Getting a Job in Tech in Colombia in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 31st 2023

Tech Job Market in Colombia in 2024: Complete Guide

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Getting a job in tech in Colombia in 2024 is promising as the industry is booming with companies like Netflix, Uber, and Google. The tech sector is expected to create 218,000 jobs by 2024, emphasizing skills in cloud computing, AI, and cybersecurity. Competitive salaries average around $4,000 per month for experienced developers. Networking, attending local tech events, and honing skills in Python, Java, and cloud services can give you an edge in this vibrant market.

If you're eyeing a dope career in tech, Colombia is the place to be in 2024. This vibrant country is rapidly turning into Latin America's Silicon Valley, with major players like Netflix, Uber, and Google setting up shop.

The tech scene is absolutely buzzing, and the opportunities are endless! According to industry reports, Colombia's tech market value skyrocketed to a whopping $10.21 billion in 2022, and it's only going to keep soaring in the coming years.

According to industry experts, hot tech trends like cloud computing, AI, and sustainable technology will dominate the Colombian market in 2024.

Companies are investing heavily in these cutting-edge fields, which means tonnes of new job openings for skilled techies. And let's not forget about the competitive salaries - we're talking an average of around $4,000 per month for experienced devs!

To give you an edge in this booming market, Nucamp's got your back with their top-notch coding bootcamps.

Their Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program covers all the hottest technologies like React, Node.js, and MongoDB, setting you up for success.

Plus, they offer career support to help you land that dream remote gig and network like a pro.

With Nucamp in your corner, the future of tech in Colombia is yours for the taking!

Table of Contents

  • Is it Easy to Get a Job in Colombia?
  • Understanding the Technology Landscape in Colombia
  • Top Tech Skills in Demand in Colombia in 2024
  • Education and Training: Boosting Your Tech Career in Colombia
  • Building a Winning Tech Resume for Colombian Employers
  • Navigating the Job Search: Where to Find Tech Jobs in Colombia
  • Preparing for Tech Interviews in Colombia
  • The Role of Networking in Building Your Tech Career in Colombia
  • Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career Journey in Colombia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Discover affordable coding bootcamps in Colombia with Nucamp.

Is it Easy to Get a Job in Colombia?


Getting a tech job in Colombia in 2024 is no walk in the park, but it's totally doable if you've got the skills and hustle.

The country's tech scene is on fire, with startups and major players alike looking for fresh talent. But you gotta bring your A-game to stand out, ya know?

According to the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance, there's a serious shortage of qualified tech workers in Colombia, with nearly half of all job openings going unfilled.

That means companies are scrambling to find folks with the right know-how in areas like programming, cloud computing, data analysis, cybersecurity, and cutting-edge tech like AI and blockchain.

But it's not just about technical skills.

Employers want problem-solvers who can think outside the box and adapt to changing technologies. They're looking for people who can communicate complex ideas clearly and work well with diverse teams.

It's about having that world-class engineering mindset, not just memorizing code.

The good news is, Colombia's tech hubs like Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali are bursting with opportunities, from multinational corporations to hot startups.

And with remote work on the rise, you could even score a gig with a global team. It's a competitive market, but if you've got the skills and drive, the world is your oyster.

As John White, CEO of RutaN, a major tech accelerator in Colombia, put it, "The future of Colombia's tech industry lies in nurturing homegrown talent and fostering an environment that attracts and retains the best minds from around the world." So what are you waiting for? Time to level up and make your mark!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Understanding the Technology Landscape in Colombia


Colombia is totally becoming the next big thing in the tech world, and no one can deny it! This Latin Analysis says the nation's tech industry grew an insane 14.6% in 2022 alone.

Cities like Bogotá and Medellín are leading the charge, attracting major players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft to set up shop. It's wild how Medellín was even voted the most innovative city in the world back in 2012, beating out places like New York and Tel Aviv.

The government is going all in too, offering programs like the Colombia Startup Visa to help foreign entrepreneurs launch their tech businesses here.

They're also investing heavily in digital infrastructure and pushing STEM education hard. Remote work is huge, with companies seeing less than 5% employee turnover thanks to those sweet flexible schedules.

Opportunities are blowing up left and right.

Colombian tech is expected to create over 218,000 jobs by 2024, a 12% jump from 2023. Top companies here include Rappi (the first unicorn startup at over $5 billion value), for fintech, and major players like Amazon and Microsoft setting up shop.

With so much growth and international interest, breaking into Colombia's tech scene could be the career move of a lifetime.

Top Tech Skills in Demand in Colombia in 2024


Colombia's tech scene is booming in 2024! Landing a tech job is all about having the right skills.

Python, Java, and JavaScript are must-haves for coding, and you better get hip to web dev frameworks like React and Angular too. Cloud computing and DevOps are the new hotness, so leveling up your AWS and Azure game is key.

Data rules the world these days, so data analytics and machine learning are major players.

If you're a wizard with TensorFlow, Pandas, and SQL, companies will be all over you. And don't sleep on cybersecurity – network security, ethical hacking, and risk management skills are in-demand.

Tech talent in Colombia is a hot commodity, and employers want the full package: technical chops, problem-solving skills, creativity, and a never-stop-learning attitude.

Fields like FinTech, e-commerce, and digital marketing are where it's at for job opportunities too.

With Colombia's startup scene growing, skills in product management, agile methods, and entrepreneurship are solid gold. Staying ahead of the curve by constantly upgrading your skills is the name of the game.

The competition is fierce, but if you've got the right tools in your arsenal, landing your dream tech job in Colombia is within reach in 2024.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Education and Training: Boosting Your Tech Career in Colombia


The Colombian tech scene is blowing up, and if you wanna land that dream job in 2024, you gotta level up your education game. With the right skills and training, you'll be unstoppable in the job hunt.

First things first, let's talk about the traditional route - universities.

Big names like Universidad de los Andes and Universidad Nacional de Colombia are killing it with their computer science and engineering programs.

But hey, who says you gotta follow the crowd? Coding bootcamps are the new kids on the block, and they're shaking things up.

One of the coolest bootcamps out there is Nucamp.

Their web dev, data analytics, and cybersecurity programs are intense but worth it. Rumor has it, over 75% of their grads landed tech gigs within six months of graduation.

That's some serious job-landing power right there!

Employers go crazy for candidates with those badges of honor. Some certifications to aim for are AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Certified Ethical Hacker, and Certified ScrumMaster.

Get those certs, and you'll be a total catch for any tech company.

The bottom line? Investing in your education and training is the key to unlocking doors in the Colombian tech world. Whether you hit the books at a university, grind it out at a coding bootcamp like Nucamp, or stack up those fancy certifications, the choice is yours. Just keep learning, keep growing, and watch your tech career soar in 2024!

Building a Winning Tech Resume for Colombian Employers


Crafting a killer resume for tech jobs in Colombia is key if you wanna get hired. These companies dig resumes that show you've done your homework on what they need.

According to the experts, you gotta highlight your relevant skills and projects that match the job description.

Make it clear you've got the technical chops they're looking for.

But it's not just about listing your coding abilities. Colombian employers want resumes that are straight to the point and easy to read.

Follow a clean structure with sections like personal info, work experience, education, and skills. Use strong bullet points to showcase your achievements and quantify your impact, like "boosted app performance by 25%."

It's also crucial to show you've got the right mindset for their company culture.

Colombian tech firms dig candidates with a global perspective and experience collaborating with diverse teams. If you've worked on international projects or with people from different backgrounds, make sure to highlight that.

And don't forget to brush up on your Spanish skills – fluency is often expected for tech roles in Colombia.

Remember, your resume is your chance to show Colombian employers that you're the real deal.

Put in the effort to tailor it to their needs, focus on your accomplishments, and showcase your cultural fit. Do it right, and you'll be one step closer to landing that dream tech gig in Colombia.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Navigating the Job Search: Where to Find Tech Jobs in Colombia


Getting a tech gig in Colombia ain't no joke, but hear me out – if you play your cards right, you'll be raking in the big bucks in no time. First off, let's talk about where to look for these sweet coding jobs.

The Computrabajo and sites are goldmines, loaded with tech listings from all sorts of companies.

But don't sleep on the career pages of major players like Rappi, Bancolombia, and Globant – those cats are always on the hunt for fresh talent.

The real tea though: networking is where it's at in the Colombian tech scene.

Get your schmooze on and hit up local meetups organized by crews like Python Colombia, JS Colombia, and the Google Developers Group in Medellín. Not only will you vibe with some seriously smart cookies, but you might just snag that dream job lead you've been fiending for.

Mark these upcoming events on your cal:

  • Colombia 4.0 Tech Summit in Bogotá (July 2024)
  • Medellín Innovation Fest (September 2024)
  • Cali Developers Conference (November 2024)

Now, let's talk about building that professional network.

Join online squads like the Colombian Tech Hub on LinkedIn or the Tech Meetup Colombia group on

Get active, share your knowledge, and make some solid connects – that's how you level up in this game. Check out what this seasoned pro from Bogotá has to say:

"In the ever-evolving tech world, staying connected is key. The connections I've made through local meetups and online communities have opened doors to invaluable career opportunities and collaborations." - David Martin, Senior Software Engineer at Globant

The moral of the story? Network like a boss, and those tech jobs in Colombia will be lining up for you.

Preparing for Tech Interviews in Colombia


Prepping for tech interviews in Colombia is no joke, but we got this. These companies love to put you through the wringer with multiple rounds of interviews, from technical tests to coding challenges and even behavioral Q&As.

It's like a marathon, but the prize is that sweet gig you've been eyeing.

Let's start with the technical side. You better have your coding skills on point because they'll likely grill you on languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Expect questions on data structures, algorithms, and databases too. It's all about showing you can handle real-world coding problems with ease. Here are a few examples they might throw at you:

  1. Stacks and queues: What's the difference between stacks and queues? Explain like I'm 5.
  2. Reverse a string: Write a function to reverse a string in Python/Java/JavaScript. Boom, mic drop.
  3. SQL joins: Let's break it down with some killer examples.
  4. Object-oriented programming: I got principles for days.
  5. Binary search: Implement a binary search algorithm in your preferred language. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

But it's not just about coding.

Behavioral interviews are where they really try to get a read on you.

They want to know if you're a team player, how you handle conflicts, and what keeps you motivated. Basically, they're checking if you're a good fit for their company culture.

Here are some typical behavioral questions you might get:

  • Project obstacles: That time you had a project from hell? Tell me how you overcame those obstacles like a boss.
  • Team disagreements: Disagreements within the team? Let's hear how you diffused the situation with your mad conflict resolution skills.
  • Tech enthusiasm: What gets you hyped about tech? How do you stay ahead of the game?
  • Teamwork example: "Teamwork is everything here. Give us an example of when you collaborated like a rockstar." - Patricia Thomas, Colombian Tech Recruiter

At the end of the day, preparation is key.

Grind those coding challenges, brush up on the technical fundamentals, and practice those behavioral responses until you're a pro. And remember, the interview is a two-way street – it's your chance to see if the company vibes with you too.

You got this!

The Role of Networking in Building Your Tech Career in Colombia


The tech scene in Colombia is blowing up like crazy, and having the right crew is key to landing that dream gig.

A study by the local IT squad (ACTI) shows that a solid 68% of techies credited their networks for scoring their current roles. It's not just about the job hunt, though.

Networking lets you stay in the loop with the latest trends, cutting-edge tech, and industry best practices.

To build your crew and make those connections count, here's what you need to do:

  1. Hit Up Industry Events and Meetups: Cities like Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali are buzzing with tech events and meetups. Get yourself out there, swap ideas with like-minded folks, and you might even stumble upon your next career move.
  2. Work Your Online Game: LinkedIn is massive in Colombia, with over 7 million users (Statista, 2022). Keep your profile on point, showcase your skills, and engage with relevant groups. You never know who you might connect with.
  3. Join the Clubs: Organizations like FEDESOFT or local tech communities like Python Bogotá or JavaScript Medellín are goldmines. You'll get access to valuable resources, mentorship opportunities, and networking events tailored to your interests.

According to a study by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), successful techies in Colombia rely on their networks for the inside scoop on:

  • Industry best practices and emerging trends
  • Company cultures and work environments
  • Professional development and upskilling opportunities

As the tech ecosystem in Colombia keeps growing like crazy, having the right connections is everything.

Nancy Perez, CEO of a top Colombian tech startup, says it best:

"Building relationships and fostering authentic connections within the tech community is crucial for career growth and success in Colombia. Your network is not only a source of potential job opportunities but also a valuable resource for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and personal growth."

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career Journey in Colombia


As we get ready to dive into the tech job scene in Colombia in 2024, let's recap the key moves and final tips to slay the game.

First things first, figure out your niche and keep leveling up those skills that are in high demand, like AI/ML, cybersecurity, data analytics, and cloud computing.

Coding bootcamps, certs, and online courses are your best friends to gain that hands-on experience and stand out from the crowd.

Next up, pimp your tech resume by highlighting your rad projects, certs, and skills that are tailored for the Colombian job market.

Get social and networking in the buzzing tech communities in cities like Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali to connect with industry pros and stay in the loop about job openings.

Prep hard for those technical interviews by practicing coding challenges, data structure problems, and the behavioral questions Colombian employers love to ask.

Here are some final tips to increase your chances of landing your dream tech job in Colombia in 2024:

  1. Stay persistent and resilient: The job hunt can be a grind, but keep that positive mindset and don't give up.
  2. Keep learning and upskilling: Tech moves fast, so commit to being a lifelong learner.
  3. Network like a boss: Attend industry events, join online communities, and leverage your connections to gain insights and uncover opportunities.
  4. Tailor your approach: Customize your resume, cover letter, and interview responses to match each company's vibe and requirements.

According to recent studies, the Colombian tech industry is projected to experience a 12% growth rate in 2024, with an estimated 15,000 new job openings across various sectors.

This growth is fueled by increased investments in digital transformation, fintech, and e-commerce initiatives. Success stories like the thriving software development scene in Colombia serve as inspiring examples of the vast opportunities available in the Colombian tech landscape.

Pursuing a tech career in Colombia in 2024 offers competitive salaries, opportunities for professional growth, and the chance to contribute to the country's digital advancement.

With a strong foundation in technical skills, a polished personal brand, and a resilient mindset, you can navigate the job market and secure a fulfilling tech role that aligns with your aspirations.

Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and embark on an exciting journey towards a thriving tech career in Colombia.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it Easy to Get a Job in Tech in Colombia?

Getting a tech job in Colombia is challenging but doable if you have the right skills and hustle. Colombia's tech scene is rapidly growing, with a high demand for skilled workers in areas like programming, cloud computing, data analysis, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies like AI and blockchain. Employers also value problem-solving abilities and excellent communication skills.

What are the Top Tech Skills in Demand in Colombia in 2024?

In 2024, key skills in demand in Colombia's tech industry include proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, knowledge of web development frameworks such as React and Angular, and expertise in cloud computing and DevOps. Skills in data analytics, machine learning, and cybersecurity are also highly sought after.

What Opportunities Are Available in Colombia's Tech Industry?

Colombia's tech industry is expected to create over 218,000 jobs by 2024, with top companies like Rappi,, Amazon, and Microsoft setting up operations in the country. The government is also supporting foreign entrepreneurs and investing heavily in digital infrastructure and STEM education.

How Can I Boost My Tech Career in Colombia?

To boost your tech career in Colombia, consider pursuing higher education or enrolling in coding bootcamps like Nucamp. Obtaining certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Certified Ethical Hacker, and Certified ScrumMaster can also enhance your employability. Stay updated with the latest industry trends and continuously upgrade your skills.

Where Can I Find Tech Jobs in Colombia?

Tech jobs in Colombia can be found on local job boards and career pages of major tech companies like Rappi, Bancolombia, and Globant. Networking is crucial, so attend local meetups and industry events, and join online communities and groups to discover job leads and career opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.