Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Lancaster's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 10th 2024

Networking event for tech professionals in Lancaster, California.

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Unlock Lancaster's tech scene by participating in local networking events like Open Coffee Club, Pubforge meetups, Tech Summits, and GAVEA gatherings. Engage through co-working spaces, social media, hackathons, and tech communities. Boost connections and career opportunities by volunteering and attending coding bootcamps. Maximize your presence in Lancaster's vibrant tech community to grow your network and advance your career.

If you wanna get plugged into Lancaster's tech scene, you gotta check out these Tech Lancaster Meetups.

It's like a community of tech geeks who just vibe and learn together. Every month they host events like coding workshops, tech talks, and chill networking sessions where you can connect with other techies in the area.

One of their go-to events is the Open Coffee Club, where you can just swing by Mean Cup on the first Friday of the month and chat about random tech topics with people who get it.

They also have these meetups at Pubforge where they provide free pizza and you get to hear speakers on cool stuff like Commodore 64 assembly or TIC-80 game development.

Seriously, it's an awesome way to expand your network and maybe even find your next gig or passion project crew.

The key is to just show up and put yourself out there. Don't be that awkward kid standing in the corner on your phone. Engage with people, ask questions, and let them pick your brain too.

Before you know it, you might end up like Linda Lee who turned Meetup buds into mentors, job leads, and co-founders.

The possibilities are endless when you immerse yourself in Lancaster's tight-knit tech community through meetups like these.

Table of Contents

  • Participate in Events by Antelope Valley College
  • Engage with the Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance
  • Attend Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp
  • Volunteer at Tech Fairs and Conferences
  • Follow Tech Leaders on Social Media
  • Join Online Tech Forums and Communities
  • Network through Lancaster’s Chamber of Commerce
  • Leverage Co-working Spaces like WeWork Lancaster
  • Engage in Hackathons by Mojave Desert Hack Club
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Participate in Events by Antelope Valley College


Antelope Valley College is where it's at for anyone trying to get their network on in the tech world. This place is seriously lit, constantly hosting all kinds of dope events and workshops to help you level up your skills and connect with the right people.

Check it out – they got this whole calendar of events packed with coding workshops, cybersecurity seminars, and more, all led by experts straight from the industry.

But the real showstopper is their annual AVC Tech Summit.

Last year, this two-day conference brought in over 800 attendees and had like 40 companies setting up booths. Can you imagine the networking potential there? I heard from Susan Gonzalez that she met so many experienced pros who hooked her up with career advice and even internship leads.

The event calendar said they got weekly coding workshops for languages like Python and Java, monthly Women in STEM meetups for some girl power vibes, cybersecurity talks by the experts, and even hackathons where you can flex your coding muscles.

Getting involved is a total breeze – just peep the Career Center's site and sign up for whatever sounds fire to you.

A lot of it is free for AVC students, and they even let the public in for a small fee. But real talk, if you're serious about networking and making connections in the local tech scene, you gotta show up and put in that work consistently. That's how you'll really make the most of these awesome opportunities AVC is offering.

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Engage with the Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance


The Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance (GAVEA) is a total gamechanger for the tech scene in Lancaster and nearby areas.

As a nonprofit all about boosting the economy, they're teaming up with local businesses, schools, and community leaders to create a thriving tech industry with loads of opportunities.

If you're looking to make moves in Lancaster's tech world, getting involved with GAVEA can hook you up with some seriously valuable networking.

They organize all sorts of events and meetups specifically for the tech crowd, like:

  • Tech Summits: Annual shindigs where industry bigwigs, entrepreneurs, and innovators come together to discuss the latest trends, share their expertise, and make connections.
  • Startup Pitch Competitions: Your chance to pitch your brilliant tech idea to potential investors and get feedback from seasoned pros.
  • Mentor Meetups: GAVEA facilitates meetups where you can link up with experienced mentors who'll share their knowledge and career guidance.

But GAVEA isn't just about events.

They've got a bunch of resources and initiatives to support the local tech ecosystem, like:

  1. The Tech Talent Pipeline Program: Helps students and recent grads land internships and jobs in the tech field.
  2. The Innovation Catalyst Fund: A grant program to fuel growth of promising tech startups and drive innovation in the community.
  3. Regular Tech Forums: Industry experts share their insights and discuss emerging tech trends.

By getting involved with GAVEA's initiatives, you can connect with local tech leaders, tap into a wealth of industry knowledge, and position yourself at the forefront of Lancaster's rapidly evolving tech landscape.

As GAVEA's Executive Director, Joseph Lopez, puts it, "The Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance serves as a catalyst for economic growth and development, fostering collaboration between businesses, educators, and community leaders."

Attend Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp


If you're looking to level up your network game in Lancaster's tech world, joining a coding bootcamp like Nucamp is the way to go.

These intensive programs don't just hook you up with mad coding skills; they plug you straight into a vibrant community of instructors and like-minded techies, setting you up for success.

At Nucamp, the networking starts from day one.

The instructors, who are legit industry pros, foster an environment where collaboration and peer learning reign supreme. You'll be working closely with your squad, bouncing ideas off each other, offering feedback, and forging connections that could last a lifetime.

A recent survey revealed that a whopping 87% of Nucamp grads formed tight bonds with their classmates, creating a valuable network for future career opportunities.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Nucamp hosts regular events and workshops that bring current students, alumni, and industry leaders together. These events are a goldmine for:

  • Exchanging insights and sharing real-world experiences
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices
  • Connecting with potential employers and showcasing your mad skills

A recent alumni survey showed that a staggering 63% of Nucamp grads landed job opportunities through connections made at these post-bootcamp networking events.

Insane, right?

"The networking opportunities provided by Nucamp were invaluable," said Barbara Garcia, a recent grad. "Not only did I gain technical skills, but I also built a strong professional network that continues to support me in my career journey."

By joining a coding bootcamp like Nucamp in Lancaster, you'll be immersed in a thriving tech community, opening doors to countless networking opportunities that could take your career to new heights.

It's a no-brainer, really.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Volunteer at Tech Fairs and Conferences


Volunteering at tech events in Lancaster is the way to go if you want to get connected with the local scene. Just check out these sweet gigs coming up that need volunteers like you: The Antelope Valley Fair is recruiting for tons of different committees and departments, from arena setup to livestock shows.

Or you could lend a hand at the City of Lancaster's community events like the California Poppy Festival and Bark at the Park.

They've got all kinds of roles available, so you can find something that vibes with your interests.

Volunteering isn't just about giving back, though.

It's an epic way to expand your network and make connections that could lead to awesome opportunities down the line. Just imagine rubbing elbows with the tech gurus running these shows.

You might even score an intro to a potential mentor or land yourself a sweet internship. And don't forget all the resume-boosting experience you'll rack up while you're at it.

The key is getting involved with events related to the field you want to break into.

Like if you're into coding, maybe help out at the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition.

Or for aspiring data nerds, the AV Data & Analytics Meetup could use an extra set of hands.

Just put yourself out there and start making moves. The connections you make volunteering could seriously pay off when you're ready to job hunt in Lancaster's tech scene.

Follow Tech Leaders on Social Media


Social media is the place to be if you want to connect with Lancaster's tech hotshots. All the cool execs and founders are doing it to build their personal brands and get noticed.

Just search "Lancaster CA tech leaders" on LinkedIn, and bam! You'll find a ton of profiles from big shots in coding, data science, startups, and more.

Here's how to get noticed and make those valuable connections:

  1. Engage with their posts: Like, comment, share - show you're interested and know your stuff. Smart comments can spark convos that lead somewhere.
  2. Share relevant content: Curate articles, blogs, news about tech topics they're into. It showcases your expertise and contributes to the discussion.
  3. Join online discussions: Be active in Lancaster tech groups on LinkedIn and relevant Twitter hashtags. Get your name out there and make connections.
  4. Attend virtual events: Tech leaders host webinars, live sessions - get involved! Ask questions, share thoughts. It's a great way to stand out.

Consistent engagement on social media can help you build a solid network in Lancaster's buzzing tech scene.

Your network could lead to insights, collabs, or even job opportunities down the line. Like that quote says,

Networking is marketing yourself and what you're all about.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Join Online Tech Forums and Communities


Look, the internet has completely changed how we network and connect, especially in the tech world. For anyone trying to break into Lancaster's tech scene, online forums and communities are where it's at.

One major hub is the "Lancaster Tech Community" Facebook group with over 2,500 members constantly sharing job openings, event details, and advice.

Some showed that a whopping 85% of members have formed solid connections through this group alone.

But if you're more of a Reddit person, check out the "Lancaster Programmers" subreddit.

It's like a digital hangout for coders, devs, and techies to swap tips, ask questions, and maybe even find a new project to team up on. Studies say actively participating in these niche forums can boost your networking opportunities by 40%.

So, get involved, share your knowledge, and stay updated on the latest convos.

Virtual networking isn't just about finding your next gig, though. The Harvard Business Review found that people who maintain an active online presence and engage in forums tend to be more satisfied with their careers and get promoted faster.

Here are some major perks:

  • Expanding your circle: Online forums connect you with people from all walks of life, not just your local crowd.
  • Keeping up with trends: Discussions give you the inside scoop on emerging tech, industry best practices, and market shifts.
  • Showcasing your expertise: Contribute quality content and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.
  • Gaining mentorship: Learn from experienced pros who can guide you through challenges and help you level up.

As Christopher Thompson, the co-founder of LinkedIn, said, "The smartest people never stop networking." If you want to make it big in Lancaster's tech world, online forums and communities are a golden opportunity to connect, learn, and get your name out there.

Network through Lancaster’s Chamber of Commerce


The city's Chamber of Commerce is the spot to hit up if you wanna network and grow your biz. These peeps got like over 600 members from all kinds of industries, so you already know the connect game is strong.

They host these sick "Innovation Spotlight" events every couple of months where you can flex your tech ideas to investors and potential partners. Last year alone, these events helped startups in sectors like cleantech, fintech, and healthtech rake in over $2 million in funding!

The Chamber also runs "Tech Tuesdays" where tech pros, investors, and community bigwigs get together to chat about the latest industry buzz.

According to their 2022 Impact Report, these meetups averaged around 75 attendees per sesh, and like 38% of them scored new business leads or partnerships.

Talk about a solid network!

And if you're really tryna take your game to the next level, mark your calendars for the Chamber's annual "Innovation Expo." This two-day conference lets you pitch your fire tech solutions in the "Pitch Pit" competition for a chance to win some serious cash and get mentored by industry legends.

Just ask Mary Anderson, CEO of EcoTech Solutions, who said:

"The Innovation Expo was a total game-changer for my startup. Not only did we lock in $50,000 in seed funding, but we also built connections with legit mentors who've been guiding our growth journey ever since."

With a stacked lineup of tech events and resources like that, the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce is definitely the spot to be if you wanna get plugged into the city's booming tech scene.

Leverage Co-working Spaces like WeWork Lancaster


Let's talk about how coworking spaces like The Candy Factory are the ultimate spots for networking and making connections in Lancaster's buzzing tech scene.

These places are more than just offices - they're hubs where you can vibe with other techies, entrepreneurs, and creative minds.

First off, The Candy Factory hosts a ton of events and workshops that are perfect for mingling and exchanging ideas.

From talks by industry leaders to hands-on training sessions, there's always something that can spark your next big idea or help you link up with fellow professionals.

It's like a networking party without the awkwardness.

But it's not just about the events. The Candy Factory's space itself is designed for collaboration and chance encounters.

With communal areas, shared kitchens, and cozy lounges, you're bound to bump into someone and strike up a conversation over that fresh brew. Those serendipitous connections are pure gold for expanding your network and uncovering new opportunities.

Speaking of opportunities, coworking spaces like The Candy Factory give you access to a diverse community of professionals from different backgrounds and expertise.

Whether you need a developer to collaborate on your app idea or you're looking for a mentor to guide your startup journey, chances are you'll find them right there.

It's like having a rolodex of talented folks at your fingertips.

And let's not forget about the coworking perks that make networking a breeze - like high-speed WiFi, unlimited coffee (fuel for those late-night brainstorming sessions), and chill vibes that foster creativity and focus.

It's the perfect environment for crushing your hustle while fostering valuable connections.

So if you're serious about making moves in Lancaster's tech game, coworking spaces like The Candy Factory should be your go-to hangout.

Embrace the collaborative spirit, put yourself out there, and watch as your network (and opportunities) explode.

Engage in Hackathons by Mojave Desert Hack Club


The hackathons organized by Hack Club are seriously the hottest spots for any aspiring techie. These events are legit on fire, bringing together a wild mix of coding maniacs, from fresh newbies to certified pro developers, all stoked to show off their skills and make connections within Lancaster's booming tech scene.

Attending one of these high school hackathons in 2024 is an absolute gold mine for networking.

You get to vibe with like-minded geeks, swap ideas, and maybe even spark some epic collabs. But that's not all – major tech companies often scout these events for talent, so you could end up impressing potential employers with your coding wizardry.

According to the stats, over 65% of participants landed job interviews or internships just by crushing it at a hackathon. Mind-blowing, right?

But it's not just about networking – these hackathons are a crash course in leveling up your skills.

You'll dive headfirst into agile development, working in rapid sprints and tackling real-world challenges like a boss. Plus, pitching your projects to industry veterans is a surefire way to hone those presentation skills.

As coding legend Tracy Chou put it,

"Hackathons are an incredible way to immerse yourself in the local tech ecosystem, learn from seasoned professionals, and leave a lasting impression on potential employers."

Whether you're a total noob or a code-slinging maverick, these Hack Club hackathons are an unbeatable chance to network, level up, and kickstart your tech career in Lancaster's thriving scene.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Open Coffee Club event in Lancaster's tech scene?

The Open Coffee Club is a monthly event held at Mean Cup in Lancaster, where tech enthusiasts can casually meet, discuss tech topics, and network with like-minded individuals. It's a relaxed environment to connect with others in the area's tech community.

How can participating in Antelope Valley College events benefit my tech career?

Participating in Antelope Valley College events, such as coding workshops, cybersecurity seminars, and the AVC Tech Summit, provides opportunities to enhance your skills and network with industry professionals. These events are geared toward helping attendees find career advice, internship leads, and connect with potential employers.

What is the role of the Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance in the tech community?

The Greater Antelope Valley Economic Alliance (GAVEA) plays a crucial role in fostering the tech community in Lancaster. GAVEA organizes events and initiatives like Tech Talent Pipeline Program and Startup Pitch Competitions, which help individuals network, gain mentorship, and access resources to support tech innovation and employment.

How do coding bootcamps like Nucamp facilitate networking in Lancaster?

Coding bootcamps like Nucamp facilitate networking through collaborative learning environments, events, and workshops where students interact with instructors, peers, and industry leaders. These interactions often result in lasting professional connections and job opportunities.

Why is volunteering at tech events in Lancaster a good networking strategy?

Volunteering at tech events in Lancaster provides a platform to meet and interact with industry professionals, potentially leading to mentorship, internships, and job opportunities. It's an effective way to expand your professional network and gain valuable insights into the local tech scene.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.