Most in Demand Tech Job in Fayetteville in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 16th 2024

Tech job in demand in Fayetteville in 2024, Arkansas, US

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Fayetteville's tech job market for 2024 is surging with high demand for software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity specialists. Job openings are expected to rise sharply, with data scientist roles increasing by 22% and cybersecurity jobs by 15%. Major companies like Walmart and Tyson Foods are driving this growth, coupled with fresh talent from the University of Arkansas.

Fayetteville's tech scene in 2024 is set to be totally fire. According to the upcoming NWA Tech Summit, this place is becoming the global capital for the retail value chain.

We're talking cutting-edge tech like AI, AR/VR, and blockchain revolutionizing the industry. But it's not just retail; companies across various sectors are flocking to Fayetteville for its business-friendly vibe and affordable living.

With major players like Walmart, J.B. Hunt, and Tyson Foods nearby, the opportunities are endless.

The University of Arkansas is pumping out fresh talent, and the region is quickly transforming into an innovation hub. Cybersecurity is a massive deal, with Cybersecurity Analysts being some of the highest-paid roles, according to Nucamp.

If you're into design, check out the lucrative UX/UI Designer positions at Field Agent.

The future is bright, and Fayetteville is where it's at for tech careers in 2024.

Table of Contents

  • Top In-Demand Tech Jobs in Fayetteville in 2024
  • Skills Required for Tech Jobs in Fayetteville
  • Companies Hiring for Tech Roles in Fayetteville in 2024
  • Tips for Starting a Tech Career in Fayetteville
  • Future Expectations for Fayetteville's Tech Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top In-Demand Tech Jobs in Fayetteville in 2024


The tech scene in Fayetteville is about to be lit in 2024, and some jobs are gonna be super popular. Check this out - according to a new survey, the most in-demand tech roles in our city next year will be software developers, cybersecurity analysts, data scientists, and cloud architects.

Companies can't get enough of these peeps!

Software devs who know their way around Python, Java, and JavaScript? They'll be in crazy high demand, with a projected 18% increase in job openings.

And with all the data breaches happening, cybersecurity specialists skilled at keeping our info safe will see a 15% surge in opportunities. Plus, with businesses relying more and more on data to make decisions, data scientists who can turn numbers into insights will be 22% more sought after.

As companies continue to move their operations to the cloud, the need for cloud architects to design and manage these systems is expected to skyrocket by 20%.

It's like a tech job paradise out there!

According to recent reports, Northwest Arkansas alone will need around 7,500 tech professionals in the next decade.

That's a ton of job opportunities waiting for us! So if you're thinking about getting into tech, now's the time to start leveling up those skills. The future is calling, and it wants us to answer with some serious coding prowess!

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Skills Required for Tech Jobs in Fayetteville


If you wanna make it big in Fayetteville's tech game in 2024, you gotta level up your skills. According to the top technologist skills report, the most in-demand abilities include cybersecurity expertise, cloud computing wizardry, and a solid grasp of AI and machine learning.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg!

To truly stand out, you'll need to be a master of problem-solving, team collaboration, and effective communication.

These soft skills are essential for thriving in any tech role. And let's not forget about that insatiable hunger for continuous learning – it's a must-have trait in this ever-evolving industry.

Now, if you're feeling a bit lost on how to acquire these coveted skills, don't sweat it.

Fayetteville has got your back with a bunch of awesome coding bootcamps and educational resources. High-paying tech jobs like cybersecurity analysts and UX/UI designers are within your reach if you put in the work.

The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Public Library, and organizations like UA Professional and Workforce Development offer various programs and courses to help you gain those in-demand technical and soft skills.

Plus, joining local tech communities and attending events is a fantastic way to network, learn from industry pros, and stay on top of the latest trends.

The path to success in Fayetteville's tech scene is all about embracing a growth mindset and never stopping your pursuit of knowledge.

With dedication and the right resources, you'll be unstoppable in landing that dream tech job in 2024!

Companies Hiring for Tech Roles in Fayetteville in 2024


Alright, let's talk about the tech scene in Fayetteville for 2024 – it's going to be lit! With all the new essential tech skills that employers are seeking, you've got to stay on top of your game.

Companies like Cybersecurity Analysts at Field Agent are going to be hiring like crazy for roles that protect valuable data.

And if you're more into the creative side, UX/UI Designers are going to be in high demand too.

Seriously, Fayetteville's tech industry is booming, and the opportunities are endless. So, whether you're a coding whiz or a cyber warrior, this city has got your back.

Just be ready to show off your skills and land that dream job in 2024!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Starting a Tech Career in Fayetteville


Tech career seekers in Fayetteville! The job market is booming, with computer and math jobs growing at a crazy 17% rate.

To get in on the action, you gotta put yourself out there and network like a boss. Events like Tech 'N' Talk are the perfect spots to mingle with pros, learn the latest trends, and make connections that could lead to your dream gig.

But landing that sweet tech role takes more than just showing up.

You need to prep like a coding ninja. We're talking coding challenges, whiteboard sessions, and a solid grasp of the company's tech stack.

They want to see if you've got the skills to back up your talks. And don't forget the soft skills either – communication, teamwork, and adaptability are major keys to fitting into their squad.

If you're fresh out of school or switching careers, no sweat! Programs like University of Arkansas' Computer Science and coding bootcamps like NuCamp have got your back.

They'll hook you up with the knowledge and industry connect to kickstart your tech journey right here in Fayetteville. Just stay hungry, keep grinding, and that dream tech job could be yours in 2024!

Future Expectations for Fayetteville's Tech Industry


Fayetteville's tech scene is blowing up, and the future looks insane! According to reports, the number of tech jobs in this city is expected to skyrocket by 18% by 2024, which is way higher than the national average.

This growth is fueled by some seriously cutting-edge trends that are reshaping the local tech landscape:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Fayetteville is becoming a major hub for AI and ML innovation. Companies like Tyson Foods and J.B. Hunt Transport Services are investing big bucks into these technologies to streamline their operations and make smarter decisions.
  • Cybersecurity: With remote work on the rise and our reliance on digital platforms soaring, the demand for cybersecurity experts in Fayetteville is going through the roof. Local firms are actively hunting for skilled professionals to protect their systems and data from cyber threats. Check out Nucamp's article on the importance of Cybersecurity Analysts in Fayetteville.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): The integration of IoT devices into industries like agriculture, logistics, and healthcare is creating a massive need for professionals who can develop and maintain these interconnected systems.

If you're looking for a long-term career in Fayetteville's tech industry, the future looks incredibly promising.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for computer and IT occupations in the Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers area was a whopping $71,090 in 2021, way higher than the national average.

And with the region's thriving startup ecosystem and the presence of tech giants like Walmart and Tyson Foods, there are endless opportunities for professional growth and career advancement.

Check out Nucamp's article on the top-paying tech jobs in Fayetteville, including the lucrative role of a UX/UI Designer at Field Agent.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the most in-demand tech job in Fayetteville in 2024?

The most in-demand tech jobs in Fayetteville in 2024 include software developers, cybersecurity specialists, data scientists, and cloud architects.

What skills are required to succeed in tech jobs in Fayetteville?

To succeed in tech jobs in Fayetteville, you need skills in programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, cloud computing, AI and machine learning, problem-solving, team collaboration, and effective communication.

Which companies are hiring for tech roles in Fayetteville in 2024?

Major companies hiring for tech roles in Fayetteville include Walmart, J.B. Hunt, and Tyson Foods, among others.

What are some tips for starting a tech career in Fayetteville?

To start a tech career in Fayetteville, engage in networking events, participate in coding challenges and whiteboard sessions, and consider enrolling in coding bootcamps or educational programs offered by the University of Arkansas.

What is the future outlook for Fayetteville's tech industry?

The future outlook for Fayetteville's tech industry is highly promising, with job opportunities expected to increase by 18% by 2024, particularly in areas like AI, cybersecurity, and IoT.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.