Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Italy in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 29th 2024

Top 10 Best Paid Tech Jobs in Italy 2024 with various tech icons.

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In 2024, Italy's tech sector promises high salaries with roles like Machine Learning Engineer (€55K-€80K), Cloud Solutions Architect (€75K-€95K), Data Scientist (€50K-€70K), and Cybersecurity Analyst (€62K). Major tech hubs, skill shortages, and booming industries like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity drive demand.

Looking to get paid in the tech world, Italy is ranking high for some serious cash in 2024.

With a booming job market and companies battling for talent, salaries are skyrocketing across cutting-edge fields. The manufacturing and service sectors are leading the push for jobs, with roles like cloud architects netting around €70K annually.

But skills are scarce, so companies have to fork over competitive pay to lock down that expertise, especially in areas like AI and cybersecurity. Location matters too - major tech hubs offer fatter paychecks than smaller cities.

And the renewable energy sector is an emerging sector driving growth. With skill shortages across the board, now's the time to level up and cash in on Italy's tech boom.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Ranking Italy's Best Paid Tech Jobs in 2024
  • 1. Machine Learning Engineer
  • 2. Cloud Solutions Architect
  • 3. Data Scientist
  • 4. DevOps Engineer
  • 5. Full Stack Developer
  • 6. Cybersecurity Analyst
  • 7. Blockchain Developer
  • 8. AI Research Scientist
  • 9. IT Project Manager
  • 10. Software Engineer
  • Conclusion: Navigating the Tech Job Market in Italy in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Methodology for Ranking Italy's Best Paid Tech Jobs in 2024


Alright, let's talk about the hottest tech jobs in Italy for 2024. We dug deep into the data from industry heavy-hitters like Glassdoor and the Italian Ministry of Labour to bring you the scoop.

Check it out: Salaries are a huge deal, with 73% of techies prioritizing the paycheck.

But growth opportunities and that sweet work-life balance are gaining ground too.

With Italy's digital game getting stronger every year, the demand for tech skills is set to skyrocket by 14% by 2025, according to the European Commission's DESI report.

So we crunched the numbers, factoring in average salaries, job growth projections, skill requirements, and career advancement potential. We even got an insider's take from Alessandro Bogliolo, a Computer Science prof at the University of Milan, who sees a mega surge in demand for AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing wizards.

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1. Machine Learning Engineer


In 2024, being a Machine Learning Engineer in Italy is going to be the hottest tech job around.

Companies are going all-in on artificial intelligence and machine learning to stay ahead of the game. They need skilled folks who can build and deploy these crazy-smart systems that can crunch massive amounts of data and spot patterns like nobody's business.

If you land one of these gigs, you're looking at an average salary ranging from around €55,000 to €80,000 per year.

But if you're a real pro with killer experience, you could be raking in even more cash. To snag one of these roles, you'll need to have some serious coding chops in languages like Python, R, and Java.

You'll also need to be a math whiz, with a solid grasp of linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics.

But that's not all – you'll need to know your way around machine learning algorithms and techniques like supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.

Plus, you'll need to be a data mining pro, able to preprocess and engineer features like a boss. And don't forget about those cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure – you'll need to be able to deploy and scale your models on those bad boys.

Tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are already hunting for Machine Learning Engineers in Italy, along with major Italian companies like Brembo, Luxottica, and Unicredit.

But it's not just the big dogs – startups and innovative companies across finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and other industries are all on the lookout for machine learning talent to drive their AI and data initiatives.

If you've got the skills, Italy could be your playground in 2024.

2. Cloud Solutions Architect


The Cloud Solutions Architect gig is about to be the hottest tech job in Italy come 2024.

These tech wizards are the ones designing and building the sick cloud setups that keep businesses running smooth. They're like the architects of the digital world, crafting scalable and secure solutions tailored to each company's needs.

It's a role that requires some serious skills and knowledge, but the payoff is insane!

As a Cloud Solutions Architect, you'll be handling tasks like:

  • Architectural Design: Cooking up robust, scalable, and cost-effective cloud architectures by mixing and matching various cloud services and platforms.
  • Migration Planning: Strategizing and executing the migration of on-premises apps and data to the cloud, making sure everything transitions seamlessly.
  • Solution Optimization: Keeping a close eye on cloud solutions and fine-tuning them for peak performance, security, and compliance.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Working hand-in-hand with teams across the org, from developers and security pros to business bigwigs.

According to the experts, the average yearly salary for a Cloud Solutions Architect in Italy in 2024 is projected to be around €75,000 to €95,000.

But the real ballers with top-notch skills and experience can expect to rake in even more cash.

To make it in this role, you gotta have a solid foundation in cloud computing principles, architecture patterns, and a deep understanding of at least one major cloud platform like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Here are some of the essential skills and certs you'll need to become a Cloud Solutions Architect in 2024:

  • Cloud infrastructure and services: Knowledge of IaC, containers, and serverless technologies is crucial.
  • Networking and security protocols: Understanding VPNs, firewalls, and encryption mechanisms.
  • DevOps practices and automation tools: Familiarity with CI/CD and monitoring tools for efficient cloud management.
  • Programming languages: Proficiency in Python, JavaScript, or Go is essential.


  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Professional or Associate)
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
  • Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect

Major tech companies and enterprises in Italy like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Telecom Italia, Poste Italiane, Intesa Sanpaolo, and Enel are already on the hunt for skilled Cloud Solutions Architects.

As businesses keep pushing their digital transformation game, the demand for these cloud gurus is only going to skyrocket, opening up some insane career opportunities for tech pros in Italy.

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3. Data Scientist


Being a Data Scientist is totally the dream job for 2024, especially in Italy! These tech wizards are like modern-day treasure hunters, digging through mountains of data to unearth game-changing insights.

Companies are scrambling to hire them because they can turn raw data into pure gold for making smart business moves.

Their typical day is a whirlwind of coding, analyzing, and problem-solving.

They have to master serious skills like Python, machine learning algorithms, SQL, and data visualization tools.

But it's not just about crunching numbers – they also need to be creative thinkers and great communicators to translate their findings into something non-techies can understand.

With the right skills and experience, Data Scientists in Italy can easily rake in €50,000 - €70,000 per year on average.

Top performers can even score over €80,000, which is insane money for a fresh grad! Companies like Telecom Italia, Enel, and Fiat Chrysler are constantly on the hunt for these data gurus to give them a competitive edge.

If you're a math whiz with a knack for coding and problem-solving, getting certified as a Data Scientist could be your ticket to an awesome, well-paid career in Italy's booming tech scene.

Just be ready to keep learning and adapting, because this field is evolving at warp speed!

4. DevOps Engineer


Let's talk about one of the hottest tech jobs in Italy right now - DevOps Engineer! These coding wizards are bridging the gap between development and operations, making sure software delivery is smooth like butter.

With skills in programming languages like Python, Go, and bash scripting, plus mad skills in containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, DevOps Engineers are a force to be reckoned with.

But that's not all.

These tech ninjas are also masters of continuous integration and deployment tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Azure DevOps. And let's not forget about those sweet certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer, and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - talk about a resume flex! With responsibilities ranging from automating manual processes to ensuring system reliability and security, DevOps Engineers are the glue that holds it all together.

Now, let's talk numbers.

According to Glassdoor's 2024 Tech Salary Report for Italy, these coding rockstars can rake in an average salary of €50,000 to €80,000 per year. Boom! Tech giants like Amazon, Google, IBM, and Vodafone are all thirsty for DevOps talent, and as Domotz puts it, "DevOps is no longer optional; it's a strategic imperative for organizations to remain competitive and deliver value to customers rapidly." So, if you're looking to level up your tech career in Italy, DevOps Engineering is definitely worth a shot!

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5. Full Stack Developer


Being a Full Stack Developer in Italy is going to be a great job in 2024. These tech wizards are going to be in high demand, handling everything from designing user interfaces to coding the backend logic that makes websites function.

The average Full Stack Developer salary in Italy is projected to be around €51,100, but the top performers could earn much more.

To excel at this job, you must master a wide range of skills.

This includes front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular, Vue.js), and responsive design, as well as back-end technologies like Node.js, PHP, Python, database management, and more.

Don't forget DevOps tools like Git, CI/CD, Docker, and cloud deployment. Having solid problem-solving, communication, and time management abilities is also essential.

Tech giants like Amazon, Google, and IBM are seeking Full Stack talent in Italy to enhance their digital offerings.

But it's not just the big companies - startups and e-commerce giants like eBay and Zalando are also prime employers for Full Stack developers.

As John Harris, CTO of a major Italian software firm, stated,

"Full Stack Developers are the MVPs of modern web development, enabling businesses to deliver seamless digital experiences across all platforms."

So, if you have the necessary skills, you can expect to be well-compensated as a Full Stack Developer in Italy!

6. Cybersecurity Analyst


In 2024, being a Cybersecurity Analyst in Italy is going to be a total money move! These tech wizards are in crazy demand to protect companies from shady hackers and data breaches.

Their mad skills include monitoring networks, assessing risks, developing incident response plans, investigating cyber attacks, and training employees on security best practices.

The average paycheck for a Cybersecurity Analyst in Italy is projected to be around €62,800 per year, which is seriously impressive! But the real cash can vary based on experience, certifications, and the specific company or industry.

Certifications like CISSP, CEH, and CISM are highly valued, along with skills in network security, incident response, risk management, and data analysis.

Major companies in Italy are going all-in on cybersecurity, creating a ton of job opportunities.

Tech giants like Telecom Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo, Leonardo S.p.A., and Enel are actively recruiting Cybersecurity Analysts to fortify their digital defenses. With cybersecurity being a top priority for businesses nowadays, skilled professionals in this field are set to rake in some serious cash while protecting companies from cyber threats.

7. Blockchain Developer


Blockchain is totally blowing up, and Italy's got a ton of job openings for Blockchain Developers in 2024.

These tech wizards are the ones coding up all the rad decentralized apps and smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum and Hyperledger. The average Blockchain Developer salary in Italy next year is projected to be around €65,000.

That's some serious cash, making it one of the highest-paying tech gigs in the country.

To be a boss at this role, you gotta have some serious coding chops.

We're talking fluency in languages like Solidity, JavaScript, Python, and Go. But it's not just about the code – you need to understand the nitty-gritty of cryptography, distributed systems, and consensus algorithms too.

Knowing your way around popular blockchain frameworks like Truffle, Remix, and Ganache is a major plus. The skills that'll make you stand out are:

  • Solidity Mastery: Being a pro at writing clean, secure Solidity code for Ethereum apps.
  • Blockchain Architecture Expertise: Having a deep understanding of how blockchains work, from consensus mechanisms to data structures and cryptographic protocols.
  • Smart Contract Wizardry: Designing, developing, and deploying bulletproof smart contracts on various blockchain platforms.
  • Security and Auditing Knowhow: Staying on top of blockchain security best practices, including vulnerability testing and code auditing techniques.

Big-name companies in Italy like Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCredit, Eni, and Leonardo are all hunting for Blockchain Developers to drive their blockchain projects.

Plus, startups and blockchain-focused firms like PolyMath, NTT Data, and Stake Capital are offering high-paying opportunities for talented blockchain devs too.

8. AI Research Scientist


Let's talk about being an AI Research Scientist in Italy in 2024 - this gig is going to be major! These tech wizards will be the ones leading the charge in pushing AI to new heights.

We're talking about dreaming up new AI models, optimizing existing systems to be absolute beasts, and teaming up with different squads to integrate AI solutions across industries.

Now, the money talk - according to PayScale, an AI Research Scientist in Italy can expect to rake in around €59,000 in 2024.

But if you're a real AI prodigy, the top dogs can score a whopping €85,000 or more annually. Not too shabby, right?

To make it in this field, you gotta have some serious skills.

A Master's degree in AI, Machine Learning, or Computer Science is usually the minimum requirement. But many companies will want you to have a PhD and some legit research experience under your belt.

You'll need to be a coding ninja, with skills in languages like Python, R, and C++. Plus, you gotta be a machine learning algorithm and deep learning architecture master.

And let's not forget those critical thinking and communication abilities - this role isn't just about numbers and code.

Now, for the companies leading the AI research game in Italy in 2024, keep an eye out for Bending Spoons (major AI software players), FEV Italy (automotive tech innovators), and Leonardo S.p.A (aerospace and defense giants).

These are the places where you can really make your mark in the world of AI. So, if you're a tech-savvy genius with a passion for AI, Italy could be the place to be in 2024.

Just be ready to grind hard and push the boundaries of what's possible!

9. IT Project Manager


Real talk - if you're eyeing a high-paying tech gig in Italy for 2024, the IT Project Manager role should definitely be on your radar.

These pros are the bosses behind major tech projects, making sure everything runs smooth from start to finish. They're raking in some serious dough - we're talking an average of €65,000 annually, with the top dogs earning over €80,000 according to the Project Management Institute's study.

Talk about a sweet deal!

It ain't just about the money. To slay this role, you gotta bring a killer combo of tech know-how and leadership skills to the table.

We're talking mastery of project planning, risk management, communication, and even Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban.

You'll be the one keeping everything on track, managing teams, and ensuring those deadlines are met without a hitch.

While a degree in computer science or IT is usually a must, certifications like the Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) can seriously boost your chances of landing that dream job.

Major players like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Telecom Italia, Enel, and Unicredit are all on the hunt for IT Project Managers in Italy for 2024. With digital transformation being the name of the game these days, the demand for these tech wizards is only going to skyrocket.

So if you're looking to level up your career and bank some serious cash, this could be your ticket to the big leagues.

10. Software Engineer


The top 10 best-paid tech gigs in Italy for 2024 are the real deal, and coming in at #10 are the Software Engineers.

These coding wizards are like the architects of the digital world, designing, building, and maintaining all those apps and programs we can't live without.

According to the career experts, a Software Engineer's daily grind involves the full software development cycle, from gathering requirements to writing code in languages like Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript.

They work their magic, test their creations, and make sure everything runs smoothly before unleashing it on the world.

But it's not just about coding skills.

To be a true Software Engineering pro in Italy, you gotta have a well-rounded skillset, like:

  • Mastering object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Being a Git version control system ninja
  • Understanding agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban
  • Knowing your way around databases
  • Being down with cloud computing platforms

And the best part? The average annual salary for a Software Engineer in Italy is expected to hit €45,000 by 2024.

Not too shabby, eh?

If you're looking to join the ranks of the coding elite in Italy, keep an eye out for companies like Bending Spoons, Reply, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, and Moxoff – they're always on the hunt for talented Software Engineers.

And with the demand for these coding superstars projected to grow by 18% between 2022 and 2024, according to the Italian Trade Union Confederation (CGIL), this career path is a surefire ticket to success.

Conclusion: Navigating the Tech Job Market in Italy in 2024


Alright, so this list of the top 10 highest-paying tech jobs in Italy for 2024 is pretty mind-blowing.

We're talking serious cash for roles like Data Scientist (average of €156K!) and Cybersecurity Engineer (around €150K). But landing these gigs isn't going to be a cakewalk.

If you're trying to break into Italy's tech scene next year, here's what you need to do:

  • Hands-on experience: Get that hands-on experience through internships, coding bootcamps like Nucamp, or freelance side hustles. Build up that portfolio!
  • Skill development: Level up your skills in hot areas like AI/ML, cloud computing (Pluralsight has the details), cybersecurity, and full-stack dev.
  • Certifications: Grab certifications from big names like AWS, Google, and CompTIA to show off your expertise.
  • Networking: Network at tech meetups, events, and on LinkedIn. Connections are key.
  • Entry-level roles: For entry-level roles, don't sleep on startups or junior dev positions to get that foot in the door.

According to reports, jobs like engineers (especially in robotics and renewable energy), marketing pros, and tech roles in tourism are in high demand.

With the market expected to grow by over 6% and be worth €80.5 billion, Italy is shaping up to be a prime destination for techies looking to earn a significant income.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top-paying tech jobs in Italy in 2024?

The top-paying tech jobs in Italy in 2024 include Machine Learning Engineer, Cloud Solutions Architect, Data Scientist, DevOps Engineer, and Full Stack Developer. These roles offer high salaries ranging from €50,000 to €95,000 annually, with potential for even higher earnings based on experience and expertise.

What skills are in demand for a Machine Learning Engineer in Italy?

To become a Machine Learning Engineer in Italy, you'll need proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, and Java. You should also have a strong grasp of linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. Knowledge of machine learning algorithms, data mining, and cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure is essential.

What is the average salary for a Cloud Solutions Architect in Italy?

In 2024, the average yearly salary for a Cloud Solutions Architect in Italy is projected to be around €75,000 to €95,000. Those with significant experience and advanced certifications can expect to earn even more.

Why is there high demand for Data Scientists in Italy?

Data Scientists are in high demand in Italy because they help companies dig through large amounts of data to unearth valuable business insights. They are essential for making informed business decisions and driving competitive advantage. The average salary for Data Scientists ranges from €50,000 to €70,000 annually, with top performers earning over €80,000.

What certifications are necessary for a DevOps Engineer in Italy?

Important certifications for a DevOps Engineer in Italy include AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer, and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). These certifications demonstrate proficiency in continuous integration and deployment tools, containerization, and cloud platform management.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.