Top 10 Cloud Services for Full-Stack Developers in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Chart showing top 10 cloud services for full-stack developers in 2024

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Cloud services for full-stack developers are vital, offering scalability and efficiency. By 2024, AWS leads with 32% market share, Azure at 29%, and Google Cloud excels in data analytics. IBM focuses on cognitive computing, Oracle on high-performance computing, and Alibaba on Asian markets. VMware specializes in virtualization, and Red Hat in open-source container orchestration.

Cloud services are where it's at for full-stack development these days. You get all the good stuff like hosting, storage, and app deployment, and it's super flexible, cost-efficient, and scalable.

As we're heading into 2024, cloud computing has been leveling up like crazy, with innovations in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models, making cloud infrastructures even more adaptable and efficient.

Full-stack developers are all about those hybrid and multi-cloud strategies now, and they're getting into the machine learning and AI services like AWS Amplify.

When it comes to picking cloud services, you gotta consider the performance metrics, support for DevOps practices, and how well it vibes with new tech like serverless computing and microservices architecture.

AWS is killing it with a 32% market share, Azure's got 20%, and Google Cloud's rocking 9% by late 2023.

But certifications like edX's Full Stack Developer are also influencing these trends.

Gartner says that by 2025, over 85% of enterprises will be all about that cloud-first life, so choosing a cloud service provider is like a make-or-break decision for full-stack developers.

We'll dive into the top 10 cloud services that meet the criteria and are shaping the cloud computing game for full-stack development in 2024.

  • Market Share & Popularity: See which cloud services are dominating.
  • Range of Services: Check out the variety of services offered by cloud providers.
  • Performance and Scalability: Look at how well the services perform and how scalable they are.
  • Support for Serverless Architectures: Check if they're supporting the latest serverless solutions.
  • Security and Compliance Standards: Make sure they're compliant with industry security standards.
  • Developer Ecosystem and Community: Evaluate the strength of the developer support community.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Find out which providers give you the best bang for your buck.
  • Integration with Other Technologies: See how well the services play nice with existing tech.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - The Leader in Cloud Computing
  • 2. Microsoft Azure - The Enterprise Favorite
  • 3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - Data and Analytics Powerhouse
  • 4. IBM Cloud - For Cognitive and AI Solutions
  • 5. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) - High Performance Computing
  • 6. Alibaba Cloud - The Gateway to Asia's Market
  • 7. DigitalOcean - Simplified Cloud Infrastructure for Developers
  • 8. Salesforce - More Than Just CRM
  • 9. VMware Cloud Services - The Virtualization and Hybrid Cloud Specialist
  • 10. Red Hat Openshift - The Open Source Container Platform
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - The Leader in Cloud Computing


It's 2024 and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is still killin' it in the cloud game. With a massive 32% market share, according to a Statista report, AWS is the OG for full-stack devs.

Their services are like a playground for innovation.

  • Amazon EC2: This bad boy is the heart of AWS's computing services, letting you resize your compute power like a boss. A 2023 dev survey showed that 58% of peeps were rockin' EC2 for its flexibilty and scalability.

  • Amazon S3: When it comes to rock-solid reliability, S3 is an essential piece in any dev setup with a 99.9% uptime, making it a breeze to handle massive data like a champ.

  • AWS Lambda: This thing is a cost-efficient beast for event-driven, scalable apps. Integrating Lambda into your workflow is like entering a new era of savings, with some enterprise projects reporting up to 70% cost reductions. Ka-ching!

These epic tools give full-stack devs the agility and resilience to build next-level apps.

AWS's stability and productivity are legit, with a 94% dev satisfaction rate from a 2023 DevOps survey thanks to their near-perfect service continuity.

Peeps be saying,

"With AWS, we can focus on building our apps without sweating the infrastructure."

Many companies are jumping on the AWS train, not just for performance gains, but as a strategic move to keep up with the ever-changing tech landscape and market demands.

AWS is dropping $2.5 billion on new European cloud regions, showing they're committed to serving the global fam, according to their recent announcement.

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2. Microsoft Azure - The Enterprise Favorite


Let me break it down for you - by 2024, Microsoft Azure's going to be the real powerhouse for all the full-stack devs out there. Why, you ask? Well, Azure's tight integration with other Microsoft products like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code makes it a true asset for developers who work with .NET and C++.

These tools are totally free to obtain for all kinds of platforms.

But that's just the beginning! A recent survey showed that a solid 65% of Azure users saw a major boost in productivity thanks to this synergy between Azure and Microsoft's other products.

Azure's services are absolutely robust in the cloud game, especially for full-stack development:

  • Azure DevOps: This one's all about next-level automation, cutting deployment times by up to 40%. Talk about efficiency in software production!
  • App Services: Scalable hosting solutions that'll make your apps shine, integrating with tools like GitHub for automated deployments. We're talking a 30% boost in app scalability!
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): This beast handles containerized applications like a pro, with a 50% increase in adoption. You know it's enterprise-level robust!

Azure's support for enterprise-level development is no joke.

Companies using Azure have seen an average IT cost reduction of 30-50%, proving Azure's strength when it comes to managing and scaling full-stack apps. In the words of industry leaders,

"Azure has transformed our organization's development agility, turning ideas into solutions faster than ever before."

With benefits like that, it's no wonder that by 2024, Azure's global cloud services market share will have risen to a solid 29%, cementing its place as a critical player in the full-stack development game.

3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - Data and Analytics Powerhouse


In the wild digital world of 2024, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is straight-up killin' it when it comes to data and analytics, especially in the realms of machine learning (ML) and data crunching.

Full-stack devs can tap into Google Cloud's wide range of cloud services, including advanced analytics and AI, which are essential for building dope apps that drive data-driven decisions.

GCP's BigQuery is a beast when it comes to SQL-like capabilities, allowing devs to execute queries across mind-boggling amounts of data at lightning speeds, giving them the insights they need to level up customer experiences and operational efficiency.

Google Cloud is also renowned for its AI-driven approach across its analytics and machine learning services, fostering innovation and strategic decision-making that'll blow your mind.

The backbone for scalable and cost-effective computing, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), is a total game-changer with its container orchestration capabilities, which are crucial for automation and efficient resource management.

Devs are digging GKE's seamless integration with other GCP services, making it a must-have for automated scaling, cluster management, and resource utilization.

Over 60% of full-stack devs rely on GKE for streamlined workflow and continuous deployment, cementing its significance in the dev ecosystem. GCP's commitment to open-source is on point, contributing to projects like TensorFlow and Kubernetes, boosting the community's dev prowess.

Google Cloud's embrace of live service games showcases its robust infrastructure, which isn't just a playground for gamers but also demonstrates its effectiveness in real-time data processing and analytics for diverse applications.

By enabling a hybrid and multi-cloud approach, GCP offers flexibility and bridges the gap between legacy systems and modern cloud-native apps – crucial factors for organizations navigating their digital transformation.

An industry report sums it up perfectly, saying,

"GCP's sophisticated data tools and open-source contributions ensure devs can innovate swiftly, leading to shared progress and reduced time to market, making it an indispensable ally in the dev's toolkit."

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4. IBM Cloud - For Cognitive and AI Solutions


Let me break it down for you. IBM Cloud is like the OG when it comes to AI and cognitive computing. They got this dope suite of AI services called Watson that's built for developers to flex their coding skills.

With Watson, you can process all kinds of data, structured or unstructured, and make smart decisions in real-time. IBM ain't playing around. They even scooped up The Weather Company's tech, taking Watson to the next level with IoT and cloud data services.

Straight killin' the game, ya dig?

  • In healthcare, Watson's cognitive computing is like a personal trainer for patient care, analyzing medical data to keep you fit.
  • In financial services, it's like having a money guru in your pocket, giving you solid insights for investing and managing risks.
  • In retail, machine learning algorithms are like your personal shopping buddy, hooking you up with tailored experiences.

But that's not all.

IBM Cloud Foundry is like a turbo-charged workflow for developers, with mad scalability and support for multiple coding languages. And don't even get me started on the IBM Kubernetes Service.

IBM's got container orchestration on lock, helping businesses deploy across hybrid clouds like a boss. They even helped this major e-commerce platform boost efficiency by 20% and cut time-to-market by 30%.

IBM Cloud is the real deal for full-stack projects that need that cutting-edge cognitive and AI sauce, ya feel me?

5. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) - High Performance Computing


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is a beast of a platform that brings the heat when it comes to high-performance computing (HPC). It's the perfect playground for coding ninjas looking to push the limits and break boundaries.

With Oracle's HPC solutions, you can unleash the power of high-octane workloads like a boss.

We're talking intense data crunching for Formula 1 and mind-bending simulations that'll make your head spin. OCI's got a wild lineup of computing options, like specialized VM shapes powered by Ampere processors that promise up to 44% better price-performance for your apps.

They're straight up showing their commitment to giving devs the tools they need to tackle the toughest challenges.

These high-powered compute options can scale up thousands of cores in a heartbeat, while OCI's Bare Metal servers bring a 30% performance boost over the competition.

Talk about a savage environment for CPU and I/O-intensive workloads. And the real game-changer: the seamless integration with the Oracle Autonomous Database. This bad boy automates tuning, security, backups, and updates, so you can spend more time coding and less time sweating the small stuff.

The Oracle Autonomous Database is self-repairing and self-optimizing, meaning you can kiss downtime goodbye and enjoy smooth sailing.

Combine that with OCI's automated scalability, rock-solid security through data encryption and automatic threat detection, and easy development using SQL, and you've got a full-stack dev's dream come true.

Recent case studies show enterprises switching to OCI can see up to a 50% boost in large-scale app performance, plus mad cost savings. With a suite of highly available hosted services and low-code app development, OCI's got your back whether you're coding for finance, healthcare, retail, or any industry where specialized cloud services are a must-have.

In short, OCI's high performance, integrated database services, and enterprise-level scalability make it a serious contender for devs tackling cutting-edge full-stack applications.

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6. Alibaba Cloud - The Gateway to Asia's Market


By 2024, Alibaba Cloud is going to be the top provider in the cloud service market across Asia, with over 30% of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market secured.

Their Elastic Compute Service (ECS), which is excellent for scaling web apps and handling big data processing, keeps getting better with automatic scaling and performance options tailored to different workloads.

The Alibaba Cloud ECS is all about tight security that meets international standards, so developers can be sure it's reliable across global markets. And their Relational Database Service (RDS) makes database operations a breeze with its high performance and availability.

RDS is optimized to work seamlessly with popular databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB, and features like multi-zone deployment for disaster recovery make it ideal for simplified database management.

  • Automated backups and monitoring: Keeping your data solid and systems healthy with automated processes.
  • Efficient resource utilization with flexible billing: Maximizing cost-effectiveness with adaptable pricing models.
  • Seamless integration with other Alibaba Cloud services: Achieving synergy and efficiency through interconnected solutions.

Alibaba Cloud is serious about expanding its global presence, like being the exclusive cloud services provider for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, positioning themselves as leaders in cloud-based broadcasting and big data analytics.

This aligns with their strategy to be the bridge for businesses trying to access the Asian market and the global digital landscape. Moreover, Alibaba Cloud is staying on top of their offerings by focusing on enhancing the developer experience and state management techniques that are crucial for modern web and mobile apps.

With services like ECS and RDS, Alibaba Cloud has developers covered for handling diverse and evolving digital challenges, making it the go-to choice for anyone looking to succeed in Asia's dynamic market.

7. DigitalOcean - Simplified Cloud Infrastructure for Developers


DigitalOcean is the real deal for all you code-slinging devs out there. These guys are all about making life easier for us programmers. Their DigitalOcean Droplets are the bomb – you can spin up apps lightning-fast, and they've got a killer 99.99% uptime guarantee.

Plus, with data centers all over the globe, you can kiss laggy performance goodbye.

According to some big-shot study by Forrester, using DigitalOcean can save you a whopping $1.55 million in the long run.

Their prices are like half of what those big-name cloud providers charge. Talk about a sweet deal!

If you're into that Kubernetes grind, DigitalOcean has got your back.

Their Kubernetes services are off the charts, scoring a solid 9 outta 10 for dev satisfaction. And they've got all kinds of managed services to make orchestrating your clusters a breeze.

One thing that really sets DigitalOcean apart is their community.

We're talking over 3.5 million devs sharing their knowledge and helping each other out. You can find tutorials, forums, and all kinds of resources to level up your coding game.

A whopping 95% of community members are stoked with the support they get.

Here are the key reasons why DigitalOcean is killing it:

  • High Satisfaction: Over 80% of devs using Droplets are stoked
  • Excellent Kubernetes Services: Their K8s services are rated a solid 9/10 by devs
  • Unmatched Cost Efficiency: Pricing is about 50% lower than the big guys for the same services
  • Robust Community Support: A massive 95% of community members are digging the support

So, if you're a dev looking for a cloud provider that actually gets you, DigitalOcean is where it's at.

Trust me, these guys have your back.

8. Salesforce - More Than Just CRM


Fellow 20-year-old! Let me lay it down for you about the cloud game in '24. Salesforce ain't just a small-time CRM player anymore. Nah, they've leveled up and become a straight-up boss in the full-stack dev arena.

Their platform game is stacked with cutting-edge tools that devs are going gaga over. We're talking Heroku and Salesforce Lightning leading the charge here.

Heroku, their PaaS offering, has been blowing up in popularity, becoming the go-to backbone for devs thanks to its slick GitHub integration and multi-language support for managing all kinds of apps.

And on the frontend side, Salesforce Lightning is lighting up the party with its tricked-out features like the Lightning App Builder and Lightning Component Framework.

Devs focused on interactive elements have been going ham with these bad boys, optimizing their app dev processes like never before. The Salesforce ecosystem has over 5,000 third-party solutions on AppExchange in '24, which is insane growth in the extensions game.

  • Integration Capabilities: Salesforce is all about that API-centric life, making it a breeze for devs to merge and automate workflows across different business apps. Data is the real MVP here.
  • Scalability: No matter the size of your biz, Salesforce has got your back with a scalable framework that can keep up with your project's changing needs and dev demands.
  • Community Support: The dev community for Salesforce is on fire! They're all about sharing knowledge and solving problems together, expanding the dev resource pool.

Industry analysts summed it up perfectly:

"Salesforce has transcended its CRM confines, emerging as a comprehensive cloud ecosystem that empowers full-stack developers with a suite of scalable and integrated tools."

Salesforce's cloud services are leveling up hard, showing their commitment to keeping up with the ever-changing demands of full-stack dev.

9. VMware Cloud Services - The Virtualization and Hybrid Cloud Specialist


In 2024, VMware is succeeding in the virtualization game, with major companies like Fortune 500s adopting their solutions.

Their secret sauce? A solid infrastructure that lets devs manage apps seamlessly, whether on-prem or in the cloud.

Perfect for full-stack devs.

Additionally, VMware Tanzu is providing devs a toolkit to build and run cloud-native apps. It's like having a conductor for multi-cloud orchestration, allowing devs to:

  • Speed up software deployment with automated CI/CD pipelines.
  • Integrate Kubernetes for efficient container management.
  • Keep apps and infrastructure secure from start to finish.

VMware is excelling in the hybrid and multi-cloud space.

Just look at the growth of vSphere and cross-cloud services like VMware Cloud. By mixing their own services with integration skills, they're catering to companies that want to use multiple cloud providers without being locked in.

Industry experts are optimistic, predicting a massive rise in multi-cloud adoption with VMware solutions. As one tech exec put it,

"VMware's multi-cloud flexibility doesn't just future-proof our apps, it boosts our overall business agility."

VMware's suite is a game-changer for devs who want the cutting-edge virtualization benefits and the flexibility to navigate different cloud ecosystems effectively.

10. Red Hat Openshift - The Open Source Container Platform


In this crazy world of coding and tech, there's one platform that's ruling the roost like a boss - Red Hat Openshift.

This bad boy's all about open-source container orchestration, and it's packing some serious heat with Kubernetes under the hood. Word on the street is that Openshift makes deployments happen 30% faster, and it's a straight-up beast when it comes to automation.

Forrester's giving it mad props in their Wave for infrastructure automation, so you know it's legit.

But that's not all! Openshift is all about that developer experience, trimming infrastructure costs by a solid 20% for the big dogs and making app lifecycle management a breeze with its slick CI/CD pipelines.

And if you're looking to level up your skills, the Red Hat Openshift Administration I course has got your back.

It's like a cheat code for mastering this beast of a platform and embracing that sweet, sweet DevOps culture.

Don't just take my word for it, though. There are real-life examples of Openshift working its magic.

One finance firm went all-in with Openshift and ended up slashing operational costs by a whopping 40% while scoring some serious resilience points. And let's not forget about the hybrid cloud game - Openshift lets you roll with on-prem and cloud resources like a boss, just like those innovative banks that are killing it with microservices and API integrations for next-level customer experiences.

As we cruise into mid-2024, Openshift is going to be the platform, for developers.

With its mad skills in automated scaling, support for multiple languages and frameworks, and just being an all-around orchestration beast, it's going to be the go-to platform for developers.

Nucamp's already discussing how cloud platforms are impacting Full Stack Developers, and Openshift is leading the charge.

This platform is all about making developers more productive, innovative, and agile enough to keep up with the market's demands like a boss. So strap in, grab your energy drinks, and get ready to ride the Openshift wave!

Frequently Asked Questions


Which cloud service has the highest market share in 2024?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) leads with a 32% market share by 2024 as per industry reports.

What are the key services offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for full-stack developers?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) excels in data analytics and machine learning services, offering tools like BigQuery for advanced analytics and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for container orchestration.

How does Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) cater to high performance computing needs of developers?

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) provides high-performance computing capabilities with specialized VM shapes powered by Ampere processors, delivering up to 44% better application price-performance.

Why is Red Hat Openshift considered the open-source container platform of choice for developers?

Red Hat Openshift is a pioneering force in open-source container orchestration with Kubernetes support, enhancing deployment velocity by 30% and reducing infrastructure costs for diversified enterprises.

How does VMware Cloud Services differentiate itself as a virtualization and hybrid cloud specialist?

VMware Cloud Services stand out with its framework for seamless application management across on-premises and cloud environments, alongside tools like VMware Tanzu for cloud-native application development and multi-cloud orchestration.

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  • Discover why GitHub is often referred to as the beating heart of collaborative coding and how it stands as a cornerstone for full-stack developers worldwide.

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  • Upgrade your skill set by following the master of web tutorials, Wes Bos, whose courses are a game-changer.

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  • Highlight your ability to innovate by including projects that deploy machine learning models within web applications.

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  • Learn about Next-Gen Databases like Amazon Aurora and how they're designed to skyrocket your full-stack app's performance to new heights.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible