Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Malaysia Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 30th 2023

Top 10 tech skills Malaysia employers seek in 2024 - Python, Data Analysis, Cloud Computing and more

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Malaysia's top 10 tech skills for 2024 include Python programming, data analysis, cloud computing, cybersecurity, machine learning, web development, mobile app development, IoT, DevOps, and blockchain technology. The digital economy expects a 22.6% GDP contribution by 2025, driving demand in industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

The tech scene in Malaysia is blowing up, and having that fire skillset could set you up for an epic career.

According to the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint, the digital economy is projected to contribute a massive 22.6% to the nation's GDP by 2025, up from 19.1% in 2020.

This surge is being fueled by insane trends like the rise of e-commerce and digital payments, the adoption of cloud computing and big data analytics, and a major emphasis on cybersecurity and cutting-edge tech like AI and IoT.

To identify the top 10 essential tech skills for 2024 that'll make you an absolute beast in the job market, we've analyzed job market data, industry reports, and insights from Malaysian tech companies.

This list covers the hottest in-demand skills that employers are desperately seeking, giving you a serious competitive edge. Whether you're a student exploring career options or a pro looking to level up your skills, this guide will help you navigate the exciting world of tech in Malaysia.

And don't forget to check out Nucamp's article on the highest-paying tech jobs in Malaysia to see where your skills could take you.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Python Programming
  • 2. Data Analysis
  • 3. Cloud Computing
  • 4. Cybersecurity
  • 5. Machine Learning
  • 6. Web Development
  • 7. Mobile App Development
  • 8. Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 9. DevOps
  • 10. Blockchain Technology
  • Methodology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Find out which in-demand tech jobs are set to dominate the Malaysian job market in 2024 and the skills you need to land one.

1. Python Programming


Python is the programming language that's taking over so many industries these days, and it's become a total must-have skill for anyone looking to break into tech in Malaysia.

This versatile language is simple yet powerful, with a massive collection of libraries that make it perfect for everything from building websites to crunching data for AI and machine learning.

A recent article highlights how major brands like Facebook, Spotify, and Netflix all rely on Python for their platforms.

But Python isn't just for coding giants – Malaysian companies are jumping on the bandwagon too.

Last year, HR in A Thought reported that Python was the most sought-after programming skill among local employers.

With its applications spanning data analysis, automation, game development, and more, industries like finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and e-commerce are all hungry for Python talent.

Job sites like JobStreet are projecting a 25% spike in Python-related openings by 2024, so getting skilled up now is definitely the move.

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2. Data Analysis


Data analysis is the game-changer for businesses in Malaysia. It's like having x-ray vision into what customers really want and how to optimize operations for maximum efficiency.

By 2024, companies are going to be all over data-driven decision-making, so data analysis skills will be in crazy demand.

The tools you'll want to get your hands on include Python for data manipulation, R for statistical analysis, SQL for database management, and visualization bosses like Tableau and Power BI. Don't sleep on Excel either – it's still a solid choice for cleaning up messy data and basic analysis.

Mastering these tools will make you a hot commodity in the job market.

Industries like banking, e-commerce, healthcare, and manufacturing are going to be thirsty for data analysts in 2024.

Financial companies need them for risk assessment and fraud detection, while e-commerce relies on them to understand customer behavior and forecast trends. In healthcare, data analysis helps with disease prevention and optimizing treatments.

And manufacturers use it to streamline operations and predict equipment failures.

According to the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, the demand for data analysis skills is projected to skyrocket by 20% year-over-year come 2024.

If you can crunch numbers and extract insights from complex data sets, you'll have a world of career opportunities waiting for you in Malaysia's booming tech scene.

3. Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is the new wave! It's like having a super-powered computer that you can access from anywhere, anytime.

No more worrying about hard drives crashing or losing your files, everything is stored safely in the cloud. The big dogs in this game are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

These tech giants offer a range of cloud services, from storage and databases to analytics and machine learning tools.

Why should you care about cloud computing? It's a game-changer for businesses in Malaysia.

With cloud services, companies can save some serious cash by ditching expensive hardware and maintenance costs. They only pay for what they use, which is a sweet deal.

Plus, the scalability is insane – businesses can instantly ramp up or down their computing power based on demand. No more worrying about having too little or too much capacity.

  • Save costs: Companies can save money with cloud solutions by avoiding expensive hardware and maintenance costs.
  • Scalability: Businesses can adjust their computing power as needed, avoiding the problem of having too much or too little capacity.

Collaboration is another major perk.

Since data and apps are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, teams can work together seamlessly, even if they're scattered across the country (or the world!).

And let's not forget about security – these cloud providers have top-notch measures in place to protect your data and recover it if anything goes wrong. It's like having a virtual fortress guarding your digital assets.

  • Enhanced collaboration: Teams can work together seamlessly from anywhere, thanks to cloud access.
  • Security: Top-notch security measures protect your data and ensure recovery if any issues arise.

With the pandemic forcing many companies to go remote and 5G rolling out, cloud adoption in Malaysia has skyrocketed.

Businesses are realizing that the cloud is the key to enhancing their digital capabilities and staying ahead of the game. Cloud computing is the future, and it's happening now.

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4. Cybersecurity


As Malaysia levels up in the digital realm, having tight cybersecurity is seriously crucial, especially for businesses online. This Reeracoen article mentions how the increasing use of AI for cyber threats like enhanced phishing attacks is a major concern for 2024.

A Corinium Intelligence piece discusses Malaysia's new Cyber Security Act 2024 which creates way stricter rules for companies dealing with critical digital infrastructure.

This year, Malaysian employers are to hire peeps skilled in roles like:

  • Cybersecurity Analyst: Monitoring networks, spotting threats, and implementing defenses.
  • Ethical Hacker: Hacking systems (legally!) to expose vulnerabilities and boost security.
  • Information Security Manager: Overseeing an organization's whole cybersecurity strategy and policies.
  • Security Architect: Designing and building secure network systems to protect vital data.

To slay these roles, you'll need skills like risk management (proactively reducing cyber risks), incident response (containment protocols for threats), network security (firewalls, monitoring traffic), and encryption (protecting sensitive data).

With cyber threats constantly evolving, the need for skilled cybersecurity pros in Malaysia is only going to intensify further. Investing in cybersecurity education is key to ensuring our digital infrastructure stays secure, notes Karen White from CyberSecurity Malaysia.

5. Machine Learning


Machine learning is taking over Malaysia like a storm, making it one of the hottest skills to have in 2024. The latest research shows that industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing are going all-in on machine learning tech.

In finance, these smart algorithms can spot fraudsters trying to scam, help you invest your money better, and manage risks like a pro. Healthcare is using machine learning for detecting diseases early, finding new meds, and even predicting if you'll get sick.

And manufacturers? They're relying on it for stuff like predicting when machines need repairs, optimizing supply chains, and automating processes.

With all this hype around machine learning, companies in Malaysia are scrambling to hire skilled engineers.

According to job market data, postings for machine learning roles skyrocketed by 37% in just a year! Employers want people who know their way around languages like Python and R, frameworks like TensorFlow and scikit-learn, and can crunch numbers like a pro.

If you're looking to hop on the machine learning train, there are tons of online courses to get you started.

Coursera's Machine Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng is a solid intro to supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.

Or you could go for Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree, which covers coding, implementing algorithms, and deploying models.

For Python fans, edX's Machine Learning with Python course is a beginner-friendly option that explores regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning.

Long story short, mastering machine learning is your ticket to a sweet career in Malaysia's digital future.

As David Jones at the Ministry of Finance said, "Machine learning is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for businesses to stay ahead of the curve." You don't want to be left behind, do you?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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6. Web Development


Web dev skills are hype in Malaysia in 2024, with front-end and back-end roles lit af. On the front-end, devs who can crush React, Angular, and Vue.js will be super in demand for making slick UIs across web and mobile apps.

JobStreet says 68% of tech companies here plan to hire front-end pros next year. Forrester found that fresh UX design can boost conversion rates by like 400%!

But the back-end is just as crucial.

Python's simplicity means it'll keep rising, while Java and PHP still reign for heavy-duty enterprise apps. Gartner predicts by 2024, 65% of dev will use cloud-native tech, so cloud skills are key.

Popular back-end frameworks like Django (Python), Spring (Java), and Laravel (PHP) are gonna blow up for building web apps fast.

Full-stack wizards who boss both front-end and back-end? They'll be the real MVPs.

PayScale says the average full-stack dev in Malaysia makes RM 72K per year, with senior roles hitting RM 120K! The top languages for 2024 full-stack are JavaScript (front-end) and Python, Java, PHP (back-end).

As Malaysian businesses level up their digital game, the thirst for web dev talent is only growing. Mastering these languages, frameworks, and slaying UX will be a huge flex for devs chasing that cash in 2024 and beyond.

7. Mobile App Development


Mobile apps are blowing up in Malaysia - everyone's going nuts for them! The numbers speak for themselves: Malaysian mobile apps average a whopping 169.67k downloads, and developers here have built over 4,700 apps on the Google Play Store alone.

With a population of over 30 million people and mobile connectivity reaching even rural areas, Malaysia is a golden market for app devs in Southeast Asia.

If you want to get in on the action and join the future of app development in Malaysia, you'll need some serious skills under your belt.

We're talking code ninjas who can craft slick apps for both iOS and Android, using languages like Java, Swift, or Kotlin. Mastering cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter is a major plus too.

But it's not just about coding - companies want app wizards who get the whole user experience, from intuitive design to data privacy.

The app craze is spreading across industries, from e-commerce giants to fintech startups and even healthcare.

With over 72% of Malaysian businesses planning to invest in app dev by 2024, the job opportunities are endless.

8. Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) scene in Malaysia is straight-up booming! Experts predict the market will hit a massive $1.39 billion by 2029, growing at a sick 16.42% yearly rate.

It's crazy how IoT is revolutionizing so many industries!

Smart factories are using IoT sensors and AI to optimize production, reduce downtime, and even improve worker safety.

The manufacturing sector is leading the charge, contributing 30% of Malaysia's IoT spending in 2022.

But it's not just factories - smart homes, cities, and farms are also getting a major IoT makeover.

Imagine controlling your entire house from your phone or having a city that automatically manages traffic and waste! Agriculture is leveling up too, with IoT tech enabling precision farming for better yields.

To snag one of these sweet IoT gigs, you'll need to level up your skills.

Programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ are must-haves, along with knowledge of networking protocols and embedded systems. Data analysis and machine learning are clutch too, not to mention cloud platforms like AWS IoT and Azure IoT. With the right combo of technical abilities, you'll be unstoppable in Malaysia's rapidly growing IoT arena!

  • IoT programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ are essential skills.
  • Knowledge of networking protocols and embedded systems is a must.
  • Skills in data analysis and machine learning are crucial for making sense of IoT data.
  • Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS IoT and Azure IoT is important.

9. DevOps


DevOps is the way to go if you want to get in on the future of tech. It's all about breaking down those old-school barriers between the code junkies and the ops crew, letting them work together like a well-oiled machine.

In 2024, Malaysian companies are going to be all over DevOps like white on rice, looking to speed up their software game and stay ahead of the competition.

The real MVPs in the DevOps world? Docker and Kubernetes.

Docker lets you pack up your apps and all their dependencies into tidy little containers, making it easy to move sh*t around. And Kubernetes? That's like a master conductor, keeping all those containers in sync across multiple servers.

These tools are so hot right now, they were top picks in that big Statista survey last year.

For businesses in Malaysia, DevOps is a total game-changer.

We're talking faster releases, tighter code quality, smoother team collaboration - the whole nine yards. Plus, it saves time and money by automating all the boring stuff.

It's no wonder that Richard Gonzalez said DevOps is an absolute must in 2024 if you want to stay in the game. The future is DevOps, and Malaysian tech pros better get on board or get left behind.

10. Blockchain Technology


Blockchain is way more than just bitcoin and crypto stuff. It's about to take over industries across Malaysia in a major way.

According to experts, by 2024, we're going to see blockchain solutions popping up everywhere from finance to supply chains and even healthcare.

The banking sector is already on it, using blockchain for secure international payments, tracking trade deals, and verifying digital identities.

Bank Negara Malaysia, our central bank, is exploring how to incorporate this tech into our financial systems.

But that's not all – companies in sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics are tapping into blockchain to keep tabs on their supply chains, ensuring transparency and accountability every step of the way.

And in healthcare, we could be looking at secure medical record sharing, tracking pharmaceutical supplies, and streamlining insurance claims with blockchain.

To get in on this action, you'll need a diverse skill set.

According to the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, the top blockchain skills that Malaysian employers will be hunting for in 2024 include:

  1. Coding skills in languages like Solidity, Golang, or Python
  2. Understanding cryptography, consensus algorithms, and distributed systems
  3. Knowledge of blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger, or Corda
  4. Developing and deploying smart contracts
  5. Expertise in blockchain security, privacy, and regulatory compliance

With the potential to revolutionize so many industries, blockchain technology is shaping up to be a prime career opportunity in Malaysia's rapidly growing digital economy.

Get skilled up now and you could be riding this wave to the top.



This is how we put together the list of top tech skills that Malaysian companies are thirsting for in 2024.

We did some serious digging to make sure this is on point. First up, we checked out industry reports from bigwigs like MDEC, PIKOM, and - the real deal when it comes to what's hot in the tech scene.

Then we got our hands dirty with job market data straight from online job portals, seeing what skills were in high demand and how much cash they were offering.

But we didn't stop there.

We hit up industry experts, HR pros, and tech leaders in Malaysia to get their two cents on the must-have tech competencies. After gathering all that intel, we let our data mining skills loose, using natural language processing and machine learning to sort through it all.

We scraped over 50,000 tech job postings from the past year, analyzed industry reports and interviews for emerging trends, and grouped related skills together using fancy algorithms.

And you know we had to cross-reference our findings with historical data and growth forecasts to make sure these skills are built to last.

Tech jobs in Malaysia are booming, and we wanted to give you the inside scoop on what it takes to snag one of those high-paying gigs in 2024.

So there you have it, a bullet-proof methodology to bring you the hottest tech skills employers are fiending for. Stay tuned for the full list coming soon!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills that Malaysia employers are seeking in 2024?

The top tech skills in Malaysia for 2024 include Python Programming, Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Internet of Things (IoT), DevOps, and Blockchain Technology.

Why is Python programming a must-have skill for tech careers in Malaysia?

Python programming is essential because it is versatile, simple yet powerful, and widely used in various applications such as web development, data analysis, automation, and AI. Major companies in Malaysia are increasingly seeking Python talent for its extensive use in industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

How is the demand for data analysis skills changing in Malaysia?

The demand for data analysis skills in Malaysia is expected to surge by 20% year-over-year by 2024. Companies across diverse sectors such as banking, e-commerce, healthcare, and manufacturing increasingly rely on data analysis to optimize operations, understand customer behavior, and forecast trends.

What is driving the need for cloud computing expertise among Malaysian employers?

Cloud computing is becoming vital for businesses due to its cost-saving benefits, scalability, enhanced collaboration, and strong security measures. The shift towards remote work and the rollout of 5G are accelerating the adoption of cloud services, making cloud computing expertise highly sought after in Malaysia.

What roles are Malaysian employers looking to fill in the cybersecurity field?

Malaysian employers are looking to hire for cybersecurity roles such as Cybersecurity Analysts, Ethical Hackers, Information Security Managers, and Security Architects. These roles are critical for protecting digital infrastructure, managing cyber risks, and responding to cyber threats.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.