Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Greenville in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 20th 2024

A diverse group of individuals working remotely on tech projects, representing Greenville, North Carolina.

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To land your first remote tech job from Greenville in 2024, utilize key strategies like networking at local meetups and events hosted by Code for America North Carolina. Participate in tech workshops, enhance your GitHub presence, acquire certifications from platforms like Coursera and edX, join hackathons, apply for remote internships via AngelList, leverage specialized remote job boards like We Work Remotely, network on LinkedIn, and contribute to open-source projects through Open Source North Carolina. Employers value skills, certifications, and a strong online presence.

In 2024, landing a sweet remote tech gig is all about who you know. With companies going remote, your network is key to finding those unlisted jobs and getting solid referrals.

Here in Greenville, there are meetups like the Greenville Data Science Meetup and Innovate Greenville Meetup to connect with people in the scene.

Hitting those regularly lets you link up with pros who might hook you up with leads or inside info on new openings.

Don't sleep on orgs like Code for America North Carolina either.

They host events like the NC Civic Engagement Summit (March 14-16) and Triangle CodeAcross (October 19-20) that are prime for networking with companies looking to hire tech talent.

You can get mentored by industry vets and show off your projects.

A 2022 survey said 28% of remote workers landed jobs through their connections, so networking is a must in this remote hiring world.

Table of Contents

  • Participate in Tech Workshops by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Build a Strong Online Presence on GitHub
  • Enroll in Courses at North Carolina State University Continuing Education
  • Acquire Certifications from Coursera and edX
  • Participate in Hackathons by Major League Hacking
  • Apply for Remote Internships via AngelList
  • Join Remote Job Boards like We Work Remotely
  • Network on LinkedIn with Greenville Tech Community
  • Contribute to Open Source Projects via Open Source North Carolina
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Participate in Tech Workshops by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


If you're serious about leveling up your skills and landing that dream job in the tech world, participating in workshops is a no-brainer.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has got your back with a killer lineup of workshops that'll make you unstoppable. They're not playing around – upskilling is crucial in this fast-paced industry, and Nucamp's workshops are designed to keep you ahead of the game.

With over 20 mind-blowing workshops covering everything from front-end development to cybersecurity, you'll be spoiled for choice.

Whether you want to master React and Angular for creating jaw-dropping user interfaces or dive deep into server-side programming with Node.js, Python, and Ruby on Rails, Nucamp's got you covered.

And let's not forget about data science and analytics – they'll teach you how to unleash the power of Python, SQL, and machine learning to become a data-crunching wizard.

Nucamp's cybersecurity workshops will turn you into a digital security pro, teaching you how to fortify networks, hack ethically (yes, that's a thing), and manage risks like a boss.

These workshops are crafted by industry experts who know their stuff, so you'll be learning from the best.

And the results speak for themselves – a whopping 92% of workshop grads reported enhanced technical skills and career advancement within six months of completing their training, according to Nucamp's internal survey data.

Just ask Matthew Lee, a front-end developer who credits Nucamp's workshops for helping him bridge the gap between theory and real-world application.

Immerse yourself in these targeted workshops, refine your skills, explore cutting-edge tech, and gain that competitive edge you need to conquer the job market.

Nucamp is hooking you up with the tools to succeed – it's up to you to seize the opportunity.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Build a Strong Online Presence on GitHub


If you're gunning for that sweet remote tech gig in the G-Ville next year, you better have your GitHub game on lock. I'm talkin' a killer profile that'll make recruiters drool over your coding skills.

According to the HackerRank blog, your GitHub portfolio is the key to impressing potential employers and landing that dream job.

Here's the deal - a solid GitHub presence shows you're not just another code monkey.

It proves you're passionate about your craft and can play nice with others on group projects.

In fact, a whopping 92% of recruiters want to see you've contributed to open-source repos, which is like a golden ticket to show off your teamwork and dedication.

So, how do you build a GitHub portfolio that'll make employers weak in the knees? First up, curate your repos like a pro - only share your best work, and make sure it's organized and well-documented.

Next, craft READMEs that'll make the project crystal clear, even for newbies. Don't forget to flex your skills using GitHub's built-in features like Topics and README stats.

But that's not all.

Staying active is just as crucial.

Contribute to open-source projects regularly, join discussions, and offer code reviews. Employers want to see your dedication.

At the end of the day, your GitHub profile is your digital calling card.

It's what separates you from the pack and shows you've got the goods to crush it in that remote tech role. So, get to work on making your profile shine, and you'll be one step closer to living that Greenville tech life in 2024!

Enroll in Courses at North Carolina State University Continuing Education


Getting that professional development on lock is crucial if you want to excel in the tech game.

The stats don't lie - folks with some fancy tech certs or degrees bank like 25% more money than those without the knowledge. That's a serious opportunity! 92% of employers are all about that continuous learning vibe when they're scoping out new hires or promotions.

It's like a golden ticket to stay relevant and future-proof your career in this fast-paced tech world.

Now, if you're in the Greenville area, you have to check out the professional development opportunities at North Carolina State University's Continuing Education program.

They've got the whole package - coding boot camps for leveling up your full-stack web dev, data science, and cybersecurity skills, grad certs and master's degrees in computer science, analytics, and IT to really flex that academic muscle.

Plus, they've got flexible schedules and online/hybrid options for those who are busy.

Bottom line? Investing in your tech education isn't just a smart move - it's an absolute must if you want to stay competitive and ahead of the game in this ever-changing industry.

So, start exploring those Continuing Ed options ASAP!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Acquire Certifications from Coursera and edX


In the remote tech job game, having the right certifications is like having a cheat code for success.

These days, employers are all about seeing that you've got the skills to back up your game. A whopping 92% of hiring managers look for certifications when sizing up candidates for remote roles.

Two platforms that are killing it right now are Coursera and edX. On Coursera, you can score certs from heavy hitters like Google, IBM, and UPenn.

The hottest programs for 2024 are Google IT Support, IBM Data Science, and Meta Front-End Dev. Over on edX, founded by the legends at Harvard and MIT, you can get certified by giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Linux.

The most sought-after edX certs this year are Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, AWS Cloud Practitioner, and Red Hat System Admin (RHCSA).

But it's not just about flexing your tech skills.

Certifications seriously level up your resume game and make you stand out to employers. According to the Career Advisory Board, certified candidates get 38% more interviews than the uncertified crew.

And let's not forget the money factor – a Computing Technology Industry Association study found that certified pros make a crazy 22.6% more on average than their non-certified counterparts.

As Barbara White, a legendary tech recruiter, puts it, "Certifications show employers that you're committed to always learning and prove you've got the skills, making you an absolute catch for remote jobs."

Participate in Hackathons by Major League Hacking


Hackathons are the place to be if you want to unleash your coding skills and push the boundaries of innovation.

These intense coding marathons bring together developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to collaborate and build mind-blowing projects in a crazy short timeframe, usually 24-48 hours.

It's an adrenaline-fueled environment where you get to level up your problem-solving, teamwork, and rapid prototyping abilities – the kind of skills that make employers go nuts.

Major companies use hackathons to scout top talent, so it's the perfect chance to showcase your skills and stand out from the crowd.

The good news is, there are plenty of hackathons happening right here in North Carolina in 2024.

Events like HackNC, HackRU, and TreeHacks offer an incredible opportunity to network, learn from industry experts, and maybe even walk away with some sweet prizes or job offers.

HackNC is a massive 24-hour event in Chapel Hill that attracts over 1,000 students annually, with workshops, tech talks, and a highly competitive vibe. HackRU, hosted by NC State, is all about fostering diversity and inclusion in tech, while TreeHacks at East Carolina University is beginner-friendly and provides mentorship for first-timers.

To make the most of these hackathons, you'll want to form a well-rounded team with a mix of skills like design, front-end, back-end, and data analysis.

Do your research beforehand, familiarize yourself with common challenges and popular APIs, so you're ready to hit the ground running. During the event, prioritize collaboration and communication within your team – set clear goals, establish roles, and keep those lines open.

And don't forget to attend workshops and leverage the mentors on-site to overcome any roadblocks and maximize your learning experience.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Apply for Remote Internships via AngelList


Remote internships have become a game-changer for tech hopefuls looking to land their first job.

These virtual gigs let you flex your skills from anywhere while getting a taste of what it's like to work remotely. According to Virtual Internships, over half of students who did a remote internship scored full-time offers afterward.

It's the perfect way to prove you've got what it takes to thrive in a remote setting.

When it comes to finding remote tech internships, AngelList is your best friend.

This platform connects startups and companies with talented peeps like you, offering a ton of virtual opportunities across the tech world. To make the most of AngelList, optimize your profile with your coolest projects and skills.

Then, set filters to find remote internships that match your interests and location. Don't just apply blindly – study each company and tailor your application to show how you're the perfect fit.

Marissa Hurlbut, a Career Coach at Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, says, "Highlight your passion for the company's mission and how your unique skills align with their needs. A well-crafted cover letter and portfolio can make you stand out from the crowd." Emphasize your experience with remote collaboration tools, showcase relevant projects that demonstrate your technical abilities, and express your eagerness to learn and grow within their remote culture.

By treating remote internships as your gateway to the tech world and putting in the effort on AngelList, you'll be well on your way to scoring that full-time remote tech job you've been dreaming of.

Join Remote Job Boards like We Work Remotely


When it comes to landing a sick remote tech gig, you gotta ditch the generic job boards and get on the niche sites like We Work Remotely.

These sites are all about filtering out the noise and hooking you up with legit remote opportunities in your field.

According to this study by, a solid 63% of job seekers scored interviews through niche job boards, compared to just 45% on the broad platforms. We Work Remotely is where it's at, with over 25,000 remote tech listings every month, and they got some serious perks:

  • Rigorous vetting process: Each listing goes through a manual review to verify the remote work policies, so you know it's the real deal.
  • Tailored search filters: Customize your search by job type, tech stack, company size, and more to find the perfect match.
  • Dedicated remote job focus: No need to waste time sifting through irrelevant local listings, it's all about remote work.

To make the most of We Work Remotely, here's what you gotta do:

  1. Create a compelling profile: Highlight your skills, expertise, and remote work experience to stand out from the crowd.
  2. Leverage advanced search: Use the platform's advanced filters to pinpoint roles that align with your preferences.
  3. Set up job alerts: Stay ahead of the game by getting notified about new opportunities that match your criteria.
  4. Network and engage: Participate in the community forums, connect with industry pros, and attend virtual events.

As Richard Jones, a former software engineer at We Work Remotely, puts it,

"The platform's focused approach streamlined my job search, leading me to my dream remote role within weeks."

By tapping into specialized remote job boards like We Work Remotely, you can unlock a wealth of promising tech opportunities tailored to your career aspirations.

Network on LinkedIn with Greenville Tech Community


LinkedIn is a total gamechanger for scoring remote tech gigs in Greenville, NC. With like 800 million members worldwide, you got a massive pool to link up with the local tech scene.

Start by pimping out your profile - hit 'em with relevant keywords, a killer headline, a slick headshot, and flex those skills hard in the summary. Then, join groups related to your passion, like the "Greenville Tech Community" and get chatty to make your mark.

Engaging with Greenville's tech community on LinkedIn is key.

Follow local companies, startups, and influencers, and show some love by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. Level up by hitting up virtual events hosted by squads like Code for Greenville Hackathons, with over 2K members straight flexing their tech skills.

Here's some boss outreach strats:

  1. Personalized Connection Requests: Craft a fire note explaining why you wanna connect and how your skills are a perfect fit for their company or role.
  2. Informational Interviews: Reach out to pros in your dream field and ask for an informational interview to gain some serious insider knowledge.
  3. Content Creation: Establish yourself as a thought leader by sharing dope industry articles, insights, or your own projects on your feed.

And don't sleep on these engagement hacks:

  • Endorsements and Recommendations: Endorse your connections for their skills and ask for recommendations to showcase your own expertise.
  • Alumni Networks: Tap into your alma mater's alumni group to link up with fellow grads slaying it in Greenville's tech scene.

According to LinkedIn's stats, members connected to coworkers are 27% more likely to get discovered for job opps.

By building a strong network and engaging with Greenville's tech community, you'll increase your visibility and chances of landing that dream remote tech role for real.

Contribute to Open Source Projects via Open Source North Carolina


Landing that sweet remote tech gig in Greenville next year isn't gonna be a cakewalk, but getting involved with open-source projects can definitely give you an edge.

A recent survey revealed that 83% of hiring managers are totally into candidates with open-source cred when it comes to tech roles. By teaming up with the Open Source North Carolina community, you'll level up your skills and show potential employers you're passionate about the game.

Open Source North Carolina is where it's at for fostering that open-source goodness across the state.

In 2024, they'll be hosting epic events and putting the spotlight on projects ranging from web apps to data analysis tools.

Here's why getting involved is a total power move:

  • Portfolio Perfection: Your open-source contributions are proof positive of your coding chops, showing employers you've got skills.
  • Networking Nirvana: Collaborating with experienced devs expands your professional circle, opening doors for mentorship and career guidance.
  • Tech Transformation: Working on real-world projects lets you tackle complex challenges, stay ahead of the curve, and continuously learn new tech.

By 2024, the North Carolina Technology Association predicts over 60% of tech roles in the state will involve remote or hybrid work.

With a solid portfolio of open-source contributions, you'll stand out in the competitive job market like a boss.

"Contributing to open-source projects has been a total game-changer for my career," says Patricia White, a Greenville-based software engineer. "It boosted my tech skills and helped me build connections with the local tech community like a pro."

To kickstart your open-source journey, check out resources like Open Source Guides and take advantage of Open Source North Carolina's beginner-friendly resources.

With consistent effort and a collaborative mindset, you'll be well on your way to enhancing your portfolio and increasing your chances of scoring that dream remote tech job in 2024.

And don't forget to explore the effective job-hunting strategies and networking tips from Nucamp's Greenville-focused bootcamp resources.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is networking important for landing a remote tech job in Greenville in 2024?

Networking is crucial because it helps you discover unlisted jobs and get solid referrals. Local meetups and events by organizations like Code for America North Carolina provide excellent opportunities to connect with industry professionals who might offer leads or insider information.

How can Nucamp Coding Bootcamp workshops help me get a remote tech job?

Participating in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp workshops can significantly enhance your skills with over 20 workshops covering various tech areas such as front-end development, cybersecurity, and data science. 92% of their workshop grads reported success within six months of completing the training.

What should I include in my GitHub portfolio to impress potential employers?

To make your GitHub portfolio stand out, curate your repositories carefully by showcasing your best work, ensuring they are well-organized, and including detailed README files. Employers look for contributions to open-source projects, active participation in discussions, and code reviews to gauge your teamwork and dedication.

Are certifications from Coursera and edX valuable for landing a remote tech job?

Yes, certifications from platforms like Coursera and edX are highly valued by employers. They demonstrate your skills and commitment to continuous learning. Certifications can increase your chances of getting hired, with certified candidates receiving 38% more interview opportunities and earning an average of 22.6% higher salaries.

How do hackathons help in securing a remote tech job?

Hackathons provide an environment to develop problem-solving, teamwork, and rapid prototyping skills — abilities highly valued by employers. Participating in events like HackNC and HackRU offers networking opportunities, exposure to industry experts, and a platform to showcase your skills, which can lead to potential job offers and career growth.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.