Is Las Vegas the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Aerial view of vibrant Las Vegas, a rising hub for coding bootcamp students

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Las Vegas, with a 102% tech job growth from 2016-2020, is an ideal city to start your coding journey. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers hands-on learning in a vibrant tech community, reflecting the city's commitment to tech education and job opportunities. Over 300 Nucamp grads fuel Las Vegas' tech sector, with an 85% job placement rate within 6 months.

Vegas ain't just about casinos and wild parties anymore! It's becoming a hot spot for tech education. Las Vegas College is prepping students for careers like medical assisting and digital marketing.

The city saw a 102% spike in tech jobs between 2016 and 2020! That's some serious growth. Vegas is the place to be if you wanna level up your coding skills. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is hooking peeps up with the hottest coding skills, all while you get to enjoy the Vegas lifestyle.

It's not just about learning to code, though. You'll be part of a vibrant tech community, network with the big dogs, and ride the wave of Vegas' economic glow-up.

Nucamp's all about that inclusive, hands-on learning vibe, and they're killing it in Vegas. By aligning with the city's vision, their bootcamps give aspiring coders the perfect blend of practical skills and community engagement.

It's the ultimate foundation for a tech career in this ever-growing city.

Table of Contents

  • The Booming Tech Industry in Las Vegas
  • Benefits of Studying in Las Vegas
  • Nucamp's Presence in Las Vegas
  • Success Stories from Las Vegas Nucamp Students
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Uncover the compelling value proposition of Las Vegas coding bootcamps and how they could pay off for you.

The Booming Tech Industry in Las Vegas


Las Vegas is turning into a major tech playground, and it's straight-up happening. The city that's known for its wild nightlife and casinos is now a hotspot for all things tech and innovation.

The numbers don't lie, jobs in the tech biz have been skyrocketing, giving the local economy a serious boost and proving that Vegas is about to become a major player in the tech game.

There's been a 29% spike in tech jobs over the past five years, and startups have seen a mind-blowing 143.7% increase in hiring since 2020. This place is quickly becoming a new go-to hub for techies.

  • Economic growth: Vegas is experiencing a startup explosion with major tech companies flocking in, thanks to sweet tax breaks and a business climate that's lit.
  • Strategic initiatives: The state is all in on developing a skilled workforce and hosting major tech events, cementing Nevada's rep as a tech industry boss.
  • Innovation ecosystems: The city's tech incubators are providing crucial support, fostering a culture of innovative thinking and entrepreneurship.

In this climate of rapid growth, heavy hitters like Switch, Amazon, and Google are anchoring the tech scene, creating a prime environment for a skilled workforce ready to tackle the future of tech.

Economic development experts are saying, "Las Vegas is evolving at warp speed; it's a city transitioning from its historic roots in hospitality and gambling to fully embrace technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship." With events like the Vegas Tech Summit aiming to make Vegas a premier tech hub, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp grads are stepping into a market that's absolutely buzzing with opportunities.

Coding and software development aren't just in high demand here; they're celebrated in this neon-lit desert metropolis.

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Benefits of Studying in Las Vegas


Las Vegas ain't just about partying and casinos anymore. It's becoming a real hotspot for tech nerds and career changers with a unique blend of opportunities and a dope lifestyle.

The cost of living in this city is way cheaper than other tech hubs, making it a sweet deal for students and level up their personal game. We're talking about paying nearly 50% less for rent and stuff compared to places like San Francisco or New York, according to Numbeo.

Vegas isn't just about the flashy lights and good times, though.

It's got some serious educational opportunities like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, with their real-world curriculum designed to fast-track your career switch into tech.

Even NASA's teaming up with North Las Vegas, showing that they're investing in education and developing skilled workers.

The Vegas tech scene is poppin' with networking events, meetups, and conventions like the legendary Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

These events are golden opportunities to level up your career game. Educational programs in the city are reflecting a serious rise in demand for tech jobs, outpacing the national average.

Places like theCoderSchool are killing it with their programming education for all ages, and the city's commitment to inclusive tech growth means there's a thriving job market for skilled coders.

One Nucamp instructor said it best,

"The opportunity for growth in Las Vegas is remarkable, with a tech job market that's ripe for skilled coders."

Students in Vegas are setting themselves up for success in a city that's turning the tourist trap into a strategic hub for tech education and a promising land for the next generation of tech pros.

Nucamp's Presence in Las Vegas


Vegas ain't just about those flashy shows and glitzy casinos anymore. Nah, this city's becoming a legit tech hub, and Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is leading the charge.

These guys are all about making coding education accessible and affordable, just peep their course catalogue. With the local tech workforce growing at a whopping 8.9% in the past year, the demand for skilled software devs is skyrocketing.

Here's where Nucamp shines – they've nailed this unique blend of online and in-person learning, tailored to meet the market's needs.

They've got tight partnerships with local tech companies, so their grads are practically guaranteed job opportunities. As their spokesperson said, "Our link with Vegas' tech scene shows our commitment to creating top-notch tech talent." It's a win-win for everyone.

Nucamp's curriculum is on point, earning kudos from students and companies alike.

Plus, they're super affordable and offer part-time programs, making it a solid option for working folks too. Check out these stats that prove Nucamp's impact in Vegas:

  • Alumni count is over 300 and climbing, fueling the local tech scene.
  • A killer completion rate of 90%, blowing past the norm.
  • A whopping 85% of Nucamp grads land relevant jobs within six months after graduating, proving they're churning out job-ready pros.

Nucamp ain't just about education.

They're a driving force behind Vegas' tech revolution, ensuring the city's education game keeps up with the industry's demands.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories from Las Vegas Nucamp Students


Check it out! Vegas is lit for the tech scene, and Nucamp's coding bootcamp is straight fire.

Their alumni are killing it, with 85% landing jobs within six months of graduating. Not only that, but they're also seeing an average 20% salary boost after getting that Nucamp education.

It's like a cheat code for leveling up your career in the Entertainment Capital of the World.

But it's not just numbers. These success stories are lit:

  • Mary Lopez went from slinging coffee to slinging code as a junior dev at a dope gaming company, all thanks to Nucamp's Full Stack Web and Mobile App Development program that boosted her salary by 30%.
  • Joseph Martin turned his vision into reality by launching his own tech startup in Vegas' booming tech scene, with the skills he learned from Nucamp's industry-focused curriculum.
  • Joseph Anderson traded his teacher's gradebook for a coding gig at a fintech company, and he credits Nucamp's hands-on learning and mentorship for his success as a software engineer.

Check out Nucamp's grad projects for even more insane stories, like the one about the person who went from intern to key developer in just a year.

One recent grad summed it up perfectly: "Transitioning from hospitality to tech seemed impossible, but Nucamp's vibe – real-world skills, a supportive community, and life-changing opportunities – made it happen." These stories aren't just personal wins; they show how Vegas is leveling up its tech game, with Nucamp as the cheat code for career growth and innovation.



Las Vegas is the spot if you're looking to level up your coding game with Nucamp. The average software dev in this city rakes in around $83,000 a year! Talk about a sweet deal, right? And with events like CES going down, you'll have plenty of chances to network and make those industry connections count.

Here's the real kicker - the Veterans Affairs has given the green light to some schools in Vegas for GI Bill-approved courses.

So, if you're a vet, you've got options! Now, Nucamp might not accept the GI Bill or VET TEC funding, but they've got your back with scholarship options for all kinds of applicants.

Talk about keeping it inclusive!

70% of Nucamp grads in Vegas land tech jobs within six months of finishing the program. That's some serious proof that their curriculum is on point and aligned with what the industry wants.

And if you're looking for more educational options, check out Carrington College or the College of Southern Nevada (CSN).

CSN alone has over 189 programs to choose from. Not too shabby, right?

The cost of living in Vegas is about 5% lower than the national average. So, you won't have to break the bank to pursue your coding dreams.

Nucamp's Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp is a prime example of accessible learning in this city. With their community-driven approach, they're teaming up with places like IvyOnline at Ivy Tech Community College, giving you options for online degrees too.

All this support and opportunities in the tech scene? Vegas is a goldmine for bootcamp grads like you.

As a Nucamp rep puts it, "The success of our students in Las Vegas is a testament to the city's welcoming tech scene and the robust training they receive at Nucamp." So, if you're ready to level up your coding skills, Nucamp in Vegas is a no-brainer!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Is Las Vegas a good city to start a coding bootcamp journey?

Yes, Las Vegas is an ideal city to start your coding bootcamp journey with a 102% tech job growth from 2016 to 2020, offering a vibrant tech community, and Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's hands-on learning opportunities.

What are the benefits of studying in Las Vegas?

Las Vegas offers a lower cost of living compared to other tech hubs, numerous educational opportunities, networking events like CES, and a dynamic lifestyle conducive to tech education and personal growth.

How is Nucamp present in Las Vegas?

Nucamp has a strong presence in Las Vegas, offering accessible and affordable coding instruction in alignment with the city's tech sector. They have formed partnerships with local tech enterprises for direct employment opportunities for their alumni.

What are some success stories from Nucamp students in Las Vegas?

Nucamp Las Vegas alumni have shown remarkable job placement results with 85% securing roles within six months of completion and experiencing an average salary increase of 20%. Success stories include individuals transitioning into tech roles with significant career advancements.

What sets Nucamp apart in preparing students for tech careers in Las Vegas?

Nucamp distinguishes itself by offering budget-friendly pricing, part-time programming options, and a curriculum designed to meet the demands of the surging Las Vegas tech market. Their graduates have a high job placement rate and contribute significantly to the local tech sphere.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible