Most in Demand Tech Job in Chesapeake in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 6th 2024

Most in demand tech job in Chesapeake in 2024, Virginia, US

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In 2024, Software Developer is the most in-demand tech job in Chesapeake, Virginia, with a projected 25% growth in demand from 2021 to 2031. Key attractions include a 12% increase in tech jobs from 2019-2022, $59K average salaries, affordable living, and significant investments in infrastructure and education.

Chesapeake is straight up killing it in the tech game! It's turning into a real tech hub, and the opportunities are blowing up.

According to the latest stats, the number of tech jobs in the city has skyrocketed by 12% between 2019 and 2022 - that's way higher than the national average! These top tech companies like INIT and Centurum are thriving here, thanks to:

  • Prime location: Chesapeake's prime location, making it a sweet spot for major markets on the East Coast
  • City's incentives: The city's awesome incentives and support for attracting tech businesses
  • Talented workforce: A seriously talented and diverse workforce, thanks to top-notch schools like Old Dominion University

These tech jobs aren't just a side gig - they're a massive deal for Chesapeake's economy.

According to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, they contribute a whopping $1.2 billion to the city's GDP every year! As Lisa Williams, the President of the Chesapeake Regional Information Systems Board, put it, "Tech is no longer just a small part of Chesapeake; it's driving our economic growth and diversifying our city like never before." With opportunities like high-paying Network Architect roles, Chesapeake is definitely the place to be for anyone looking to make it big in the tech world.

Table of Contents

  • Why Tech Jobs are Thriving in Chesapeake, Virginia
  • The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Chesapeake, Virginia in 2024
  • How to Get Started in Tech in Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Success Stories from Chesapeake's Tech Industry
  • Future Outlook for Tech Jobs in Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Tech Jobs are Thriving in Chesapeake, Virginia


Chesapeake is where it's at if you're looking for a tech job in 2024! This city is booming, and the numbers speak for themselves. According to a recent report, the job market in Chesapeake is on fire, with a low unemployment rate of just 5% and average salaries of around $59K for tech roles.

Plus, the cost of living is pretty reasonable, so your paycheck goes further.

But it's not just about the money; Chesapeake is seriously investing in making the city a tech hub.

They've got initiatives like the Chesapeake Technology Corridor, which is pulling out all the stops to attract top talent with perks and support. And let's not forget the city's commitment to building a robust high-speed internet infrastructure, making it a dream location for any tech company that needs lightning-fast connectivity.

The education game in Chesapeake is also on point.

Schools like Tidewater Community College and Old Dominion University are churning out graduates with the skills employers crave.

They offer specialized programs and certifications to ensure a steady supply of qualified professionals to fill all those high-paying roles popping up left and right.

If you're looking to break into the tech scene, Chesapeake is definitely the place to be.

With major players like USAA, Ferguson Enterprises, and CapCenter setting up shop, the opportunities are endless.

And it's no wonder, who doesn't want to work for a company that's making serious waves in the industry while earning a good income?

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The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Chesapeake, Virginia in 2024


In Chesapeake, the most in-demand tech job for 2024 is straight up the Software Developer role.

These coding wizards are gonna be hot property, with the demand skyrocketing by like 25% from 2021 to 2031 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Companies are going all-in on cloud computing, data storage, and mobile apps, so they need devs who can make that magic happen.

To be a baller Software Developer in Chesapeake next year, you gotta have some serious skills under your belt.

We're talking programming languages like Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript on lock.

Plus, you need to know your way around software development methodologies, databases, cloud platforms, and have some crazy problem-solving abilities.

For companies in Chesapeake, hiring top-notch Software Devs is a game-changer.

They need them to:

  • Build innovative software: Drive business growth through the creation of cutting-edge applications.
  • Automate processes: Enhance efficiency by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Stay ahead of the competition: Develop solutions that keep the company competitive in the digital age.
  • Leverage AI and machine learning: Utilize advanced tech to improve products and services.

As the tech scene in Chesapeake keeps blowing up, the demand for Software Developers is only gonna get crazier.

Companies that can snag the best coding talent are setting themselves up for the win. Michael Davis, CEO of TechVentures Chesapeake, says it best: "The future belongs to those who can code and create digital solutions.

Companies that invest in top software development talent will be well-positioned for long-term success."

How to Get Started in Tech in Chesapeake, Virginia


If you're looking to break into tech in Chesapeake, there are some seriously cool opportunities waiting for you! The city has got a bunch of career and technical education programs that'll teach you the skills employers want.

And let's not forget about coding bootcamps like Nucamp, where you can level up your coding game in just a few months.

But it's not just about the classroom grind – Chesapeake's tech scene is thriving with meetups and events where you can network and learn from the pros.

Organizations like Tech757 host regular workshops and panel discussions, so you can stay on top of the latest trends and make some valuable connections.

If you're just starting your tech journey, here are some tips to help you stand out:

  • Get your hands dirty at local coding workshops and hackathons. It's the best way to gain real-world experience and showcase your skills.
  • Supplement your education with online courses from platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and freeCodeCamp. Tech moves fast, so it's crucial to stay up-to-date.
  • Find a mentor who's already killing it in the industry. They can provide invaluable guidance and help you avoid rookie mistakes.
  • Build a killer portfolio of projects to show potential employers what you're capable of.

With major companies like Huntington Ingalls Industries, Ferguson Enterprises, and Mythics actively hiring tech grads, Chesapeake is definitely the place to be.

And with a projected 27% growth in tech jobs in Virginia by 2030, the future looks brighter than ever for those who invest in their skills and hustle hard.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories from Chesapeake's Tech Industry


Chesapeake's tech scene is proving it's the place to be for fresh ideas and new businesses. Like, check out Style Magnet, this online shopping app founded in 2023 that helps you find your perfect fit.

Or RepTalk LLC, the first voice-interactive CRM for field sales reps that launched in 2022.

And let's not forget Family Springs, the natural alkaline water company that's been quenching thirsts since 2017.

These startups are just the tip of the iceberg, with Chesapeake fostering so many innovative companies that are shaking things up in their industries. It's a breeding ground for brilliant minds and game-changing products, making the whole city buzz with excitement over what's next.

If you want to be part of something fresh and cutting-edge, Chesapeake is where it's at right now.

Future Outlook for Tech Jobs in Chesapeake, Virginia


The future of tech jobs in Chesapeake, Virginia, is looking bright! According to the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, the tech sector in the area is expected to see a massive 12% growth by 2026, which is remarkably high compared to the national average.

This surge is fueled by businesses embracing cutting-edge tech like AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data analytics.

As companies across different industries embrace the digital wave, the impact on the Chesapeake job market is significant.

The booming AI field alone is projected to create numerous new job opportunities for machine learning engineers, AI researchers, and data scientists. According to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, AI-related jobs in Chesapeake are set to rise by 18% in the next three years.

Cybersecurity is also a crucial area.

With cyber threats constantly evolving, companies are actively seeking skilled professionals to protect their networks and data from potential breaches. Some of the most in-demand cybersecurity roles in Chesapeake include Security Analysts, Penetration Testers, Cybersecurity Consultants, and Cloud Security Architects.

The future is undoubtedly bright for aspiring tech professionals in Chesapeake.

According to the Chesapeake Economic Development Authority, the region's thriving tech ecosystem, combined with its affordable cost of living and high quality of life, makes it an attractive destination for tech talent.

Their director even said,

"Chesapeake offers a unique blend of affordability, accessibility, and a skilled workforce, making it an ideal location for tech companies and professionals alike."

- Barbara Lopez.

  • Stay ahead of the curve: It's crucial to continuously learn and upskill to capitalize on tech job opportunities.
  • Network: Connect within the local tech community and attend industry events to maintain a competitive edge.

It's also advisable to check out Nucamp's article on essential tech skills that Chesapeake employers are seeking in 2024 – that knowledge could be a game-changer!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why are tech jobs thriving in Chesapeake, Virginia?

Tech jobs are thriving in Chesapeake due to its prime location on the East Coast, the city's incentives and support for tech businesses, and a talented workforce from top universities like Old Dominion University. The tech sector has contributed $1.2 billion to the city's GDP, highlighting its significant economic impact.

What is the most in-demand tech job in Chesapeake in 2024?

The most in-demand tech job in Chesapeake for 2024 is the Software Developer role. Demand for software developers is expected to increase by 25% from 2021 to 2031. Key skills needed include proficiency in Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, software development methodologies, databases, and cloud platforms.

How can one get started in tech in Chesapeake?

To get started in tech in Chesapeake, consider enrolling in coding bootcamps and specialized programs offered by local universities. Participate in local coding workshops and hackathons, take online courses, find a mentor, and build a strong portfolio. Networking at tech meetups and events can also be very beneficial.

What initiatives are boosting tech opportunities in Chesapeake?

Initiatives like the Chesapeake Technology Corridor and the city's commitment to building a robust high-speed internet infrastructure are significant boosters. These initiatives are designed to attract top talent and tech companies, making Chesapeake a thriving tech hub.

What is the future outlook for tech jobs in Chesapeake?

The future outlook for tech jobs in Chesapeake is very positive, with a projected 12% growth in the tech sector by 2026. This growth is driven by advancements in AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data analytics. AI-related jobs are expected to rise by 18% in the next three years, while cybersecurity roles are increasingly in demand.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.