The Role of Women in Tech in Bangalore, India

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A group of women technologists in Bangalore, India

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Women in Bangalore's tech industry make up 34% of the workforce, driving diversity and innovation. They face gender biases and societal challenges but fight for change. Inspirational leaders like Falguni Nayar are breaking stereotypes. Government and NGO initiatives support women in tech. Educational programs and career opportunities are flourishing in Bangalore, signaling a promising future for women in tech.

Bangalore, that IT hub everyone calls India's Silicon Valley, has been going through some major changes when it comes to women in tech. Back in the day, it was a total sausage fest, but now things are looking way more diverse.

Women make up around 34% of the tech workforce in Bangalore, which is pretty dope and in line with global averages.

But it's not just about the numbers. Women in Bangalore's tech scene are out here killing it – starting their own dope startups and leading the way with innovative tech ventures, putting Bangalore on the global map.

Having women in the game isn't just about ticking boxes – it's about bringing different perspectives and ideas to the table, sparking that creative fire and driving innovation.

The big tech companies in Bangalore are finally waking up to this reality and actively promoting gender diversity, recognizing the value that women bring to the table when it comes to technology and leadership.

This shift towards inclusivity in tech is happening worldwide, and Bangalore is right at the forefront of it. Women are a crucial part of Bangalore's thriving tech scene, and this intro is just the beginning.

We're about to dive into the challenges, triumphs, and future prospects for women in tech in Bangalore, with some serious inspo from badass women who are paving the way.

Table of Contents

  • Challenges Faced by Women in Tech in Bangalore
  • Inspirational Women in Tech from Bangalore
  • Government and NGO Support for Women in Tech in Bangalore
  • Educational and Career Opportunities for Women in Tech in Bangalore
  • The Future of Women in Tech in Bangalore
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Challenges Faced by Women in Tech in Bangalore


Women in Bangalore's tech scene are killing it, but they're still facing some major BS that's holding them back. Despite being a tech hub, Bangalore ain't immune to that good ol' gender bias and societal expectations that make it tough for women to thrive.

A study found that a whopping 76% of women in the city's tech industry feel like their gender is a freaking handicap at work and for their careers.

We're talking unequal pay, limited access to leadership roles – less than 20% of women make it to the top, even though they're nearly half of the entry-level workforce.

Society expects women to juggle their careers with domestic responsibilities, a burden their male colleagues rarely face.

No wonder there's a high dropout rate among mid-career women, further shrinking their presence in top tech roles. It's a damn shame, really, 'cause diversity breeds innovation, and the Bangalore tech scene is missing out.

However, things are slowly changing.

Women in tech ain't staying silent anymore. They're calling out the BS, pushing for change within their companies and society. Some companies are finally waking up and realizing that diversity is key to innovation.

They're implementing mentorship programs, flexible work hours, and gender sensitivity training. Sure, the barriers are still there, but these badass women are persistent AF. Surveys show that people are recognizing how crucial diversity is for industry growth.

These women are fighting the system, paving the way for real, tangible change.

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Inspirational Women in Tech from Bangalore


The tech scene in Bangalore is straight-up lit, and the ladies are killin' it! They're shattering stereotypes and inspiring a whole new wave of techies. Let me break it down for you.

First up, we got Falguni Nayar, the boss babe behind Nykaa.

She's the OG who created India's first female-led unicorn, completely disrupting the beauty retail game. Talk about girl power!

Then there's Sandhya Devanathan, the head honcho at Meta India.

She's leading the charge, showing the world that women can dominate in the tech biz.

And let's not forget the badass babes at Women Who Code Bangalore.

They're fostering a supportive community for women in tech, ensuring that the future is female-friendly.

These boss ladies aren't just slaying in their careers; they're also paving the way for more inclusivity and representation in the tech industry.

Check out some of their major wins:

  • Scaling startups to unicorn status, proving that gender ain't a barrier to success.
  • Implementing policies that encourage more women to join the tech party.
  • Winning prestigious awards for their contributions to tech and society.

Their stories aren't just about personal glory; they're living proof that when women are given the right opportunities, they can change the game:

"When women are given the right tools and opportunities, they not only excel in their careers but also drive profound societal progress." - Falguni Nayar.

Embrace the girl power vibes coming from Bangalore's tech scene.

These ladies are redefining what it means to be a techie, and they're paving the way for a more diverse and inclusive future. Stay woke, and let's support these boss babes!

Government and NGO Support for Women in Tech in Bangalore


Bangalore is the place to be for tech! It's like the Silicon Valley of India. The government and NGOs are really stepping up their game to get more girls into the tech scene.

There's this program called Women@Work that's all about hooking up young ladies from disadvantaged backgrounds with tech careers.

And then you got Microsoft and SAP running this TechSaksham thing, where they're training like 62,000 women to excel in the tech world.

But it's not just the big companies doing their thing.

There are also some NGOs like Women Who Code Bangalore and Grace Hopper Celebration India that are all about mentorship and networking. They host workshops, coding bootcamps, and career fairs that are strictly for the ladies, so they can level up their skills and get that confidence to succeed in the tech industry.

And let's not forget about the government's Technology Development and Utilization Programme for Women (TDUPW).

They're all about helping women get their hands on the latest tech and encouraging them to innovate and bring diversity to Bangalore's tech scene.

So, what's the deal? It's all about:

  • Seed Funding to help ladies kickstart their own tech startups.
  • Mentorship programs to get guidance from experienced professionals.
  • Educational Scholarships to ensure financial barriers don't prevent women from getting a tech education.

This whole movement is remarkable! It's not just closing the gender gap, but also creating an environment for innovation and diversity in Bangalore's tech scene.

One lady who benefited from it said,

"These initiatives have not just provided me with an opportunity but also the confidence to lead in the tech world."

That's what it's all about! These programs are empowering women to excel in the tech industry.

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Educational and Career Opportunities for Women in Tech in Bangalore


Bangalore is the place to be if you're a woman looking to make it big in the tech world! It's like the Silicon Valley of India, with tons of opportunities for education and jobs.

There are some awesome programs like Women Who Code that offer hands-on coding and data analytics workshops.

They'll teach you the skills and boost your confidence to crush it in the tech industry. You've also got groups like Lean In's Women in Tech Bangalore and the Center for Women's Empowerment at NMIT that provide mentorship and support to help women excel in tech.

Bangalore is a hot spot for job opportunities too.

Major tech companies and startups are actively trying to diversify their teams, so they're hiring women for roles like software development, AI, and machine learning.

According to NASSCOM, around 34% of the tech workforce in Bangalore is now women! Events like the Grace Hopper Celebration India are a great way to network with industry leaders, mentors, and fellow women in tech.

You never know, you might land a sweet job or even start your own company through the connections you make!

The educational institutions, companies, and community groups in Bangalore are really pushing to empower women in tech.

As the CEO of Tech Mahindra said, "Empowering women in tech is not just a moral imperative but a strategic one." The city is committed to breaking down gender barriers and creating an inclusive tech industry.

If you're a woman with dreams of making it big in tech, Bangalore is the place to be!

The Future of Women in Tech in Bangalore


The future of women in tech in Bangalore is looking promising, thanks to the ecosystem that's promoting diversity, innovation and supporting the growth of women in the tech field.

According to the latest stats, India has seen a massive spike in the number of women employed in the IT industry, with over 30% of employees now being female.

That's a significant development, showing the progress being made in this area. The Women in Tech: India Leads the Way report highlights the solid representation of women in IT and computing, which is a positive sign for Bangalore, the tech capital of India.

And it doesn't stop there, companies like HCL Technologies are rolling out initiatives like iBelieve to support women who are re-entering the tech workforce after a break.

The tech industry has recognized that empowering women is a game-changer.

There are initiatives at all levels trying to close the gender gap. For instance, Nucamp's scholarships for Women in Tech are encouraging more women to pursue tech careers, keeping the inclusivity agenda on track.

Events like the Women in Tech Bangalore 2022 are not just platforms for leadership development and professional growth but also highlight the importance of networking and community in shaping the future of women in technology in Bangalore.

And let's not forget the gradual shift towards gender parity, thanks to policies and initiatives that specifically aim to uplift women in tech, such as mentorship programs, educational workshops, and gender bias combat training.

But it's not just about feeling good, there's a real impact on businesses too.

A study by McKinsey & Company showed that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams were 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability.

This data underlines the impact of diversity and inclusion on tech companies in Bangalore, reinforcing the economic case alongside the ethical appeal for more inclusive work environments.

And there's more in the pipeline:

  • Government schemes aiming to close the gender gap in STEM fields through scholarships and mentorship programs.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) launching incubators specifically for women-led tech startups.
  • Educational institutions and coding bootcamps in Bangalore focusing on upskilling women and ensuring their placement in tech roles.

These moves, combined with societal shifts towards valuing diversity and inclusion, offer a hopeful vision for the future, signaling a paradigm shift in how women in tech in Bangalore are perceived, valued, and nurtured.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What percentage of the workforce do women represent in Bangalore's tech industry?

Women represent about 34% of the workforce in Bangalore's tech industry, indicating commendable progress for the region.

What are some challenges faced by women in the tech industry in Bangalore?

Challenges include gender bias, unequal remuneration, limited access to executive roles, societal pressure to juggle domestic responsibilities, and a high dropout rate among mid-career women.

What initiatives are being undertaken to support women in tech in Bangalore?

Initiatives include flexible work hours, gender sensitization programs, mentorship programs, educational scholarships, workshops, coding bootcamps, and career fairs tailored for women.

Who are some inspirational women in tech from Bangalore?

Notable women in tech from Bangalore include the founder of Nykaa, the Head of Meta India, and leaders who have scaled startups into unicorn status, implemented supporting policies, and won prestigious awards.

How are government and NGOs supporting women in tech in Bangalore?

Government and NGOs are offering initiatives focusing on upskilling women, providing mentorship, identifying employment opportunities, organizing workshops, and promoting the adoption of new technologies in the tech sector.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible