Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Chesapeake

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 6th 2024

Scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Chesapeake, Virginia

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Explore scholarships and funding options for coding bootcamps in Chesapeake, including local government initiatives, corporate partnerships, and bootcamp-specific programs. Notable opportunities include Chesapeake's Workforce Retraining Scholarship, Hampton Roads Community Foundation grants, and sponsored programs from corporations like Dominion Energy. These resources make tech education accessible, supporting career transitions in a booming job market.

Twentysomethings trying to switch gears and get that coding bread, it's no wonder Chesapeake's where it's at for landing that sweet coding bootcamp cheddar without breaking the bank.

Tech's blowing up around here, with an expected 15% growth adding over 2,500 new gigs by 2024. Big dogs like STIHL Inc. and Dollar Tree are stacking paper hard, so the scholarships and payment plans are on fleek.

Here's the 411 on funding your edu dreams in the 'Peake:

  • The City of Chesapeake serves up that Workforce Development Program cheddar.
  • Local orgs like Hampton Roads Workforce Council hooking it up with community grants.
  • Major employers slanging sponsored coding camps to snag future talent.
  • Coding bootcamps like Nucamp got that diversity, military, and payment plan drip to make it affordable.

Liz Keogh from Nucamp said it best: "Funding opens doors for everyone to get that tech edu and shape the future, no cap." Grind hard and secure that financial assistance, the sky's the limit for coding greatness in the 'Peake!

If you need a real job guarantee, check out what's popping at these camps too.

Table of Contents

  • Local Government and Community Scholarships in Chesapeake
  • Corporate Partnerships and Sponsored Programs in Chesapeake
  • Bootcamp-Specific Scholarships and Payment Plans in Chesapeake
  • How to Apply for Scholarships and Funding in Chesapeake
  • Success Stories and Testimonials from Chesapeake Bootcamp Graduates
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Local Government and Community Scholarships in Chesapeake


Alright, check this out - there are some seriously sweet scholarship opportunities in Chesapeake if you're looking to dive into coding or tech.

The city itself hooks you up with the Chesapeake Workforce Retraining Scholarship, offering up to $3,000 annually to level up your skills in high-demand fields like web dev and coding.

All you need is to have lived in Chesapeake for at least a year and show that you could use some financial assistance.

But that's not all - the community's got your back too.

There's the Chesapeake Tech Scholars Program by the Chesapeake Technology Community Foundation, which provides full and partial scholarships to cover the costs of coding bootcamps, including tuition and fees.

And for the ladies out there, the Chesapeake Women in STEM Scholarship from the Hampton Roads Community Foundation hooks you up with $5,000 annually if you're pursuing a career in STEM, like web development or coding.

These local scholarships are a game-changer, making quality tech education accessible to everyone in Chesapeake.

According to a study by Tidewater Community College, over 65% of scholarship recipients said financial aid was the deciding factor in their ability to attend a coding bootcamp or technical training program.

And let's hear from David Jackson, a Chesapeake resident and bootcamp graduate:

"The coding scholarship from the city allowed me to switch careers without going into debt. I'm now a web developer at a growing Chesapeake startup, and it all started with that crucial support."

It's no wonder these local funding sources for coding education are essential for creating a skilled workforce ready to snag those emerging job opportunities.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Corporate Partnerships and Sponsored Programs in Chesapeake


For all you aspiring code slingers out there in Chesapeake, let me give you the scoop on how to make those coding bootcamps way more affordable. You know the big dogs in town? Yeah, I'm talking about Dominion Energy and Dollar Tree - these Fortune 500 companies have got your back with some serious scholarship game.

Dominion Energy's "Coding for the Future" program hooks you up with a full-ride scholarship if you make the cut.

They're all about bringing more diversity to the tech scene, so they're giving opportunities to those who might not have had a chance otherwise. And Dollar Tree? Their "DollarTech Scholars" program covers part of your tuition and even sets you up with potential internships once you've leveled up your skills.

But it's not just the big corporations spreading the wealth.

The Chesapeake Regional Technology Council (CRTC) has partnered with local tech companies to offer a range of scholarships and funding options.

We're talking companies like Mythics Inc. covering the entire cost for military vets and their spouses, Quartile Digital giving partial scholarships to underrepresented groups, and Ardx offering deferred payment plans for those on a tight budget.

The best part? It's not just about the money.

According to Richard Jones, the CRTC Executive Director, "These partnerships foster a strong talent pipeline, connecting skilled bootcamp graduates with job opportunities at leading local companies." You'll get access to mentors, networking events, and potential internships, giving you a real taste of the industry and helping you land that dream job.

Bootcamp-Specific Scholarships and Payment Plans in Chesapeake


If you're trying to get into coding but the costs are holding you back, there are tons of opportunities to make it happen right here in Chesapeake. Check it out – places like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offer dope scholarships to help cover the bills.

They got the Women in Tech Scholarship worth $2,000, the Military Scholarship slashing $1,500 off tuition, and even a Diversity in Tech Scholarship worth a solid $3,000.

But that's not all.

These bootcamps also let you pay after graduation, so you can focus on learning without stressing about upfront costs.

Once you land that sweet tech gig, you'll start chipping away at the tuition bit by bit from your paycheck. Smooth, right?

Going with a bootcamp's own funding options comes with major perks too:

  • They know exactly what you need to get through the program.
  • You'll get primo career support to snag that first job out the gate.
  • Local companies might even cover part of the cost if you work for them later.
  • Your instructors will be there to guide you every step of the way.

One Chesapeake grad summed it up perfectly,

The bootcamp's funding made my career switch a reality. Now I'm balling at a major company downtown.

Do your research, explore those financing options, and you'll be well on your way to a sick new career!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

How to Apply for Scholarships and Funding in Chesapeake


School can get crazy expensive, but there are options for scoring scholarships to help cover the costs of coding bootcamps in Chesapeake.

The key is being proactive and not sleeping on the deadlines. Here's a simple game plan:

  1. Do your research: Check out sites like Scholarship Central and resources from organizations like Southeastern Virginia Community Foundation to find scholarships you qualify for. Look for ones based on your field of study, background, or community involvement.
  2. Get your materials together: You'll likely need transcripts, essays, letters of recommendation, and financial info. Give yourself plenty of time to gather everything and make sure it's all polished.
  3. Work on those essays: The essay is your chance to shine. Be real, show your passion for coding, and explain why you deserve that scholarship cash. An outline can help organize your thoughts before diving in.
  4. Apply early and often: Submit apps well before deadlines and apply for as many scholarships as possible to increase your chances of securing funds.
  5. Follow up: After submitting, keep tabs on the status of your applications. A friendly reminder or thank you note can leave a good impression.

The process takes effort, but landing scholarships makes the coding bootcamp journey way more achievable financially.

With some hustle and a strong app, you could be one step closer to that future tech career in Chesapeake.

Success Stories and Testimonials from Chesapeake Bootcamp Graduates


Scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Chesapeake are changing lives! Check out Patrick Chu's story - dude went from managing a restaurant to landing a data analyst gig at Capital One after the Coding Boot Camp at University of Richmond! He credits the bootcamp for giving him the skills to make that career switch happen.

Or what about the grads from Tidewater Community College? Folks like William Rodriguez and Sylvester Wilkins overcame major obstacles to get their degrees and chase their dreams.

Sylvester battled addiction and homelessness before finding support at TCC, and now he's planning to start a non-profit to help others facing similar struggles.

Inspiring stuff!

And let's not forget about the scholarship and funding options that make these kinds of transformations possible. Nucamp has bootcamps in Chesapeake where you can learn to code, and they offer a bunch of scholarships like the Women in Tech, High School Grads, and Warrior Rising for vets.

With options for financing through payment plans or student loans, coding education is becoming way more accessible.

The bottom line is, if you're in Chesapeake and want to level up your career, coding bootcamps are a solid path - and there's plenty of support available to make it happen financially.

Just look at all the success stories coming out of programs in the area. It's a chance to change your life's direction, whether you're a restaurant manager, dealing with personal struggles, or just need a fresh start.

Why not take the leap?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What local government and community scholarships are available in Chesapeake for coding bootcamps?

The City of Chesapeake offers the Workforce Retraining Scholarship, providing up to $3,000 annually. The Chesapeake Tech Scholars Program covers full and partial scholarships for coding bootcamps, and the Hampton Roads Community Foundation offers $5,000 annually for women pursuing careers in STEM.

What corporate partnerships and sponsored programs are available in Chesapeake for coding bootcamps?

Dominion Energy's 'Coding for the Future' program offers full-ride scholarships to increase diversity in tech. Dollar Tree's 'DollarTech Scholars' program covers part of tuition and provides internship opportunities. Other local companies, like Mythics Inc. and Quartile Digital, also offer scholarships and deferred payment plans.

What bootcamp-specific scholarships and payment plans are available in Chesapeake?

Bootcamps offer scholarships such as the Women in Tech Scholarship worth $2,000, the Military Scholarship reducing tuition by $1,500, and the Diversity in Tech Scholarship worth $3,000. They also offer deferred payment plans that allow students to pay tuition once they secure a job.

How can I apply for scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Chesapeake?

To apply: 1) Research available scholarships and funding resources. 2) Gather necessary materials such as transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation. 3) Write compelling essays showing your passion for coding. 4) Apply early and to multiple scholarships. 5) Follow up on your applications to check status and show appreciation.

Are there success stories from coding bootcamp graduates in Chesapeake?

Yes, many graduates have found successful careers after attending coding bootcamps in Chesapeake. For instance, one individual transitioned from managing a restaurant to becoming a data analyst at Capital One. Others, like William Rodriguez and Sylvester Wilkins, overcame personal challenges and now pursue fulfilling careers and community initiatives.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.