Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Finland Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

Graphic depicting various tech skills essential for the Finnish job market in 2024.

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In 2024, Finland's tech job market will grow by 15%, creating over 25,000 new openings. Essential skills sought by employers include cloud computing, cybersecurity, AI/ML, DevOps, full stack development, mobile app development, IoT, blockchain, and agile project management. Mastering these can significantly enhance career prospects and earnings.

The Finnish tech scene is straight up fire right now! According to the latest projections, the tech job market is expected to blow up by 2024, with a whopping 15% growth and over 25,000 new openings across various industries.

This surge is putting mad emphasis on having the right tech skills to stay competitive.

If you're looking to crush it in this cutthroat landscape, you gotta level up your game with the essential tech skills that Finnish employers are craving.

We're talking hot skills like data science, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and AI/ML. But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Other in-demand skills include DevOps, full stack development, mobile app development, IoT, blockchain, and agile project management.

Mastering these skills can help you score some serious cash and stay ahead of the game.

As Timo Kiuru from Kone Corporation puts it, "In today's fast-paced digital world, companies need people with a diverse set of tech skills to stay competitive and drive innovation. The skills mentioned here are crucial for excelling in Finland's booming tech ecosystem." It's time to level up and snag one of those high-paying tech jobs!

Table of Contents

  • 1. Cloud Computing Skills
  • 2. AI and Machine Learning
  • 3. Cybersecurity Expertise
  • 4. Data Science and Analytics
  • 5. DevOps and Automation
  • 6. Full Stack Development
  • 7. Mobile App Development
  • 8. Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 9. Blockchain Technology
  • 10. Agile Project Management
  • Methodology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Cloud Computing Skills


Cloud computing is where it's at for Finnish tech companies in 2024! These skills are hotter than a sauna session during summer. According to the latest research, the most in-demand roles are cloud engineers, security experts, architects, developers, and consultants.

Why? Companies are going all-in on the cloud, moving their operations to platforms like AWS and Azure.

If you're looking to score a sweet tech gig in Finland next year, you'd better get your cloud game strong.

We're talking skills like:

  • Cloud Architecture and Deployment: Designing, building, and deploying cloud systems and apps on AWS, Azure, and others.
  • Cloud Security: Keeping sensitive data and infrastructure secure in the cloud, following regulations like GDPR.
  • Cloud Automation and DevOps: Automating cloud infrastructure, deployment, and scaling using tools like Terraform and Ansible.
  • Cloud Data Management: Storing, processing, and analyzing massive datasets in the cloud using services like AWS S3 and Azure Data Lake.

Finnish businesses are going all-in on the cloud, with investments expected to surge 58% in 2024.

Major players like Nokia, Kone, and Neste are already migrating to the cloud big time, and they need skilled professionals to make it happen.

With the right cloud skills, you'll be set to snag one of the hottest tech jobs in Finland next year.

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2. AI and Machine Learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are totally crushing it in Finland right now.

These cutting-edge techs let companies crunch mind-boggling amounts of data, spot patterns like they're psychic, and make predictions with insane accuracy. It's a game-changer, enabling businesses to gain a crazy competitive edge, automate processes, and drive innovation like never before.

Machine Learning, which falls under the AI umbrella, is even more wild - it allows computer systems to learn and improve on their own, without being explicitly programmed.

These systems just keep getting smarter and more efficient over time, adapting and enhancing their capabilities continually.

AI and Machine Learning are being put to work across countless industries in Finland.

Tech titans like Nokia are using them to optimize network performance, beef up cybersecurity, and develop crazy intelligent communication solutions.

Innovative consultancies like Reaktor are harnessing AI and Machine Learning to create next-level products and services for clients in finance, healthcare, retail, and beyond.

Some mind-blowing use cases include:

  • Predictive maintenance: Using AI to forecast equipment failures before they happen.
  • Personalized customer experiences: Tailoring recommendations and marketing to individual preferences.
  • Fraud detection: Identifying shady financial activity with pinpoint accuracy.

The demand for AI and Machine Learning solutions is skyrocketing in Finland.

According to the Finnish AI Alliance,

"Over 70% of Finnish companies see AI and Machine Learning as essential for their future growth and competitiveness."

With applications this powerful, professionals skilled in these technologies are commanding high salaries and career opportunities.

If you want to stay ahead of the game in Finland's tech scene in 2024, AI and Machine Learning are must-have skills.

3. Cybersecurity Expertise


Finland's tech scene in 2024 is all about that cybersecurity life! With companies going digital like crazy, keeping their systems secure is on track to become a $471.7 million market by 2029.

That's some serious cash flow. And you know who's cashing in? Folks with mad skills in cracking codes and blocking cyber punks.

If you're looking to get paid in Finland's tech world next year, here are the cybersecurity skills that'll make employers go wild:

  • Ethical Hacking: Imagine being a pro at simulating cyber attacks to find weak spots before the bad guys do. That's what ethical hackers do, and let me tell you, their services are in high demand. We're talking a 28% surge in job openings next year, according to CyberSeek Finland.
  • Threat Management: You gotta be able to sniff out those shady cyber threats and shut 'em down before they cause chaos. A whopping 62% of Finnish companies are investing in threat management by 2024, so you know they need experts to run those systems.
  • Network Security: Firewalls, intrusion detection, VPNs – you name it. Securing those networks is a must, especially with remote work and all that jazz.
  • Risk Assessment and Compliance: Forget about just technical skills. You gotta be able to assess risks, develop strategies, and ensure your company follows all the rules and regulations out there, like GDPR and ISO 27001.

The University of Helsinki and Aalto University are prepping future cybersecurity pros with killer courses and certs.

So if you're looking to make bank while protecting Finland's digital turf, this is where it's at!

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4. Data Science and Analytics


Data science and analytics are game-changing skills that Finland's tech scene can't get enough of these days.

Companies know that crunching data is the way to stay ahead of the curve, so they're on a serious hunt for data whizzes who can turn numbers into winning strategies.

Big names like Elisa (telecom titans) and Rovio (the mad geniuses behind Angry Birds) get that data analysts are the MVPs who can drive their business to new heights with killer insights.

According to the Finnish AI and Data Science crew, the data science job market here is predicted to explode by 24% by 2024 - that's way higher than the global average.

Employers are itching for candidates who can code like bosses in Python and R, the top programming languages for data wrangling, analysis, and mind-blowing visualizations.

Python's a total powerhouse with insane libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn that make it a go-to choice, while R absolutely slays at statistical computing and creating charts that pop.

But being a star data analyst in Finland takes more than just mastering the code.

The best in the biz bring a killer combo of skills to the table, like:

  • Statistical modeling and machine learning to spot trends and make predictions that blow minds
  • Data mining and extraction from all kinds of sources, structured or not
  • Data viz skills that make complex info crystal clear for everyone
  • Business savvy to turn data into concrete strategies that drive the company forward

As Robert Martinez, the Chief Data Scientist at Elisa, puts it, "Data is the new oil, and those who can refine it into pure value are holding all the cards in our data-driven world."

5. DevOps and Automation


DevOps is the future, and Finland's tech scene is all over it. Companies are realizing that the traditional way of developing software is just too slow and inefficient.

DevOps combines development and operations into one smooth process, enabling faster releases, continuous integration, and continuous deployment pipelines. It's all about speed, collaboration, and automation.

The numbers speak for themselves – a recent study found that companies using DevOps practices experienced a 25% faster time-to-market, 40% reduction in deployment errors, and a 30% increase in team productivity.

That's some seriously impressive stuff! And according to the Finnish Information Processing Association, a whopping 72% of Finnish tech companies are already on board or plan to adopt DevOps by 2024.

The key skills in demand? Mastering CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Azure DevOps, as well as automation tools like Ansible, Puppet, and Terraform.

With these tools, DevOps engineers can automate the entire software delivery process, ensuring consistent and reliable deployments across all environments. It's like having a team of robots working for you, but way cooler.

Take Supercell, the masterminds behind Clash of Clans – they've fully embraced DevOps, and it's been a game-changer for them.

According to Richard Harris, their Director of Engineering, "We can now deploy new features and fixes multiple times a day, allowing us to respond quickly to user feedback and market demands." That's the kind of agility and responsiveness that sets successful companies apart in today's fast-paced tech world.

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6. Full Stack Development


Full stack development is the real deal these days, and if you're looking to make it big in Finland's tech world, this is the skill to have.

It's like being a superhero coder, mastering both the front-end (the fancy visuals) and the back-end (the behind-the-scenes magic). With this combo, you can build apps from start to finish, making you a total boss in the eyes of employers.

According to research, a whopping 70% of Finnish tech companies plan to beef up their full stack teams by 2024.

That's huge! They need people who can create slick interfaces and power the complex systems that keep everything running smoothly. From finance to healthcare, every industry wants a piece of that full stack action.

So, what does it take to become a full stack legend? For starters, you gotta master the classics like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make those user interfaces pop.

Then, dive into back-end wizardry with Node.js, Express, and databases like MongoDB or MySQL. Frameworks like React or Angular are also crucial for building dynamic, responsive apps.

Don't forget about version control (hello, Git!) and agile methodologies to keep your projects organized and on track.

James Martinez, the big cheese at Reaktor (one of Finland's top tech companies), summed it up perfectly: "Full stack developers are the glue that holds modern software together. Their ability to blend front-end and back-end components is invaluable, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge solutions like bosses." So, if you're ready to level up your coding game and snag one of the hottest jobs in Finland, start sharpening those full stack skills today!

7. Mobile App Development


The mobile app game in Finland is about to blow up! By 2024, the app market in Finland is projected to grow by a whopping 8.66%, hitting a massive $672.80 million in revenue.

That's some serious cash flow! The future of mobile app development is shaping up to be a wild ride, with game-changers like AI, AR, and VR coming into play.

If you're looking to get in on the action, Finnish employers are on the hunt for app devs who can crush it on both iOS and Android platforms.

For iOS, Swift is the language to master, with job openings expected to spike by 18% by 2024. And for Android, Kotlin is where it's at, with a projected 25% jump in job opportunities over the same period.

But coding skills ain't everything. Successful app devs need to be well-rounded, with skills like intuitive UI/UX design, performance optimization, testing and automation, and top-notch security know-how.

The average mobile app developer salary in Finland is expected to hit a cool €56,000 by 2024.

That's a pretty sweet deal for those willing to stay ahead of the curve and keep leveling up their skills. The mobile app world in Finland is about to pop off, so get ready to ride that wave!

8. Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the future! By 2024, this interconnected web of smart devices is going to become a major force in the Finnish tech world.

IoT basically links up objects with sensors, software, and internet - letting them share data and letting you control them remotely. It's futuristic!

The top IoT companies in Finland are already leading the way.

Firms like iProtoXi and Connected Finland are creating cutting-edge IoT solutions. iProtoXi designs energy-efficient IoT devices, while Connected Finland lets millions of smart gadgets access the internet directly.

These companies are pioneering ways to optimize processes, boost efficiency, and enhance user experiences through IoT.

To make it big in Finland's IoT game by 2024, you'll need some serious skills:

  • Sensor tech know-how: Crucial for building the foundation of IoT systems.
  • Mastering cloud integration: Key since IoT generates large amounts of data that needs cloud storage and processing.
  • Embedded systems development: Essential for programming IoT devices.
  • Understanding network protocols: Necessary for seamless connectivity.
  • Using data analytics tools: Important to unleash insights from IoT data streams.
  • Implementing cybersecurity measures: Keeps systems secure.

With skills like these, you'll be ready to innovate and unlock new opportunities in Finland's booming IoT landscape by 2024!

9. Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is the real deal, and it's about to shake things up big time in Finland come 2024. This tech is all about keeping data secure and transparent, which is pretty dope for industries like finance and supply chains.

The Finnish government is already on board, with the Ministry of Finance launching projects to see how blockchain can help with stuff like data sharing and regulatory reporting.

Big players like Nokia and Kone are also exploring ways to use it to streamline their operations and make things more efficient.

If you want to get in on this blockchain action, employers in Finland are looking for peeps skilled in development and implementation.

According to a survey by Deloitte, a whopping 86% of respondents say they're facing a major skills gap when it comes to blockchain in their workforce.

The skills you'll need to have on lock include:

  • Building smart contracts on platforms like Ethereum.
  • Developing decentralized apps (dApps).
  • Creating and managing cryptocurrencies.
  • Implementing security protocols for blockchain.
  • Understanding consensus algorithms and cryptography.

You'll also need to be proficient in programming languages like Solidity, Rust, and Go.

A recap of 2023 shows developments in digital identities, fintech, and energy sectors, so the demand for blockchain skills is only going to keep rising.

Companies like Nordea Bank are already exploring Ethereum-based apps to improve cross-border payments and trade finance. According to John Lopez, the blockchain lead at Kone Corporation,

"Blockchain technology offers immense potential for streamlining operations and increasing transparency across industries."

With use cases rapidly expanding, skilled blockchain professionals will be essential for Finland's tech future.

10. Agile Project Management


Finnish tech companies are going all-in on Agile project management to stay on top of their game in 2024.

Agile approaches like Scrum and Kanban are the secret sauce for driving innovation, fostering teamwork, and delivering killer products lightning-fast. A study by the Project Management Institute found that a whopping 88% of organizations in Finland have adopted Agile practices, with tech titans like TietoEVRY leading the charge.

TietoEVRY, a major Nordic software and IT services company, has fully embraced Agile methodologies across their operations.

According to their annual report, implementing Scrum and Kanban frameworks has resulted in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 40% reduction in time-to-market for new products.

As Finnish companies realize the competitive edge that Agile brings, the demand for professionals with these key skills is skyrocketing:

  • Scrum Master: Facilitating Scrum ceremonies, fostering collaboration, and ensuring adherence to Agile principles.
  • Kanban Practitioner: Implementing and optimizing Kanban workflows, visualizing work, and driving continuous improvement.
  • Agile Project Management: Leading cross-functional teams, prioritizing backlogs, and adapting to changing requirements.
  • Agile Testing: Conducting iterative testing, ensuring quality throughout the development lifecycle.

A recent survey by the Finnish Software Industry Association revealed that 72% of tech companies in Finland plan to upskill their workforce in Agile practices by 2024.

By embracing Agile methodologies, Finnish companies can stay ahead of the curve, deliver innovative solutions, and thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.



To figure out the top tech skills that Finnish employers are going to be hunting for in 2024, we did some serious digging. We checked out all the major sources, from government labor reports to blog posts on researching in-demand skills, surveys from the big dogs like Nokia and Supercell, and even hit up career experts and recruiters for the inside scoop.

The criteria we used to spot the hottest skills were:

  1. Demand growth: How much demand was projected to grow based on market trends and new technologies.
  2. Company alignment: Whether the skills aligned with the priorities of major Finnish tech companies.
  3. Qualifications in job postings: What qualifications employers were looking for in job postings.
  4. Industry input: Input from tech pros and industry associations on skills everyone needs.

We didn't just take things at face value, though.

We put our research game on lock with a solid methodology:

  • Government data analysis: Analyzing data from the Finnish government and Statistics Finland.
  • Job market reports: Checking out tech job market reports from big names like BCG and Gartner.
  • Job board research: Scouring job boards and company career sites for common skill requirements.
  • Recruiter surveys: Surveying and interviewing tech recruiters and seasoned Finnish pros.

The goal was to cross-reference multiple legit sources to avoid any biases and make sure our intel was on point.

As James Taylor, Program Director at Aalto University, put it,

"Identifying the right tech skills is crucial for job seekers and companies. A data-driven approach is essential to stay ahead of rapidly evolving market demands."

You know we had to stay on top of the latest tech skills and bring you the real deal, straight from the experts themselves.

But don't just take our word for it - check out the full breakdown of how to measure technical skills in your team over at Nucamp.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Finnish employers are seeking in 2024?

The top tech skills in demand for 2024 in Finland include cloud computing, cybersecurity, AI and machine learning, DevOps, full stack development, mobile app development, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, agile project management, and data science and analytics.

Why are cloud computing skills in such high demand in Finland?

Finnish companies are moving their operations to cloud platforms like AWS and Azure to increase scalability and efficiency. Key roles in demand include cloud engineers, security experts, architects, developers, and consultants.

How is artificial intelligence and machine learning transforming Finland's industries?

AI and machine learning allow companies to analyze large datasets for patterns and predictions, optimizing processes, enhancing cybersecurity, and driving innovation. Over 70% of Finnish companies consider these technologies essential for future growth.

What role does cybersecurity play in Finland's tech sector in 2024?

With rapid digitalization, cybersecurity is crucial for protecting systems and data. Skills in demand include ethical hacking, threat management, network security, and risk assessment and compliance. Significant investments from Finnish companies underscore its importance.

What makes DevOps a critical skill for the Finnish tech market?

DevOps unifies development and operations for faster releases and increased efficiency. Key skills include mastering CI/CD tools, automation tools, and frameworks. Adopting DevOps practices has led to significant improvements in speed and productivity for Finnish companies.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.