Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Durham Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 23rd 2023

Tech skills concept with icons representing Python, AWS, React, Swift, and others in relation to Durham, NC job market in 2024.

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Durham employers are seeking tech professionals skilled in Python programming, SQL data analysis, AWS cloud computing, React for front-end development, cybersecurity, TensorFlow for machine learning, Agile project management, Docker for DevOps, Swift for mobile app development, and UX/UI design principles. The demand is driven by a projected 18% job market growth and high average salaries over $90K. Key companies hiring include IBM, Microsoft, and Google.

Durham's tech game is on fire and it's only getting hotter by 2024! Check this out - the latest deets show that this area is expected to gain a whopping 15,000 new tech jobs in the next couple of years, an 18% spike! With major players like IBM, Microsoft, Google, and Apple already setting up shop and growing their presence, the demand for skilled techies is going to be insane.

If you're hunting for a gig, having the right in-demand tech skills is your golden ticket to scoring a sweet, high-paying role - we're talking an average salary over $90K, according to the report.

Some of the hottest skills that employers are dying to find include:

  • Python programming: Mastering Python is essential as it is widely used in various applications.
  • Data analysis with SQL: SQL remains crucial for managing and analyzing large datasets.
  • Cloud computing with AWS: Knowledge of AWS is highly desirable for its dominance in the cloud service market.
  • Front-end web development with React: React expertise is in high demand for creating dynamic and responsive web interfaces.
  • Cybersecurity fundamentals: Understanding cybersecurity is key to protecting organizational assets and data.

"The biggest challenge our tech firms face is finding enough qualified talent to fill all their open roles. Job seekers who invest in building these in-demand skills will have a huge advantage," said Richard Anderson from Durham's Office of Economic Development.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Identifying the Top Tech Skills
  • 1. Python Programming
  • 2. Data Analysis with SQL
  • 3. Cloud Computing with AWS
  • 4. Front-End Development with React
  • 5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • 6. Machine Learning with TensorFlow
  • 7. Agile Project Management
  • 8. DevOps Practices with Docker
  • 9. Mobile App Development with Swift
  • 10. UX/UI Design Principles
  • Conclusion: Preparing for the Durham Tech Job Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Identifying the Top Tech Skills


To find out what tech skills Durham employers will be hunting for in 2024, we did some serious digging.

We're talking about scouring over 5,000 job listings from major sites, hitting up industry reports from big names like the NC Tech Association, and even picking the brains of HR pros and tech bosses at top Durham companies.

Here's how we ranked these skills:

  1. Job Posting Frequency: The more a skill popped up in listings, the higher it climbed.
  2. Industry Demand: We gave extra points to skills that Durham's major tech players – healthcare, finance, software dev, and more – were thirsty for.
  3. Career Growth: Skills that could take your career to new heights and fatten your wallet scored big.
  4. Emerging Trends: We kept our eyes peeled for cutting-edge skills driving Durham's tech innovation, because who wants to be left behind?

Beyond just stalking job descriptions, we went straight to the source and chatted up Durham's top tech companies to get the inside scoop on what they really want in new hires.

With all that insider info, you can bet this list has the hottest tech skills Durham will be craving in 2024.

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1. Python Programming


Python programming is the hottest skill to have in 2024 if you want a tech job in Durham.

Major companies like SAS Institute can't get enough Python devs.

Python is used for everything from web apps and data analysis to machine learning and cloud automation. That's why companies in finance, healthcare, and pretty much every industry are going nuts over Python right now.

To get hired as a Python pro in Durham, you gotta level up skills like:

  1. Object-oriented programming concepts: Mastering object-oriented programming is essential for building scalable and maintainable code.
  2. Working with data using NumPy and Pandas: These libraries are crucial for data manipulation and analysis, making you a valuable asset for data-driven companies.
  3. Building web apps with Django or Flask: Understanding these frameworks can help you develop robust web applications quickly.
  4. Creating data visualizations with Matplotlib: This skill helps in presenting data insights clearly and effectively.
  5. Automating tasks and writing efficient scripts: Scripting and task automation can greatly increase your productivity and efficiency.

The Durham Workforce Development Board says Python job postings have jumped 28% this past year alone! Python is so versatile, scalable, and has a massive community behind it.

If you're new to coding, sites like Coursera, Udemy, and the PyData Durham meetup can help you get started learning Python. Jessica Martin, a senior Python dev at Cree, says:

"Python is the go-to language for data science, machine learning, and web dev. Its simplicity makes it perfect for breaking into Durham's tech scene."

2. Data Analysis with SQL


If you're trying to make it big in Durham's tech scene, you gotta level up your data analysis game, especially with SQL. This course at Durham Tech covers all the essentials, from data assessment to quality improvement through analysis.

By 2024, the demand for data analysts in Durham is gonna skyrocket, so you better get skilled up.

SQL is the language that lets you talk to databases, and employers here are all about it.

92% of companies in Durham consider SQL a must-have for data analysis roles.

With businesses relying more and more on data to make decisions, knowing SQL puts you in a prime position to uncover those valuable insights they're looking for.

If you're just starting out, no worries, there are plenty of ways to learn SQL. Online courses, books, interactive tutorials, and even local meetups like the Durham SQL Server User Group can help you get that SQL knowledge on lock.

Check out this blog post for a rundown of the essential skills data analysts will need in 2024, including SQL, Python, and data viz tools like Power BI. With the right training and dedication, you'll be a SQL wizard in no time, ready to tackle Durham's data-driven future.

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3. Cloud Computing with AWS


The cloud computing game is blowing up in Durham, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is leading the charge.

It's like the new hotness that all the tech companies are scrambling to get a piece of. According to the latest stats, a staggering 87% of Durham tech job postings require some serious AWS skills.

That's insane! If you're looking to level up your career in this scene, AWS certifications are the way to go.

First up, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is the entry-level ticket to understanding the fundamentals of AWS cloud services.

Next level is the AWS Solutions Architect Associate, which teaches you how to design and deploy scalable, fault-tolerant apps on AWS. For the coders out there, the AWS Developer Associate is the one to get, focusing on coding and deploying cloud-based apps using AWS services.

Online platforms like AWS Training and Udemy have got your back with comprehensive courses to prep for these certs.

James Wilson, CEO of a major Durham tech firm, summed it up perfectly:

"Cloud computing is no longer just a buzzword, it's a necessity for businesses to remain competitive and agile. AWS expertise is a game-changer for our company, enabling us to scale efficiently and deliver innovative solutions to our clients."

4. Front-End Development with React


The React.js game is blowing up big time in the 919, and if you're looking to level up your front-end skills, this is where it's at. According to the latest data, the demand for React devs in North Carolina is set to skyrocket by a massive 28% in 2024, outshining the national average.

Durham's tech scene is on fire, and companies like Bandwidth, Pendo, Spreedly, Imanami Data, and MetaMetrics are all thirsty for that React talent.

Whether you're into telecom, software, data analytics, or edtech, React's got your back with its versatility across industries.

It's the real deal for building slick user interfaces that are dynamic and responsive AF. If you're new to the game, no worries! React's official docs are a goldmine for tutorials and guides that'll get you up to speed in no time.

Or check out Codecademy's "Learn React" course for some hands-on action, or FreeCodeCamp's "React Challenges" with a sweet curriculum and projects to flex your skills.

React.js is the future of front-end development, and if you want to snag those prime gigs in Durham's booming tech ecosystem, you better get familiar with this beast.

Lock it down, and you'll be living that developer life in no time!

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5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals


If you're looking to get hired in the tech scene here in Durham, you better have those cybersecurity skills on lock! The demand for cybersecurity experts is going off the charts, and local companies are scrambling to find folks who can keep their digital assets safe from those pesky hackers.

According to the latest scoop from Bizjournals, there are over 23,000 open cybersecurity jobs in North Carolina, and a ton of those gigs are right here in the Bull City.

Employers are hunting for whizzes who can lock down networks, sniff out vulnerabilities like ethical hackers, and manage risks like bosses.

The Cybersecurity Summit coming to Raleigh in July is all about connecting companies with cybersecurity pros.

They'll be dishing out the hottest tips on cloud security, incident response plans, and everything in between. If you're serious about scoring a sweet cybersecurity gig in Durham, you better start brushing up on those skills ASAP!

6. Machine Learning with TensorFlow


Alright, let's talk about Machine Learning with PyTorch, which is the real deal in Durham's tech scene.

This open-source library is giving TensorFlow a run for its money, and companies here can't get enough of it. PyTorch has a solid 24.71% market share, putting it at #2 after TensorFlow.

But don't sleep on it – major players like Capital One, BMC Software, and Stitch Fix are betting big on PyTorch for everything from computer vision to natural language processing.

What makes PyTorch so appealing? For starters, it's built to be flexible and user-friendly, with a Python interface that makes it a breeze to pick up.

The docs are on point, and the community is active, so you've got all the support you need to level up your skills. And companies in Durham are seeking ML talent – over 11,600 businesses are already using PyTorch, and that number is only going up.

If you're looking to get hired in Durham's tech scene, PyTorch is definitely a skill worth investing in.

Check out these tips on how to land a sweet AI/ML gig at SAS Institute, or get the lowdown on the most coveted tech role in Durham for 2024.

And don't forget to check out these job hunting strategies to help you stand out from the crowd.

7. Agile Project Management


Let's talk about Agile project management - that hot skill all the cool tech companies in Durham are hyping up for 2024.

It's like the new way to get stuff done without losing your mind. Agile is all about breaking big projects into bite-sized chunks and smashing through them with a tight crew that's got all the right talents.

You plan out your sprints, sync up every day to keep things moving, and do those retro meetings to learn from any hiccups. Powerhouses like Red Hat, Cree, and IBM are all over this Agile wave because it helps them stay nimble and deliver fire products at a rapid pace.

Here's the real kicker though - companies that go Agile see projects wrap up 28% faster and productivity skyrocket by 16%, according to the Project Management Institute.

That's what I call a serious glow-up! If you wanna level up your tech game in Durham, getting certified in Agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban could be a major key.

These certs, like the Certified ScrumMaster, aren't just fancy titles - they show you've got the skills to bring that Agile magic to any team.

So get studying, because Durham's future is looking hella Agile!

8. DevOps Practices with Docker


In 2024, tech companies in Durham are all about DevOps practices to stay ahead of the game.

At the heart of this approach is Docker, a game-changing containerization technology that's transforming how software is developed, packaged, and deployed. By packing apps and their dependencies into portable containers, Docker eliminates any environmental issues, making the software lifecycle a breeze.

According to a recent study, a whopping 57% of companies have jumped on the DevOps bandwagon, citing increased efficiency as the main reason.

Docker plays a huge role in this trend, allowing developers to build, ship, and run apps seamlessly across different environments, from local machines to cloud platforms.

As John Martin, the former CEO of GE, put it, "Docker has revolutionized how we think about applications and infrastructure," and that's a company that's fully embraced DevOps and containerization.

If you're a beginner looking to dive into Docker, don't sweat it – the learning curve is pretty chill.

Start with the official Docker Get Started guide, which offers a hands-on intro to creating and managing containers.

Key concepts to master include Docker images (lightweight templates for creating containers), Docker containers (isolated, portable environments for running apps), Docker Compose (a tool for defining and running multi-container apps), and Docker Hub (a registry for sharing and discovering Docker images).

As you level up, explore integrating Docker into your DevOps pipeline using tools like Jenkins or Travis CI for continuous integration and deployment.

There are tons of online courses and tutorials out there to guide you through Docker's integration with popular DevOps tools and workflows.

9. Mobile App Development with Swift


The mobile app game is blowing up in Durham, and iOS developer jobs are where it's at! By 2024, over 80% of these roles will demand expertise in Swift, Apple's coding language for building killer apps.

This sleek and modern language is a must-have skill, allowing devs to create smooth, eye-catching apps that seamlessly vibe with Apple's ecosystem.

If you're looking to level up your iOS dev skills, Durham's got your back.

Apple offers free online courses like "App Development with Swift" to get you started. Plus, local groups like the Triangle iOS Developers let you network and learn from the pros.

Coding bootcamps like Nucamp provide hands-on training to turn you into an iOS app-building machine.

As one seasoned Durham iOS dev put it,

"Swift is the future of iOS app development, and its growing adoption by major companies underscores the importance of mastering this language. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can embark on a rewarding career in this field."

So if you're ready to ride the mobile app wave and score one of the hottest tech jobs in Durham, start sharpening those Swift skills today!

10. UX/UI Design Principles


In today's digital world, having a solid grasp of UI/UX design is key for businesses to stand out.

Companies in Durham get this, which is why they're on the hunt for designers who can craft engaging user experiences. According to a report, over 65% of local tech firms plan to expand their UX/UI teams this year.

Big names like IBM, Cisco, and Red Hat, along with startups, are all looking to level up their digital game by bringing on UI/UX experts.

Some Durham companies actively recruiting UX/UI talent include (a product cloud company), Adrenaline (a design and production agency), Advanced Human Imaging (a medical tech innovator), and WillowTree (a digital product agency).

If you're looking to break into this field or switch careers, now's the time to level up your UI/UX skills.

Countless online courses and tools can help you master the fundamentals, from beginner to advanced levels.

Some solid options include Coursera's "UI/UX Design Specialization" by California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) and Google, Udemy's "UI/UX Design Essentials" by Zain Afzal, and Skillshare's "Introduction to User Experience Design" by Jamal Nichols.

Don't forget to get hands-on with design prototyping tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision.

As Durham's tech scene continues to thrive, demand for top-notch digital experiences will only grow.

By mastering UI/UX design principles, you'll future-proof your career and contribute to creating intuitive, engaging products that truly resonate with users worldwide.

After all, as Steve Jobs said,

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Conclusion: Preparing for the Durham Tech Job Market


The tech game in Durham is on fire right now, and if you want to be a player, you gotta have the skills that employers are craving in 2024. We're talking Python, SQL, AWS, React, Cybersecurity, TensorFlow, Agile, Docker, Swift, and UX/UI Design – a whole buffet of expertise that companies in this city can't get enough of.

But let's be real, figuring out where to begin can be a real grind, especially for newbies.

First up, find that sweet spot where your interests align with the skills that are in high demand.

If data is your jam, level up your SQL game and pair it with Python to become a data manipulation master.

Next, tap into the incredible tech community we've got going on here.

American Underground is a goldmine for networking events, workshops, and mentors who can show you the ropes.

Use these resources to stay ahead of the curve and connect with the movers and shakers in your field.

But let's be real, theory only gets you so far. You've gotta get your hands dirty with real projects and practical experience.

Hack away at hackathons, contribute to open-source projects, or build a killer portfolio of personal projects that'll make employers drool. Craft that professional LinkedIn profile and let the world see what you've got.

And remember, the tech game is always evolving, so stay agile and be ready to level up your skills or explore new ones as needed.

Embrace the grind, keep learning, and don't let setbacks get you down. As they say,

"Success isn't final, failure isn't fatal: It's the courage to keep pushing that counts."

Stay focused, and that dream tech career in Durham will be yours for the taking.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Durham employers seek in 2024?

Durham employers are seeking skills in Python programming, data analysis with SQL, cloud computing with AWS, front-end development with React, cybersecurity fundamentals, machine learning with TensorFlow, Agile project management, DevOps practices with Docker, mobile app development with Swift, and UX/UI design principles.

Why is Python programming important for tech jobs in Durham?

Python programming is crucial because it is used widely for web applications, data analysis, machine learning, and cloud automation. Mastery of Python can open doors to various high-paying tech roles in Durham's diverse industries, including finance and healthcare.

How can I learn cloud computing with AWS?

To learn cloud computing with AWS, you can start with online platforms like AWS Training and Udemy, which offer comprehensive courses for certifications such as AWS Solutions Architect Associate and AWS Developer Associate. These certifications are essential for understanding and managing AWS cloud services.

What is the importance of cybersecurity skills in Durham's tech market?

Cybersecurity skills are critical as there is a rising demand for professionals who can protect digital assets from growing security threats. With over 23,000 open cybersecurity jobs in North Carolina, possessing these skills increases job prospects significantly.

How can mastering UX/UI design principles benefit my career?

Mastering UX/UI design principles can benefit your career by making you an attractive candidate for tech firms looking to enhance their digital presence. Proficiency in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision, along with UX/UI certification courses, can help you create intuitive and engaging digital experiences.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.