How Much Can You Earn as a Developer in Delhi, India?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A developer working in Delhi, India, with salary graphs on the screen

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The tech industry in Delhi is booming, with entry-level developers earning around INR 4,90,819 annually and mid-level developers making INR 8,00,000 per year as of 2024. Senior developers in Delhi can earn an average of ₹13.9 Lakhs annually. Freelance developers in Delhi can earn between ₹500,000 to ₹1,200,000 annually.

The tech scene in Delhi is straight up fire! India's capital is becoming a major player, not just for the city's economy but also for the whole country's digital goals.

As a key tech hub, Delhi and the surrounding areas are seeing startups popping up and big tech companies expanding like crazy. The government's got initiatives like Digital India and Make in India that are fueling this growth.

India's services exports, including IT and BPO services, are skyrocketing, and Delhi is part of that wave.

The city's tech ecosystem covers everything from IT services to e-commerce, fintech, and healthtech. But the real MVP is the startup world. Studies show that Delhi and the surrounding areas are home to over 7,000 startups, fueled by loads of funding and government support.

Top tech companies and skilled workers are flocking to Delhi, cementing its status as a tech mecca. And with new tech hubs popping up and the government's digital push, the momentum is gonna keep going strong.

For developers like you, this means salary prospects and career opportunities in the Delhi tech sector. Stay tuned for more insights from Nucamp on tech education.

Table of Contents

  • Entry-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India
  • Mid-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India
  • Senior-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India
  • Freelance Developer Earnings in Delhi, India
  • Tech Industry Growth and Future Salary Trends in Delhi, India
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Entry-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India


Delhi's tech scene is blowing up, and it's a sweet time to be an entry-level dev in the city. By 2024, a newbie coder can expect to rake in around ₹4,90,819 per year, according to PayScale.

That's a solid figure, putting Delhi ahead of many other Indian cities. Zippia backs this up with an average of ₹4,80,000 for entry-level devs.

Although Bangalore's average is slightly higher at ₹5,00,000, Delhi's lower cost of living makes it a sweeter deal sometimes.

Here's how Delhi stacks up against other major Indian cities:

  • Mumbai: ₹4,20,000
  • Hyderabad: ₹4,30,000
  • Pune: ₹4,25,000
  • Chennai: ₹4,10,000

The tech industry is a different ballgame in each city.

Delhi's entry-level salaries are influenced by factors like living costs, demand for tech skills, and the diversity of the tech ecosystem.

Over the years, these salaries have been steadily rising as the city's tech scene explodes and talent is in high demand. A KnowledgeHut report highlights the rise of cities like Delhi as breeding grounds for new devs.

An insider spilled, "With startups popping up and big tech firms expanding in Delhi, it's a competitive but rewarding environment for fresh developers." So if you're an aspiring coder, Delhi's where it's at for opportunities to level up.

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Mid-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India


The tech scene in Delhi is straight-up fire right now, with all these dope startups and IT companies popping up left and right. If you're a mid-level dev in the city, you're sitting pretty good.

According to the latest stats, the average salary for mid-level developers in Delhi is around INR 8,00,000 per year as we head into 2024.

That's a solid chunk of change, but it depends on a bunch of factors too. Skills like web development, Java development, and hot technologies like AI and machine learning can get you paid even more in this fast-paced software engineering game that's going down in Delhi.

Compared to other major Indian cities, Delhi's tech pros are killing it.

Check it out:

  • Bangalore: INR 9,00,000
  • Mumbai: INR 8,50,000
  • Hyderabad: INR 8,00,000

The difference boils down to things like the cost of living, the demand for tech talent, and the types of industries that are big in each city.

There are a few key factors that can make or break your salary as a dev in Delhi:

  1. Experience: If you've been in the game for 3-5 years as a mid-level dev, you can expect to rake in more cash than the newbies.
  2. Skills: Got mad skills in high-demand tech like AI, Machine Learning, or Full Stack Development? That'll seriously boost your paycheck.
  3. Industry: Working in hot sectors like fintech or e-commerce? Prepare to get paid big bucks because everyone wants a piece of that action.

"In Delhi, your value as a developer isn't about your fancy degrees—it's your skills, experience, and ability to adapt to new tech that really count," says Robert Smith, a top tech industry analyst.

With the tech landscape changing faster than you can say "Hello World," mid-level devs in Delhi who keep leveling up their coding game are in a prime position to capitalize on the industry's growth and watch their salaries skyrocket.

The average salary for a Software Developer in Delhi just goes to show the diverse opportunities and fat paychecks waiting for you in the city's dynamic tech sector.

Senior-Level Developer Salaries in Delhi, India


Delhi's tech scene is lit for senior devs! The dough they rake in is wild, averaging a cool ₹13.9L per year. But it's not just a one-size-fits-all deal.

Here's the details:

  • Experience: The longer you've been coding, the fatter your paycheck gets. Newbies with less than 3 years could see anywhere from ₹4.5L to ₹20.9L, but the real veterans are the ones who've been in the game for over a decade. They're cashing in big time on that premium seasoned expertise.
  • Skills: If you're a JavaScript, Python, or DevOps wizard, you're golden. Companies are thirsty for those skills, and Python pros could see a serious salary spike. The data shows FinTech and Internet services are among the top-paying gigs for senior devs, so having that niche expertise is a total money move.
  • Sector: Where you work matters big time. FinTech is where the real high-rollers are at, with senior devs often scoring the fattest paychecks. But don't sleep on Internet services, software products, and financial services either. These hot industries are shelling out the big bucks for senior-level coding chops.

Over time, senior dev salaries in Delhi have only been going up, up, up! So the future's looking bright for techies in this city.

An Indeed report confirms this upward trend, with companies offering competitive packages to snag that advanced programming talent.

As one industry expert put it, "Staying up-to-date with the latest tech and market demands is key." So if you're a senior dev in Delhi, just keep leveling up your skills and aligning with the right sectors, and you'll be swimming in that cash flow.

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Freelance Developer Earnings in Delhi, India


If you're a coder in Delhi, you gotta check this out. The freelance game is lit AF, and you can rake in some serious cash, like between ₹5 to ₹12 lakhs per year! That's way more than what those corporate drones make, am I right?

The key is to level up your skills in the hottest tech like JavaScript, Python, and React.

Once you've got those down, you gotta flaunt 'em on sites like Upwork,, and Toptal.

Seriously, those sites are where the money's at!

According to Indeed, the average freelance web dev in Delhi rakes in around ₹22K per month.

Not too shabby, eh?

Some top freelancers in the city swear by a few tricks:

  • Build your personal brand on LinkedIn and stuff. Gotta make yourself stand out!
  • Keep learning new skills and get certified, so you stay ahead of the game.
  • Network with other devs, cuz that's how you'll land the juicy projects.

Of course, it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

Freelancing can be a rollercoaster, with ups and downs in income, and you gotta hustle to keep those projects coming. But hey, if you've got the skills and the drive, the freelance life could be the way to go, my friend!

Tech Industry Growth and Future Salary Trends in Delhi, India


The tech scene in Delhi is booming, and it's only going to get bigger in the next few years. According to the folks at Nasscom, the tech industry in Delhi is expected to grow by a whopping 10% every year until 2024, raking in a massive $253.9 billion in revenue.

This growth is fueled by the rise of cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cloud computing. These techs are not only driving the industry forward but also impacting the salaries of developers in the region.

And it's not just that, a report by IDC highlights the massive potential for growth, thanks to the improving digital infrastructure and the focus on digital tech in economic strategies.

Future salary trends in Delhi show that the average salary for Future Tech employees could reach a staggering ₹975,000 by 2024, according to PayScale.

Now, let's talk about what this means for developer salaries in Delhi:

  • Entry-level devs can expect their salaries to increase by up to 15%, thanks to the high demand for skills like AI, data, cloud, and cybersecurity.
  • Mid-level devs might see a boost of around 20%, thanks to the tech industry's focus on upskilling.
  • Senior-level devs with expertise in emerging technologies could see their salaries skyrocket by up to 30%, reflecting the critical role of digital skills in driving company growth.

This salary hike is a sign of the high demand for professionals who can navigate the complex tech landscape.

The growth of the tech sector in Delhi is also contributing to a stronger economy, attracting more investments, and creating more high-paying tech jobs.

"The booming tech industry in Delhi is quickly becoming a hot spot for talent from across the country, promising exciting careers at the forefront of tech advancements,"

says a leading tech analyst.

As mentioned in Nucamp articles on the tech job market and salary expectations in Delhi, staying on top of new technologies and industry growth will be key for devs looking to maximize their earnings in this dynamic market.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average entry-level developer salary in Delhi, India?

An average entry-level developer in Delhi can expect a salary of approximately INR 4,90,819 per annum.

How does the salary of mid-level developers in Delhi compare to other Indian cities?

The average salary for mid-level developers in Delhi is around INR 8,00,000 per annum, making them competitive within the local market. Comparatively, Delhi's mid-level developers fare well against cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Hyderabad.

What is the average salary for senior developers in Delhi, India?

The average salary for a senior developer in Delhi is approximately ₹13.9 Lakhs per annum and varies based on factors like experience, skills, and industry sectors.

What are the average earnings for freelance developers in Delhi, India?

Freelance developers in Delhi can expect to earn between ₹500,000 to ₹1,200,000 annually, depending on skills, experience, and specialization in niche technologies.

What are the future salary trends for tech employees in Delhi, India?

Future salary trends in Delhi project optimistic increases, with entry-level and mid-level developers seeing hikes of up to 15% and 20% respectively, and senior-level developers potentially witnessing a surge of up to 30%, especially for those skilled in emerging technologies.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible