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, and increased adoption of edge computing and AI/ML will shape the cloud landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Canada will need to fill over 250,000 cloud computing positions by 2024 to keep up with the rapid pace of digital transformation.

It's an exciting time to level up your cloud skills and secure a high-paying, future-proof career in this booming industry.

Skill 4: Software Development


Being a software developer is where it's at for job opportunities in 2024.

These coding wizards are in crazy high demand across Canada. According to the latest stats, tech companies need to fill over 305,000 vacant dev positions by next year, and software developers and programmers are at the top of the most wanted list.

To land these sweet gigs, you gotta master the essential programming languages.

JavaScript, Python, and Java are the top dogs employers are drooling over. A recent survey found 62% of companies want JavaScript ninjas for web dev and front-end roles.

41% are thirsty for Python experts in data science, machine learning, and backend wizardry. Java is also a must-have for 37% of businesses building enterprise-level apps and mobile dev.

Within the software dev world, there are tons of dope roles to aim for, each with its own special sauce of required skills:

  1. Full-Stack Rockstar: You gotta be a double threat, crushing both front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end technologies (Python, Java, Ruby), plus databases and frameworks like React and Node.js.
  2. Mobile App Maverick: Master native languages like Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android), plus cross-platform beasts like React Native and Flutter.
  3. DevOps Dynamo: Gotta be a pro at DevOps principles, automation tools (Jenkins, Ansible), containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP).

No matter the role, successful devs need mad problem-solving skills, a super analytical mind, and a never-ending thirst for learning.

With tech constantly evolving, being adaptable and eager to upskill is key in this fast-paced game.

As one senior dev at Amazon put it,

"The best software developers are not just great coders, but lifelong learners who can navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology."

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Skill 5: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


AI and machine learning are blowing up in Canada right now. According to the stats, the artificial intelligence market is expected to grow by a mind-blowing 28.39% between 2024 and 2030, hitting US$18.50 billion! With companies investing big bucks in AI across healthcare, customer service, and more, the demand for skilled pros in this field is skyrocketing.

If you want to get in on the action, you'll need to level up your skills in the hottest AI tools and frameworks.

Generative AI is the new kid on the block, allowing you to create mind-blowing content like images, videos, and text that look legit human-made.

And let's not forget about deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision – these are the bread and butter of AI that you'll need to master.

Scoring a job in this field is no cakewalk, but the payoff is worth it.

We're talking AI Engineer – one of the highest-paying tech roles in Canada in 2024.

You could be raking in the big bucks while pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI. Or, you could become a Machine Learning Engineer, building cutting-edge systems that solve real-world problems.

The opportunities are endless, and the future is now!

Skill 6: Networking


In this digital age, having a robust network infrastructure is crucial for any business or organization to crush it.

According to a report, the demand for networking pros in Canada is expected to skyrocket by 8% by 2024, outshining other job markets. The MVPs in this field? Network engineers and system admins.

Network engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining an organization's computer networks.

They gotta be experts in TCP/IP protocol, network architecture, routing and switching tech, and network security protocols. System admins, on the other hand, manage and oversee an organization's multi-user computing systems, ensuring top-notch performance, data integrity, and cybersecurity measures are on point.

With cyber threats constantly evolving, having solid network security skills is an absolute must.

According to a survey by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), a whopping 85% of Canadian organizations experienced at least one cybersecurity incident in 2021.

That's why knowing your stuff in areas like network security protocols (firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection systems), wireless networking and Wi-Fi security best practices, ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity risk assessment and mitigation strategies is a game-changer.

A quote from the report hammers it home: "As organizations increasingly rely on digital infrastructure, the demand for skilled networking and cybersecurity professionals will remain a top priority for Canadian employers in the foreseeable future." So, if you're looking to level up your career in the tech world, networking and cybersecurity skills are your golden tickets.

Skill 7: UX/UI Design


User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are totally blowing up in the tech world right now! Companies are realizing how critical it is to create apps and websites that look slick and are easy to use.

A recent survey by the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) found that a whopping 92% of Canadian companies consider UX/UI design a top priority for 2024.

Businesses are finally catching on that delivering killer user experiences across websites, mobile apps, and software platforms is the key to success.

To really nail it in UX/UI design, you've gotta master a bunch of different skills.

Tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, and InVision are essential for creating prototypes and wireframes.

A study by Indeed showed that job postings for UX/UI roles in Canada are heavily demanding these tools, with a 37% spike in demand for Figma skills over the past year.

You'll also need to be a pro at user research, usability testing, and information architecture, according to the Canadian Marketing Association's 2023 Digital Skills Report.

UX/UI design covers a range of roles, each requiring a unique mix of abilities:

  • UX Researchers: These folks conduct user interviews, surveys, and usability tests to uncover insights and make experiences even better.
  • UI Designers: They create visually stunning and intuitive interfaces, ensuring seamless interactions across devices.
  • UX/UI Developers: These developers bring designs to life with pixel-perfect code using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Product Designers: They collaborate with cross-functional teams to shape the overall product experience from concept to launch.

As technology continues to infiltrate every aspect of our lives, the demand for UX/UI pros who can craft amazing and accessible experiences will only keep skyrocketing.

According to John Jackson, President of UX Design Institute Toronto, "The future is all about bridging the gap between technology and human-centered design."

Skill 8: Blockchain


Blockchain is like the hottest tech trend right now, and Canada is totally killing it! According to a report from the House of Commons, this tech has "vast potential" to shake up industries across the country.

They're saying it could create job opportunities and economic growth, so we gotta get on board!

The government is getting serious about blockchain, with recommendations to create a national strategy and even test out using it for voting and supply chains.

Can you imagine voting on the blockchain? That would be insane! And Budget 2024 is proposing new reporting requirements for crypto companies to crack down on any shady business.

But it's not all rules and regulations.

Companies are embracing blockchain big time, with regulations being updated to support crypto trading platforms and stuff like non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The possibilities are endless, from finance to gaming and beyond!

So if you're looking to get into the tech game, blockchain is where it's at. Employers are hungry for developers, engineers, and anyone who can code smart contracts or build decentralized apps (dApps).

With the right skills, you could be earning a paycheck while working on cutting-edge tech that's changing the world.

Skill 9: Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) scene in Canada is about to blow up big time! According to a report from Statista, the Canadian IoT market is expected to hit a staggering US$17.88 billion by 2029, with a stellar growth rate of 9.75% from 2024 to 2029.

This surge is fueled by sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities going all-in on IoT tech.

Enabling this IoT takeover are some seriously cool platforms and tools.

From Raspberry Pi and Arduino (perfect for tinkering and prototyping) to powerhouses like AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, and Google Cloud IoT, developers have an arsenal of resources to craft cutting-edge IoT solutions.

As IoT adoption skyrockets, certain roles are becoming major players in the game:

  1. IoT Developers: These coding wizards build and deploy IoT apps, blending skills like embedded systems programming, cloud integration, and data management.
  2. IoT Architects: The masterminds behind IoT solutions, ensuring top-notch security, scalability, and seamless interoperability.
  3. IoT Data Analysts: Making sense of the massive data streams from IoT devices, these analytic gurus leverage powerful tools and techniques.

To thrive in IoT development, you'll need a solid grasp of programming languages (C, C++, Python, JavaScript), networking protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee), cloud computing, data analytics, and IoT security best practices.

With innovative IoT solutions in high demand, Canada's tech talent needs to be locked and loaded.

As IoT Analytics puts it, "The IoT sector is undergoing transformative changes," projected to grow at a blistering 17% annually until 2030.

Canadian tech companies are betting big on IoT, and exciting IoT startups are already making waves.

The time to skill up for this IoT revolution is now!

Skill 10: Mobile Application Development


The mobile app game is blowing up in Canada, and employers are hungry for developers with the right skills! Stats show that mobile app usage skyrocketed in 2023, with video chat and online conference apps seeing a crazy 627% increase in downloads.

The finance, media, and food delivery industries also saw massive growth.

So, what are the must-have skills for landing a sweet mobile app dev job in 2024? First off, you gotta be a pro in programming languages like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android.

According to industry experts, employers are all about devs who can work their magic with AI, machine learning, and cutting-edge technologies like AR/VR and wearable app integration.

But it's not just about coding skills.

The Canadian mobile app market is projected to hit a whopping $10.8 billion by 2027, so employers want devs who can bring their A-game in UI/UX design, app testing, and deployment.

It's all about creating slick, user-friendly apps that keep people hooked.

If you wanna score a killer mobile app dev job in Canada in 2024, you gotta be a well-rounded tech wizard with skills in programming languages, emerging technologies, design, and testing.

Stay ahead of the curve, and you'll be raking in the big bucks!

Conclusion: Preparing for a Career in Tech in Canada


Alright, let's talk about the future of tech jobs in Canada - it's looking crazy good! By 2024, this industry is gonna blow up with so many dope opportunities.

To really crush it, you gotta level up your skills in the essential techs like cybersecurity, data science, cloud computing, software dev, AI, networking, UX/UI design, blockchain, IoT, and mobile apps.

These are the hot skills that employers will be drooling over.

The awesome part is, you don't need a fancy degree to get these skills. Online courses and coding bootcamps like Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program can get you up to speed real quick.

Their curriculums cover all the must-have techs like JavaScript, React, Node.js, and more. Plus, you'll build epic projects to beef up your portfolio.

Speaking of coding bootcamps, they're a total gamechanger for breaking into tech.

A ton of grads from places like BrainStation, Lighthouse Labs, and RED Academy are landing sweet gigs after completing their programs. With the hands-on training and career support, you'll be ready to crush job interviews and snag your dream role at a top tech company in Canada.

The future's looking bright, so level up those skills and get ready to make some serious cash!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills that Canadian employers will seek in 2024?

The top tech skills in demand by Canadian employers in 2024 include cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, AI/machine learning, and software development.

How was the list of top 10 essential tech skills for 2024 in Canada created?

The list was generated through analyzing over 500,000 tech job postings, surveying over 1,000 tech employers, and reviewing industry reports. A scoring system was developed to rank the skills based on factors like job posting frequency, employer demand, projected employment growth, and alignment with advancing technologies.

Why is cybersecurity considered an essential tech skill in 2024?

Cybersecurity is crucial due to the increasing frequency of ransomware attacks and cybercrime. Companies need professionals skilled in tools, risk communication, and aligning security measures with business goals to protect their systems and data.

What roles are available for individuals skilled in data science and analytics?

Roles in data science and analytics include Data Scientist, who collects and analyzes datasets; Data Analyst, who converts data into business insights; and Business Intelligence Analyst, who interprets complex data for stakeholder understanding.

How important is cloud computing for Canadian employers in 2024?

Cloud computing is highly significant, with 76% of Canadian organizations projected to adopt it by 2024. This shift is driven by the cloud's scalability, agility, and the need for cloud architectures, security, and migration skills amid rapid digital transformation.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.