What are the various career paths in cybersecurity?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image of distinctive cybersecurity career pathways

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The realm of cybersecurity is pivotal in safeguarding against digital threats. Cybercrime is projected to cost $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Various career paths, including Cybersecurity Analyst, Ethical Hacker, and Chief Information Security Officer, offer promising growth, with cybersecurity roles expecting a 32% job increase by 2032.

It's a wild world out there in the digital realm, and cybersecurity is like the ultimate bodyguard, protecting us from all the shady stuff trying to mess with our lives.

By 2025, cybercrime could drain a whopping $10.5 trillion from the global economy annually, and that's more than all the illegal drug trade combined! Insane, right? That's why robust cybersecurity measures are crucial, safeguarding everything from your personal health records to government systems.

Just a single data breach could cost a company over $4 million on average, according to IBM. So, we need skilled cybersecurity pros to navigate this ever-changing landscape.

And with the Internet of Things exploding, there'll be over 25 billion devices by 2030, opening up new vulnerabilities that need serious protection. Cybersecurity careers aren't just about tech - they're about keeping our lives, trust, and societal norms intact.

In this article, we'll dive into the numerous career opportunities in cybersecurity, which are crucial for building an impenetrable digital fortress against the sophisticated cyber threats out there.

If you're starting from scratch, check out Nucamp's articles on starting a career in cybersecurity for guidance.

Table of Contents

  • Career path 1: Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Career path 2: Ethical Hacker
  • Career path 3: Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Career path 4: Forensics Expert
  • Career path 5: Security Architect
  • How to begin your career in cybersecurity?
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Career path 1: Cybersecurity Analyst


The Cybersecurity Analyst gig is straight-up essential for keeping our digital lives secure. With all the cyber threats out there, these folks have become MVPs for any IT squad.

A Cybersecurity Analyst is the one monitoring networks for potential attacks, installing and running security software, and conducting regular checks to ensure everything's locked down tight.

They gotta be pros at coding, operating systems, and cyber tools, but also have mad problem-solving and communication skills to explain things to both techies and non-techies.

On the daily, an analyst is juggling anticipating new threats while putting up defenses—it's a constant grind to stay ahead of the game.

To keep up, they gotta stay on top of their education game and stack up those certifications. This field is blowing up, with a projected 32% job growth from 2022 to 2032, and a median annual salary of $112,000 as of May 2022.

Entry-level positions might start around $70K, but the sky's the limit as you gain experience and specialize. These analysts are the frontline defenders of the digital realm, and they could even level up to become Security Managers or Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs).

Scoring these essential cybersecurity roles takes more than just a traditional degree; bootcamps and specialized courses can help those starting from scratch break into the field.

The job outlook is lit, with high demand across various industries.

For those interested in being the digital gatekeepers, an experienced analyst puts it best:

"Success in this role is about being proactive; you're the gatekeeper, and vigilance is key."

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Career path 2: Ethical Hacker


Let's talk about Ethical Hackers, the badass guardians of the digital world. These nerds are essentially corporate bodyguards, tasked with keeping those precious information systems safe from harm.

They use the same sneaky tactics as those shady "black hat" hackers, but for good instead of evil.

They hunt down and fix security flaws in networks and apps. Think of it like a breaking and entering simulation, except they're the good guys testing your home's defenses.

To become an Ethical Hacker, you gotta earn your stripes.

Many aspiring hackers go for the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or CompTIA PenTest+ certs.

These bad boys prove you know your way around hacking tactics and how to defend against them. The EC-Council says the demand for CEH experts is skyrocketing, which means they're hot commodities in the cybersecurity game.

The Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) takes it to the next level, testing your skills in some seriously advanced penetration testing scenarios.

It's like a hacker's bootcamp on steroids.

Don't just take our word for it, though. There are tons of real-life case studies showcasing how Ethical Hackers have saved the day.

Like that time they stopped a massive data breach that could've exposed countless consumer records. Talk about clutch!

These cyber guardians do it all - risk assessments, patching security holes, making sure everyone follows the rules, and keeping the employees on their toes.

They're the gatekeepers, standing tall against the threat of cyber attacks that could cost the world a whopping $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. With their "protect and prevent" mindset, Ethical Hackers are the immune system keeping our digital world healthy and thriving.

Career path 3: Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)


Let's talk about the baddest security boss on the block - the CISO. This dude (or dudette) is like the bouncer of your company's digital turf, keeping all the shady hackers and cyber punks at bay.

And with 68% of business bigwigs feeling the cyber heat, you better believe the CISO's got their work cut out for them.

So, what does this security kingpin do all day? Here's the 411:

  • They're always one step ahead of the threats: Like a freaking psychic, they see the sketchy stuff coming and lock it down before it even happens.
  • They're tech wizards on steroids: Custom security solutions? They whip that up like a boss, tailoring it to fit your company's needs.
  • They're the emergency response team: When the cyber sh*t hits the fan, they've got a solid plan to get you back on track.
  • They're the policy police: Breaking the rules? Not on their watch. They make sure everyone's playing by the data governance book.
  • They're the exec's security sensei: Gotta keep the big bosses in the loop about all the risks and what needs to be done to shut them down.

To rock this job, you gotta be a tech ninja with some serious business smarts.

And - the demand for these cyber guardians is skyrocketing, with a projected 31% growth in the next few years. CISOs aren't just putting out fires anymore; they're playing a strategic game, making sure your company's security is always one step ahead of the game.

In the words of the cyber gurus, CISOs are the "guardians of the enterprise's digital sanctity." They're the bridge between techno-babble and business goals, keeping your company's digital assets locked down tighter than Fort Knox while ensuring you stay in the game.

Respect the CISO - they're the real MVPs of the cyber world.

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Career path 4: Forensics Expert


Let me break it down for you about this job called a Forensics Expert. These people are like digital detectives, digging into the dirt on cyber attacks and shady online activities.

With tech constantly evolving, they have to stay on top of their game, using all sorts of fancy tools to trace that digital evidence.

With the pandemic situation, cyber threats have been increasing rapidly, so the demand for these experts is through the roof.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there'll be a 32% spike in the need for info security analysts by 2028, and jobs related to forensics are expected to surge by 35% from 2021 to 2031, according to Grand View Research.

They rake in an average salary of $75,005 – not too shabby, right?

But to get your foot in the door, you have to level up your education game. We're talking a bachelor's or master's degree in something relevant, plus some certifications like the Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or the Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA).

These people do everything from digging up data to testifying in court as expert witnesses, and they have to stay on top of new areas like IoT forensics and using AI for automated investigations.

The global digital forensics market is expected to hit $4.24 billion by 2025, with experts getting into all sorts of areas like mobile device forensics and cracking encryptions.

As cybersecurity legend John Hernandez puts it:

"To keep stride with cybercrime's complexities, Forensics Experts must persistently hone their proficiency."

Keeping it real is key for them to stay indispensable in protecting the digital world, just like Coursera's career guide for aspiring computer forensic investigators says.

Career path 5: Security Architect


Let me break it down for you - in the wild world of cybersecurity, the Security Architect is the real MVP, like the quarterback calling the shots to keep your company's data safe and sound.

These savvy pros are like a fusion of defensive tactics and mad tech skills, building up some serious digital fortresses.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for cybersecurity pros like Security Architects is set to blow up by 33% from 2020 to 2030.

These professionals are straight-up essential in today's digital age.

A Security Architect's role is like a juggling act, involving:

  • Scoping out every nook and cranny of the system to sniff out any weaknesses
  • Cooking up and implementing some dope security protocols
  • Building rock-solid architectures tailored to the company's needs
  • Deploying protective measures like firewalls and anti-malware solutions to keep the bad guys at bay

"A skilled Security Architect is like the embodiment of a company's cybersecurity vision, turning potential threats into solid protection,"

says a cybersecurity expert.

With mad skills in network security, cloud computing, and identity access management, these wizards are the guardians of the web.

A Security Architect's magnum opus could be designing a Zero Trust Network, embracing the 'never trust, always verify' mantra – a crucial principle to keep sensitive data safe in the digital battlefield.

The career path of a Security Architect can be straight fire, starting as Security Analysts and then, with experience and certs like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), they can level up to boss titles like Chief Security Officer (CSO) or Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

According to Payscale, the top dogs in this game can rake in a median annual salary of around $162,000. Their rise to the top highlights their deep expertise in protecting our era's most prized possession: information.

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How to begin your career in cybersecurity?


Wanna break into the cybersecurity game? It's all about getting your knowledge up and scoring some dope certs to show off your skills. You don't necessarily need a fancy degree, thanks to a bunch of entry-level certifications that can get you started.

Certs like CompTIA Security+, GIAC Information Security Fundamentals (GISF), and (ISC)² Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) are where it's at.

72% of employers want to see these for entry-level jobs. Score one of those bad boys, and you could snag a gig as a security analyst or network engineer, raking in an average of $85,000 annually after a few years in the game.

Here's the roadmap for all you newbies:

  1. Education Grind: Get your learn on in computer science or IT, either through school or hitting up some online courses.
  2. Tech Skills: Level up in areas like intrusion detection and secure coding, 'cause those roles are in high demand.
  3. Cert Up: Go after certs that'll show off your skills and help you break into the cybersecurity job market.
  4. Hands-on Hustle: Score some internships or entry-level gigs, 'cause the demand for cybersecurity pros is skyrocketing.
  5. Keep Learning: Stay on top of the latest cyber threats and trends, 'cause this game never stops evolving.

Mixing book smarts with real-world experience is key to securing your future in this field.

Employers dig higher education, with 88% of cybersecurity job posts requiring a bachelor's degree, and some even wanting advanced degrees. But the real magic happens when you pair a solid education with practical training and internships.

That's the fast track to landing a full-time cybersecurity gig.



The cybersecurity job market is like a wild ride, and it's only getting crazier. You've got Security Analysts who are the digital bouncers, keeping the bad guys out.

Then there are the Ethical Hackers, who are like the cool kids who know all the tricks but use their powers for good.

At the top of the food chain, you've got the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), the big boss who calls the shots and keeps everyone in line.

But don't sleep on the Forensic Experts, they're like the CSI crew, digging into the digital dirt to find out who did what. And let's not forget the Security Architects, the masterminds behind the whole cybersecurity game plan.

By 2025, cybercrime could cost a mind-blowing $10.5 trillion annually.

That's some serious cash, which is why cybersecurity is a total must-have in today's world.

The best part? Jobs in this field are expected to grow by 32% from 2022 to 2032, according to the latest trends.

In 2022, an information security analyst raked in a median salary of $103,590. Not too shabby, right? And for 2023, here's what's hot:

  • Cybersecurity Analyst: A wild 31% job growth rate (2019-2029)
  • Ethical Hacker: Job postings up by 5% (2019-2022)
  • CISO: Over 20% growth predicted for the big bosses
  • Forensic Expert: A 14% growth forecast (2019-2029)
  • Security Architect: In high demand across all kinds of industries

In cybersecurity, the learning never stops.

It's like a never-ending video game, and you've gotta keep leveling up. If you're ready to join the fight against the cyber bad guys, Nucamp's Cybersecurity Fundamentals bootcamp is your ticket to the big leagues.

Every keystroke could mean the difference between saving the day or total chaos.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the various career paths in cybersecurity?

The various career paths in cybersecurity include Cybersecurity Analyst, Ethical Hacker, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Forensics Expert, and Security Architect.

How can I begin a career in cybersecurity?

Embarking on a cybersecurity career involves acquiring foundational security knowledge, technical skills, industry-recognized certifications, gaining hands-on experience, and continuous learning to stay abreast of evolving threats and trends.

What is the job outlook for cybersecurity roles?

Cybersecurity roles are expected to see significant growth, with a 32% job increase from 2022 to 2032. Specific roles like Cybersecurity Analyst, Ethical Hacker, CISO, Forensics Expert, and Security Architect each have their projected growth rates.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible