What are the challenges in meeting cybersecurity compliance?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image symbolizing cybersecurity compliance challenges

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Ensuring cybersecurity compliance poses challenges due to evolving cyber threats and complex regulations. Large corporations and SMBs face issues like resource constraints and talent shortages. Adhering to compliance is crucial for reputation, as non-compliance costs 2.71 times more. Access resources for effective compliance navigation.

Keeping your cybersecurity game on point is no easy task. These cyber threats keep evolving like a chameleon on steroids, forcing regulations to constantly adapt.

And that's where the real struggle begins for companies trying to stay compliant.

Take the financial services sector, for instance. These are prime targets for cybercriminals, juggling compliance and cloud security like a circus act.

And let's not forget the maze of local and regional compliance rules they have to navigate. We're talking about frameworks like GDPR and the new kid on the block, NIS2.

The web of international, national, and industry-specific regulations is a tangled mess that'll make your head spin faster than a DJ's turntable.

And the bigger the company, the more complex it gets. These corporate giants are sitting on massive data stashes, making them prime targets for strict regulations like CMMC for defense contractors.

On the flip side, smaller businesses aren't off the hook either.

A report from Cisco revealed that over half of SMBs cited budget constraints as a major roadblock to proper cybersecurity measures. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

And let's not forget the talent shortage in the cybersecurity realm.

It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. With global shortfalls predicted, it's a real struggle out there.

But fear not! We're about to dive deep into this multi-layered compliance landscape, dropping insights and referencing resources like Nucamp's guide on cybersecurity compliance to help you navigate these choppy regulatory waters like a pro surfer riding the gnarliest wave.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Cybersecurity Compliance
  • List of Common Challenges
  • Case Study: High-Profile Compliance Failures
  • Solutions to Overcome These Challenges
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Cybersecurity Compliance


Cybersecurity compliance is crucial for businesses these days. It's all about protecting data privacy, security, and availability. Governments and industries have set up strict rules like GDPR in Europe, HIPAA for healthcare, and PCI DSS for finance companies.

Failing to comply with these regulations can seriously mess things up.

Companies are expected to spend a whopping $174.7 billion by 2024 to meet these compliance standards, according to IDC. A massive 59% of consumers will straight up avoid companies that have been hacked, based on Gemalto's data.

Talk about a wake-up call!

To stay compliant, businesses need to follow best practices like risk assessments, access control, monitoring, and documenting everything for future audits.

Each industry has its own unique set of rules too. For instance, finance companies have to deal with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to prevent financial fraud, which accounts for a whopping 86% of breaches according to Verizon's 2020 report.

Not complying with these regulations can cost businesses a fortune.

Ponemon Institute found that the cost of non-compliance is 2.71 times higher than the cost of compliance, with an average annual cost of $14.82 million.

That's a serious hit to any company's bottom line.

To help businesses navigate this complex world of compliance, organizations like CompTIA offer comprehensive guides with practical advice.

At the end of the day, cybersecurity compliance isn't just a legal checklist - it's a strategic necessity for protecting your business, reputation, and customer trust.

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List of Common Challenges


Companies of all sizes gotta jump through hoops, and the data shows some common struggles they face. For instance, keeping up with the ever-changing regulations is a pain, 'cause the legal scene can flip faster than a fidget spinner with all the tech advancements.

Another major roadblock is not having enough resources: a 2021 survey found that nearly half of small businesses had zero clue about the compliance regs in their industry.

And let's not forget the technical side of things, which can be a straight-up labyrinth.

The constant evolution of cyber threats makes it tough to implement solid security measures since tech is embedded in every aspect of modern biz, and the threats keep getting smarter.

According to CYREBRO, this means companies gotta stay ahead of the game and deal with skills gaps in the industry. The Verizon 2020 Data Breach report showed that 70% of breaches came from outsiders, so you gotta keep leveling up your defenses.

But it's not just the tech side; getting employees to comply and providing proper training is crucial, as a Cybersecurity Insiders report found that human error causes 95% of cybersecurity breaches.

The list of technical hurdles includes stuff like data encryption and securing the cloud, plus keeping an eye on everything happening on your network and staying updated.

And now there are new concerns like misconfigurations and unauthorized access, which Check Point lists as top cloud security issues.

At the end of the day, tackling compliance challenges means following cybersecurity best practices like regular risk assessments and having a solid incident response plan.

With all these obstacles, companies gotta get serious about building a culture of compliance and cyber resilience.

"Understanding the scope of cybersecurity compliance is critical to meeting obligations and protecting sensitive information,"

sums it up pretty well – you gotta know what you're up against to stay on top of your game.

Case Study: High-Profile Compliance Failures


Recent events have shown that companies who don't take cybersecurity seriously can get hit hard. Like, did you hear about the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) going after Drizly and its CEO for failing to protect the personal info of 2.5 million people? Crazy stuff.

It's not just one industry either.

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) also cracked down on a title insurance company for not following cybersecurity rules.

They're demanding better written policies and regular compliance checks.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) handed out a record amount of fines in 2022, totaling a whopping $6.439 billion.

And let's not forget the massive data breaches at Marriott International and Adult Friend Finder, which were among the biggest of the 21st century.

It's a scary trend, and businesses are paying the price for not taking cybersecurity seriously.

But it's not just about the fines. These companies also take a major hit to their reputation and lose customers' trust, which is tough to recover from.

Just look at British Airways, Equifax, Uber, and Facebook. These cases show that companies need to be upfront about breaches, take ethical responsibility, and invest in proper cybersecurity measures – it's not optional anymore, it's a must.

The bottom line is, businesses need to learn from these incidents and step up their cybersecurity game.

In today's digital world, the cost of not caring about cybersecurity can be way higher than actually doing something about it. Protecting sensitive information is no longer just a nice-to-have – it's a crucial responsibility.

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Solutions to Overcome These Challenges


Cybersecurity compliance is a real pain in the ass, ain't it? Companies need some solid strategies and flexible tools to crush it, 'cause that landscape is always changing.

A dope cybersecurity compliance framework is key, like the NIST one that 30% of U.S. companies use.

It guides them through crucial areas like Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover—so they can methodically tackle those risks. But check out these other proven moves:

  • Regular risk assessments are clutch for spotting vulnerabilities; 60% of compliant firms do 'em quarterly.
  • Comprehensive cybersecurity training programs are essential for combating human error, which is a factor in up to 95% of security breaches. Gotta keep learning.
  • Adopting advanced tech tools for compliance, like SIEM systems, reflects the 12% growth in tech adoption recently.
  • Enforcing detailed internal policies can reduce compliance incidents by as much as 30%. Clear policies = measurable benefits.

Tactics like these are your armor against cyber threats, crucial for staying in sync with compliance mandates.

Experts say picking the right strategic mix can slice your compliance-related time expenditure by 40%, boosting efficiency. A whopping 80% of compliant entities note major improvements in threat detection and response.

To make it all gel and dominate, companies gotta weave compliance into their corporate culture, with continuous, collective responsibility at all levels. Outside examples include the SEC's new rules requiring public companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents—a standard highlighting the importance of governance in security strategies.



Dealing with all the cybersecurity compliance stuff isn't just about ticking boxes, it's a major game-changer. According to IBM's latest report, companies that go all-in with security automation can save a whopping $3.81 million if they get hit by a data breach.

And using automated compliance solutions can actually help you streamline the whole process, manage risks like a boss, and even grow your business.

The benefits of nailing cybersecurity compliance are insane:

  • Major rep boost and trust factor: A study by Cisco found that 82% of consumers are more loyal to companies with solid cybersecurity, and strong security makes customers stick around.
  • Reduce the risk of getting hacked: Having a tight compliance game plan can seriously lower the chances of breaches and avoid costly fines that can run into the millions. Plus, it tackles cybersecurity risks in grid code compliance, keeping the power grid stable.
  • Streamlined operations: Clear compliance standards make it easier to secure data and spot threats before they become a real headache.

Not meeting cybersecurity standards can be a total nightmare.

According to the Ponemon Institute, non-compliance costs businesses a staggering 2.71 times more than just staying compliant. This stat shows that the impact on your business isn't just about avoiding fines – it's about protecting your whole operation from ever-evolving threats.

Tackling compliance challenges is directly tied to safeguarding your reputation and keeping your business running smoothly. Being proactive and responding quickly to security incidents can slash the cost of breaches by up to 38%, proving the value of integrating intelligent security measures into your daily operations.

To put it in perspective, check out what IBM Security's General Manager said:

"Companies that invest in privacy and information security aren't just making smart business moves, they're gaining a serious competitive edge."

So, getting ahead of all the cybersecurity compliance hurdles isn't just about minimizing risks – it's about seizing opportunities for growth, resilience, and long-term success in our digital-first world.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the challenges organizations face in meeting cybersecurity compliance?

Organizations face challenges such as evolving cyber threats, complex regulations like GDPR and CMMC, resource constraints, talent shortages, and the interplay of international, national, and industry-specific regulations.

Why is adhering to cybersecurity compliance crucial for businesses?

Adhering to cybersecurity compliance is crucial for preserving business reputation and customer trust. Non-compliance can cost organizations 2.71 times more than compliance, as per the Ponemon Institute.

How can organizations overcome common cybersecurity compliance challenges?

Organizations can overcome common cybersecurity compliance challenges by conducting regular risk assessments, providing comprehensive cybersecurity training, adopting advanced technology tools like SIEM systems, enforcing detailed internal policies, and integrating compliance into their corporate ethos.

What are the benefits of achieving cybersecurity compliance for businesses?

Achieving cybersecurity compliance benefits businesses by enhancing reputation and trust, reducing the risk of breaches, improving operational efficiency, and avoiding costly fines associated with non-compliance.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible