How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Cincinnati

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

Switching from non-tech to a tech job in Cincinnati, Ohio, US.

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Switching to a tech job in Cincinnati is promising with over 12,000 tech roles posted in 2022 and an average salary of $100,029/year. Major companies like Kroger, P&G, and a growing startup ecosystem create ample opportunities. Identifying transferable skills, leveraging educational resources, building a strong portfolio, networking, and mentorship are key steps to making a successful transition.

Cincinnati's tech scene is on fire right now, making it the perfect time to switch to a tech job! According to the latest data from Ohio's Bureau of Labor Market Information, registered nurses, software developers, and jobs in advanced manufacturing are projected to be among the top in-demand roles in 2024.

With major companies like Kroger, P&G, and Fifth Third Bank headquartered here, the opportunities for tech professionals are endless.

But it's not just the big names - Cincinnati's thriving startup community is also creating a ton of exciting tech gigs.

The region ranked in the top 20 emerging tech hubs nationwide, with over 12,000 open tech roles posted in 2022 alone. Plus, the average tech salary in Cincinnati is a solid $100,029 per year according to ZipRecruiter - that's way higher than the overall average!

  • a) The central theme is the opportunity presented by big companies in Cincinnati.
    b) Major companies in Cincinnati create endless opportunities for tech professionals.
  • a) The central theme is the growing startup community.
    b) Cincinnati's growing startup community provides many new tech jobs.
  • a) The central theme is the region's ranking among emerging tech hubs.
    b) Cincinnati's ranking in the top 20 emerging tech hubs shows its importance in the tech industry.
  • a) The central theme is the high average salary for tech jobs in Cincinnati.
    b) The average tech salary in Cincinnati is significantly higher than the overall average.

Funding for local startups has skyrocketed by 285% over the past five years too.

With the tech boom showing no signs of slowing down, pivoting to a career in this field puts you in the perfect spot to ride this wave of growth and opportunity.

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds
  • Educational Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Building a Strong Tech Portfolio
  • Networking and Mentorship Opportunities in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Applying for Tech Jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds


Switching from a non-tech background to a sweet tech job in Cincinnati might seem like a wild move, but you've got way more skills than you think.

Tons of transferable skills can take you from your current gig to a killer tech role. Employers are stoked about these skills that make you a total powerhouse:

  • Problem-solving: Spotting issues and coming up with genius fixes? You've got it down. This skill is essential for coding, cybersecurity, and all that tech goodness.
  • Communication: Whether you're breaking down complex ideas or just talking it out, being able to communicate effectively is crucial when you're working with different teams and clients.
  • Adaptability: Tech moves at warp speed, so being able to roll with the changes and take on new skills is a total must-have.
  • Project management: Organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and keeping everything running smoothly? That's prime transferable skill material for managing tech projects and product launches.

Cincy's tech scene is thriving, and companies like Kroger, P&G, and Fifth Third Bank are always on the hunt for fresh talent with awesome skills.

So don't overlook transferring your non-tech experience into a killer tech role.

With the right mindset and some strategic moves, you could be rocking a new career in no time.

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Educational Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Cincinnati, Ohio


Cincinnati has got some killer coding bootcamps for those interested in tech jobs! According to the reviews, top dogs like Tech Elevator and Code Labs Academy are crushing it with their intensive programs.

These bootcamps will have you coding like a pro in areas such as web dev, cybersecurity, and data science in just a few months! Talk about a fast track to a dope career.

For those who prefer learning at their own pace, online platforms like Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp, and edX have got your back with a ton of free and paid courses in programming languages, frameworks, and specialized tech disciplines.

With their interactive curriculums and hands-on projects, you can level up your tech skills without breaking the bank.

But the thing is, in the ever-changing world of tech, continuous learning is the name of the game.

A study by the World Economic Forum revealed that a whopping 97% of tech professionals believe upskilling is crucial for career growth, and 84% of companies encourage their employees to pursue learning opportunities.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and unlock new opportunities in Cincy's booming tech scene, you gotta embrace the mindset of lifelong learning.

Building a Strong Tech Portfolio


Building a tech portfolio is crucial if you want to land a job in Cincinnati's tech scene. It's not just about showing off your coding skills – it's about proving you can tackle real-world challenges in this city.

Candidates with an impressive portfolio are twice as likely to get hired compared to those without one.

When you're putting together your portfolio, think about projects that relate to the big industries in Cincinnati, like healthcare, finance, or manufacturing.

Here are some tips to make your portfolio stand out:

  1. Highlight local projects: Build stuff that solves problems unique to Cincinnati, proving you get the city's vibe and what it needs.
  2. Use popular tools: Companies here love tools like React, Angular, or Django, and cloud platforms like AWS or Azure. Show you know how to use them.
  3. Break down your process: Walk employers through your thought process, design choices, and how you solved problems. This gives them a behind-the-scenes look at how you work.
  4. Showcase your versatility: Include projects that demonstrate different technologies, programming languages, and areas of expertise, proving you're a well-rounded developer.

Keep in mind, your portfolio is a living, breathing thing.

As you level up your skills and gain more experience, update and refine it to stay ahead of the game in Cincinnati's ever-changing tech landscape.

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Networking and Mentorship Opportunities in Cincinnati, Ohio


Networking is the key to landing that sweet tech gig in Cincinnati.

The folks at the Cincinnati Regional Chamber know what's up - over 75% of the tech pros here made it big thanks to connections from local events and mentors. By building those relationships, you unlock insider know-how, job opportunities, and a whole squad to guide you through the switch to a new career.

Cincy's tech scene is thriving, and there are tons of dope networking events to get involved with.

Check out The Circuit - it's like the hub for IT pros to connect, learn, and celebrate wins. The Cincinnati Chamber also hosts regular networking shindigs where you can mingle with industry bigwigs.

But networking is just the start - having a mentor in your corner is a total game-changer.

Experienced techies can share their wisdom, help you navigate challenges, and give you the real scoop on making it in Cincinnati's tech world. Organizations like TechOlympics and SCORE Cincinnati hook aspiring pros up with seasoned mentors, so you're not flying solo.

And don't sleep on those local tech conferences either! Events like the Cincinnati IT Symposium and Cincinnati Digital Future Summit are prime spots to rub elbows with potential mentors and expand your network.

As Cincinnati's tech scene keeps leveling up, tapping into these networking and mentorship resources could be the boost you need to snag your dream tech role.

Applying for Tech Jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio


When you're trying to break into the tech scene in Cincy, you gotta make sure your job application game is on point. First things first, craft a killer cover letter that shows you've done your homework on the company and the role.

Tailor that bad boy to each job you're applying for, and don't just copy and paste some generic nonsense.

Your resume is like your personal highlight reel, so make it pop! Showcase your technical skills, projects, and any certifications you've got under your belt.

According to the folks at Tech Elevator, companies in Cincy are looking for skills like cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, software development, and DevOps.

If you've got experience in any of those areas, make sure to highlight them!

When it comes to actually finding job openings, sites like Built In are your best friends.

They've got a ton of tech job listings in the Cincinnati area, so you can easily find opportunities that match your skillset. Don't sleep on networking either – it's huge in the tech world.

Check out local meetup groups or organizations like Women Who Code to connect with people in the industry and get insider tips on the job hunt.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


How is Cincinnati's tech job market evolving?

Cincinnati's tech job market is booming with major companies like Kroger, P&G, and Fifth Third Bank providing numerous opportunities. The region is ranked among the top 20 emerging tech hubs nationwide, with over 12,000 open tech roles posted in 2022 alone. The average tech salary in Cincinnati stands at $100,029 per year.

What transferable skills are valuable when switching to a tech job?

Transferable skills valuable for tech roles include problem-solving, effective communication, adaptability, and project management. These skills can help you transition from a non-tech background to a tech role by showcasing your ability to tackle challenges, work in teams, and manage projects.

What educational resources are available in Cincinnati for tech learners?

Cincinnati offers various educational resources such as coding bootcamps and online platforms. Intensive programs from local bootcamps can prepare you for careers in web development, cybersecurity, and data science in a few months. Online platforms also offer free and paid courses to help you learn programming languages and specialized tech skills.

How important is networking and mentorship in Cincinnati's tech scene?

Networking and mentorship are critical in Cincinnati's tech scene. Over 75% of tech professionals attribute their success to connections made through local events and mentors. Organizations like TechOlympics, SCORE Cincinnati, and events such as the Cincinnati IT Symposium provide opportunities to build relationships and gain industry insights.

What should you focus on when applying for tech jobs in Cincinnati?

When applying for tech jobs in Cincinnati, tailor your resume and cover letter to each position, highlighting relevant skills like cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics, and software development. Use job listing sites and local networking groups to find opportunities and connect with industry professionals.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.