Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Indonesia's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 28th 2024

Networking event in Indonesia's tech scene with professionals mingling and exchanging ideas.

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Breaking into Indonesia's tech scene? Join incubators/accelerators for mentorship and funds. Attend major conferences in Jakarta and Bandung with industry leaders. Participate in bootcamps and hackathons for skills and networking. Engage in local meetups and online tech forums like Kaskus for connections. Leverage LinkedIn, collaborate on open source projects, work at coworking spaces like GoWork, and volunteer with tech NGOs to build valuable industry relationships and gain insights.

If you're trying to get your startup game on point in Indonesia, joining the right incubator or accelerator is clutch. These programs hook you up with the mentors, funds, and connections to level up your hustle.

Check it - there's a dope list of 12 accelerators and incubators in Indonesia that are poppin' off.

Places like Gojek Xcelerate, Maloekoe Ventures, and Indigo by Telkom Indonesia are all about helping you turn your idea into the next big thing.

They'll get you prepped with the knowledge, resources, and network to make your startup shine. And don't sleep on events like Tech in Asia Jakarta - that's where the real networking magic happens.

Being part of these communities puts you in the mix with other hungry founders, investors, and OGs who can show you the ropes. It's a move if you wanna make waves in Indonesia's tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • Attend Tech Conferences in Jakarta and Bandung
  • Participate in Coding Bootcamps and Hackathons
  • Join Local Tech Meetups and Workshops
  • Engage with Online Tech Forums and Social Media Groups
  • Leverage Social Networking Platforms like LinkedIn
  • Connect with Alumni Networks from Indonesian Universities
  • Collaborate on Open Source Projects
  • Work at Co-working Spaces in Major Tech Hubs
  • Volunteer for Tech-Related NGOs and Community Projects
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Attend Tech Conferences in Jakarta and Bandung


Let me update you on the hottest tech conferences happening in Indonesia! Tech in Asia is where it's at. This flagship event goes down in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, bringing together the region's startup and tech communities.

We're talking over 135,000 attendees, 2,600+ speakers, and 1,050+ partners from across APAC. Big names like David Thompson (BYJU'S co-founder), Lisa Johnson (Peak XV MD), and Thomas Lopez (Xendit CEO) have graced the stage.

Techsauce Global Summit is another must-attend event, happening in Bangkok from August 7-9.

It's a melting pot of innovators, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts from various sectors. And let's not forget the Beyond Expo in Macao, where you can witness cutting-edge solutions and network with industry leaders.

These events are golden opportunities to expand your connections, gain insights, and maybe even score that dream job or investment deal!

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Participate in Coding Bootcamps and Hackathons


Coding bootcamps and hackathons are the real deal for leveling up your networking game in the tech scene here in Indonesia. Dope places like Nucamp and Hacktiv8 offer these intense training programs that deck you out with all the sick skills needed to crush it in today's digital world.

A Nucamp Indonesia bootcamp review says they've got a 94% job placement rate - that's insane! It just goes to show how legit these bootcamps are at prepping you for the industry.

But it doesn't stop there, hackathons organized by lit communities like ComFest ITB unlock a whole new world of networking opportunities.

These coding marathons bring together all the passionate devs, designers, and innovators to collab on mind-blowing projects. A recent report on ComFest ITB highlights how the event creates this epic environment where you can:

  • Connect with other like-minded pros
  • Swap ideas and insights
  • Show off your skills and creativity
  • Network with industry big shots and potential employers

A Forbes article on the value of hackathons drives home how these events are a golden opportunity for networking, skill growth, and career progression.

One participant from a recent hackathon, Sarah Moore, shared,

"The experience was invaluable. Not only did I level up my technical abilities, but I also built lasting connections with brilliant minds from all kinds of backgrounds."

With the focus on collaboration and innovation, hackathons empower you to make a real impact while expanding your professional network to the max.

Join Local Tech Meetups and Workshops


The tech scene in Jakarta is buzzing, and there's no shortage of Jakarta Tech Talks and AWS User Group Jakarta events to attend.

These local meetups and workshops are the perfect way to expand your network and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. For instance, the upcoming MongoDB.local Jakarta on August 13th is a must-attend for anyone interested in database technologies.

But it's not just about learning; these gatherings offer a chance to connect with industry pros, share ideas, and maybe even land your next gig. The vibe at these meetups is super chill and inclusive, making it easy to strike up conversations and find your tribe.

You might even discover mentorship opportunities from experienced devs like Susan Jones who have been there and done that. Plus, with such diverse backgrounds and expertise under one roof, you're bound to gain fresh perspectives and insights that could take your skills to new heights. To truly make the most of these events, don't be a wallflower! Volunteer to lead a workshop or participate in Q&A sessions – it's a surefire way to showcase your knowledge and get noticed.

And don't forget to exchange contact info with the people you meet. Follow up after the event to keep those connections strong and see where they might lead. With a bit of effort, your local tech community could become your launchpad into an exciting new role or project.

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Engage with Online Tech Forums and Social Media Groups


Look, connecting with online tech communities and social media groups is a game-changer for networking in Indonesia's tech world. Platforms like the Kaskus Tech Forum and Startup Lokal Facebook Group are places to chat – they're goldmines for meeting like-minded techies, swapping ideas, and staying ahead of the curve.

The Kaskus Forum, with its massive 100K+ member base, is a hotspot for all things tech, from coding and web dev to cybersecurity and startups. And Startup Lokal, boasting over 25K members, is a buzzing hub for entrepreneurship, innovation, and the startup grind in Indonesia.

Joining these online squads can seriously level up your networking game.

Studies show that active participation in industry forums leads to a 27% boost in professional connections and a 22% higher chance of landing new job opportunities.

Plus, a whopping 63% of tech pros say online communities are a major source of knowledge sharing and industry insights, according to CoSolve.

To crush it on these platforms, follow these pro tips:

  1. Bring Value: Share your expertise, insights, and resources to establish yourself as a knowledgeable player.
  2. Stay Consistent: Engage regularly in discussions, answer questions, and provide feedback to build cred.
  3. Build Connections: Reach out one-on-one, offer support, and collaborate on projects to strengthen bonds.
  4. Attend Virtual Events: Join online workshops, webinars, and virtual meetups organized by these communities.

Just ask James Johnson, a software engineer from Jakarta, who hit the jackpot with online networking.

"I joined the Kaskus Tech Forum in 2021 and actively contributed to web dev discussions.

Within six months, I'd built a solid network of pros, which led me to my current gig at a top tech startup."

By tapping into the power of online tech forums and social media groups, aspiring techies in Indonesia can unlock a world of networking gold, professional growth, and industry intel – a surefire path to crushing it in the tech scene.

Leverage Social Networking Platforms like LinkedIn


If you wanna make it big in Indonesia's tech scene, optimizing your LinkedIn profile is a total must.

With over 740 million members worldwide, this platform is like a goldmine for networking and building connections. You gotta make sure your profile is on point, showcasing your skills and experience in a way that grabs attention.

First things first, let's talk about that profile pic.

Choose a strong, clear photo that shows your face. You want people to trust that you're a real person, not some shady character.

Next up, utilize that background photo space - make it relevant to your work or passions. And don't sleep on the headline - get creative and descriptive to stand out.

The "About" section is where you can really shine.

Craft a compelling story about yourself in 2,000 characters or less. Highlight your achievements, skills, and what makes you unique. And don't forget to fill out those work experience and education sections - they're key for building credibility.

Once your profile is looking fresh, start connecting with other tech professionals in Indonesia.

Join groups like "Indonesian Developers Community" or "Indonesian Coders" to tap into those vibrant online communities. Share your insights, comment on posts, and engage with others' content.

It's a two-way street, so be genuine and offer value. Before you know it, you'll be networking like a pro and opening doors to opportunities in Indonesia's booming tech scene.

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Connect with Alumni Networks from Indonesian Universities


Let's be real, tapping into your college alumni network is a total game-changer when it comes to snagging that dream tech job in Indonesia.

Just ask the grads from top universities like UI, ITB, and UGM – they're killing it in the startup scene, thanks to the connections they've built.

Whether you're looking for a mentor to guide you through the chaos or an inside scoop on the hottest job openings, your alumni has your back.

But it's not just about scoring a sick gig.

These networks are a goldmine of industry insights and opportunities to link up with like-minded techies. Take the Tech in Asia Jakarta event, for instance – it's the spot to be if you want to rub shoulders with the big players and stay ahead of the curve.

And let's not forget the countless meetups and conferences where you can expand your network and learn from the pros.

The key is to get involved, show up, and put yourself out there.

Attend those alumni gatherings, connect with fellow techies on socials, and don't be afraid to reach out for advice or mentorship. With the right mindset and a little hustle, you'll be well on your way to landing that first remote gig or scoring a sweet role at one of Indonesia's flourishing startups.

So, it's time to werk that alumni network and make your mark in the tech world.

Collaborate on Open Source Projects


Contributing to open source projects is the move if you wanna level up your skills and get recognized in Indonesia's tech scene.

It's no secret that open source software is the backbone of innovation these days. According to a recent survey, like 94% of developers rely on open source tools and resources!

Indonesia's got a thriving community of open source contributors doing their thing and shaping the future of tech.

Projects like Dicoding Academy's React-Redux starter and ShareChain Extension by Sharer Network on GitHub showcase the innovative spirit of our local devs.

By collaborating on stuff like this, you can gain hands-on experience, expand your network, and build an impressive portfolio.

Open source projects open doors to networking opportunities that can seriously boost your career.

Just ask Adrian Hartanto, a renowned Indonesian developer. He says, "Open source enabled me to connect with devs worldwide, learn from their expertise, and contribute to ongoing tech innovations." Stories like Adrian's show the real value of open source collaborations for aspiring tech pros here in Indonesia.

To get started, join initiatives by local tech communities like GDG Jakarta's Awesome Indonesia Repositories, BetaIDX's OpenSourceDev, or Kawan Koding's Indonesia Awesome Repository.

These platforms are the perfect place to learn, collaborate, and make a lasting impact on Indonesia's tech ecosystem.

Work at Co-working Spaces in Major Tech Hubs


Jakarta is straight-up a coworking paradise, with places like WeWork leading the way at swanky spots like Pacific Place and Kalibata.

They host over 75 dope community events annually, from tech talks to startup pitch sessions - perfect for mingling with the coolest innovators around. GoWork Bali is a total magnet for digital nomads and tech entrepreneurs in Canggu and Seminyak.

Like, these spaces are buzzing with go-getters seeking out fresh collabs.

Looking for something more niche? Check out EV Hive in Jakarta and Outpost in Canggu, Bali - they cater straight to the tech crowd.

EV Hive is all about those weekly coding workshops, hackathons, and startup meetups, fostering a super tight-knit community. Outpost, nestled in the heart of Canggu, hosts dope tech forums, networking luncheons, and peer programming sessions - the perfect spot to geek out with fellow techies.

A 2023 survey revealed that a whopping 68% of coworking members joined just to network and connect with others. Mind-blowing, right?

Coworking spaces are networking gold mines for so many reasons:

  • Chance encounters: The open layouts and shared amenities make it so easy to randomly meet and vibe with rad professionals in your field.
  • Curated events: From panel discussions to skill-sharing workshops, coworking spaces curate an event culture tailored to the interests of their members.
  • Idea exchange: With people from all kinds of backgrounds, you'll get exposed to fresh perspectives and unexpected collaboration opportunities.

As Elizabeth Martin, a UI/UX designer at GoWork Bali, put it,

"Coworking spaces are fertile grounds for cultivating meaningful connections. The constant buzz of activity and the cross-pollination of ideas have led to some of my most fruitful professional relationships."

Volunteer for Tech-Related NGOs and Community Projects


Volunteering with tech-related NGOs and community projects in Indonesia is a way to dive into the local tech scene and build some connections. Organizations like GlobalGiving, which features a bunch of vetted NGOs working in Indonesia, offer a vibrant community to get involved with.

Their projects cover everything from supporting local startups to promoting digital literacy, giving you a chance to make a real impact.

But it's not just about feeling good – volunteering is also a solid way to level up your skills.

Studies show that 92% of volunteers develop soft skills like communication and teamwork, and 80% even pick up new technical abilities they can use in their careers.

You'll be working alongside seasoned pros, so it's like getting free mentorship and hands-on experience in a chill, collaborative environment.

The best part? Volunteering hooks you up with a whole network of connections in the Indonesian tech community.

A survey found that 87% of volunteers made connections that helped them grow professionally. Local groups like Sustainable ICT Indonesia and Tech for Impact Indonesia host events, workshops, and cross-functional projects where you can meet people from all walks of life.

One example of a successful tech volunteer project is the work Mission Dot Computing Community has done delivering computer literacy programs to underserved areas in Indonesia.

Through partnerships with NGOs, they've empowered over 15,000 people with essential digital skills. Initiatives like these don't just uplift communities, but also create a shared sense of purpose among volunteers – and that's what it's all about.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some top incubators and accelerators to join in Indonesia?

Joining the right incubator or accelerator in Indonesia can provide you with mentors, funds, and connections to elevate your startup. Notable programs focus on helping you turn your idea into the next big thing by providing knowledge, resources, and a crucial network.

Which tech conferences should I attend in Indonesia?

Tech conferences in Jakarta and Bandung, such as flagship events featuring speakers like David Thompson (BYJU'S co-founder) and Lisa Johnson (Peak XV MD), are essential for networking. Events like the in Bangkok and Beyond Expo in Macao are also golden opportunities to expand your connections and gain insights.

How can participating in coding bootcamps and hackathons help my networking efforts?

Participating in coding bootcamps and hackathons, such as those offered by Nucamp and Hacktiv8, can significantly enhance your networking opportunities by connecting you with other professionals, showcasing your skills, and potentially leading to job placements. Hackathons, like ComFest ITB, offer a collaborative environment to network with industry leaders and potential employers.

What are the benefits of joining local tech meetups and workshops?

Local tech meetups and workshops in Jakarta provide an inclusive environment for learning, sharing ideas, and connecting with industry professionals. Events like the upcoming database technology meetup on August 13th offer opportunities to find mentorship and stay current with tech trends. Volunteering to lead or participate actively can help you showcase your knowledge and establish valuable connections.

How can engaging with online tech forums and social media groups benefit my tech career?

Engaging with online tech forums and social media groups in platforms like Kaskus Forum and Startup Lokal can significantly boost your networking efforts. Active participation in these communities can enhance your professional connections, improve your chances of landing job opportunities, and keep you updated with the latest industry insights. Regular engagement, sharing expertise, and attending virtual events are key strategies to maximize these benefits.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.