How often do I need to renew my cybersecurity certifications?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Thumbnail image featuring different cybersecurity certifications

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Renew your cybersecurity certifications every three years to stay current in the evolving field. Certifications like CompTIA Security+ signal dedication to cybersecurity. Renewal ensures ongoing education, job eligibility, security awareness, and professional credibility. Maintaining current certifications is essential for career growth and protection against cyber threats.

Cybersecurity certs aren't just about proving what you know; they're a commitment to staying on top of the ever-changing digital battlefield. In the tech world, where everything's constantly shifting, certs like CompTIA Security+ aren't just fancy credentials; they're signals to potential employers that you're dedicated to cybersecurity and never stop learning.

Renewing these certs is crucial, with industry standards recommending updates at least every three years—keeping up with the constant evolution of tech and cyber threats.

Just like how SSL certificates authenticate the security of a website, your certification authenticates your credibility in the eyes of current or potential employers.

According to a Help Net Security article, certs like CISSP reflect the dynamic changes in cybersecurity, ensuring you don't fall behind.

By adding these certs to your arsenal, you not only increase your earning potential—as shown in the Global Knowledge 2020 report—but also solidify your ability to protect the digital realm.

Check out Nucamp's articles for more insights on preparing for cybersecurity cert exams and the importance of staying updated in the field.

Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Renewing Cybersecurity Certifications
  • Common Renewal Periods for Cybersecurity Certifications
  • The Renewal Process
  • Keeping Up with Changes in Cybersecurity
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Importance of Renewing Cybersecurity Certifications


These cybersecurity certs ain't just some fancy badges to flex on your resume. They're like a lifetime pass to stay ahead of the game in this ever-changing digital world.

Keeping them renewed is crucial, not just to show off your mad skills, but because cybersecurity is like a never-ending battle royale with new threats popping up every day.

According to the (ISC)² crew, we need nearly 2.93 million cyber warriors globally to keep our digital assets safe.

That's insane, right? And if your certs expire, brace yourself for some serious consequences:

  • Job Opportunities: Employers love to see those valid certs. Without them, you might as well say goodbye to that dream job or even risk getting booted from your current gig. Renewing certs like Security+, as the ONLC homies suggest, keeps you up-to-date with the latest security tech and makes you a total catch in the job market.
  • Security Risks: If your certs are expired, you might be missing out on some serious knowledge about the latest threats and defenses. That's like leaving your digital fortress wide open for any hacker to waltz right in. Mary Lopez, a cloud security pro and AWS Hero, knows what's up. She says some attacks you learn in cert classes might not even apply to environments like AWS anymore. Crazy, right?
  • Professional Cred: Keeping those certs current is like a badge of honor. It shows you're committed to your craft and boosts your rep. Cybersecurity certs detail your knowledge and validate your skills, making you a total catch for employers, as the folks at Altimeter Solutions can attest.

Now, the renewal process varies across different certs.

For example, the GIAC Security Essentials needs to be renewed periodically to make sure you've got the latest skills locked down. Staying on top of that renewal game ensures you're always in the know about cutting-edge practices and tech advancements.

A CompTIA survey found that 98% of hiring managers think certs are crucial, and nearly half consider them mandatory. Certs usually last between one to three years, and to renew, you'll typically need to:

  1. Complete continuing education credits;
  2. Pass current exams;
  3. Get endorsements or verify your work experience;
  4. Pay those renewal fees.

As Joseph White, a cybersecurity expert and instructor, says, "In a field where today's novel defense can become tomorrow's obsolete strategy, the only constant is the need for continual learning." The benefits of updating your cybersecurity skills and knowledge through cert renewals are too good to ignore.

It's the key to a career that's not just resilient but always ahead of the curve when it comes to battling those cyber threats.

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Common Renewal Periods for Cybersecurity Certifications


The world of cybersec certs is a wild one, with each one having its own timeline for keeping that valid and fresh. For most of the big names, a three-year renewal period is the norm.

The classic CISSP, CISM, and CEH certs all rock that schedule. But CompTIA's Security+ cert wants you to renew every three years, though you can skip the retake and just keep learning instead.

To give you an idea of how renewal periods can differ, peep the Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) from ISC2.

This newbie cert is made for folks just starting out in cybersec, no prior experience needed. While it's all about building that foundational knowledge, you still gotta stay on top of your game and keep learning to reup that, just like the big dogs.

And let's not forget about certs like the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) – those federal info protection standards mean they've got some seriously intense renewal requirements.

Missing those renewal deadlines ain't no joke.

With the CISSP, if you don't renew or get those CPE credits in time, you gotta retake the whole exam from scratch. It's crucial to keep an eye on those expiration dates and never stop learning, 'cause in this game, the ultimate cert is knowledge itself.

Just ask cybersec legends like Bruce Schneier – staying current is the name of the game in this ever-changing cybersec world.

The Renewal Process


Lemme break it down for ya 'bout keeping your cyber creds fresh. First up, the ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity is an entry-level cert that won't cost ya a dime.

No work experience required, and you get free training and exams for a limited time. But you gotta keep renewing it by scoring some Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.

For the CompTIA Security+, you need 50 CPE units every three years.

You can get 'em through training seshes or by scoring higher certs that'll automatically renew your Security+. CompTIA CertMaster CE offers a faster way to renew too.

The CEH wants you to rack up 120 credits within three years of getting certified or 40 credits per year. And if you got a Fortinet NSE cert, those credits can count towards CompTIA renewals too.

With ISC2 certs, you gotta earn the required CPE credits and follow their Code of Ethics.

Just hit up their portals for a step-by-step guide on reporting your CPEs and paying any Annual Maintenance Fees (AMFs). CompTIA now lets you renew certs like CISSP or CCSP with Fortinet NSE certs.

Fortinet's creds cover everything from enterprise secure networking to next-level threat prevention, showin' off your mad skills and continuous learning in cybersecurity.

Keeping your certs up-to-date ain't just about checking boxes; it's a flex of your credibility in an industry where staying ahead of the latest cyber threats is key.

"Renewing your certification doesn't just revalidate your knowledge; it also shows you're committed to leveling up," as one expert put it.

With cyber threats constantly evolving, renewing your cybersecurity certs is crucial for maintaining your professional rep and staying battle-ready.

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Keeping Up with Changes in Cybersecurity


The cybersecurity game is constantly evolving, and we gotta stay on top of our game to keep up. That's why cybersecurity certifications are a must-have.

Employers know that 93% of the time, certified peeps are the real MVPs, filling in the gaps and bringing serious skills to the table.

Renewing your certs is the key to:

  • Staying up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and tech,
  • Tackling new and nasty cyber threats like a pro,
  • Keeping it legit by following all the rules and regulations, and
  • Leveling up your career game in the industry.

But it ain't just about being in the know – the renewal process also means racking up Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.

This ensures you're always learning and staying plugged into the latest cybersecurity drama. Take the legendary Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) cert, for example – holders have to score at least 40 CPE credits every year.

Talk about a grind! But it's all about staying ahead of the curve and driving innovation in the field. And let's be real, CyberSeek data shows that folks who keep renewing their certs can earn 9% more cash than those who don't.

That's a serious pay boost just for keeping your skills sharp!

In the wild world of cybersecurity, change is the only constant. As Charles Gonzalez, a seasoned cybersecurity analyst, puts it,

"Renewing my cert is like a checkup for my expertise – it ensures my skills aren't just relevant, but top-notch."

When digital assets are constantly under attack, staying certified and up-to-date is non-negotiable if you want to survive and thrive in this game.



The cybersecurity game is a never-ending battle against new threats popping up every day. In this chaos, continuous learning is a must-have for anyone trying to keep digital assets on lockdown.

As Security Magazine points out, a culture of non-stop learning is key to closing the cyber skills gap, and certifications are a solid way to stay ahead of the game against new attack vectors.

A Global Knowledge report reveals that data breaches can rack up a crazy-high bill, making updated certifications a worthwhile investment in staying resilient.

Plus, according to ISC², certified pros with up-to-date skills can seriously beef up your defenses. Nucamp also highlights the value of certifications and shares the scoop on top cybersecurity certifications to chase.

But keeping your skills on point is no cakewalk.

CyberSeek reports a shortage of over 300,000 cybersecurity professionals, with 76% admitting that skill gaps leave them vulnerable, as noted by Fortinet and Nucamp's career opportunities guide.

This shortage underlines the need for continuous learning through:

  • Regular training to stay up-to-date on evolving threats.
  • Joining workshops and webinars to swap knowledge.
  • Completing modern certification courses to validate your skills.

Employers also need to step up and support ongoing education, as Nucamp emphasizes the value of hands-on experience in cybersecurity for honing practical skills.

Professional development is not just about beefing up organizational security; it is also a launchpad for career growth.

Cybersecurity pros with updated expertise can demand higher salaries reflecting their value in the field. Nucamp's article on the earning potential in cybersecurity validates this, showing how continuous learning, cybersecurity effectiveness, and career progression go hand-in-hand.

At the end of the day, as cybersecurity thought leaders preach,

"Continuous learning is not optional—it is the foundation of the most resilient defense strategies."

Ignoring it is like leaving your digital doors unlocked in a high-crime neighborhood.

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Frequently Asked Questions


How often should I renew my cybersecurity certifications?

Cybersecurity certifications should typically be renewed every three years to ensure professionals stay current with evolving technology and threats.

Why is it important to renew cybersecurity certifications?

Renewing cybersecurity certifications demonstrates ongoing education, job eligibility, security awareness, and professional credibility, which are essential for career growth and protection against cyber threats.

What are common renewal periods for cybersecurity certifications?

Many leading cybersecurity certifications, such as CISSP, CISM, CEH, and CompTIA Security+, have a common renewal period of every three years. However, renewal periods may vary based on the specific certification.

What is the renewal process for cybersecurity certifications?

The renewal process typically involves completing continuing education credits, passing current exams, endorsements or work experience verification, and payment of renewal fees. Different certifications may have specific requirements for renewal.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible