How is diversity and inclusion shaping Full-Stack Developer roles?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Diversity in Full-Stack Development roles

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Diversity and inclusion are reshaping Full-Stack Developer roles. Tech companies prioritizing diversity are more innovative and financially successful. Strategies include recruitment practices, mentorship programs, and fostering an inclusive culture to drive innovation and business growth. Tech's future success hinges on intentional diversity and inclusion efforts.

Diversity and inclusion are essential for thriving in tech. Having people from different backgrounds on your team boosts creativity and helps solve problems more effectively.

The stats don't lie – companies that embrace diversity tend to outshine their less inclusive rivals, especially when it comes to innovation and raking in that sweet revenue.

Full-Stack Devs like us massively benefit from working in diverse squads.

With folks bringing unique perspectives to the table, we can craft products that resonate with audiences worldwide. It's a globalized world out there. That's why organizations like Nucamp offer scholarships to help level the playing field for underrepresented communities.

But it's not just about numbers and representation.

As devs, we gotta cultivate soft skills like effective communication and empathy. These skills are crucial for navigating the modern, global workplace. It's about being able to connect and collaborate with all kinds of people, no matter their background.

Diversity and inclusion are a big deal in tech, and Full-Stack Devs play a major role in shaping an inclusive work environment.

We'll dive deeper into how you can contribute to this movement and why it's reshaping the entire industry. Stay tuned for more on this topic at your website.

Table of Contents

  • Effective Strategies to Promote Diversity in Tech Workplaces
  • The Full Stack Developer's Role in an Inclusive Work Environment
  • Challenges for Underrepresented Groups in Tech
  • Impact of Diversity on Team Performance and Innovation
  • Success Stories of Diversity and Inclusion in Tech Companies
  • Mentorship Programs and Their Role in Supporting Diversity in Tech
  • Educational Institutions Fostering Diversity in Tech
  • Measuring the Success of Diversity Initiatives in Tech Companies
  • Barriers to Entry for Minorities in Tech
  • Implementing Effective Diversity Training in Tech Companies
  • Conclusion: The Future of Diversity and Inclusion in Tech
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Effective Strategies to Promote Diversity in Tech Workplaces


The tech world is finally waking up to the fact that having a diverse crew is the key to killing it. Companies are realizing that if they want to stay ahead of the game, they need to have policies and programs that make everyone feel welcome and valued, regardless of their background.

According to Cornell University's research on diversity best practices, companies can start by implementing diversity programs like bias training, mentorship schemes, and more flexible hiring processes.

For instance, Google is known for its employee resource groups (ERGs) and partnerships with schools to support women in tech, which has helped increase female representation.

But it's not just about good intentions; there's data to back it up.

McKinsey & Company found that companies with high diversity scores are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors financially. And according to a diversity and inclusion officer in Silicon Valley, having a team that reflects your customer base is crucial for building innovative products.

So, what does a solid diversity strategy look like? Here are a few key elements:

  • An unbiased recruitment process that uses cutting-edge HR tech tips for hiring and fostering an inclusive culture, as suggested by Ceridian's insight on diversity and inclusion.
  • Partnerships with organizations and schools that promote tech talent among underrepresented groups.
  • Employee resource groups and mentorship programs that encourage inclusiveness and career growth for all employees.

And to track progress, companies often use a table of key diversity metrics like this:

Metric Benchmark Goal
Workforce Diversity Industry Average +10% Increase YOY
Employee Satisfaction Company Baseline 90% Positive Feedback
Retention Rates Industry Standard Reduce Turnover by 15%

At the end of the day, embracing diversity isn't just some trendy buzzword; it's a straight-up competitive advantage.

Companies that get on board with inclusive strategies and clear execution are setting themselves up for major success in the long run.

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The Full Stack Developer's Role in an Inclusive Work Environment


Full Stack Devs are the real MVPs when it comes to creating a chill and welcoming vibe in the tech world. They got mad skills that allow them to shape both the technical side and the cultural side of their teams, making sure everyone feels included and appreciated, regardless of their background.

These coding wizards can get involved in dope initiatives like the DrupalCon Portland 2022 program, which is all about celebrating diversity, equality, and inclusion through community events and support programs.

This collaborative approach can boost team synergy by a whopping 57%. They can also bake accessibility features right into the software they create, ensuring that people of all abilities can use it without any hassle, while also appealing to a wider range of customers.

  • Accessibility in Software Development: They design and code software with accessibility as a top priority, making sure it's usable for folks with different abilities and backgrounds.
  • Internationalization in Development: They make sure their apps can be easily adapted to multiple languages and regions, right from the get-go.
  • Diversity in Problem-Solving: They value different perspectives during code reviews and brainstorming sessions, which helps them solve problems better and come up with fresh ideas.

By using user personas that represent diverse groups during the design phase, Full Stack Devs create products that resonate with a wide range of users.

In fact, products designed with inclusivity in mind are four times more likely to capture a larger market share, according to the Center for Information and Society.

Their contributions to initiatives like the She Code Africa Contributhon have helped make the African open-source community more inclusive by introducing more inclusive naming in software documentation.

That's some real impact!

Tech company leaders know that

"Inclusion leads to growth,"

and diversity training programs can boost employee satisfaction by a solid 25%.

Full Stack Devs also mentor and provide internship opportunities to underrepresented groups, helping them grow their careers and skills.

  1. AI and Bias Mitigation: They use diverse datasets to reduce biases in AI and machine learning algorithms.
  2. Mentorship and Training: They get involved in mentorship and training programs, like those at DrupalCon, to uplift marginalized groups.
  3. Collaboration in Diverse Teams: They work with teams that bring together different life experiences, enhancing creativity and effectiveness.

Full Stack Devs incorporate these inclusive practices into their daily grind, creating a welcoming and inclusive vibe within their organizations.

Their impact on inclusivity is off the charts – from recruitment strategies to thoughtful design and coding practices. Their collective efforts not only elevate the quality of their products but also reflect the diverse global audience they serve.

Challenges for Underrepresented Groups in Tech


The tech world's got a problem with diversity, and it's been dragging on for too long. Even with all the talk and programs trying to fix it, women and minorities are still underrepresented in the big roles, especially in Silicon Valley.

They're facing a ton of obstacles like toxic work environments, feeling isolated, and straight-up discrimination.

African Americans and Hispanics in STEM fields are way outnumbered compared to their representation in the general workforce, especially those with advanced degrees.

In 2020, only 25% of computing jobs were held by women, and out of that, a measly 3% were African American and 1% Hispanic. It's clear that systemic barriers are still a massive issue.

But there's a glimmer of hope! Programs like Verizon's Minority Male Makers show that mentorship and skill development can help boost minority representation in tech.

Still, we can't ignore the reality of the pay gap, lack of representation in tech programs, and the fact that many women, especially women of color, end up leaving the industry by the time they're 35.

A Pew Research Center survey found that blacks and Hispanics are way more concerned about racial and ethnic diversity in their workplaces, feeling like it's not valued enough.

They also experience higher rates of discrimination compared to their Asian and white colleagues. This screams for the industry to take a hard look at itself and revamp its diversity strategies.

So, what's the fix? It's gonna take a solid approach – more mentorship, inclusive recruitment, and supportive networks to keep people in the game.

Not only is it the right thing to do, but diversity also leads to more innovation and revenue. But the real key is holding companies accountable with measurable diversity metrics to track progress.

Actions speak louder than words, and if the tech world wants to live up to its inclusive ideals, it needs to put in the work and make diversity a priority for everyone.

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Impact of Diversity on Team Performance and Innovation


Check it out, diversity and innovation in Full-Stack Developer roles ain't no joke. This McKinsey report from 2020 shows that companies with the most diverse executive teams killed it, outperforming the bottom quartile by a whopping 36% in profits.

And companies that championed gender diversity saw a 15% boost in financial returns above their industry average, according to Harvard Business Review.

So, diversity in Full-Stack dev teams isn't just about being woke, it's straight-up smart business.

Dig a little deeper, and you'll see that diverse Full-Stack teams are problem-solving beasts, thanks to their varied approaches and solutions.

They make decisions that lead to 60% better outcomes, according to a Journal of the National Medical Association study.

That's some serious impact on both quality and financial performance. Plus, diversity brings more innovation to the table, with companies having a wider range of gender and ethnic leadership being more likely to introduce new products.

In the tech world where innovation rules, diversity is a game-changer.

Intel gets it. They've been pushing for diversity, and it's paying off big time.

Women's representation in technical roles has climbed by nearly 10% in just five years. That's a testament to the benefits inclusivity brings to organizational culture and tech's future.

It's by tapping into the collective intelligence of diverse perspectives that companies like IBM can create dope innovations like voice recognition software that's more accurate for women's voices – a direct result of gender diversity in action.

But it's not just about assembling a diverse team; it's about fostering an inclusive culture where everyone can contribute their best.

Companies with inclusive cultures are killing it, being twice as likely to exceed financial goals, three times as likely to perform exceptionally, six times more agile, and eight times better at achieving superior business outcomes.

Full-Stack Devs in these environments are primed to crush it in innovation and problem-solving, driving company growth. CIO's research shows that inclusive teams are 87% more likely to make solid decisions, highlighting the crucial role diversity plays in delivering top-notch full-stack solutions.

Success Stories of Diversity and Inclusion in Tech Companies


The tech world is full of epic success stories that show how diversity and inclusion can be total game-changers. Companies like Verizon, Coca-Cola, IBM, and L'Oréal aren't just ticking boxes – they're living and breathing diversity into their very core.

They get that diversity fuels growth, and inclusion keeps that innovative fire burning bright. Take IBM, for example. Under CEO Lou Gerstner, they went through a massive culture shift, setting up diversity task forces and catering to a broader range of clients.

The result? More female, ethnic minority, and LGBTQ+ execs, a wider client base, and even a supplier diversity program.

Companies like JPMorgan Chase and the Black leaders in tech that CIO featured prove that perseverance and top-down commitment are crucial for creating an environment where diversity can truly thrive and boost business performance.

Remember Intel's "Diversity in Technology" initiative? They hit their workforce representation goal ahead of schedule in 2020, which led to a surge in innovation and employee satisfaction.

Studies by McKinsey and the Boston Consulting Group back this up – companies with diverse management teams reported a 19% higher innovation revenue than those with homogenous teams.

Mind-blowing, isn't it?

Then there's GitHub, building an inclusive space for underrepresented groups with programs that celebrate personal identities and supercharge team collaboration and creativity.

It's like the World's Most Admired Companies (WMACs) say – leadership accountability for promoting diversity and expecting inclusive leadership from aspiring leaders is key.

It's about tying diversity and inclusion to business strategies and performance goals.

Take Etsy, for instance. They revamped their interview process, skyrocketing the number of female engineers and reviving their market share – all thanks to embracing diversity.

Companies like Sodexo and Johnson & Johnson, mentioned by Social Talent, are also killing it with their diversity-driven performance boost.

It's empirical proof that diversity and inclusion are legit business superpowers.

At the end of the day, these stories are both inspiring and instructional for the tech industry.

They show that embracing diversity and inclusion isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a competitive advantage, essential for staying ahead of the game. So, as full-stack devs like you navigate this ever-changing landscape, aligning with values of diversity and inclusion is crucial for personal and organizational success.

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Mentorship Programs and Their Role in Supporting Diversity in Tech


Let me break it down for you about how mentorship programs are a total game-changer in the tech world, especially for Full-Stack Developers.

These programs are all about promoting diversity and inclusion, which is crucial in an industry that's been historically lacking in that department.

According to Harvard Business Review, mentorship can boost minority representation in leadership roles by up to 24%.

That's insane! By connecting people from different backgrounds, these programs help underrepresented talent get access to opportunities they might not have had otherwise.

Tech giants like Google and Intel are all over this, with initiatives like Google's CodeU and Intel's 'Grow With Me' program showing promising results in diversifying their talent pipeline and retaining minority employees.

These companies recognize the power of mentorship in creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

But for mentorship programs to really make a difference, they have to follow best practices like focused career development, diverse representation, and accountability measures.

Effective mentorship provides personal and professional growth opportunities while tracking progress to ensure success. According to Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, structured programs can significantly improve job satisfaction and advancement for underrepresented groups within a few years.

Companies can measure the success of their mentorship programs through job satisfaction surveys, retention rates, and promotion rates among participants.

Intel's case study showed a 10% boost in retention for mentors and mentees, which is a solid win. The National Center for Women & Information Technology even says that mentorship can double promotion rates for women and minorities in tech.

At the end of the day, mentorship is about more than just career advancement.

It's about building a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone has a chance to succeed. As Dice points out, mentorship breaks down barriers that hold back diverse talent from moving up the ranks.

It creates a culture where recruits, especially Full-Stack Developers who work across different disciplines, have a network that fuels innovation and reflects the diversity of their consumer base.

Educational Institutions Fostering Diversity in Tech


Education is like the key to making tech more diverse. Universities are going all out to support underrepresented peeps trying to make it in the tech world, especially in full-stack development.

Colleges worldwide are launching programs that prioritize diversity in STEM fields. For example, the Colorado Diversity Initiative at the University of Colorado Boulder helps underrepresented students in STEM, and Georgia Tech's Institute for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is building an inclusive campus community with their DEI Plan.

These educational initiatives are backed by solid data that shows they're making a difference in getting more people into tech careers.

Scholarships, like the ones offered by Georgia Tech's Office of Hispanic Initiatives, have been a game-changer for Hispanic and Latino communities. The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) found that scholarship recipients were 1.5 times more likely to pursue tech careers than non-recipients.

Educational institutions also help underrepresented students by:

  • Connecting them with specialized faculty members who serve as mentors and role models.
  • Redesigning curriculum to incorporate inclusive and equitable teaching practices, like what Indiana University Bloomington is doing.
  • Hooking them up with tech companies to get real-world experience.

Case studies from schools like Georgia Tech show the positive outcomes of these diversity efforts, with a significant increase in enrollment among women and underrepresented minorities in engineering and computing fields.

Similarly, affirmative steps taken in admissions at New York City schools are contributing to more diversity in younger students.

These efforts, like the increased female enrollment in computer science programs at the University of California at Berkeley, prove that educational interventions are effective in closing the diversity gap in tech.

As one industry expert said, "When educational institutions commit to diversity, they light a beacon that guides a broader range of talent into tech roles," highlighting the far-reaching impact of such initiatives.

Universities are also measuring the effectiveness of their diversity initiatives through qualitative and quantitative metrics.

For example, Virginia Tech's Office for Diversity and Inclusion conducts a Campus Climate Survey to track progress, while the retention rates of minority students in tech programs offer a valuable quantitative measure.

Student testimonials and programs like the Diversity Development Institute at Virginia Tech provide qualitative evidence of the personal impact of these efforts.

Diversity in tech education initiatives show that when schools and universities create an inclusive educational environment, the tech industry benefits from a workforce that represents its diverse user base.

Measuring the Success of Diversity Initiatives in Tech Companies


Diversity and inclusion are a big deal these days, especially for tech companies trying to build a workplace culture. Measuring the effectiveness of their diversity programs is important, and it's not just about crunching numbers.

You need to look at both quantitative and qualitative metrics to get the full picture.

On the quantitative side, you have metrics like the diversity spread across different levels of the company, employee satisfaction rates, and retention figures.

These hard numbers give you a baseline to track progress. You could also look at the diversity of applicants compared to the actual hiring pool, to see if the recruitment process is fair and inclusive.

But numbers aren't everything.

Qualitative insights from diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) analytics and employee surveys can tell you how people really feel about their job satisfaction and whether they plan to stick around.

More and more HR bosses are prioritizing DEI efforts, and companies with a diverse workforce are being successful with benefits like

2.3 times higher cash flow per employee


That's serious money!

Anonymous surveys and focus groups give employees a safe space to share their real experiences, without fear of backlash. Engagement scores, participation in resource groups, and personal testimonials add depth to the stats, showing the impact of DEI programs on people's lives.

Metrics like Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) and adverse impact analyses can provide actionable insights too.

Diversity in leadership roles is also crucial, showing that the company is committed to an inclusive career path for everyone.

Transparency in promotions, mentorship programs, and development opportunities for underrepresented groups are key to creating a sense of belonging and equity.

You can measure the success of these initiatives by tracking how people progress after mentorship, and how diverse the leadership pipeline really is.

The companies are putting all these metrics together in comprehensive dashboards, giving them a 360-degree view of how their diversity and inclusion efforts are panning out.

By digging into both the numbers and the stories behind them, these companies can craft better strategies for real change, aligning their mission for innovation and community solidarity with a workforce that represents the diversity of the world we live in.

Barriers to Entry for Minorities in Tech


The tech world is supposed to be all about cutting-edge stuff, but it's still struggling to get more people of color and women in the mix. Some research from Cornell University shows that in places like NYC, if you've got the skills and education, your background might not matter as much.

Neat, right?

But zoom out, and the numbers ain't looking too hot. According to the National Center for Women & Information Technology, only 26% of the tech workforce were women in 2020, and underrepresented racial and ethnic groups made up less than 10%.

That's not just uncool for diversity, but it's also bad for business since diverse teams are proven to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

So, what's holding minorities back in tech? A few things:

  • Money and tech barriers: Some sectors, like electronics, have high costs and complicated tech that can make it tough to get in, according to Investopedia.
  • Systemic issues: Certain groups like Black and Hispanic folks have had a hard time accessing opportunities and moving up in tech.
  • Cultural biases: When there's a lack of representation, it can be harder to create a welcoming environment at work.

But don't worry, there are moves being made to break down these barriers, like:

  1. Scholarships: Organizations like Google Cloud and Women Techmakers are offering scholarships specifically for women in tech.
  2. Mentorship programs: Setting up mentors to guide and support minorities in building their careers and networks.
  3. Revamped hiring: Companies are changing how they hire to actively promote diversity in the workplace.

And it's paying off – Google's diversity efforts led to a 20% increase in hiring for Black technical roles.

But without these kinds of proactive moves, underrepresentation just gets worse. Maria Klawe, the President of Harvey Mudd College, backs this up – she says innovation thrives on diversity, and limiting who can participate caps what issues tech can tackle.

Her college is proof – after revamping their CS curriculum, the percentage of women in the major shot up from 10% to 40%.

For minorities to really thrive in tech, companies need to be all-in on long-term inclusion strategies – from hiring to continuous training, promoting minority leadership, and keeping a close eye on diversity numbers for accountability.

The road to breaking down barriers for minorities in tech requires a combo of education, opportunities, and a culture of true inclusion.

With sustained effort from everyone, the tech world can finally reflect the diversity it claims to serve.

Implementing Effective Diversity Training in Tech Companies


If you wanna see some real change in the tech world, we gotta talk about diversity training. It's not just a one-and-done kinda thing – it's a whole process that needs to be tailored to the unique challenges and biases in the industry.

We're not just checking a box here; we're trying to build a solid foundation of awareness and understanding.

Imagine this: you're in a workshop where you're learning about unconscious bias and privilege – heavy stuff, right? But it's not just a lecture; you're getting hands-on with role-playing exercises and group discussions.

That's how you start to really get where your colleagues are coming from and build some empathy.

And the benefits? Companies that have legit diversity training see a huge boost in team collaboration and are way better at creating products that cater to all kinds of users.

We're talking a 57% improvement in collaboration! That's insane!

But it doesn't stop there. Tech companies gotta get creative to make diversity stick:

  • Mix it up with diverse teams working on projects together – different perspectives = better problem-solving.
  • Mentorship programs that pair people from different backgrounds – cross-cultural understanding FTW!
  • Regular audits of hiring and promotion practices, backed by data-driven strategies from industry experts. No more bias in who gets ahead.

The real key is making diversity a core part of the company's identity and values.

When it's ingrained like that, you're more likely to see a genuine culture shift. We're talking 19% higher innovation revenue and 22% lower turnover rates for companies that take diversity seriously.

"An inclusive environment doesn't just happen," says Karen Davis, an HR pro from Silicon Valley.

"It takes intentional, ongoing effort." And she's right – companies need to:

  1. Assess the current situation – what's the diversity climate like now?
  2. Set clear, measurable goals – what are we trying to achieve?
  3. Mix up the training methods – different strokes for different folks.
  4. Track progress and hold people accountable – no slacking off here!

If tech companies really commit to this stuff, diversity training won't just be a box to check – it'll be woven into the fabric of the company itself.

Conclusion: The Future of Diversity and Inclusion in Tech


This diversity and inclusion stuff in the tech world, especially for Full-Stack Developers, is a big deal. There's solid proof that companies pushing for D&I are killing it - we're talking 19% higher revenue because of all the fresh perspectives leading to dope products and solutions.

But to really cash in on these benefits, tech needs to step up their game in a few key areas:

  • Recruitment Practices: They gotta expand where they look for talent beyond the usual suspects and tweak those job descriptions to cut out any biased language, as suggested by research.
  • Mentorship Programs: Hook up rising Full-Stack Developers from underrepresented groups with industry vets, just like Google's scholarship for Women in Tech. That way, they can level up their skills and expand their network.
  • Inclusive Culture: Create an environment where everyone's input is valued, which reduces turnover and boosts productivity. Diversity in Tech has some solid principles to follow.

The data shows slow but steady progress in tech diversity, with big players committing to hiring more diverse talent.

Google, for instance, saw a 5.5% increase in hiring Black employees in the US from 2014 to 2020. But to keep that momentum going, they need actionable plans for cultural change, not just quick fixes.

Studies recommend:

  1. Unbiased AI: Implementing unbiased AI and algorithms in their hiring process.
  2. Career Progression: Laying out clear career progression paths for underrepresented groups.
  3. Accountability Metrics: Regularly measuring and reporting on diversity metrics to hold themselves accountable.

As one tech CEO put it,

"Diversity isn't just a moral imperative—it's a business one."

Tech needs to put some real thought into their diversity and inclusion plans and weave them into their daily operations.

A forward-thinking approach could look something like this:

Year Diversity Hiring Targets (%) Inclusive Culture Initiatives (#)
2023 35 20
2024 40 30
2025 45 40

This diversity and inclusion journey in tech is a marathon, not a sprint, and it's gonna take some serious commitment.

As Full-Stack Developers and industry players, if we want to stay innovative and competitive, we gotta rally for an inclusive future. Tech needs to embrace diversity as a major asset, and Nucamp has some killer insights on how diversity impacts team performance and innovation.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is diversity and inclusion important in tech?

Diversity and inclusion foster innovation and sophisticated problem-solving within tech teams. Companies prioritizing diversity are more innovative and financially successful.

What are some effective strategies to promote diversity in tech workplaces?

Effective strategies include unbiased recruitment processes, partnerships with organizations fostering tech talent among underrepresented groups, and employee resource groups that encourage inclusiveness and career growth for all employees.

How do Full Stack Developers contribute to an inclusive work environment?

Full Stack Developers shape both technical and cultural facets of teams, advance diversity and inclusion through considerations like accessibility in software development, internationalization, and valuing diverse viewpoints in problem-solving.

What are some common challenges for underrepresented groups in tech?

Underrepresented groups in tech face barriers like financial and technical hurdles, systemic obstacles, and cultural biases that impede their entry and advancement in the industry.

How does diversity impact team performance and innovation in tech?

Diverse teams excel in problem-solving, make better decisions, and are more innovative. Companies with ethnically diverse executive teams outperform others in profitability, showcasing the economic astuteness of diversity in tech.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible