What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Los Angeles?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Los Angeles city skyline illustrating the thriving tech industry

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With over 5,600 tech businesses, Los Angeles offers diverse tech internships in fields like cybersecurity, software dev, data analytics, and UX/UI design. Internships lead to about 70% full-time roles, with notable companies like Snapchat, Hulu, and SpaceX providing valuable hands-on experiences. LA's tech scene is booming, with a 20% yearly growth in venture-backed startups.

LA's like the tech capital of the world, with over 5,600 companies thriving. At the heart of it all is Silicon Beach, where startups and major players are flourishing.

You can find internships in cybersecurity, software dev, data analytics, UX/UI design, and more. 53% of recent grads have done at least one internship, so it's legitimate.

Companies like Snapchat, Hulu, and SpaceX offer hands-on projects that'll have you improving your skills. With LA's tech scene growing by 20% each year, internships are the key to landing that full-time job after graduation.

Around 70% of interns get hired, so you'll be networking with the industry's top professionals, learning from mentors, and gaining the skills that tech giants and 3,000+ startups are looking for.

This blog series is going to break down the best tech internships in LA, giving you the inside information on how to make the most of these opportunities and become successful in the tech industry.

Table of Contents

  • Tech Environment in Los Angeles
  • Types of Tech Internships in Los Angeles
  • Benefits of Tech Internships in Los Angeles
  • How to Secure a Tech Internship in Los Angeles
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tech Environment in Los Angeles


Have you heard about LA's tech scene lately? It's been blowing up! The city that used to be known for Hollywood and entertainment is now becoming a major player in the tech game.

They even call it "Silicon Beach" these days, which is kinda funny but also kinda cool.

It's not just a bunch of random startups either. Big dogs like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have been investing heavily in the area.

And let's not forget the OG tech companies like Snap Inc. (you know, the Snapchat people) and Elon Musk's SpaceX.

These guys are paving the way for a whole new generation of startups to thrive.

According to Built In LA, there are over 5,000 startups in LA right now.

That's insane! It's like a breeding ground for innovation and competition. And the best part? There are internship opportunities in all kinds of cool fields – e-commerce, FinTech, AdTech, Big Data, and even AI. Companies like VideoAmp, System1, and Zest AI are leading the charge in these cutting-edge industries.

But it's not just about the companies themselves.

LA's tech ecosystem is backed by a strong support network of accelerators and venture capitalists. According to a recent overview, LA has attracted over $7 billion in venture capital funding.

As one local tech entrepreneur put it, "Los Angeles is a melting pot of tech talent, a place not just for ideation but realization." Internships here could be your ticket to experiencing the latest tech and working on projects that are shaping the future.

With tech giants setting up shop and startups like Anduril and ServiceTitan raising millions, LA's tech scene is seriously hot right now.

If you're a computer science grad or an intern looking for an opportunity to grow and gain some real experience, LA might just be the place to be. It's where tech meets creativity and vision, and that's a pretty exciting intersection.

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Types of Tech Internships in Los Angeles


LA is killing it with tech internships! It's a goldmine for software dev gigs, with bigwigs like Google and Netflix, plus hot new players like Snap Inc. Startup internships are booming too, putting you right in the heart of Silicon Beach's innovative hustle.

Companies like Headspace and Honey offer dope hands-on experiences in their fast-paced startup vibes. Plus, with cybersecurity being a huge deal these days, you can snag IT and cybersecurity internships at places like Riot Games and Northrop Grumman.

They'll teach you the technical skills and real-world applications on fleek.

The options are lit:

  • Full-stack dev programs where you'll master front-end and back-end techs.
  • UI/UX design internships to create slick user experiences.
  • Data analysis and machine learning roles to dive into LA's big data game.
  • Cybersecurity gigs in infrastructure and cyber defense, like the dope opportunities with the County of LA's tech team.

This variety is fire, letting you gain experience that'll make you job-ready AF. LA's tech scene is booming, with jobs in the sector increasing by 14.7% in the last five years.

You'll get to work with cutting-edge tech, just like Daniel Garcia, who said his LA tech internship was "transformative" and connected him with brilliant minds and the latest advancements.

Whether you're hunting for a hardcore coding stint or want to immerse yourself in the startup grind, LA's got internships to fit your tech dreams.

Organizations like LA-Tech.org are even helping underrepresented communities get these economic opportunities, proving that these internships can be stepping stones to dope careers in LA's growing tech sector.

Benefits of Tech Internships in Los Angeles


Let me break it down for you. Scoring a tech internship in LA is like hitting the jackpot, especially if you're just starting your career in the tech game. With the tech scene booming, LA's got a whole kaleidoscope of internship opportunities that'll level up your skills in coding, troubleshooting, and thinking outside the box.

These gigs are like stepping stones, helping you become a straight-up pro.

Networking during your internship is crucial. You'll get to connect with the big dogs in the tech world, and who knows, you might even land a sweet permanent job after.

This is major in a city like LA, where having a diverse team isn't just about looking good on paper – it's what drives the success of epic projects like the LA Metro expansion and keeps the community vibing.

LA's got your back when it comes to nurturing talent.

Check this out – the internship-to-job conversion rate here is a solid 60%, way above the national average. That's how committed LA is to welcoming fresh talents into their tech fam.

And it's not just about the regular gigs, either. They've got specialized programs like the Veterans' Internship Program and the Career Development Intern (CDI) program, which hook you up with competitive pay, benefits, and on-the-job training to help you level up your game and pave the way for a dope tech career.

Long story short, tech internships in LA are like a breeding ground for skills, networking opportunities, and a high chance of scoring a dope job after.

They give you a real-world platform to innovate, and as one LA tech startup hiring manager put it, you can "grow rapidly to become core members of the team." With LA's diverse and thriving tech scene, these internships are like a golden ticket to a meaningful career progression and a solid foundation for your future in the tech world.

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How to Secure a Tech Internship in Los Angeles


If you're a tech-savvy young gun like yourself, scoring a dope internship in LA is the way to go. That city is straight-up popping with innovation and opportunities, so it's a strategic move for anyone trying to make it big in the tech game.

The competition is real, so you gotta bring your A-game to the application process.

Check out sites like Internships.com – they've got a ton of options, from working as an Information Security Engineer at Experian to gigs at some sick startups.

Don't forget about networking.

It's like a cheat code – 70% of jobs are filled through connections. Get your online presence on fleek, 'cause 95% of tech recruiters are scoping out platforms like LinkedIn to find fresh talent.

And those personalized cover letters – 53% of employers dig that extra effort.

Here's a quick rundown to up your chances:

  1. Optimize Your Online Profile: Show off your current projects, skills, and coursework on LinkedIn and GitHub.
  2. Engage in Networking: Hit up tech meetups and career fairs – events like Silicon Beach Fest are golden for making connections.
  3. Utilize Job Boards: Check out sites like Indeed, they've got hundreds of internship openings in LA.
  4. Reach Out to Companies Directly: Be proactive and shoot your shot at places like Riot Games – they're all about diversity and inclusion, so it shows initiative.

The industry experts aren't lying when they say,

"It's not just what you know, but who you know,"

so networking is key.

Mentorships can also give you some valuable insider info. No single move will guarantee you the gig, but if you mix these strategies with some persistence, you'll be golden.

Successful candidates recommend spending 5-10 hours per week researching and tailoring your applications to fit each role and company culture.

Use data-driven tactics and keep it personal to navigate LA's lit but competitive tech scene.



Let me break it down for you about these dope tech internships in LA. It's a whole vibe. Real ones like LA-Tech.org are hooking peeps up with solid gigs that'll set you up for success.

The numbers don't lie - interns in LA's tech scene have a 70% better shot at scoring full-time jobs compared to those without that hands-on experience. Word from West Los Angeles College is that 90% of their interns either get hired or get mad offers elsewhere thanks to the skills and connections they built during their internships.

Schools like Woodbury University and programs like Bio-Flex are setting interns up for success, letting them turn their classroom knowledge into real job experience.

These interns are leveling up their careers 50% faster than non-interns, so it's a major come-up. Plus, the tech internship game in LA is growing at a 20% rate year over year, so the local tech scene is hungry for fresh talent.

"Tech internships are the key to bridging the gap between theory and practice, giving you the skills to really shine,"

says a big dog in LA's booming tech industry.

These internships aren't just about getting your foot in the door - they hook you up with hands-on projects, networking opportunities, mentors, and insider knowledge on the latest tech trends.

Tech internships in LA aren't just a stepping stone to a job - they're the foundation for becoming the next generation of tech innovators and leaders.

As LA keeps growing as a major tech hub, these internships are only going to become more crucial for kickstarting your career and solidifying LA's reputation as a tech powerhouse.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What fields do tech internships in Los Angeles span across?

Tech internships in Los Angeles span across fields such as cybersecurity, software development, data analytics, and UX/UI design.

What percentage of tech internships in Los Angeles lead to full-time roles?

About 70% of tech internships in Los Angeles lead to full-time roles, providing valuable hands-on experiences for interns.

Which notable companies in Los Angeles offer valuable hands-on projects for tech interns?

Companies like Snapchat, Hulu, and SpaceX offer valuable hands-on projects for tech interns, contributing to their career growth and development.

What is the growth rate of venture-backed startups in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles experiences a 20% yearly growth in venture-backed startups, signaling a thriving tech ecosystem ripe with opportunities for tech interns.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.