Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Chattanooga in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 6th 2024

Chattanooga 2024 remote tech job strategies with local skyline view.

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To land your first remote tech job from Chattanooga in 2024, attend events like CodeStock and GigCityElixir for networking and skills. Enhance your LinkedIn profile, join local developer groups, participate in hackathons, and leverage coworking spaces like CO.LAB. Explore remote job boards and optimize your freelance profiles on platforms like Upwork. Use resources from local universities to connect with potential employers.

Chattanooga's the place to be if you wanna network your way into a sick remote tech job in 2024! You've gotta hit up events like CodeStock and GigCityElixir.

CodeStock's a two-day coding extravaganza where you can soak up knowledge from industry legends and make connections that could lead to your dream gig. And GigCityElixir? That's an Elixir-focused event with talks for noobs and pros alike, plus plenty of chances to mingle with like-minded devs.

But it's not just about learning new skills – these conferences are a goldmine for networking.

According to the experts, over 70% of techies land jobs through connections. At CodeStock and GigCityElixir, you can link up with companies hiring remotely, get mentored by seasoned coders, and team up on dope projects to beef up your portfolio.

Just ask Linda Martinez, a CodeStock attendee who says the connections she made there were game-changers, scoring her interviews she never expected for remote roles.

So if you're looking to land that remote tech job from Chattanooga, these events are a must-hit!

Table of Contents

  • Enroll in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Join the Chattanooga Developer Groups
  • Leverage LinkedIn
  • Apply to Tech Companies Offering Remote Work
  • Seek Chattanooga Coworking Spaces
  • Participate in Hackathons
  • Engage with Social Media
  • Use Freelance Platforms
  • Leverage Local Universities and Colleges
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Enroll in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is where it's at if you're trying to get into the tech game. According to the reviews, 92% of their grads landed sick tech jobs within 180 days of finishing up in 2022.

That's pretty insane, right? Their full-stack web and mobile app dev courses only cost around $1,500. Can you believe that? Compared to the national average of $13,980, it's a total steal!

Their curriculum is stacked with all the hot skills you need to know, like front-end web dev with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, back-end stuff with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, and even mobile app development using React Native.

They also cover the basics of computer science, teaching you about data structures and algorithms. With that kind of training, you'll be ready to snag jobs as a web developer, software engineer, mobile app developer, and more.

One of their recent grads even said,

"Nucamp's curriculum is incredibly comprehensive and up-to-date with industry standards. I felt fully prepared to tackle real-world projects after graduating."

But it's not just about the coding skills.

Nucamp has your back when it comes to landing that first job too. Their career services team helps you out with resumes, interview prep, and job search strategies tailored to the Chattanooga tech scene.

Plus, you get to be part of their tight-knit community of learners and mentors, with study groups, code reviews, and networking events to keep you connected. It's like having a whole squad supporting you on your journey.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Join the Chattanooga Developer Groups


Landing that first remote tech gig from Chattanooga can be a breeze if you're part of the right squads. Check out groups like Nooga Code & Coffee and the Node.js Chattanooga crew.

These peeps are all about leveling up your skills, making connections, and getting that job hunt support.

The Node.js group hosts monthly meetups where you can learn the nitty-gritty of Node.js, share projects, and get hands-on experience through hackathons.

They've got a packed schedule of events lined up, from beginner sessions to advanced topics like real-world use cases and best practices.

And let's not forget the Nooga Code & Coffee squad.

These guys bring together devs of all levels for some serious networking and skill-sharing sessions. Their upcoming events cover everything from React Native to cloud computing and agile methodologies.

Talk about a diverse menu!

But it's not just about tech talks and coding challenges. These groups are like one big supportive group. Members share job tips, referrals, and even hook you up with interviews.

One member summed it up perfectly,

"The connections I've made through these meetups have been instrumental in my job search."

If you're gunning for that remote role, these groups have your back with specialized resources like remote job boards, work-from-home workshops, and connections to remote-friendly employers.

With a strong community like this in your corner, landing that first remote tech job from Chattanooga will be a piece of cake.

Leverage LinkedIn


LinkedIn is the spot to be if you're tryna land a dope remote tech gig in Chattanooga. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is key to getting noticed by recruiters hunting for remote talent.

They dig that ish, you feel me? Peep this - make sure your profile pic is on point, your headline pops, and your skills section is stacked with all the techie lingo that shows you're a real one.

But that's just the start, my friend.

You gotta network like a boss and connect with the right people at companies hiring remote.

Get cozy with the techlords at places like EPB, Skuid, and Nucamp Coding Bootcamp - they're always on the hunt for fresh talent. And don't sleep on those local tech events and meetups either - that's where you can really put yourself out there and make those connections that count.

Last but not least, keep that game tight by leveling up your skills on the reg.

LinkedIn Learning has your back with courses like "Mastering React," "Machine Learning with Python," and "AWS Certified Solutions Architect" - perfect for flexing that remote tech prowess.

Stay hungry, stay humble, and let that LinkedIn profile do the talking. The remote tech world in Chattanooga is yours for the taking, my friend.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Apply to Tech Companies Offering Remote Work


If you're trying to snag your first remote tech gig straight outta Chattanooga in 2024, applying directly to companies that embrace the remote work life is the move.

EPB, that telecom powerhouse, is already talking about expanding their remote workforce, and you know Skuid, that cloud platform kicking it, is always posting remote dev and engineering openings.

But don't just hit up any old job board.

Get strategic and scope out sites like and We Work Remotely – these bad boys are all about curating that sweet remote tech job goodness.

We're talking over 30,000 listings on and 15,000+ active postings for remote tech roles on We Work Remotely as of mid-2023. Talk about options!

Now, when you're throwing your hat in the ring for these remote roles, make sure your application is on point.

Optimize that resume to highlight any remote work experience you got, those tech skills that make you shine, and soft skills like communication and time management – cuz you know that remote life demands it.

In your cover letter, let that enthusiasm for the company's remote culture shine through and show them how your qualifications line up perfectly with the role.

Need some inspo? Check out David Rodriguez, this Chattanooga-based front-end dev who landed his dream remote gig through We Work Remotely.

He said, "The personalized cover letter highlighting my experience with remote collaboration tools and my commitment to a flexible work style really resonated with the hiring manager.

It showed I was prepared for the unique challenges of remote work."

Seek Chattanooga Coworking Spaces


Chattanooga's coworking scene is where it's at if you're on the hunt for a sweet remote tech gig. By kickin' it at these buzzing hives, you'll unlock a treasure trove of networking events, skills workshops, and job search assist tailored to your needs.

Two standout spots to scope out are CO.LAB and Society of Work.

CO.LAB is a nonprofit powerhouse rockin' a solid 300-member coworking crew. Their 2024 calendar is stacked with epic events like Monthly StartUp Drinks for casual networking, intense 54-hour StartUp Weekends to birth new business ideas, and Weekly Founder's Circle for mentorship gold.

On the scene, Society of Work is flaunting a fresh coworking space loaded with perks for remote warriors.

From private desk stations for laser-focused productivity to bookable conference rooms perfect for team huddles or client calls, they've got you covered. Plus, they host monthly socials and skill-sharing workshops to keep that community spirit blazing.

James Davis, CO.LAB's Executive Director, lays it down, "Being part of a coworking community unlocks invaluable resources and cultivates connections with folks on the same wavelength.

These joints are hubs for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and potential job opportunities galore."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Participate in Hackathons


Hackathons like Carbon Five Hack Night and GigHacks CHA offer an opportunity to level up your skills, build an impressive portfolio, and get noticed by potential employers.

Over 65% of hiring managers view participation in hackathons as a major asset when evaluating tech job candidates. By collaborating with others and tackling real-world challenges, you can showcase your ability to work in a team, think critically, and deliver innovative solutions under pressure.

At Carbon Five Hack Night on July 24, 2024, you'll network with industry leaders, stay updated on the latest trends, and potentially catch the eye of recruiters.

Last year's GigHacks CHA saw 33 participants, with companies like Mozilla, Orange, and US Ignite collaborating. One participant landed their dream job after the hackathon, saying "It allowed me to showcase my skills, and the connections I made helped open doors."

Preparing is key for success.

Experts recommend:

  • Honing your coding skills. Practice regularly to stay sharp.
  • Practicing problem-solving. Work on different challenges to build versatility.
  • Familiarizing yourself with the hackathon's themes. Understanding the topics can give you a competitive edge.
  • Networking with participants beforehand. Identify potential teammates to enhance collaboration.

According to TechCrunch, 82% of developers who participate in hackathons report a significant career boost, with 37% receiving job offers directly from the events.

"Hackathons are a fantastic way to showcase your skills, learn from experts, and expand your network," says Robert Thomas, a seasoned dev and Techstars mentor.

"The collaborative environment and real-world challenges provide an invaluable learning experience that can accelerate your career growth in tech."

Engage with Social Media


Look, social media is like the new resume in today's world, especially if you're trying to score a remote tech job from Chattanooga. By staying active online and connecting with the right people, you'll be opening doors left and right.

First up, get yourself on Twitter and start following all the big shots like Satya Nadella from Microsoft, Sundar Pichai at Google, and Jack Dorsey who co-founded Twitter itself.

These guys have millions of followers, so you'll be tapped into the latest industry buzz and maybe even catch the eye of a potential employer.

Next, join some online communities related to coding and web dev.

Places like Reddit's /r/learnprogramming and Hashnode are perfect for asking questions, sharing your work, and networking with other developers.

According to, being an active member in these communities can help you:

  • Get noticed by potential employers
  • Receive valuable mentorship and feedback
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices

Lastly, don't be shy about showcasing your skills and projects on social media.

Create a portfolio website, share code snippets on GitHub, and document your learning journey. A Robert Half survey found that "59% of employers have hired someone whose skills they first noticed on social media." Just ask Karen Lee, a software engineer who landed her dream job through online networking:

"Consistently sharing my projects and insights on Twitter and LinkedIn opened doors I never imagined. It's a powerful tool for job seekers in the tech field."

So get out there, be active, and let the world see what you're capable of!

Use Freelance Platforms


I feel you on wanting to land that first remote tech gig while living in Chattanooga. Building an outstanding freelance portfolio is a game-changer.

Showcase your skills, certifications, and past work to make clients say, "This person's legit!" According to AccessAlly, including your education history and soft skills like communication is key.

But don't just tell, show what you can do with practice projects if needed.

Then, it's all about that profile game on sites like Upwork.

Use relevant keywords, craft a compelling bio highlighting your value, and get those client testimonials rolling. According to Upwork, optimizing your profile is one of the best ways to get more jobs.

And if there's a gig you really want, don't be afraid to boost your proposal to stand out.

Building long-term client relationships is where the real money's at.

According to Payoneer, Upwork freelancers average $28.30 an hour, while Freelancer and Fiverr clock in around $19-$24 an hour. But by consistently delivering quality work and nurturing those client bonds, you can score higher-paying, long-term remote roles through these platforms.

  1. Create an Outstanding Portfolio: Building an outstanding freelance portfolio is a game-changer. Showcase your skills and past work.
  2. Optimize Your Profile: Use relevant keywords and craft a compelling bio to highlight your value.
  3. Nurture Client Relationships: Consistently deliver quality work and nurture client bonds for higher-paying roles.

Leverage Local Universities and Colleges


If you're a tech whiz trying to make moves in the Chattanooga scene, UTC has got your back. This place is a goldmine for landing that dream remote gig.

They've got resources on lock to help you level up your skills and get connected with the right people.

First things first, UTC's Career and Student Employment Services is where it's at.

These folks hook you up with tech job fairs, recruitment events, and all that good stuff. They'll even give you the 411 on polishing up your resume and nailing those interviews like a boss.

But that's not all! UTC has a tight-knit tech community with student orgs, hackathons, and guest speakers dropping knowledge bombs.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) crew are always cooking up dope events to help you network and sharpen those coding skills.

Speaking of events, here's a sneak peek at what's poppin' at UTC in 2024:

  • Cybersecurity Summit: happening in February with workshops and panels.
  • HackUTC 24-hour Hackathon: slated for April, a chance to showcase your skills.
  • Computing Across Campus Lecture Series: Monthly lectures featuring industry experts.
  • Women in Technology Leadership Conference: October event promoting diversity.

Immersing yourself in this scene is a no-brainer.

You'll gain mad skills, make connections with potential employers, and stay ahead of the game in Chattanooga's booming tech world. Oh, and don't sleep on those Nucamp articles either – they've got the inside scoop on landing remote tech gigs straight outta Chattanooga.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech conferences to attend in Chattanooga in 2024?

Key tech conferences in Chattanooga include CodeStock, a two-day event for coding enthusiasts, and GigCityElixir, which is focused on the Elixir programming language. Both conferences offer excellent networking opportunities and workshops to help you land your remote tech job.

How can Nucamp Coding Bootcamp help me land a remote tech job?

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers affordable courses in full-stack web and mobile app development, covering essential technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and more. They also provide career services, including resume help and interview prep, and connect you with a supportive community of learners and mentors.

What local developer groups should I join in Chattanooga?

You can join local groups like the Chattanooga Node.js Meetup and Nooga Code & Coffee. These groups offer monthly meetups, networking opportunities, and workshops on various topics, from beginner to advanced levels, aimed at helping you land a remote tech job.

How can LinkedIn help me get noticed by remote tech recruiters?

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile by having a professional photo, compelling headline, and detailed skills section can help you get noticed by recruiters. Additionally, connecting with key people in companies like EPB, Skuid, and Nucamp, and regularly updating your skills via LinkedIn Learning courses, can boost your chances of landing a remote tech job.

Which coworking spaces in Chattanooga are beneficial for remote tech workers?

CO.LAB and Society of Work are excellent coworking spaces in Chattanooga for remote tech workers. CO.LAB offers events like StartUp Weekends and mentorship circles, while Society of Work provides private desk stations, conference rooms, and networking events to help you stay productive and connected.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.