How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Israel

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 29th 2024

Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Israel guide for beginners

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Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Israel is achievable. The high-tech sector contributes 53% of the nation's exports and nearly 20% of GDP. Assess your transferable skills, consider coding bootcamps, and leverage networking opportunities. Coding bootcamp grads often secure jobs in major companies with starting salaries around 18,000 NIS per month. Stay focused and use Israel's resources like mentorship programs and upskilling initiatives to navigate your career transition successfully.

The tech scene in Israel is absolutely crushing it! With so many kickass startups and a vibrant hub, especially in Tel Aviv, there are plenty of chances to switch careers and get in on the action.

According to the Israel Innovation Authority, the high-tech sector was responsible for a whopping 53% of the country's exports in 2023 and almost 20% of its GDP. That's some serious economic muscle right there!

But it's not just about the money (although let's be real, tech salaries in Israel can be pretty sweet).

Transitioning to a tech career here means immersing yourself in a culture that practically breathes innovation. You'll be surrounded by brilliant minds and cutting-edge technologies, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

It's an environment that truly rewards creativity and bold thinking.

Main idea: There are a variety of tech careers available in Israel.

The Israeli tech industry has something for everyone. From cybersecurity and fintech to agritech and beyond, whether you're a coding wizard, a data mastermind, or a problem-solving ninja, there's a career path with your name on it.

So, if you're looking for a challenge and a chance to make your mark, the tech world in Israel is where it's at. Coding bootcamps with job guarantees might be a solid way to get your foot in the door.

Table of Contents

  • Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Education and Training Opportunities in Israel
  • Networking and Building Connections in Israel's Tech Industry
  • Job Hunting Strategies for Tech Positions in Israel
  • Overcoming Challenges in Your Tech Career Transition in Israel
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests


Alright, so you're thinking about switching from your current gig to a sweet tech job in Israel? That's awesome! But before you dive in, you gotta do some self-reflection and figure out how your skills can transition.

Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. According to the folks at YourITCareer, there are a few key steps to identifying your transferable skills:

  1. Review past roles: Look back at your previous roles and list out all the tasks you crushed.
  2. Categorizing skills: Group those skills into categories like communication, problem-solving, or project management.
  3. Research tech roles: Research the tech role you're interested in and see what skills are required.
  4. Match skills: Finally, match up the skills you already have with the ones needed for your dream job.

The cool thing is, a lot of the skills you've developed in non-tech roles can be applied to tech.

For example, Inspyr Solutions highlights how problem-solving and project management experience can be super valuable in tech.

Plus, if you've worked in customer service or team environments, you've likely honed your communication skills, which are crucial in tech. To get a better idea of how your experience translates, take advantage of the resources available in Israel.

You can check out MIT's tips on using ChatGPT to identify your transferable skills and optimize your resume.

And don't forget to explore local tech meetups and communities to network and learn from pros like

Thomas Rodriguez or Jessica Martin who've made the switch.

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Education and Training Opportunities in Israel


If you're looking to switch careers and get into Israel's booming tech scene, coding bootcamps are definitely the move. Check it out - there are so many options out there, from full-time intensive programs like Developers Institute to part-time evening courses with places like TripleTen.

These bootcamps are perfect for those without any prior tech experience, teaching you the hottest programming languages, frameworks, and dev skills that companies are looking for.

One of the coolest things about attending a coding bootcamp in Israel is that you get to learn from instructors who have been in the trenches, working at top tech companies.

They'll share their industry connections and help you network, giving you a real edge when it's time to start job hunting. Plus, a lot of these programs are specifically designed to prep you for the Israeli job market, so you'll be ready to hit the ground running.

And the success stories speak for themselves.

Just check out the reviews and rankings - bootcamp grads are landing sweet gigs at major companies like Wix, Gett, and Appsflyer.

Some reports even say that over 90% of coding bootcamp students find jobs within 6 months, with starting salaries around 18,000 NIS per month. Not too shabby, right? If you're serious about breaking into tech in Israel, a coding bootcamp could be your ticket to an awesome new career.

Networking and Building Connections in Israel's Tech Industry


Networking is key if you want to land a tech job in Israel's booming industry. Having solid connections can hook you up with job openings, mentors, and all the insider intel you need.

A recent study by StartupNation found that 85% of Israeli tech pros credit their career growth to slick networking skills.

Local meetups and events are where it's at for making those vital links:

  • Meetup Groups: With over 200 tech-focused Meetup groups across Israel, you can rub shoulders with like-minded peeps, stay on top of the latest trends, and expand your network. Check out popular groups like Israeli Tech Radar, Data Science IL, and StartupGrind Tel Aviv.
  • Conferences and Seminars: Major events like Cyber Week, DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival, and draw in tech bigwigs from around the globe, so you can make some seriously valuable connections. According to, a whopping 72% of Israeli tech pros scored job opportunities just by networking at conferences.

But don't sleep on social media either - LinkedIn is a powerhouse for building connections, showcasing your skills, and keeping tabs on industry news and job openings tailored to Israel's tech scene.

LinkedIn data reveals that professionals in Israel with strong networking profiles are 27% more likely to get hired.

Social Media Platform Usage by Israeli Tech Professionals
LinkedIn 92%
Facebook 78%
Twitter 67%

As Sarah Moore, co-founder of Israeli startup Dappit, puts it, "Building a solid network was crucial for my switch from finance to tech.

I hit up local meetups, connected with pros on LinkedIn, and even joined online communities like Those links opened doors to mentorship, job opportunities, and valuable industry knowledge that helped me level up."

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Job Hunting Strategies for Tech Positions in Israel


When you're trying to snag a sweet tech gig in Israel, you gotta play the game right. First things first, pimp out your resume to show off those mad skills like problem-solving, analytical thinking, and being a total details freak - that stuff gets the Israeli tech companies all hot and bothered.

Flaunt any coding projects, certs, or programming experience you've got, and don't forget to slip in a section highlighting your skills with languages and frameworks that are poppin' in Israel, like Java, Python, React, and Node.js.

Now, to really get your name out there, hit up the major job boards and recruitment agencies in Israel.

Word on the street is that Jobnet, Jobmaster, and Drushim are where it's at for landing those sweet tech roles.

And if you want some extra backup, check out recruitment agencies like Michael Page, Maverick, and Shaldor - they're total pros at hooking you up with the coolest tech companies in Israel.

But nailing those tech interviews in Israel is a whole different ball game.

Sure, you gotta brush up on your technical knowledge and coding skills, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The key is to show you've got what it takes to think on your feet and solve real-world problems, 'cause that's what gets the Israeli tech companies all fired up.

Here are some insider tips to help you crush it:

  • Show your passion: Israeli tech companies dig enthusiasm and a genuine interest in their products or services, so let that fire burn bright.
  • Be direct and confident: Israelis tend to keep it real and blunt, so don't be shy - own that interview room with your bold and assertive responses.
  • Highlight your teamwork skills: Collaboration and open communication are like gold in Israeli tech companies, so make sure they know you're a team player.

With a killer resume, the right job search channels, and the inside scoop on acing those interviews, you'll be well on your way to landing your dream tech role in Israel.

Just remember - stay hungry, stay humble, and most importantly, stay real!

Overcoming Challenges in Your Tech Career Transition in Israel


Switching to a tech career in Israel ain't no cakewalk, but it's totally doable if you stay focused. One of the biggest hurdles you'll face is the lack of relevant experience, according to a survey by Startup Nation Central which found that 72% of career changers in Israel struggled with this issue.

But don't let that discourage you!

The key is to keep that fire burning and draw inspiration from those who've been there, done that. Take David Moore, for instance – this marketing pro turned software engineer at Wix proves it's possible.

Her advice?

"Celebrate small wins and lean on your squad when self-doubt creeps in."

Solid wisdom right there.

Luckily, Israel's got your back with some dope resources to help you slay this career transition:

  • Mentorship Programs: Crews like Tech Career Israel hook you up with industry vets who'll guide you through skill-building and navigating the job market maze.
  • Upskilling Initiatives: The Israeli Innovation Authority's Human Capital Advancement Program offers subsidized training to help you level up your tech skills, so you can stay ahead of the game.
  • Networking Events: Meetups and conferences organized by Made in JLM and Google Developer Groups are prime spots to make connections and gain insider knowledge.

Tap into these resources, and you'll be well on your way to crushing it in your new tech role.

Just remember, it's all about persistence and staying hungry for growth. Before you know it, you'll be a tech rockstar in Israel!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key steps to transition from a non-tech background to a tech job in Israel?

Identify and review your transferable skills from past roles, categorize them, research the required skills for your desired tech role, and match those skills with what you have. Utilize resources like local meetups and online communities to network.

What kind of tech careers are available in Israel?

Israel offers a variety of tech careers ranging from cybersecurity and fintech to agritech. Whether you're skilled in coding, data analysis, or problem-solving, there's a tech career path for you in Israel.

What education and training opportunities are available for transitioning to a tech career in Israel?

There are numerous coding bootcamps in Israel, both full-time and part-time, that teach the essential programming languages and skills needed for tech jobs. These bootcamps often have instructors with industry experience and offer networking opportunities.

How important is networking for landing a tech job in Israel?

Networking is crucial. Attending local meetups, conferences, and using social media platforms like LinkedIn can help build connections, find job opportunities, and gain valuable industry insights.

What strategies can help in overcoming challenges during the tech career transition in Israel?

Overcoming challenges includes seeking mentorship, utilizing upskilling programs like the Israeli Innovation Authority's Human Capital Advancement Program, and actively participating in networking events. Persistence and staying focused on your goals are key.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.