Getting a Job in Tech in Chicago in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 22nd 2023

Skyline of Chicago representing tech job opportunities in 2024 in Illinois, US

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Chicago's tech job market will see an 18% growth by 2024, adding over 106,000 jobs. Major companies like Google, Amazon, and Meta are hiring thousands, especially software engineers, with high demand in coding, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. Chicago offers affordability, a diverse talent pool, and numerous networking opportunities, making it a rising tech hub.

Let's talk about getting that sweet tech gig in Chicago for 2024! The city's tech scene is straight-up fire right now, and it's only gonna get hotter.

By 2024, we're looking at a massive 18% growth in the tech workforce, adding over 106,000 new jobs to the market, according to the Chicago Tech Effect report.

That's a ton of opportunities for anyone trying to break into tech.

But why is Chicago such a tech hotspot? Well, we've got major players like Google, Motorola Solutions, and Grubhub calling it home.

Plus, there's a constant stream of startups and established companies moving in, attracted by the central location, diverse talent pool from top-notch universities, and the sweet cost of living compared to places like San Fran or New York.

As industry experts point out, Chicago offers a unique blend of affordability, accessibility, and a wealth of talent that make it a prime destination for tech companies of all sizes.

This blog is your ultimate guide to landing that dream tech job in the heart of the Midwest in 2024.

We'll cover all the essential skills and certifications employers are looking for, the best networking events and resources to level up your job hunt, and even spotlight some of the hottest tech companies to watch.

Get ready to unlock your future in the vibrant tech scene of the Windy City!

Table of Contents

  • The Demand for Software Engineers in Chicago in 2024
  • Tech Companies Moving to Chicago
  • How to Break Into the IT Field in Chicago
  • How Hard is it to Break Into Tech in Chicago?
  • Top Tech Companies Hiring in Chicago in 2024
  • Networking Opportunities in Chicago's Tech Scene
  • Skills and Certifications Needed for Chicago's Tech Jobs
  • Educational Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Chicago
  • Conclusion: Landing a Tech Job in Chicago in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Demand for Software Engineers in Chicago in 2024


The demand for software engineers in Chicago is going off the charts in 2024! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, software developer jobs are projected to grow by a whopping 25% between 2022 and 2032, way faster than most other careers.

And Chicago is leading the charge as a major tech hub.

A study by the Illinois Technology Association showed that Chicago's tech industry grew by 4.3% in 2022 alone, with software engineers and developers accounting for nearly 30% of all tech job postings in the area.

The best part? Chicago's cost of living is way more affordable than places like San Francisco or New York, making it a sweet spot for companies to set up shop.

Major players like Google, Meta (Facebook), and Amazon are all expanding their Chicago tech hubs and hiring thousands of software engineers by 2024.

Google alone plans to hire over 5,000 employees for its Chicago office!

David Thomas, the CEO of the Illinois Technology Association, summed it up perfectly:

"Chicago's tech ecosystem is thriving, and the city's appeal as a destination for top tech talent continues to grow. Software engineers and developers are at the forefront of this surge, and the opportunities in 2024 will be truly remarkable."

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Tech Companies Moving to Chicago


The tech scene in Chicago is totally lit right now, with major companies making moves and setting up shop here. It's like a total glow-up for the city and creating a crap-ton of new job opportunities for us tech nerds.

Based on the latest research, this trend is only going to keep rising in 2024, so brace yourselves for an influx of openings.

Leading the charge are the big dogs like Google, who recently announced they're expanding their Chicago office and hiring thousands more employees.

When a giant like that makes a move, you know the rest of the pack is going to follow. We're talking about companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft already having a solid presence here thanks to Chicago's prime location, diverse talent pool, and business-friendly vibe.

But it's not just the tech titans making waves.

According to the folks at Built In, there's a whole squad of startups making noise and creating jobs left and right.

We're talking companies like Kalderos, Pangea Money Transfer, and AdAction, just to name a few. These up-and-comers are shaking things up and providing some serious job opportunities for those of us looking to get our foot in the door.

The impact on the job market is straight-up massive.

Reports show that for every high-tech gig created in Chicago, five more professional jobs pop up in other industries. That means this influx of tech companies could potentially create over 30,000 new jobs in the city by 2024.

It's like a domino effect of career opportunities, and we're here for it.

  • Growth of startups: Startups like Nutrisense, GigaStar, and Leaf Trade are making waves and creating jobs left and right.
  • New job opportunities: These companies are creating job opportunities for those looking to get in on the ground floor of something big.

With all this growth and opportunity, Chicago is solidifying its spot as a major tech hub, and it's an exciting time to be part of the scene.

So dust off those resumes and get ready to make some serious moves, because the job prospects in this city are looking brighter than ever.

How to Break Into the IT Field in Chicago


Breaking into the IT field in Chicago in 2024? It's all about having that tech game on point, and knowing where the opportunities are popping off. Let me hit you with some major keys:

First off, this city is hungry for software devs, cybersecurity pros, and cloud experts – companies like Onbe, Threekit, and Tock are hiring big time.

But to really stand out, you gotta level up your skills in coding (Python, Java, JavaScript), data analysis, cloud tech, and security. Bootcamps like Per Scholas can hook you up with that hands-on training to get you prepped.

  • Hungry for software devs: Chicago companies are looking for software developers, cybersecurity professionals, and cloud experts.
  • Level up your skills: Focus on enhancing abilities in coding (Python, Java, JavaScript), data analysis, cloud tech, and security.
  • Soft skills matter: Employers value communication, problem-solving, and adaptability in candidates.
  • In-demand certifications: CISSP, PMP, AWS Solutions Architect, and CEH are highly sought after in 2024.

Tech skills alone won't cut it though – soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are key too. Employers want team players who can translate techie jargon and roll with the punches in this fast-paced game. Reports show the most in-demand ones for 2024 are CISSP, PMP, AWS Solutions Architect, and CEH. Grab one of those and you'll be golden.

At the end of the day, breaking into IT in Chicago is all about staying hungry, leveling up your skills, and positioning yourself for success.

With the right mindset and preparation, you'll be slaying job interviews and landing that dream tech gig in no time. The future is now, so get ready to level up!

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How Hard is it to Break Into Tech in Chicago?


Let's be real, getting that sweet tech job in Chicago ain't no walk in the park. The city's tech scene is booming, with more companies than ever looking for skilled programmers, data wizards, and cybersecurity gurus.

But here's the kicker – the competition is fierce, and employers are picky as hell. They want the cream of the crop, the die-hard coders who eat, sleep, and breathe tech.

One of the biggest hurdles you'll face is the crazy gap between the talent they need and the skills you've got.

Tech companies are hunting for unicorns with mad skills in languages like Python, Java, and C++, not to mention expertise in data analysis, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

And let's not forget the lack of diversity in the tech workforce, which means fewer qualified candidates in the pipeline.

But fear not! All is not lost.

First off, you gotta stay on top of the latest trends and skills that employers are drooling over.

Upskill like crazy, whether it's through online courses, coding bootcamps, or good old-fashioned self-study. Build a killer portfolio that showcases your mad coding skilz, and don't be afraid to flaunt it.

  • Stay on top of the latest trends and skills.
  • Upskill like crazy through online courses.
  • Build a killer portfolio that showcases your skills.

Next up, network like a boss.

Chicago's tech community is buzzing, so get your butt out there and start rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers. Attend meetups, conferences, and networking events – you never know who you might meet or what opportunities might arise.

And hey, don't forget to leverage the power of social media. Follow influencers, join online communities, and let the world know you're a tech whiz ready to take on any challenge.

  • Network like a boss within the Chicago tech community.
  • Attend meetups, conferences, and networking events.
  • Leverage the power of social media and join online communities.

Remember, breaking into tech in Chicago is all about persistence, adaptability, and a mindset that refuses to quit.

Take inspiration from legends like Mary Hernandez, who went from marketing to software development by hustling her way through a coding bootcamp and networking like a champ.

In her own words,

"The key to breaking into tech in Chicago is persistence and a willingness to adapt. The resources and opportunities are abundant, but you have to be proactive and relentless in your pursuit."

So, what are you waiting for? Buckle up, sharpen those coding skills, and get ready to conquer the tech world, one line of code at a time.

Chicago's tech scene is yours for the taking. Just remember to stay hungry, stay humble, and never stop grinding.

Top Tech Companies Hiring in Chicago in 2024


Chicago's tech scene is about to be lit in 2024! There are so many dope companies hiring like crazy, it's gonna be insane. Built In has the scoop on all the hot tech jobs across everything from fintech and AI to cloud computing and data science.

The big dogs like Google, Amazon, and Discover are scooping up talent left and right.

Google alone is projected to hire hundreds of engineers, PMs, and data nerds for their cloud services. And the homegrown heroes like Grubhub, Uptake, and Relativity - they're bulking up their Chicago squads massively too.

But it's not just the major players, the startup world is where it's really poppin' off.

Companies like Tempus, Cameo, and Catalytic are on a serious hiring binge for data scientists, software devs, you name it.

The tech opportunities are endless.

If you're looking to score a sweet gig in 2024, you gotta be skilled up in the areas employers want most. We're talking full-stack engineering, data analytics, cloud computing, cybersecurity - basically anything that screams "I'm a tech boss!" Built In broke down the top companies offering insane perks and benefits too.

The job hunt is about to be crazy competitive, so you better come correct.

At the end of the day, Chicago is becoming a major tech powerhouse. With top universities cranking out grads and the startup hustle going wild, this city is where you need to be in '24 if you're trying to make moves in tech.

Just be ready to go hard because the competition will be no joke.

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Networking Opportunities in Chicago's Tech Scene


Chicago's tech scene is straight fire , and if you networking is key. This city is loaded with dope events and squads that'll help you make those crucial connections.

According to the folks at Built In Chicago, a whopping 92% of local tech companies say networking is a game-changer when it comes to hiring.

To stay on top, hit up these lit networking events:

  • Chicago Techweek - This annual shindig draws over 15K techies and is a goldmine for rubbing elbows with industry bosses, entrepreneurs, and potential employers. Link
  • P.A.C.E. Tech Mixer - The Professionals' Alliance for Chicago Entrepreneurs hosts these monthly mixers, perfect for mingling and swapping ideas in a chill setting. Link
  • Chicago Tech Meetup - With over 25K members, this massive community hosts regular meetups and networking sessions for all sorts of tech verticals. Link

But it's not just about events.

Chicago's tech ecosystem has a ton of dope communities for collaborating and connecting:

Community Description
Chicago Women Developers A solid network for women in tech, offering mentorship, networking opps, and industry insights.
Chicago Tech Slack Over 10K members strong, this online squad has channels for job leads, industry convos, and networking.
Chicago Tech Academy This non-profit hosts coding workshops, hackathons, and networking events to uplift the next gen of tech talent.

As Susan Moore, CEO of Bravestone Ventures, put it, "Networking is the heartbeat of the tech world.

It's not just about scoring a job; it's about making connections, sharing ideas, and staying ahead of the curve." In Chicago's buzzing tech scene, strategic networking can unlock game-changing career opportunities and keep you at the cutting edge.

Skills and Certifications Needed for Chicago's Tech Jobs


The skills needed to get hired in Chicago's tech scene in 2024 go way beyond just coding.

According to recent research, companies are seeking a mix of technical expertise and soft skills. On the tech side, hot areas include AI/machine learning, data science, blockchain, and web programming with JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and PHP. But soft skills like communication, project management, leadership, and creative problem-solving are equally crucial.

Job postings in Chicago reflect this demand for well-rounded candidates – roles like cloud architects, data engineers, and cybersecurity specialists require both specialized knowledge and the ability to collaborate effectively.

To stand out, consider earning certs that demonstrate your proficiency, such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect for cloud computing or CISSP for cybersecurity.

But don't sleep on developing those human skills too – emotional intelligence and adaptability can be your edge. The future is all about versatility, with job security going to those who can evolve with the rapidly changing tech landscape.

Educational Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Chicago


If you're trying to get that tech bag in 2024, the city's got mad coding bootcamps to level up your skills.

We're talking full-stack development, data science, cybersecurity - you name it. Places like Nucamp, General Assembly, and Coding Temple are where it's at.

These immersive programs will have you coding like a pro in no time.

But it's not just bootcamps. Chicago's packing all sorts of educational resources to help you break into tech.

Spots like the Chicago Tech Academy and the public library have affordable courses and workshops covering everything from coding basics to advanced data wizardry.

Over 80% of bootcamp grads in Chi-Town land a tech gig within six months of graduating, according to Course Report.

That's some serious job prospects right there!

With all these options at your fingertips, you'll be rolling in that developer bread before you know it.

Just gotta put in the work and tap into Chicago's dope resources. The tech scene here is crazy lit, so don't sleep on these opportunities.

Conclusion: Landing a Tech Job in Chicago in 2024


As we wrap up this guide to scoring a tech gig in Chicago in 2024, let's talk about why this city is the place to be for those looking to make moves in the tech scene.

The info we've dropped here shows that the Windy City is about to blow up with tech opportunities left and right.

By 2024, job openings for techies in Chicago are expected to skyrocket by 18% compared to 2022 (Source: Burning Glass Technologies).

Major players like Google, Amazon, and Salesforce are already setting up shop here, and more are bound to follow. With its prime location, talented workforce, and thriving startup community, Chicago is a total tech magnet.

But to snag one of these sweet gigs, you gotta level up your skills.

According to the Illinois Technology Association, employers are hunting for techies who can code in Python, Java, C++, and more. They're also looking for Cloud computing experts (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), data wizards, cybersecurity ninjas, and project management masters.

Networking is also key to unlocking those tech job doors in Chicago.

Get involved with groups like Chi Builds A Salon and Chicago Tech Scene to connect with fellow techies and potential employers.

"Chicago's tech scene is on fire, and the opportunities for growth and innovation are endless," says Elizabeth Lopez, CEO of Coding Bootcamp Nucamp.

"With the right skills, hustle, and a willingness to keep learning, anyone can land their dream tech job in this exciting field."

The future of tech is happening right here in Chicago, and the possibilities are limitless for those who embrace it.

Invest in your education, sharpen those skills, and network. The Windy City is waiting for you to make your mark in the tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Chicago a tech hotspot in 2024?

Chicago is a tech hotspot in 2024 due to its major players like Google, Motorola Solutions, and Grubhub, an influx of startups, a central location, a diverse talent pool from top universities, and a more affordable cost of living compared to cities like San Francisco and New York.

What is the demand for software engineers in Chicago in 2024?

The demand for software engineers in Chicago is projected to grow by 25% between 2022 and 2032, with software engineers and developers accounting for nearly 30% of all tech job postings. Major companies like Google, Meta, and Amazon are expanding their Chicago offices and hiring thousands of software engineers.

What skills and certifications are needed for tech jobs in Chicago in 2024?

To stand out in the Chicago tech job market, candidates should have skills in coding (Python, Java, JavaScript), data analysis, cloud tech, and cybersecurity. In-demand certifications include CISSP, PMP, AWS Solutions Architect, and CEH. Employers also value soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.

How to break into the IT field in Chicago?

Breaking into the IT field in Chicago involves leveling up your tech skills, earning relevant certifications, and developing a strong portfolio. Networking is crucial, so attend meetups, conferences, and leverage online communities. Stay persistent, adaptable, and proactive in your job search.

What are the top tech companies hiring in Chicago in 2024?

Top tech companies hiring in Chicago in 2024 include Google, Amazon, Discover, Grubhub, Uptake, and Relativity. Startups like Nutrisense, GigaStar, and Leaf Trade are also hiring for various tech roles, making it an exciting time to look for tech opportunities in the city.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.