Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Cincinnati in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

Person working remotely on a laptop with Cincinnati skyline in the background

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In 2024, landing a remote tech job from Cincinnati involves optimizing your GitHub profile, leveraging LinkedIn, using job boards like Indeed, engaging in local tech meetups, enrolling in University of Cincinnati’s online programs, freelancing on platforms like Upwork, applying to local companies with remote roles, preparing for technical interviews with LeetCode, and staying updated with industry trends via TechCrunch and Wired. An active GitHub profile can boost hiring chances by 40%, and 78% of UC online tech grads secure remote roles within six months.

In the year 2024, your GitHub game needs to be on point if you're trying to score that remote tech gig from Cincinnati.

Your GitHub profile is like your digital resume, showing off your coding skills, projects, and how you roll with the tech community. Here's how to make it pop:

  1. Personal Intro: Use a clean profile pic and craft a solid bio highlighting your expertise and interests, kinda like a personal intro.
  2. Detailed Repos: Create repos for your projects and include detailed README files with descriptions, installation guides, and screenshots.
  3. Open-source Involvement: Get involved with open-source projects to flex your collaboration skills and work with real codebases.
  4. Relevant Keywords: Sprinkle in relevant keywords in your profile and project descriptions to boost your visibility in searches.
  5. Active Commit History: Keep your commit history active and consistent, showing you're always grinding and improving, according to this expert guide.
  6. Showcase Best Work: Showcase your best work by pinning your most impressive projects to the top of your profile, as recommended by industry trends.

In 2022, a GitHub survey revealed that devs with active profiles were 85% more likely to get job offers, and a killer GitHub could boost your hiring chances by 40%.

So if you're a Cincinnati tech head in 2024, your GitHub profile is your golden ticket to landing that remote dream job. Check out these tips for finding remote tech gigs tailored for Cincinnati residents.

Table of Contents

  • 2. Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking and Job Searches
  • 4. Utilizing Job Boards like Indeed and Glassdoor
  • 5. Participating in Cincinnati-based Tech Meetups and Events
  • 6. Enrolling in University of Cincinnati’s Online Tech Programs
  • 7. Gaining Experience through Freelance Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr
  • 8. Applying for Remote Roles at Local Tech Companies like Paycor
  • 9. Preparing for Technical Interviews with Platforms like LeetCode
  • 10. Following Industry Trends and News with Platforms like TechCrunch and Wired
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

2. Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking and Job Searches


LinkedIn's where it's at if you wanna land that sweet remote tech gig from Cincy in 2024. Check this - optimizing your LinkedIn profile with a fire headshot, killer headline, and a summary that makes 'em say "Damn, they're legit!" is crucial for standing out.

Lace your profile with relevant keywords so recruiters can find you easily. And don't sleep on these LinkedIn tips from App Academy - they'll teach you how to highlight your skills, get endorsements, and build an impressive portfolio section.

But it's not just about having a lit profile - you gotta network like a boss too.

Connect with techies in the area, join groups like "Cincinnati Tech Community," and get active by sharing insights and commenting on posts. The more you engage, the more visible you'll be.

And don't forget, optimizing your LinkedIn profile for SEO can really boost your discoverability.

Pro tip: Set up job alerts for remote roles and apply directly through LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Learning is an absolute game-changer. With thousands of courses across all the hottest tech domains, you can level up your skills like nobody's business.

Learners who use LinkedIn Learning are way more likely to get promotions or snag new job opportunities. So, whether you're into Python for Data Science, Web Dev with JavaScript, or Cloud Computing with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, there's a course for you.

Plus, many of 'em count towards Continuing Professional Development credits, giving you mad credibility with employers. Bottom line: LinkedIn is more than just a platform - it's a whole ecosystem for skill-building and career growth.

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4. Utilizing Job Boards like Indeed and Glassdoor


Let me tell you about how to find a remote job in 2024 using Indeed. It's like the number one job site worldwide, with millions of jobs in over 60 countries.

Over 3 million employers use Indeed to hire people. So if you're looking for a remote tech gig, Indeed is definitely the place to be.

But that's not all.

You'll also want to check out sites like Nucamp's tips for building a standout tech portfolio in Cincinnati.

Showcasing those projects you worked on during the bootcamp is a surefire way to impress potential employers. And don't forget to connect with Cincinnati startups - that's a strategy for opening new career doors.

When you're ready to apply, make sure you're tailoring your resume for each job listing.

Study the description, highlight your relevant skills and experience, and incorporate those keywords throughout your resume. Quantify your accomplishments too - employers love seeing real numbers and metrics.

And don't forget to emphasize your remote work capabilities like self-motivation and communication skills. With the right approach, that remote tech job is as good as yours!

5. Participating in Cincinnati-based Tech Meetups and Events


Attending local tech meetups and networking events is crucial for landing your first remote gig in Cincinnati.

These gatherings help you connect with industry pros, stay up-to-date with trends, and discover sweet job opportunities. Cincy has a thriving tech scene with events for all interests and skill levels.

Check out some popular meetup groups expected to be active in 2024:

  • Cincinnati Data: Data science, machine learning, and analytics
  • Cincinnati PHP: For die-hard PHP and related tech fans
  • Cincy Code IT: Covers multiple programming languages and techs
  • Cincinnati JavaScript User Group: All about JavaScript

To find these and more, use sites like and Tech Xperts.

Follow local orgs like CincyTech and the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce for event updates too. As Tech Xperts' Founder James Thompson says, "Attending local tech events is the way to expand your network, gain insights from industry leaders, and potentially land your dream remote job."

Once you've found suitable meetups, participate and engage with attendees.

Share your expertise, ask questions, and swap contacts to build lasting connections. Consider volunteering or presenting to showcase your skills and passion. By consistently attending and contributing, you'll establish yourself as a valuable part of Cincinnati's tech community, increasing your chances of hearing about remote job openings or scoring referrals from your network.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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6. Enrolling in University of Cincinnati’s Online Tech Programs


If you're a Cincinnati kid looking to score a sick remote tech gig in 2024, enrolling in the University of Cincinnati's online tech programs might be your golden ticket.

They've got a whole menu of online Bachelor's and Master's degrees in fields like Computer Science, Information Technology, and Cybersecurity, which are like catnip to employers hiring for remote roles.

The real kicker: their curriculums are tight with the skills that tech giants are thirsty for.

Like, their online Computer Science degree covers the whole shebang - data structures, algorithms, software engineering, machine learning, you name it.

A whopping 78% of their online tech grads lock down remote roles within six months after graduating, thanks to the program's career support and industry connects.

Applying is a cakewalk too.

Just hit them with an online application, transcripts, test scores, a personal statement, and some recommendation letters. And if you're sweating the costs, UC's got your back with financial aid options like grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs.

One UC alum, Matthew Taylor, even said their online tech program not only loaded them up with technical skills but also helped them build a killer portfolio that landed them their dream remote job.

So if you're trying to level up your career game, UC's online tech programs might be worth a serious look.

7. Gaining Experience through Freelance Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr


Freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are a total game-changer for scoring real-world tech experience.

According to the experts, the gig economy is blowing up, meaning more opportunities to get your hustle on. But you gotta slay that profile game first - we're talking a killer headshot, skills showcase, and a bio that grabs attention like a movie trailer.

Once your profile is on point, it's all about nailing those project proposals.

Upwork spills the tea on tailoring each one to match the client's needs.

And on Fiverr, using the right keywords and being an active user can level up your visibility. Building that 5-star rep is key too - clients go gaga over freelancers rocking a 90% or higher rating.

How do you get there? Deliver quality work on time, keep those communication lines open, and always be down for some constructive feedback.

As you rack up those positive reviews and loyal clients, the door to full-time remote roles starts swinging wide open.

Flex those freelance muscles by highlighting your portfolio and client testimonials during interviews. Just look at Luca Ventura's success story - dude went from freelancing on Upwork to scoring a sweet remote gig.

If he can do it, you totally can too. The freelance hustle is where it's at for building your tech career from the ground up.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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8. Applying for Remote Roles at Local Tech Companies like Paycor


Cincinnati's tech scene is totally booming, and local companies are hopping on the remote work train! In 2024, if you're hunting for a sweet remote gig, peep Paycor - they've got a solid remote culture and are always on the lookout for talented folks like you.

According to the intel, over 70% of Paycor employees give their work-from-home policies and flexibility a major thumbs up!

To score a killer remote role at a place like Paycor, here are some pro tips:

  1. Customize your resume and cover letter: Do your homework on the company's vibe, products, and mission, and show them how your skills and experience are a perfect fit. Highlight that you're a remote work rockstar.
  2. Tap into your local network: Reach out to your Cincy tech connections for insider information and potential referrals. Attending local tech events can also help you make valuable connections.
  3. Get friendly with recruiters: Follow the companies you're eyeing on LinkedIn and engage with their content. Message recruiters expressing your genuine interest and qualifications for remote roles.

By taking a targeted approach and showcasing your remote work superpower, you'll increase your chances of landing an awesome remote tech job with a top-notch local company like Paycor.

As their career page states, they're all about "building an inclusive and diverse culture that empowers our associates to do their best work from anywhere." Plus, check out these other up-and-coming Cincinnati tech startups that are ones to watch in 2024!

9. Preparing for Technical Interviews with Platforms like LeetCode


Smashing those technical interviews is key to landing your first remote tech gig from Cincy in 2024.

And LeetCode is like your best friend on this journey. This platform has over 2,000 coding questions and mock interviews to help you level up your problem-solving skills and confidence.

It's like a gym for your coding muscles.

Here's how to make the most of LeetCode:

  1. Categorize questions: LeetCode sorts questions by difficulty and topics. Start with the easy ones and work your way up.
  2. Analyze solutions: After solving a problem, check out other solutions to learn different approaches and optimize your code.
  3. Participate in mock interviews: LeetCode lets you practice with experienced engineers, giving you a taste of real interviews.

Preparing for technical interviews is like training for a big game.

You need a solid game plan. Here are some other resources to help you crush it:

  • Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell - This book is a must-have, packed with coding problems and interview strategies.
  • AlgoExpert - An online platform with video explanations, coding challenges, and mock interviews.
  • Pramp - A free platform that pairs you with other job seekers for peer-to-peer mock interviews.

Remember, candidates who practice problem-solving exercises before interviews are 2.5 times more likely to get job offers.

So, keep grinding on LeetCode and other resources, and you'll nail those technical interviews like a pro!

10. Following Industry Trends and News with Platforms like TechCrunch and Wired


Look, keeping up with the tech scene is the move if you wanna score that remote gig in 2024. Forget dry textbooks - we're talking about juicy tech blogs and websites that give you the 411 on what's popping in the industry.

I'm talking AI takeovers, quantum leaps, and all that fire. Sure, you could skim through TechCrunch or Wired for the headlines, but the real MVPs are diving into the nitty-gritty tech trend breakdowns and analysis from the experts.

We're talking deep dives into game-changing innovations like GenAI, spatial computing, and even humanoid robots that could be your coworkers someday. Speaking of AI, did you know the GenAI market is projected to be worth a mind-blowing $1.3 trillion by 2032? That's the kind of insider scoop that'll make you look like a total pro in job interviews.

Imagine casually dropping knowledge bombs about quantum computing growth rates or the next big thing in cybersecurity. And let's not forget our friends at Nucamp - they've got our backs with solid advice on building an epic tech portfolio and landing those coveted remote roles from right here in Cincinnati.

With that kind of insider knowledge, you'll be unstoppable in your job hunt.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I improve my GitHub profile to attract remote tech job offers?

To improve your GitHub profile, use a clean profile picture and write a solid bio highlighting your expertise and interests. Create detailed repos for your projects, including README files with descriptions, installation guides, and screenshots. Get involved in open-source projects to showcase collaboration skills, use relevant keywords to boost visibility, maintain an active and consistent commit history, and pin your most impressive projects to the top of your profile.

How can I effectively use LinkedIn to find a remote tech job?

To effectively use LinkedIn, ensure your profile is updated with a professional headshot, a strong headline, and a summary that highlights your skills and experience. Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, join LinkedIn groups related to tech, actively engage with posts, and set up job alerts for remote roles. You can also leverage LinkedIn Learning to improve your skills, which can increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.

What are some recommended job boards for finding remote tech jobs?

Some recommended job boards for remote tech jobs include Indeed and Glassdoor. These platforms have millions of job listings and are used by numerous employers globally. Tailor your resume for each job listing by highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and incorporating specific keywords from the job description. Also, emphasize your remote work capabilities such as self-motivation and communication skills.

Why should I attend Cincinnati-based tech meetups and events?

Attending Cincinnati-based tech meetups and events is crucial for building your professional network, staying updated with industry trends, and discovering job opportunities. Popular meetup groups in Cincinnati include Cincinnati Data, Cincinnati PHP, Cincy Code IT, and Cincinnati JavaScript User Group. Engaging with these events helps you connect with industry professionals, share your expertise, and potentially land referrals for remote job openings.

How can the University of Cincinnati's online tech programs help me land a remote tech job?

The University of Cincinnati offers online tech programs in fields such as Computer Science, Information Technology, and Cybersecurity. These programs are designed with industry-relevant curriculum that equips students with in-demand skills. The university also provides career support and industry connections, which help graduates secure remote roles. Financial aid options are available to ease the application process. A significant percentage of online tech graduates from UC land remote jobs within six months of graduating.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.