Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Charleston

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

Charleston, SC skyline representing high-paying tech jobs

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Charleston's tech industry is booming, with tech job growth over 28% from 2010 to 2020. Key high-paying roles include Software Architect ($132,886/year), DevOps Engineer ($121,833/year), and Data Scientist ($125,500/year). The city's affordable cost of living and attractive quality of life make it an ideal spot for tech professionals seeking lucrative opportunities.

Charleston's tech industry is thriving. This charming Southern city has become a major hub for innovative tech companies and top-notch talent.

According to the latest data, the region's tech sector grew over 28% from 2010 to 2020, outpacing the national average by a long shot. With an affordable cost of living and an awesome quality of life, Charleston is an ideal spot for techies seeking high-paying gigs without breaking the bank like in major metro areas.

These high-paying tech roles offer some seriously sweet perks beyond just the impressive paychecks.

Major companies often provide benefits like remote work options, generous PTO and health coverage, free food and amenities, and support for continuing education.

With so many specializations out there, choosing the perfect tech path can feel overwhelming. But career experts recommend doing your research on different roles and don't hesitate to start with an entry-level job to get a feel for the day-to-day responsibilities.

By aligning your interests and strengths with the right high-paying tech role, you can unlock a rewarding, future-proof career in Charleston's booming tech space.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Ranking High-Paying Tech Jobs
  • 1. Software Architect
  • 2. DevOps Engineer
  • 3. Data Scientist
  • 4. Information Security Manager
  • 5. IT Manager
  • 6. Solutions Architect
  • 7. Cloud Engineer
  • 8. Mobile Application Developer
  • 9. Database Administrator
  • 10. Full Stack Developer
  • Conclusion and Insights
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Ranking High-Paying Tech Jobs


Check it out! We went all in to rank the top tech jobs in Charleston that rake in the serious cash.

We hit up legit sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Payscale, Glassdoor, and job sites like Indeed and LinkedIn to get the down-low on salaries. But we didn't stop there! We also looked at which roles are blowing up in Charleston's tech scene and what skills are in high demand.

We gave each factor a score and crunched the numbers to get our ranking. The roles with the fattest paychecks, hottest growth, and most relevant skills for Charleston's tech game scored big.

One tech recruiter said,

"In today's competitive job market, objective salary data and growth projections are invaluable for both employers and job seekers in the tech industry."

This ranking is the real deal.

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1. Software Architect


The Software Architect gig in Charleston is where it's at if you want to rake in some serious cash.

We're talking an average salary of $132,886 in 2024, according to Glassdoor. These techies are the masterminds behind designing and building complex software systems for companies.

It's like being the architect, but for code instead of buildings.

As a Software Architect, you'd be responsible for some pretty cool stuff, like:

  1. Creating scalable and high-performance software architectures that can handle whatever gets thrown at them
  2. Working with the bigwigs to translate business goals into technical specs
  3. Picking the best technologies, frameworks, and tools to make it all happen
  4. Overseeing the development process and making sure everyone's following the blueprint
  5. Mentoring the developers and keeping them up-to-date on the latest and greatest practices

To crush it as a Software Architect, you gotta have a solid skill set, like:

  • Being a coding wizard in languages like Java, Python, and C++
  • Mastering software design patterns, architectural styles, and modeling techniques
  • Understanding the ins and outs of cloud computing, microservices, and distributed systems
  • Having a killer problem-solving game and mad analytical skills
  • Being able to communicate effectively and lead teams like a boss

As Charles Harris, Principal Developer Evangelist at Indeed, says, "The role of a Software Architect is pivotal in ensuring the long-term success of a software system. They bridge the gap between business objectives and technical implementations, enabling organizations to build robust, scalable, and future-proof solutions."

So, if you want to be the big cheese in Charleston's tech scene, Software Architect is where it's at.

2. DevOps Engineer


The #2 highest-paying tech job in Charleston is DevOps Engineer, raking in an insane average of $121,833 per year, according to recent salary data.

As a DevOps Engineer, you'll be the one making sure software development and operations run like a well-oiled machine. Your main gigs include:

  • Automated Deployment: Setting up and maintaining continuous integration and deployment pipelines to automate code builds, testing, and delivery.
  • Infrastructure Wizardry: Conjuring up, configuring, and monitoring cloud infrastructure and server environments to keep things running smoothly.
  • Team Synergy: Bringing together development and operations teams, fostering communication and collaboration like a pro.

To rock this role in Charleston, you'll need a killer combo of technical skills and soft skills, like:

  • DevOps Tool Mastery: Being a pro with tools like Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Ansible.
  • Coding Chops: Slick scripting abilities in languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell.
  • Cloud Prowess: Hands-on experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Communication Superpowers: Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work seamlessly across teams.

With Charleston's tech scene heating up, the demand for DevOps Engineers is skyrocketing.

"DevOps isn't just a buzzword anymore; it's crucial for agile software development and delivery,"

says Robert Taylor, a seasoned DevOps pro in Charleston.

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3. Data Scientist


The Data Scientist gig in Charleston is straight fire right now! With businesses going ham on data-driven decisions, these tech wizards are raking in the big bucks for crunching numbers and finding those hidden eureka moments.

Check this out - surveys show a fresh Data Scientist in Charleston can expect to bank around $112K a year by 2024.

That's some serious cash! To snag one of these lucrative roles, you gotta be packing some major skills like math, stats, coding in Python and R, and mad expertise in data mining, machine learning models, and vizzing up those insights.

Here's the lowdown on what it takes to crush it as a Data Scientist in Charleston:

  • Statistical Wizardry: You gotta be a pro at crunching numbers, testing hypotheses, and making predictions that'll blow minds.
  • Code Mastery: Python, R, SQL - these coding languages better be your best buds if you wanna rule this game.
  • Data Wrangling: Extracting, cleaning, and transforming raw data from all kinds of sources? Child's play for a true Data Scientist.
  • Machine Learning Domination: Train those algorithms, deploy predictive models, and let the machines do the heavy lifting.
  • Viz Genius: Turn complex data into eye-catching visuals, dashboards, and reports that even a caveman could understand.
  • Problem-Solving Mastermind: Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills on fleek, spotting patterns like a hawk.

With Charleston's tech scene popping off, opportunities for Data Scientists are about to skyrocket.

Get those skills locked down tight, and you could be rolling in dough while doing what you love!

4. Information Security Manager


When it comes to high-paying tech gigs in Charleston, the Information Security Manager role ranks fourth on the list.

This key position is all about keeping an organization's sensitive data locked down and ensuring they stay compliant with industry regulations. Here's what an IT Security Manager does:

  • Developing comprehensive security policies: Implementing procedures and best practices
  • Assessing risks: Identifying potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the system
  • Monitoring security systems: Responding promptly to any incidents or breaches
  • Leading a team: Providing training programs to keep security professionals sharp
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams: Ensuring security measures align with business goals

Based on the latest salary data, the average yearly income for an Information Security Manager in Charleston, SC is a solid $145,036.

To excel in this high-paying role, you'll need a unique blend of technical expertise and leadership skills. Here are some essential qualities:

  • Cybersecurity knowledge: In-depth understanding of security principles, protocols, and threat landscapes
  • Risk management: Ability to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills: Capacity to analyze complex data and develop strategic solutions
  • Project management: Experience leading cross-functional teams and implementing security initiatives
  • Communication and leadership: Strong interpersonal skills to collaborate with stakeholders and guide teams effectively

As Charleston's tech scene continues to boom, the demand for skilled Information Security Managers is only going to rise.

A local cybersecurity expert, Susan Martinez, put it this way:

"Security is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, and the need for qualified professionals to protect sensitive data and systems is more pressing than ever."

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5. IT Manager


Coming in at number 5 on our list of high-paying tech jobs in Charleston, we have the IT Manager role.

This crucial gig is all about keeping an organization's tech operations running smoothly. According to Salary.com, the average IT Manager in Charleston rakes in a solid $135,771 per year, with top earners making over $162,740 annually.

As an IT Manager, your main duties would involve overseeing the implementation and admin of the company's systems and equipment, resolving technical issues across various technologies, and analyzing business needs to select the right hardware and software.

You'd also be responsible for developing detailed technical documentation, planning the network infrastructure, and managing the department's budget and resources.

To land this role, you'll typically need a bachelor's degree and around 5 years of IT experience, including some supervisory experience.

Strong technical skills are a must, but you'll also need to be a pro at problem-solving, communication, and leadership. If you can handle managing teams, projects, and vendors while keeping up with the latest tech trends, this could be the perfect gig for you.

With Charleston's thriving tech scene, becoming an IT Manager here could open up some sweet opportunities.

According to industry insiders, IT Managers play a crucial role in driving innovation, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring business continuity – making them a highly valued asset in today's digital landscape.

6. Solutions Architect


Charleston's tech scene is on fire, and one of the hottest roles right now is the Solutions Architect.

These tech wizards are the masterminds behind designing and implementing mind-blowing solutions for complex application challenges. They bridge the gap between the tech nerds and business bigwigs, ensuring everything runs smoothly like a well-oiled machine.

The average paycheck for a Solutions Architect in Charleston could hit a whopping $134,890 by 2024! That's some serious cash for flexing those big brain skills.

To slay as a Solutions Architect, you gotta be a master of programming languages like Java, Python, and .NET. Cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP better be your best buds too.

But it's not just about being a coding ninja.

You need to understand system design like the back of your hand and be able to craft architectures that are scalable, secure, and future-proof. Data modeling and database design? Piece of cake.

Communicating complex tech jargon to non-techies? No sweat. As Robert Anderson, a Solutions Architect in Charleston, puts it,

"Our job is to turn business visions into tech reality, creating architectures that drive innovation while keeping risks and compliance in check."

It's like being a tech superhero, solving problems with code and making the world a better place, one solution at a time.

7. Cloud Engineer


Cloud Engineer is ranked #7 on the list of high-paying tech jobs in Charleston.

With businesses going all-in on the cloud, these professionals are in super high demand. They design, set up, and keep cloud computing systems running smoothly, ensuring everything works like a charm across an organization's cloud infrastructure.

Our research shows that in 2024, the average salary for a Cloud Engineer in Charleston, SC, is projected to be a whopping $112,930.

That's some serious cash for their mad skills! To rock this role, Cloud Engineers need to be experts in:

  • Cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform
  • Scripting languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell
  • Virtualization, containerization (Docker), and orchestration tools (Kubernetes)
  • Cloud security best practices and compliance standards
  • Cloud automation and infrastructure as code tools like Terraform or CloudFormation

With businesses going all-in on cloud solutions, the demand for Cloud Engineers in Charleston is skyrocketing.

As Elizabeth Harris, a local tech recruiter, puts it,

"Cloud adoption is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a necessity for modern businesses to remain competitive and agile."

These tech wizards play a crucial role in helping organizations leverage the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of the cloud.

8. Mobile Application Developer


Let's talk about the hot job of Mobile Application Developer in Charleston! At #8 on our list of top-paying tech gigs, these skilled coders are raking in some serious dough.

We're talking an average salary of $97,226 per year, which is pretty epic if you ask me. That's enough to afford a sweet ride and still have cash left over for those late-night Taco Bell runs.

But it's not just about the Benjamins.

As a Mobile App Dev, you get to flex your creative muscles by designing slick apps for smartphones and tablets.

You'll be part of the team that brings those brilliant ideas to life, coding up a storm and making sure the apps run smoothly across different devices and operating systems.

To land one of these sweet gigs, you gotta have some serious skills though.

We're talking expertise in programming languages like Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objective-C. You also need to be a pro at mobile frameworks like React Native, Xamarin, or Flutter.

And don't even think about applying if you don't know your way around APIs, UX design, and version control systems like Git.

But hey, if you can check all those boxes, the job market for Mobile App Devs is looking pretty lit.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in this field is expected to grow by a whopping 25% through 2031. That's way faster than most other jobs out there, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to score a sick position in Charleston or beyond.

9. Database Administrator


Let me fill you in on the #9 high-paying tech gig in Charleston - Database Administrator. These tech wizards are the real MVPs when it comes to keeping a company's data on lock.

Here's the deal:

  • Database security is their expertise, ensuring it's always protected and fast
  • Data backup is their jam, providing peace of mind that your info is safe
  • They optimize databases to keep things running smoothly when performance dips
  • Setting rules and policies for data management is their territory

The average yearly pay for a Database Admin in Charleston is a solid $111,600 according to Robert Half.

Not too shabby for keeping the data flowing, right?

To rock this role, you gotta have some serious skills, like:

  1. Being a boss at database systems like Oracle, SQL Server, or MySQL
  2. Fluent in data languages like SQL and PL/SQL for querying and manipulation
  3. Understanding data modeling, warehousing, and ETL processes like the back of your hand
  4. Knowing backup/recovery tools and database security inside out

As the MUSC job posting says, these Database Admins are the ones "overseeing and developing a system-wide portfolio of payer relationships." In Charleston's booming tech scene, these data guardians are in high demand, with solid career prospects on the horizon.

10. Full Stack Developer


Charleston's tech scene is on fire, and the Full Stack Developer role is lighting it up! With an average salary of $104,856 per year, according to ZipRecruiter, these bad boys are raking in some serious cash.

But it's not just about the Benjamins. As a Full Stack Dev, you'll be building dope web apps from front to back, making them look slick and run smooth.

To slay this gig, you gotta have some mad skills like coding in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and databases like MySQL or MongoDB. But it's not just about writing code.

Companies like Scientific Research Corporation want you to be a team player, communicate effectively, and have problem-solving skills that are out of this world.

Basically, you gotta be a coding wizard who can work well with others and think on your feet.

If you're down to level up your career in Charleston's thriving tech scene, becoming a Full Stack Developer might be your golden ticket.

Just be ready to put in the work, stay hungry, and never stop learning, because the game's always evolving. And don't forget to flex those soft skills too, 'cause coding ain't everything in this biz.

Conclusion and Insights


Charleston is totally crushing it with their tech scene! All the top-paying tech jobs are here - we're talking Anesthesiologists raking in $340,400 a year, CEOs earning $150,600, and even Directors of Industrial Engineering making a cool $153,200.

Tech giants like Blackbaud and Workiva have major ops here, meaning tons of fresh job opportunities for us young hustlers.

The tea is, Charleston's tech industry has grown like crazy in the past few years, with employment up 26% compared to the national average.

Companies can't get enough talented folks though, with 68% struggling to hire skilled workers. Mastering in-demand skills like coding, cybersecurity, and data analytics through bootcamps can help score those high-paying gigs and get our careers poppin'.

With projections showing 15% more tech jobs opening up by 2026, Charleston is definitely the place to be for young go-getters like us.

The city's got our backs too, working with schools and businesses to develop more tech talent. Just imagine - in a few years, we could be livin' it up with six-figure salaries and dope perks at some of the hottest tech companies around.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the highest-paying tech job in Charleston?

The highest-paying tech job in Charleston is a Software Architect, with an average salary of $132,886 in 2024. Software Architects are responsible for designing and building complex software systems for companies.

How much can a DevOps Engineer expect to make in Charleston?

A DevOps Engineer in Charleston can expect to make an average of $121,833 per year. Their role involves automated deployment, maintaining continuous integration and deployment pipelines, cloud infrastructure management, and fostering team communication and collaboration.

What are the key responsibilities of a Data Scientist in Charleston?

Data Scientists in Charleston are responsible for crunching numbers, deriving business insights, and making predictions. They need skills in statistical analysis, coding (Python, R, and SQL), data wrangling, machine learning, data visualization, and problem-solving. The average salary for this role is around $110,000 per year by 2024.

What skills are required to become a Cloud Engineer in Charleston?

A Cloud Engineer needs expertise in cloud platforms like AWS and Microsoft Azure, scripting languages (Python, Bash, or PowerShell), virtualization, containerization (Docker), orchestration tools (Kubernetes), cloud security best practices, and cloud automation tools like Terraform or CloudFormation. The average salary for a Cloud Engineer in Charleston is $112,930 by 2024.

What are the benefits of working in the tech industry in Charleston?

Working in the tech industry in Charleston not only offers high-paying jobs but also provides excellent benefits such as remote work options, generous PTO and health coverage, free food and amenities, and support for continuing education. Additionally, Charleston's affordable cost of living and high quality of life make it an ideal location for tech professionals.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.