Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from France in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 28th 2024

A beginner embarking on their journey to land their first remote tech job in France in 2024 while using a laptop.

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To land your first remote tech job from France in 2024, tailor your resume and cover letters, build a standout LinkedIn profile, and participate in online tech communities like GitHub and Stack Overflow. Engage in continuous learning via platforms like OpenClassrooms, attend virtual meetups, leverage freelancing platforms, and create a personal website.

Alright, let's talk about landing that first remote tech job in France next year! Jobgether is an awesome platform that gets how powerful remote work is for French talent.

They showcase a ton of remote gigs across all kinds of industries, tech included. To make your profile stand out on sites like Jobgether:

  • Craft a headline that pops, highlighting your tech skills and career goals.
  • Showcase your coding projects, internships, or freelance work to flex those technical muscles.
  • Don't sleep on soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving - these are key.
  • Get endorsements and recs from managers, profs, or peers to boost your credibility.

When applying for remote roles, make sure to tailor each application by:

  1. Studying the job description and matching your resume/cover letter to the listed skills.
  2. Explaining why you're a perfect fit for the company's as vibe and values.
  3. Showing your passion for the role and industry - enthusiasm goes a long way!

As the co-founder of French networking platform Welcome to the Jungle says,

"The most successful candidates invest time in highlighting their human skills and personality alongside their tech expertise." So don't just focus on the code, let your personality shine through too!

For more remote job hunting tips, check out Nucamp's guide on landing remote tech jobs from France.

Table of Contents

  • Leverage LinkedIn for Networking
  • Participate in Online Tech Communities
  • Upskill with Courses on OpenClassrooms
  • Attend Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences
  • Utilize Freelancing Platforms like
  • Build a Personal Website to Showcase Your Skills
  • Contribute to Open Source Projects on GitHub
  • Get Support from Remote Work Advisors like RemoteFrance
  • Stay Updated with Remote Work Blogs Like Remotive
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Leverage LinkedIn for Networking


In this digital age, LinkedIn is the holy grail for advancing your career.

It's like a massive networking party where all the cool tech folks hang out. For those of us aiming to score remote tech gigs in France, mastering LinkedIn is an absolute must.

Start by creating a killer profile that screams "I'm a certified coding genius!" Highlight your mad skills, certifications, and jaw-dropping projects you've worked on.

Make it a showstopper that represents your professional journey.

Now, to really stand out, follow these pro tips:

  • Sprinkle those keywords: Stuff your profile with buzzwords like "remote developer," "agile ninja," and the programming languages you slay. This helps recruiters find you more easily.
  • Get endorsed: Hit up your former colleagues and peers to endorse your skills. Apparently, over half of recruiters dig endorsements.
  • Stay active: Engage with industry content, follow the big shots in your field, and join relevant groups. It's like being the life of the LinkedIn party!

When it comes to connecting with French tech recruiters, join local groups like "Tech Parisien" and "French Tech Remote." Chime in on discussions, share your wisdom, and network like a boss.

Also, set up job alerts for roles that match your vibe and reach out to recruiters directly with a personalized message that showcases why you're the perfect fit.

As recruiter Elizabeth Hernandez says, "A well-crafted InMail grabs my attention way more than a generic application."

By mastering LinkedIn, you'll boost your online brand, expand your network, and increase your chances of landing that dream remote tech role in France.

As career coach Mary Johnson puts it,

"Your LinkedIn profile is your digital business card in today's job market. Treat it like a living resume that showcases your expertise and achievements."

Get on LinkedIn and make it work for you!

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Participate in Online Tech Communities


Let me share some insights on Stack Overflow and GitHub, the real MVPs for landing that remote tech gig.

These online communities are where it's at for devs looking to level up and get noticed. Stack Overflow is a massive Q&A board where you can flex your coding knowledge and get props from hiring managers - 87.8% of them actually check your contributions there when sizing you up for roles.

But don't sleep on GitHub either.

This open-source paradise has like 73 million coders and 200 million repos where you can showcase your skills to the world. Contributing to projects on GitHub is a major key - 63% of companies peep your GitHub profile before hiring, so make sure it's poppin'! You get to work with global teams, build an impressive portfolio, and prove you're not just talk.

The move is to stay active in these communities - ask questions, drop knowledge bombs, and collaborate on projects.

As John Williams, a remote software dev, puts it,

"Engaging with the tech community on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub levels up your skills and gets you noticed by companies hunting for that remote talent."

So hop in the mix and make some noise - your dream remote gig could be just a few commits away!

Upskill with Courses on OpenClassrooms


In today's ever-changing tech scene, continuous learning is the key to staying ahead of the game and unlocking fresh remote job opportunities.

OpenClassrooms is a leading online platform that empowers you to level up your tech skills and future-proof your career.

As of 2024, they offer over 600 courses covering cutting-edge fields like data science, cybersecurity, and web development.

A study by the European Commission found that professionals who embrace lifelong learning are 25% more likely to score better-paying gigs and advance their careers rapidly.

Choosing courses that align with in-demand remote tech skills can seriously boost your job prospects. OpenClassrooms' top-rated programs for remote work readiness include Full Stack Web Development, Data Analyst, Python for Data Science, and Introduction to Cybersecurity.

Beyond technical expertise, these courses equip learners with essential soft skills like effective communication and time management – crucial for thriving in remote work environments.

OpenClassrooms' unique approach, combining video lessons, hands-on projects, and personalized mentorship, has yielded remarkable success stories.

"OpenClassrooms' career-focused curriculum and unwavering support transformed me from a complete beginner to a confident full-stack developer, landing my dream remote job within six months,"

testifies Karen Jones, a recent graduate.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Attend Virtual Tech Meetups and Conferences


Virtual tech meetups and conferences are the move if you're tryna score a remote tech gig in France. These events let you link up with industry bigwigs, experienced pros, and peeps who share your love for tech.

By getting involved, you'll gain mad knowledge and put yourself on the radar within the tech scene.

One virtual event that's a must-attend is DevFest, organized yearly by Google Developer Groups.

This shindig brings together devs, designers, and tech geeks to explore the latest trends, swap ideas, and connect with potential employers or collaborators. In 2024, DevFest is expected to draw thousands from all over France, showcasing cutting-edge tech and hosting insightful sessions by industry experts.

To make the most of these virtual meetups and conferences, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Do your homework: Get familiar with the agenda, speakers, and topics to ensure they align with your interests and career goals.
  2. Get involved: Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your thoughts during Q&As, showing off your knowledge and passion for the field.
  3. Network strategically: Use networking opportunities to introduce yourself to industry pros, exchange contact info, and follow up with meaningful conversations after the event.
  4. Level up your online presence: Update your LinkedIn and other professional profiles with your attendance, showcasing your commitment to continuous learning and growth.
  5. Stay connected: After the event, reach out to the connections you made, expressing appreciation for their insights and exploring potential collabs or job opportunities.

As one seasoned tech pro put it, "Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities." By attending virtual tech meetups and conferences, you'll tap into a wealth of knowledge, forge connections that matter, and establish yourself as an active and engaged member of the tech community in France.

Don't sleep on the power of networking at these events.

Utilize Freelancing Platforms like


In this digital age, freelancing platforms are where it's at for tech whiz kids looking to score some sweet remote gigs from the comfort of their Parisian pads.

Among the top dogs in 2024 is, a legit platform that makes it easy to create a profile, bid on projects that match your skills, and collaborate with clients from around the globe.

Freelancing ain't just about the cash money – it's a gateway to leveling up your game.

By tackling diverse projects, you'll be building a killer portfolio and developing a crazy versatile skillset that'll make you a force to be reckoned with. The flexibility to work on your own terms is clutch, allowing you to find that sweet work-life balance.

  • Plenty of tech savants have used freelancing as a springboard to score full-time remote roles. By showcasing your successful freelance projects and mad skills, you'll be proving you can crush it independently and deliver top-notch work from anywhere. *
  • Just check out this real-life success story – "Starting as a freelancer let Richard Thomas get hands-on with cutting-edge tech and build a network of clients. When a dope remote opportunity popped up at a legit tech company, my freelance portfolio and positive client reviews sealed the deal." *

The path from freelancer to full-time remote tech pro is totally achievable, and platforms like can set you up for success.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Build a Personal Website to Showcase Your Skills


Let me break it down for you - having a dope personal website is a total game-changer if you're trying to land that sweet remote tech gig in 2024. Trust me, recruiters are all over checking out personal sites to scope out potential hires.

Your website is like your digital calling card, a place to flex those sick coding skills and show off your best work. But it's not just about the projects, it's also about building your brand and letting your personality shine through.

So, what should your site be packing? First up, a killer portfolio section where you can showcase your most impressive coding projects, designs, or writing samples.

This is where you can really let your talent do the talking. Next, add a blog section to share your thoughts and insights on the latest tech trends. Staying up-to-date and sharing your knowledge is a surefire way to catch a recruiter's eye.

Oh, and don't forget to make sure your contact info is on point - you want those potential employers to be able to hit you up easily.

Now, you don't have to be a coding wizard to build a slick website.

There are tons of user-friendly platforms out there like Squarespace and WordPress that make it a breeze to create a professional-looking site.

Just pick a template that vibes with your style and start customizing. And don't sleep on SEO – optimize your site with relevant keywords and meta descriptions to make sure it's ranking high on those search engines.

At the end of the day, your personal website is like your digital resume on steroids.

It's a chance to showcase your skills, share your passion, and let your unique personality shine through. So, if you're serious about landing that dream remote gig, it's time to start building your online presence.

It'll be worth the effort when those job offers start rolling in.

Contribute to Open Source Projects on GitHub


If you're a young gun looking to score your first remote tech gig in France by 2024, contributing to open-source projects on GitHub is the way to go.

Open-source software is a collaborative effort where the code is freely available for anyone to study, modify, and distribute. By chipping in, you gain hands-on experience, showcase your skills, and build a portfolio that'll make potential employers go "Ooh la la!"

According to a recent study, developers who contribute to open-source projects are 63% more likely to get hired than those who don't.

Employers dig open-source contributors because it shows they can work in a team, solve problems, and stay up-to-date with the latest tech. As David Martinez, a senior software engineer at Elastic, puts it, "Contributing to open-source projects shows that you're passionate about coding and willing to go the extra mile."

To get started, here are some tips for finding beginner-friendly open-source projects on GitHub:

  1. Look for projects with a "good first issue" or "help wanted" label, indicating tasks suitable for newbies.
  2. Check the project's documentation for a contributing guide or a code of conduct, which can provide helpful info for new contributors. Read more here.
  3. Consider projects related to your programming language or technology of interest, making it easier to understand the codebase. Focus on what you know.
  4. Join the project's community channels (e.g., Slack, Discord) and introduce yourself, expressing your willingness to contribute. Engage and connect.

Once you've identified a project, don't be shy to ask questions and seek guidance from the project maintainers and the community.

As the famous quote by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, says,

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

By contributing to open-source projects, you'll not only enhance your resume but also gain invaluable experience and connections within the tech community.

Get Support from Remote Work Advisors like RemoteFrance


Scoring your first remote tech gig can be a real grind, with all kinds of hurdles and uncertainties along the way. But you don't have to go it alone. Remote work advisors like RemoteFrance are there to back you up, providing guidance tailored to your goals.

With deep knowledge of the French remote job market, RemoteFrance specializes in helping tech newbies land sweet remote roles.

RemoteFrance's services cover a wide range of offerings to meet your needs, no matter where you're at in your career journey.

For those just starting, they offer comprehensive resume reviews and personal branding strategies to create an online presence that pops. Their personalized coaching sessions equip you with killer interview techniques and negotiation skills to stand out from the crowd.

Plus, they maintain a curated database of remote job openings in France, connecting you with companies actively hiring for remote tech positions.

One of RemoteFrance's standout offerings is their Remote Work Readiness Program, designed specifically for tech industry newcomers.

This comprehensive program covers essential topics like:

By arming you with the necessary skills and knowledge, RemoteFrance ensures that beginners are well-equipped to thrive in the remote work world.

Satisfied clients rave about the impact of RemoteFrance's services.

"RemoteFrance's guidance was invaluable in helping me score my first remote tech job. Their personalized approach and industry insights gave me the confidence to crush remote interviews and negotiations,"

shares Patricia Wilson, a recent grad who landed a remote software developer role with a top French tech company.

Stay Updated with Remote Work Blogs Like Remotive


In this rapidly changing world of remote work, being on top of your game is essential for landing that dream tech gig from France in 2024. That's where dope platforms like Remotive come in clutch, serving as a treasure trove of info to help you stay ahead of the curve and score that remote bag.

Here's why you should be keeping tabs on Remotive and other remote work blogs as you navigate the job hunt in France next year:

  • Job Listings Galore: Remotive hooks you up with a massive collection of remote job openings across various industries, making it a one-stop shop for discovering fresh opportunities. Many blogs also feature job boards tailored specifically to the French market.
  • Industry 411: These blogs keep you in the loop with valuable insights on the latest remote work trends, best practices, and success stories, arming you with the knowledge to make smart moves in your career journey.
  • Career Coaching: From crafting killer resumes and cover letters to nailing virtual interviews, remote work blogs offer pro tips to help you stand out and slay the competition.

To make the most of these resources, here's what you should do:

  1. Stay Updated: Subscribe to the email newsletters or RSS feeds of top remote work blogs to get updates straight to your inbox.
  2. Engage with the Community: Join the blogger community by participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing your own experiences.
  3. Follow Influencers: Follow influential remote work advocates and thought leaders on social media for real-time updates and networking opportunities.

With the demand for remote tech jobs in France skyrocketing in 2024, staying in the know through platforms like Remotive could be your ticket to landing that dream career.

By tapping into these resources, you'll gain a competitive edge and position yourself as a knowledgeable, adaptable pro ready to slay the remote work game.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key strategies to make my profile stand out when applying for remote tech jobs in France?

To make your profile stand out, craft a compelling headline that highlights your tech skills and career goals. Showcase your coding projects, internships, or freelance work. Don’t forget to highlight your soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Getting endorsements and recommendations from managers, professors, or peers can boost your credibility.

How can leveraging LinkedIn help in securing a remote tech job from France?

To leverage LinkedIn effectively, create a detailed profile that highlights your skills, certifications, and projects. Use relevant keywords to improve visibility, get endorsements from colleagues, and stay active by engaging with industry content and joining relevant groups. Connecting with French tech recruiters and joining local groups like 'Tech Parisien' and 'French Tech Remote' can also be beneficial.

Why is participating in online tech communities beneficial for landing a remote tech job?

Participating in online tech communities such as Stack Overflow and GitHub can help you flex your coding knowledge and get noticed by hiring managers. Contributing to open-source projects on GitHub can showcase your skills to potential employers, and staying active in these communities can help build an impressive portfolio and improve your chances of getting hired.

How can upskilling with courses boost my chances of landing a remote tech job in France?

Upskilling with courses, especially those offered by platforms like OpenClassrooms, can help you stay ahead in the ever-changing tech scene. These courses cover cutting-edge fields like data science, cybersecurity, and web development, and also equip you with essential soft skills like effective communication and time management. Continuous learning can significantly improve job prospects and career advancement.

What are the benefits of attending virtual tech meetups and conferences?

Attending virtual tech meetups and conferences allows you to connect with industry bigwigs, gain valuable knowledge, and put yourself on the radar within the tech scene. Participating in discussions, networking with professionals, and staying connected after the event can open up new job opportunities and help you establish yourself as an active member of the tech community in France.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.