Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A map of Dublin pinpointing the top 5 part-time coding bootcamps

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The job market in Dublin, Ireland, is shifting towards digitalization. Part-time coding bootcamps cater to beginners and professionals, offering flexible schedules and updated curriculums. Notable bootcamps in Dublin include Code Institute, Le Wagon, CareerFoundry, Springboard, and HackYourFuture, with high job placement rates and industry-aligned training.

The job scene in Dublin is going digital, big time. Coding skills aren't just a nice-to-have anymore; they're an absolute must. That's where part-time coding bootcamps come in, especially for newbies looking to break into the tech world without committing to a full-time gig.

These bootcamps are designed to be flexible, so you can upskill or switch careers without putting your life on hold. And the best part? The curriculum is constantly updated to keep up with the latest tech trends and industry demands.

One bootcamp that really stands out is 4Geeks Academy.

These guys are all about personalized career support and mentorship, and they've got a killer 95% job placement rate within six months of graduation. Then there's Command Shift, which offers a 28-week part-time course tailored specifically for beginners.

And let's not forget the Dublin Coding School, where you'll get hands-on, practical learning experiences galore.

According to the European Commission, the demand for digital skills is about to skyrocket, with around 100,000 tech jobs expected to open up in Ireland by 2025.

That's a massive gap in the skilled workforce, and coding bootcamps are here to bridge that divide. For newbies, these bootcamps offer an immersive, project-based learning experience that'll help you nail down coding principles and practices.

Plus, the part-time schedule means you won't have to break the bank or put your life on hold to switch careers or level up.

Stay tuned as we break down the 'Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland' and explore what makes each one unique.

We'll cover everything from curriculum relevance to job success rates, giving you the ultimate guide to choosing the perfect bootcamp. And don't forget to check out some Nucamp articles for even more insider info.

Table of Contents

  • Code Institute
  • Le Wagon
  • CareerFoundry
  • Springboard
  • HackYourFuture
  • Methodology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Code Institute


Code Institute is this coding school in Dublin that does a part-time coding bootcamp that's flexible for working people trying to break into tech.

They've got the program tailored for today's tech job market, making it easy for beginners to get their foot in the door. The best part? You can juggle your job and learn to code at the same time.

Their curriculum is excellent, endorsed by tech companies, and covers all the web dev skills that employers are looking for, like:

  • HTML5 and CSS3 for building and styling websites,
  • JavaScript for making interactive web stuff,
  • Python for server-side programming,
  • and Django for creating web apps.

Code Institute's program is flexible, with an online platform that works around your schedule, whether you're working or at home.

It's a good deal for anyone trying to balance their job and learn to code. The proof is in the pudding – over 90% of their alumni land a tech job within 6 months of graduating.

One former student even said, "The part-time program at Code Institute was a game-changer for me. It gave me the skills and confidence to switch careers and become a web developer, all while keeping my job." If you're thinking about getting into web dev in Dublin, Code Institute's part-time coding bootcamp is definitely worth checking out.

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Le Wagon


Check this out! Le Wagon's part-time coding bootcamp in Dublin is rated as one of the best in the world, and they offer a super hands-on learning experience with a project-based approach.

Whether you're a total beginner or already a pro, this bootcamp is flexible and lets you dive deep into web development without getting lost in the weeds. You'll master essential digital skills through real-life projects that'll make you a coding pro in no time.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Ruby: A versatile, high-level language that's easy to read and understand.
  • JavaScript: The must-have language for creating interactive web pages.
  • HTML/CSS: The foundations for structuring and designing websites.

89% of Le Wagon's Dublin grads land tech jobs within 6 months of finishing the bootcamp! This aligns with the 72% growth in web dev job openings over the past year, so you know there's a huge demand for the skills you'll learn.

And don't just take my word for it; check out the alumni reviews praising the real-world project focus that'll make you a problem-solving machine – exactly what tech companies are looking for.

One grad put it perfectly: "The project-based learning at Le Wagon didn't just teach me how to code; it taught me how to solve real problems." That's the kind of value Le Wagon brings to the coding bootcamp scene in Dublin – you'll gain the technical know-how and the ability to apply it in the industry.

This bootcamp is the real deal.



If you're looking to level up your coding game, CareerFoundry's part-time coding bootcamp is the way to go. It's like having your own personal squad of mentors guiding you through the thick of it.

You get not one, but two industry experts – a mentor and a tutor – keeping you on track and sharing their insider knowledge. It's a sweet deal for you Dublin-based folks or anyone just starting out in tech.

According to CareerKarma, a whopping 96% of their grads scored jobs in their field within 180 days of finishing the course.

That's some serious street cred!

So, what kind of skills are you gonna be packing after this bootcamp? Here's a taste:

  • HTML/CSS mastery: You'll be a markup pro, building the foundation.
  • JavaScript wizardry: Bringing those web pages to life with some slick interactivity.
  • React sorcery: Leveling up your UI game with this powerful library.
  • Node.js ninja skills: Setting up servers like a boss.

One student even said,

"The mentor support at CareerFoundry was transformational for me. It wasn't just about coding; it was about cultivating a mindset for the tech world."

That's some solid praise right there! With their personalized approach and job-ready curriculum, CareerFoundry is hooking you up with the keys to unlock those tech career doors in Dublin and beyond.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Let me break it down for you about this dope coding bootcamp called Springboard. It's the real deal for all you ambitious cats in Dublin, tryna level up your game in the tech world, especially if you're digging coding or UI/UX design.

The thing that sets Springboard apart is their mentor-led learning model.

They hook you up with a legit mentor who's been there, done that, giving you that one-on-one guidance and support like a personal coach. Their schedule is mad flexible, perfect for you working stiffs who wanna keep their hustle while leveling up their career.

But it's not just about coding.

Springboard goes deep into UI/UX Design, giving you the full package – design principles, user research skills, and all the latest design tools.

They want you to be a well-rounded tech beast that companies are drooling over.

Real talk, their job placement stats are straight fire. A ton of their grads land sweet tech gigs straight outta the program.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Mentor Support on Lock: You get matched with a mentor who's a total boss in their field, hooking you up with that personalized guidance and insider knowledge.
  • Flexible AF: Evening and weekend sessions for you working folk.
  • UI/UX Design Game Strong: Not just coding, but a deep dive into UI/UX design from the foundations to real-world application.

With that killer combo of mentorship and a curriculum that covers both coding and UI/UX design, Springboard sets you up to crush it in the tech game.

As one grad put it, "The mentorship at Springboard didn't just level up my technical skills, but it helped me think like a straight-up designer." That's the kind of transformative experience you're in for.



coding is where it's at these days. HackYourFuture is the spot for refugees and underrepresented peeps in Dublin to get their hustle on in tech.

It's not just some bootcamp, but a whole journey to level up your skills and get that bread!

The real MVPs at HackYourFuture know inclusivity is key, so they're all about bridging the digital divide by teaching web dev to those who've never coded before.

They got you covered with the basics:

  • HTML and CSS are the building blocks that let you construct and style websites from scratch - the perfect starting point.
  • JavaScript brings the interactivity and functionality to your pages, taking them to the next level.
  • And Node.js teaches you how to work that server-side magic, letting you create complex and dynamic web apps like a boss.

These homies don't just feed you theory, though - they make sure you put that knowledge to work in real-life scenarios, so you're not just memorizing but really understanding the game.

"Our goal is to demystify coding and make it accessible to all, no matter where you come from." By teaching these in-demand skills, HackYourFuture sets you up to land that sweet tech job and join the ranks of the diverse and inclusive tech community in Dublin and beyond.

With over 600 global alumni already slaying in high-quality jobs and a 90% success rate among grads in the Netherlands, these guys are legit. is where it's at if you want to level up your coding game and get that bread!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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When we were picking the top 5 part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland, we made sure it was all legit for you looking to break into tech, especially if you're just starting out.

Here's what we looked at:

  1. What They're Teaching: Tech is always evolving, so we checked if the bootcamps were teaching the latest in-demand skills like React for front-end or Python for back-end. According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, these are the real deal that devs are using right now. We also made sure the curriculum quality was on point, so you're actually ready for the job market.
  2. Flexibility for Working Folks: We get it, you might have a job or other commitments. That's why we looked for bootcamps offering evening or weekend classes, or even self-paced online options, so you can fit it into your schedule. We also checked if the pace and timeline were chill enough to balance with your life.
  3. Student Reviews: We wanted to know if real students were actually digging the vibe. So we checked out reviews on sites like Course Report and SwitchUp, looking for bootcamps with supportive instructors and an engaging learning environment that gets you excited about coding, no matter your age.
  4. Job Prospects: At the end of the day, the real test is if you can land a solid job after the bootcamp. We prioritized bootcamps with high employment rates, like Coding Bootcamp Praha which boasts a 90% job placement rate within six months of graduating. We wanted to make sure they offer career prep and have connections with companies that are actually hiring.

So there you have it.

We wanted to give you the full scoop on bootcamps that not only teach you the right skills but also set you up for success in scoring that tech job. It's an investment in your future, so we made sure these bootcamps are worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland designed for?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin are designed for beginners eager to enter the tech industry without committing to a full-time course, catering to working professionals and individuals from various backgrounds seeking to upskill or pivot their careers.

What key features do these part-time coding bootcamps offer?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin offer curriculum updated with the latest technologies, personalized career support, flexible learning schedules suited for working professionals, immersive project-based learning experiences, and hands-on practical training crucial for cementing coding principles.

What is the job placement rate of notable coding bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland?

Coding bootcamps in Dublin boast high job placement rates, with some having a job placement rate of around 95% within six months of graduation, showcasing the effectiveness of their programs in preparing students for the tech industry.

Which coding languages and technologies are typically covered in part-time bootcamps in Dublin, Ireland?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin cover essential languages and technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, Django, Ruby, React, Node.js, UI/UX Design principles, and more, to equip students with in-demand skills for the tech job market.

How are the top part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin selected and evaluated?

Top part-time coding bootcamps in Dublin are selected based on criteria including curriculum relevance, flexibility for part-time learners, student reviews and testimonials, and job success rates. The evaluation ensures that the chosen bootcamps offer up-to-date skills, flexible schedules, positive student experiences, and high job placement rates for aspiring tech professionals.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible